
372 lines
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package org.thinkname.ap.main;
import jade.core.AID;
import jade.core.Agent;
import jade.core.behaviours.OneShotBehaviour;
import jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour;
import jade.domain.DFService;
import jade.domain.FIPAException;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property;
import jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription;
import jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage;
import jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator;
import jade.util.Logger;
import jade.util.leap.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.thinkname.ap.msn.MsnAgent;
import org.thinkname.ap.msn.MsnEvent;
import org.thinkname.ap.msn.MsnEventMgr;
import android.location.Location;
* Main behaviour executed by the MsnAgent during its setup.
* <p>
* It basically performs two main operations:
* <ul>
* <li> Periodically update location of phone owner contact (updated by mock GPS)on the DF (JADE Directory Facilitator)
* <li> Periodically update other contact's locations anytime we receive a notification from the DF
* </ul>
* Moreover it sends events to the gui to issue a refresh, anytime something in the contact list changes.
public class ContactsUpdaterBehaviour extends OneShotBehaviour {
* Time between each update of the my contact location on the DF.
* Read from configuration file
private long msnUpdateTime;
private ContactLocation myContactLocation;
* Instance of the Jade Logger for debugging
private final Logger myLogger = Logger.getMyLogger(this.getClass().getName());
* Instantiates a new contacts updater behaviour.
* @param updateTime the update time
* @param myContactLocation location of the my contact
public ContactsUpdaterBehaviour(long updateTime, ContactLocation myContactLocation){
msnUpdateTime = updateTime;
this.myContactLocation = myContactLocation;
* Overrides the Behaviour.action() method. This method is executed by the agent thread.
* It basically defines two sub behaviours, which are in charge of periodically updating the DF and receiving
* DF notifications.
public void action() {
try {
//first thing to do is to register on the df and save current location if any
DFAgentDescription myDescription = new DFAgentDescription();
//fill a msn service description
ServiceDescription msnServiceDescription = new ServiceDescription();
DFAgentDescription[] onlineContacts =, myDescription);
MsnEvent event = MsnEventMgr.getInstance().createEvent(MsnEvent.VIEW_REFRESH_EVENT);
Map<String,Contact> cMap = ContactManager.getInstance().getAllContacts();
Map<String,ContactLocation> cLocMap = ContactManager.getInstance().getAllContactLocations();
ContactListChanges changes = ContactManager.getInstance().getModifications();
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Thread "+ Thread.currentThread().getId() + "After reading local contacts and first df query: " +
"Adding to VIEW_REFRESH_EVENT this list of changes: " + changes.toString());
event.addParam(MsnEvent.VIEW_REFRESH_PARAM_LISTOFCHANGES, changes);
event.addParam(MsnEvent.VIEW_REFRESH_CONTACTSMAP, cMap);
event.addParam(MsnEvent.VIEW_REFRESH_PARAM_LOCATIONMAP, cLocMap);
DFUpdaterBehaviour updater = new DFUpdaterBehaviour(myAgent,msnUpdateTime, myContactLocation);
MsnAgent agent = (MsnAgent) myAgent;
DFSubscriptionBehaviour subBh = new DFSubscriptionBehaviour(myAgent,agent.getSubscriptionMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE, "Severe error: ", e);
* Utility method that updates the contact list extracting contact info and location from DF descriptions.
* @param onlineContactsDescs array of {@link DFAgentDescription} objects that define services as results of a DF query
private void updateContactList(DFAgentDescription[] onlineContactsDescs) {
for (int i = 0; i < onlineContactsDescs.length; i++) {
Iterator serviceDescIt = onlineContactsDescs[i].getAllServices();
if (serviceDescIt.hasNext()){
ServiceDescription desc = (ServiceDescription);
Iterator propertyIt = desc.getAllProperties();
Location loc = Helper.extractLocation(propertyIt);
AID cId = onlineContactsDescs[i].getName();
if (!cId.equals(myAgent.getAID())){
//Create an online contact (or update it)
String phoneNumber = cId.getLocalName();
ContactManager.getInstance().addOrUpdateOnlineContact(phoneNumber, loc);
* Static class that provides some Helper methods useful for extracting contact data
private static class Helper {
* Extract a Location from a list of properties from a Service description
* @param it iterator over the list of properties
* @return the location on the map described by this set of properties
public static Location extractLocation(Iterator it){
Location loc= new Location("mygps");
while (it.hasNext()){
Property p = (Property);
String propertyName = p.getName();
if (propertyName.equals(DFUpdaterBehaviour.PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_ALT)){
double altitude = Double.parseDouble((String) p.getValue());
} else if (propertyName.equals(DFUpdaterBehaviour.PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_LAT)){
double latitude = Double.parseDouble((String) p.getValue());
} else if (propertyName.equals(DFUpdaterBehaviour.PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_LONG)){
double longitude = Double.parseDouble((String) p.getValue());
return loc;
* Sub behaviour that handles notification messages for modification of DF entries.
* After this behaviour is added, a DF subscription message is sent.
* Method handleInform() shall be called hereafter each time the DF is modified by other contacts either by updating it
* with a new location or by adding/removing a contact
private class DFSubscriptionBehaviour extends SubscriptionInitiator
* Instantiates a new dF subscription behaviour.
* @param agent the agent
* @param msg the subscription message to be sent
public DFSubscriptionBehaviour(Agent agent, ACLMessage msg) {
super(agent, msg);
* Overrides SubscriptionInitiator.handleInform(), defining what to do each time the DF is modified by a contact
* Basically it adds/removes/updates contacts from ContactList according to what has happened to DF.
* It also fires events on the GUI any time a view refresh is needed.
* @param inform the message from DF containing a list of changes
protected void handleInform(ACLMessage inform) {
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE, "Thread "+ Thread.currentThread().getId() + ": Notification received from DF");
try {
DFAgentDescription[] results = DFService.decodeNotification(inform.getContent());
if (results.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
DFAgentDescription dfd = results[i];
AID contactAID = dfd.getName();
// Do something only if the notification deals with an agent different from the current one
if (!contactAID.equals(myAgent.getAID())){
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO,"Thread "+ Thread.currentThread().getId() + ":df says that agent "+myAgent.getAID().getLocalName() +" updates or registers" );
Iterator serviceIter = dfd.getAllServices();
//Registered or updated
if (serviceIter.hasNext()){
ServiceDescription serviceDesc = (ServiceDescription);
Iterator propertyIt = serviceDesc.getAllProperties();
Location loc = Helper.extractLocation(propertyIt);
String phoneNum = contactAID.getLocalName();
ContactManager.getInstance().addOrUpdateOnlineContact(phoneNum, loc);
} else {
myLogger.log(Logger.INFO,"Thread "+ Thread.currentThread().getId() + ":df says that agent "+myAgent.getAID().getLocalName() +" deregisters" );
String phoneNumber = contactAID.getLocalName();
Contact c = ContactManager.getInstance().getContact(phoneNumber);
MsnEvent event = MsnEventMgr.getInstance().createEvent(MsnEvent.CONTACT_DISCONNECT_EVENT);
event.addParam(MsnEvent.CONTACT_DISCONNECT_PARAM_CONTACTNAME, c.getName());
MsnEvent event = MsnEventMgr.getInstance().createEvent(MsnEvent.VIEW_REFRESH_EVENT);
ContactListChanges changes = ContactManager.getInstance().getModifications();
Map<String,Contact> cMap = ContactManager.getInstance().getAllContacts();
Map<String,ContactLocation> cLocMap = ContactManager.getInstance().getAllContactLocations();
myLogger.log(Logger.FINE,"Thread "+ Thread.currentThread().getId() + ":Adding to VIEW_REFRESH_EVENT this list of changes: " + changes.toString());
event.addParam(MsnEvent.VIEW_REFRESH_PARAM_LISTOFCHANGES, changes);
event.addParam(MsnEvent.VIEW_REFRESH_CONTACTSMAP, cMap);
event.addParam(MsnEvent.VIEW_REFRESH_PARAM_LOCATIONMAP, cLocMap);
catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.log(Logger.WARNING, "See printstack for Exception.", e);
* Extends {@link TickerBehaviour} and defines the operations needed to update the location of the my contact
* on the DF.
* My Contact location is continuously updated by the local LocationProvider (GPS) according to actual contact
* position, then this value is periodically written to the DF by this behaviour.
private class DFUpdaterBehaviour extends TickerBehaviour {
* Instance of Jade logger for debugging
private final Logger myLogger = Logger.getMyLogger(this.getClass().getName());
* The default name for Latitude property on the DF
public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_LAT="Latitude";
* The default name for Longitude property on the DF
public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_LONG="Longitude";
* The default name for Altitude property on the DF
public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_ALT="Altitude";
private ContactLocation myContactLocation;
* Instantiates a new dF updater behaviour.
* @param a instance of the agent
* @param period update period in milliseconds
* @param contactLocation location of the my contact
public DFUpdaterBehaviour(Agent a, long period, ContactLocation contactLocation) {
super(a, period);
myContactLocation = contactLocation;
* Overrides the TickerBehaviour, defining how to update the location on the df (registration to DF has already been performed
* during agent setup). Three properties are defined for storing latitude/longitude/altitude.
* Only latitude and longitude are used, though.
protected void onTick() {
try {
MsnAgent agent = (MsnAgent) myAgent;
DFAgentDescription description = agent.getAgentDescription();
ServiceDescription serviceDescription = (ServiceDescription) description.getAllServices().next();
ContactLocation curMyLoc = ContactManager.getInstance().getMyContactLocation();
Property p = new Property(PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_LAT,new Double(curMyLoc.getLatitude()));
p = new Property(PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_LONG,new Double(curMyLoc.getLongitude()));
p= new Property(PROPERTY_NAME_LOCATION_ALT,new Double(curMyLoc.getAltitude()));
DFService.modify(myAgent, description);
myContactLocation = curMyLoc;
} catch (FIPAException fe) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE, "Error in updating DF", fe);
catch(Exception e) {
myLogger.log(Logger.SEVERE,"*** Uncaught Exception for agent " + myAgent.getLocalName() + " ***",e);