3352 lines
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3352 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//create a global object "INST" that we will have be Instructure's namespace.
if (typeof(window.INST) == "undefined") {
window.INST = {}; //this is our "namespace"
I18n.scoped('instructure', function(I18n) {
// ============================================================================================
// = Try to figure out what browser they are using and set INST.broswer.theirbrowser to true =
// = and add a css class to the body for that browser =
// ============================================================================================
INST.browser = {};
$.each([7,8,9], function() {
if ($('html').hasClass('ie'+this)) {
INST.browser['ie'+this] = INST.browser.ie = true;
if (window.devicePixelRatio) {
INST.browser.webkit = true;
//from: http://www.byond.com/members/?command=view_post&post=53727
INST.browser[(escape(navigator.javaEnabled.toString()) == 'function%20javaEnabled%28%29%20%7B%20%5Bnative%20code%5D%20%7D') ? 'chrome' : 'safari'] = true;
//this is just using jquery's browser sniffing result of if its firefox, it should probably use feature detection
INST.browser.ff = $.browser.mozilla;
// now we have some degree of knowing which of the common browsers it is, on dom ready, give the body those classes
// so for example, if you were on IE6 the body would have the classes "ie" AND "ie6"
$.each(INST.browser, function(k,v){
if (v) {
// this function is to prevent you from doing all kinds of expesive operations on a
// jquery object that doesn't actually have any elements in it
// it is similar and inspired by http://www.slideshare.net/paul.irish/perfcompression (slide #42)
// to use it do something like:
// $("a .bunch #of .nodes").ifExists(function(orignalQuery){
// // 'this' points to the original jquery object (in this case, $("a .bunch #of .nodes") );
// // orignalQuery is the same as 'this';
// this.slideUp().dialog().show();
// });
$.fn.ifExists = function(func){
this.length && func.call(this, this);
return this;
// Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire window).
// Useful for temporary DOM ids.
// if you pass it a prefix (because all dom ids have to have a alphabetic prefix) it will
// make sure that there is no other element on the page with that id.
var idCounter = 10001;
$.uniqueId = function(prefix){
do {
var id = (prefix || '') + idCounter++;
} while (prefix && $('#' + id).length);
return id;
// Return the first value which passes a truth test
$.detect = function(collection, callback) {
var result;
$.each(collection, function(index, value) {
if (callback.call(value, index, collection)) {
result = value;
return false; // we found it, break the $.each() loop iteration by returning false
return result;
// this is just pulled from jquery 1.6 because jquery 1.5 could not do .map on an object
$.map = function (elems, callback, arg) {
var value, key, ret = [],
i = 0,
length = elems.length,
// jquery objects are treated as arrays
isArray = elems instanceof jQuery || length !== undefined && typeof length === "number" && ((length > 0 && elems[0] && elems[length - 1]) || length === 0 || jQuery.isArray(elems));
// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
if (isArray) {
for (; i < length; i++) {
value = callback(elems[i], i, arg);
if (value != null) {
ret[ret.length] = value;
// Go through every key on the object,
} else {
for (key in elems) {
value = callback(elems[key], key, arg);
if (value != null) {
ret[ret.length] = value;
// Flatten any nested arrays
return ret.concat.apply([], ret);
// Intercepts the default form submission process. Uses the form tag's
// current action and method attributes to know where to submit to.
// NOTE: because IE only allows form methods to be "POST" or "GET",
// we can't set the form to "PUT" or "DELETE" as cleanly as we'd like.
// I'm following the Rails convention, and adding a _method input
// if one doesn't already exist, and then setting that input's value
// to the method type. formSubmit checks this value first, then
// the checks form.data('method') and finally the form's method
// attribute.
// Options:
// validation options -- formSubmit calls validateForm before
// submitting, so you can pass in validation options to
// formSubmit and it will validate first.
// noSubmit: Option to call everything normally until the actual request,
// then just calls success with the processed data
// processData: formSubmit by default just calls $.fn.getFormData.
// if you need additional data in the form submission, add
// it here and return the new object.
// beforeSubmit: called right before the request is sent. Useful
// for hiding forms, adding ajax loader icons, etc.
// success: called on success
// error: Called on error. The response from the server will also
// be used to populate error boxes on form elements. If the form
// no longer exists and no error method is provided, the default
// error method for Instructure is called... actually
// it will always be called when you're in development environment.
// fileUpload: Either a boolean or a function. If it is true or
// returns true, then it's assumed this is a file upload request
// and we use the iframe trick to submit the form.
$.fn.formSubmit = function(options) {
this.submit(function(event) {
var $form = $(this); //this is to handle if bind to a template element, then it gets cloned the original this would not be the same as the this inside of here.
if($form.data('submitting')) { return; }
$form.data('trigger_event', event);
var error = false;
var result = $form.validateForm(options);
if(!result) {
return false;
// retrieve form data
var formData = $form.getFormData(options);
if(options.processData && $.isFunction(options.processData)) {
var newData = null;
try {
newData = options.processData.call($form, formData);
} catch(e) { error = e; }
if(newData === false) {
return false;
} else if(newData) {
formData = newData;
var method = $form.data('method') || $form.find("input[name='_method']").val() || $form.attr('method'),
formId = $form.attr('id'),
action = $form.attr('action'),
submitParam = null;
if($.isFunction(options.beforeSubmit)) {
submitParam = null;
try {
submitParam = options.beforeSubmit.call($form, formData);
} catch(e) { error = e; }
if(submitParam === false) {
return false;
var doUploadFile = options.fileUpload;
if($.isFunction(options.fileUpload)) {
try {
doUploadFile = options.fileUpload.call($form, formData);
} catch(e) { error = e; }
if(doUploadFile && options.fileUploadOptions) {
$.extend(options, options.fileUploadOptions);
if($form.attr('action')) {
action = $form.attr('action');
if(error && !options.preventDegradeToFormSubmit) {
if(INST && INST.environment == 'development') {
$.flashError('formSubmit error, trying to gracefully degrade. See console for details');
if(options.noSubmit) {
if($.isFunction(options.success)) {
options.success.call($form, formData, submitParam);
} else if(doUploadFile && options.preparedFileUpload && options.context_code) {
$.ajaxJSONPreparedFiles.call(this, {
handle_files: (options.upload_only ? options.success : options.handle_files),
single_file: options.singleFile,
context_code: $.isFunction(options.context_code) ? (options.context_code.call($form)) : options.context_code,
asset_string: options.asset_string,
intent: options.intent,
folder_id: $.isFunction(options.folder_id) ? (options.folder_id.call($form)) : options.folder_id,
file_elements: $form.find("input[type='file']"),
url: (options.upload_only ? null : action),
uploadDataUrl: options.uploadDataUrl,
formData: options.postFormData ? formData : null,
success: options.success,
error: options.error
} else if(doUploadFile && $.handlesHTML5Files && $form.hasClass('handlingHTML5Files')) {
var args = $.extend({}, formData);
$form.find("input[type='file']").each(function() {
var $input = $(this),
file_list = $input.data('file_list');
if(file_list && (file_list instanceof FileList)) {
args[$input.attr('name')] = file_list;
$.toMultipartForm(args, function(params) {
url: action,
body: params.body,
content_type: params.content_type,
method: method,
success: function(data) {
if(options.success && $.isFunction(options.success)) {
options.success.call($form, data, submitParam);
error: function(data, request) {
// error function
var $formObj = $form,
needValidForm = true;
if(options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
data = data || {};
var $obj = options.error.call($form, data.errors || data, submitParam);
if($obj) {
$formObj = $obj;
needValidForm = false;
} else {
needValidForm = true;
if($formObj.parents("html").get(0) == $("html").get(0) && options.formErrors !== false) {
} else if(needValidForm) {
} else if(doUploadFile) {
var id = $.uniqueId(formId + "_"),
$frame = $("<div style='display: none;' id='box_" + id + "'><form id='form_" + id + "'></form><iframe id='frame_" + id + "' name='frame_" + id + "' src='about:blank' onload='$(\"#frame_" + id + "\").triggerHandler(\"form_response_loaded\");'></iframe>")
.appendTo("body").find("#frame_" + id),
$frameForm = $(this),
formMethod = method,
priorTarget = $frameForm.attr('target'),
priorEnctype = $frameForm.attr('ENCTYPE'),
request = new $.fakeXHR(0, ""),
$originalForm = $form;
'method' : method,
'action' : action,
'ENCTYPE' : 'multipart/form-data',
'encoding' : 'multipart/form-data',
'target' :"frame_" + id
if(options.onlyGivenParameters) {
$.ajaxJSON.storeRequest(request, action, method, formData);
$frame.bind('form_response_loaded', function() {
var $form = $originalForm,
i = $frame[0],
if (i.contentDocument) {
doc = i.contentDocument;
} else if (i.contentWindow) {
doc = i.contentWindow.document;
} else {
doc = window.frames[id].document;
var text = "";
var href = null;
var exception = null;
try {
if(doc.location.href == "about:blank") {
text = $(doc).text();
var data = JSON.parse(text);
if(options.success && $.isFunction(options.success) && data && !data.errors) {
options.success.call($form, data, submitParam);
} catch(e) {
data = {};
exception = e;
if(exception || data.errors) {
var $formObj = $form,
needValidForm = true;
request.responseText = text;
if(options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
var $obj = options.error.call($form, (data.errors || text), submitParam);
if($obj) {
$formObj = $obj;
needValidForm = false;
} else if($.fn.formSubmit.defaultAjaxErrorObject && $.isFunction($.fn.formSubmit.defaultAjaxErrorFunction)) {
needValidForm = true;
if($formObj.parents("html").get(0) == $("html").get(0) && options.formErrors !== false) {
$formObj.formErrors(data.errrors || data);
} else if(needValidForm) {
$.fn.defaultAjaxError.func.call($.fn.defaultAjaxError.object, null, request, "0", exception);
setTimeout(function() {
'ENCTYPE': priorEnctype,
'encoding': priorEnctype,
'target': priorTarget
$("#box_" + id).remove();
}, 5000);
$frameForm.data('submitting', true).submit().data('submitting', false);
} else {
$.ajaxJSON(action, method, formData, function(data) {
// success function
if($.isFunction(options.success)) {
options.success.call($form, data, submitParam);
}, function(data, request, status, error) {
// error function
data = data || {};
var $formObj = $form,
needValidForm = true;
if($.isFunction(options.error)) {
var $obj = options.error.call($form, data.errors || data, submitParam);
if($obj) {
$formObj = $obj;
needValidForm = false;
} else {
needValidForm = true;
if($formObj.parents("html").get(0) == $("html").get(0) && options.formErrors !== false) {
} else if(needValidForm) {
return this;
$.handlesHTML5Files = !!(window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && XMLHttpRequest && (new XMLHttpRequest()).sendAsBinary);
if($.handlesHTML5Files) {
$("input[type='file']").live('change', function(event) {
var file_list = this.files;
if(file_list) {
$(this).data('file_list', file_list);
$.ajaxFileUpload = function(options) {
if(!options.data.authenticity_token) {
options.data.authenticity_token = $("#ajax_authenticity_token").text();
$.toMultipartForm(options.data, function(params) {
url: options.url,
body: params.body,
content_type: params.content_type,
method: options.method,
success: function(data) {
if(options.success && $.isFunction(options.success)) {
options.success.call(this, data);
progress: function(data) {
if(options.progress && $.isFunction(options.progress)) {
options.progress.call(this, data);
error: function(data, request) {
// error function
if(options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
data = data || {};
var $obj = options.error.call(this, data.errors || data);
} else {
}, options.binary === false);
$.httpSuccess = function(r) {
try {
return !r.status && location.protocol == "file:" ||
( r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300 ) || r.status == 304 ||
jQuery.browser.safari && r.status == undefined;
} catch(e){}
return false;
$.sendFormAsBinary = function(options, not_binary) {
var body = options.body;
var url = options.url;
var method = options.method;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
if(xhr.upload) {
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(event) {
if(options.progress && $.isFunction(options.progress)) {
options.progress.call(this, event);
}, false);
xhr.upload.addEventListener('error', function(event) {
if(options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call(this, "uploading error", xhr, event);
}, false);
xhr.upload.addEventListener('abort', function(event) {
if(options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call(this, "aborted by the user", xhr, event);
}, false);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(event) {
if(xhr.readyState == 4) {
var json = null;
try {
json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
} catch(e) { }
if($.httpSuccess(xhr)) {
if(json && !json.errors) {
if(options.success && $.isFunction(options.success)) {
options.success.call(this, json, xhr, event);
} else {
if(options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call(this, json || xhr.responseText, xhr, event);
} else {
if(options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call(this, json || xhr.responseText, xhr, event);
xhr.open(method, url);
xhr.overrideMimeType(options.content_type || "multipart/form-data");
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', options.content_type || "multipart/form-data");
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', body.length);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, */*');
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
if(not_binary) {
} else {
if(!xhr.sendAsBinary) {
console.log('xhr.sendAsBinary not supported');
$.fileData = function(file_object) {
return {
name: file_object.name || file_object.fileName,
size: file_object.size || file_object.fileSize,
type: file_object.type,
forced_type: file_object.type || "application/octet-stream"
$.toMultipartForm = function(params, callback) {
var boundary = "-----AaB03x" + $.uniqueId(),
result = {content_type: "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary},
body = "--" + boundary + "\r\n",
paramsList = [];
for(var idx in params) {
paramsList.push([idx, params[idx]]);
function sanitizeQuotedString(text) {
return text.replace(/\"/g, "");
function finished() {
result.body = body.substring(0, body.length - 2) + '--';
function nextParam() {
if(paramsList.length === 0) {
var param = paramsList.shift(),
name = param[0],
value = param[1];
if(window.FileList && (value instanceof FileList)) {
value = value[0];
if(window.FileList && (value instanceof FileList)) {
var innerBoundary = "-----BbC04y" + $.uniqueId(),
fileList = [];
body += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + sanitizeQuotedString(name) + "\r\n" +
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=" + innerBoundary + "\r\n\r\n";
for(var jdx in value) {
function finishedFiles() {
body += "--" + innerBoundary + "--\r\n" +
"--" + boundary + "\r\n";
function nextFile() {
if(fileList.length === 0) {
var file = fileList.shift(),
fileData = $.fileData(file),
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
body += "--" + innerBoundary + "\r\n" +
"Content-Disposition: file; filename=\"" + sanitizeQuotedString(fileData.name) + "\"\r\n" +
"Content-Type: " + fileData.forced_type + "\r\n" +
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
} else if(window.File && (value instanceof File)) {
var fileData = $.fileData(value),
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
body += "Content-Disposition: file; name=\"" + sanitizeQuotedString(name) + "\"; filename=\"" + fileData.name + "\"\r\n" +
"Content-Type: " + fileData.forced_type + "\r\n" +
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
reader.result +
"\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n";
} else if(value && value.fake_file) {
body += "Content-Disposition: file; name=\"" + sanitizeQuotedString(name) + "\"; filename=\"" + value.name + "\"\r\n" +
"Content-Type: " + value.content_type + "\r\n" +
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
value.content +
"\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n";
} else {
body += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + sanitizeQuotedString(name) + "\"\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
(value || "").toString() + "\r\n" +
"--" + boundary + "\r\n";
// Used to make a fake XHR request, useful if there's errors on an
// asynchronous request generated using the iframe trick.
$.fakeXHR = function(status_code, text) {
this.status = status_code;
this.responseText = text;
// Defines a default error for all ajax requests. Will always be called
// in the development environment, and as a last-ditch error catching
// otherwise. See "ajax_errors.js"
$.fn.defaultAjaxError = function(func) {
$.fn.defaultAjaxError.object = this;
$.fn.defaultAjaxError.func = function(event, request, settings, error) {
var inProduction = (INST.environment == "production");
var unhandled = ($.inArray(request, $.ajaxJSON.unhandledXHRs) != -1);
var ignore = ($.inArray(request, $.ajaxJSON.ignoredXHRs) != -1);
if((!inProduction || unhandled) && !ignore) {
$.ajaxJSON.unhandledXHRs = $.grep($.ajaxJSON.unhandledXHRs, function(xhr, i) {
return xhr != request;
var debugOnly = false;
if(!unhandled) {
debugOnly = true;
func.call(this, event, request, settings, error, debugOnly);
// Fills the selected form object with the collected data values.
// Handles select boxes, check boxes and radios as well.
// object_name: Name of the object form form elements. So if
// I provide the data {good: true, bad: false} and
// options.object_name == "assignment", then it will fill
// form elements "good" and "assignment[good]" with true
// and "bad" and "assignment[bad]" with false.
// call_change: Specifies whether to trigger the onchange event
// for form elements that are set.
$.fn.fillFormData = function(data, opts) {
if(this.length) {
data = data || [];
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.fillFormData.defaults, opts);
if(options.object_name) {
data = $._addObjectName(data, options.object_name, true);
this.find(":input").each(function() {
var $obj = $(this);
var name = $obj.attr('name');
var inputType = $obj.attr('type');
if(name in data) {
if(name) {
if(inputType == "hidden" && $obj.next("input:checkbox").attr('name') == name) {
// do nothing
} else if(inputType != "checkbox" && inputType != "radio") {
var val = data[name];
if(typeof(val) == 'undefined' || val === null) { val = ""; }
} else {
if($obj.val() == data[name]) {
$obj.attr('checked', true);
} else {
$obj.attr('checked', false);
if($obj && $obj.change && options.call_change) {
return this;
$.fn.fillFormData.defaults = {object_name: null, call_change: true};
// Pulls out the selected and entered values on a given form.
// object_name: see fillFormData above. If object_name == "assignment"
// and the form has an element named "assignment[good]" then
// the result will include both "assignment[good]" and "good"
// values: specify the set of values to retrieve (if they exist)
// by default retrieves all it can find.
$.fn.getFormData = function(options) {
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.getFormData.defaults, options),
result = {},
$form = this;
$form.find(":input").not(":button").each(function() {
var $input = $(this),
inputType = $(this).attr('type');
if((inputType == "radio" || inputType == 'checkbox') && !$input.attr('checked')) { return; }
var val = $input.val();
if($input.hasClass('suggestion_title') && $input.attr('title') == val) {
val = "";
} else if($input.hasClass('datetime_field_enabled') && $input.parent().children(".datetime_suggest").text()) {
if($input.parent().children('.datetime_suggest').hasClass('invalid_datetime')) {
val = $input.parent().children('.datetime_suggest').text();
} else {
val = $input.parent().children('.datetime_suggest').text();
try {
if($input.data('rich_text')) {
val = $input.editorBox('get_code', false);
} catch(e) {}
var attr = $input.attr('name');
if(inputType == 'hidden') {
if($form.find("[name='" + attr + "']").filter("textarea,:radio:checked,:checkbox:checked,:text,:password,select,:hidden")[0] != $input[0]) {
if(attr && attr !== "" && (inputType == "checkbox" || typeof(result[attr]) == "undefined")) {
if(!options.values || $.inArray(attr, options.values) != -1) {
result[attr] = val;
var lastAttr = attr;
if(options.object_name) {
result = $._stripObjectName(result, options.object_name, true);
return result;
$.fn.getFormData.defaults = {object_name: null};
$.replaceTags = function(text, name, value) {
if(!text) { return text; }
name = (name || "").toString();
value = (value || "").toString().replace(/\s/g, "+");
var itemExpression = new RegExp("(%7B|{){2}[\\s|%20|\+]*" + name + "[\\s|%20|\+]*(%7D|}){2}", 'g');
return text.replace(itemExpression, value);
$.encodeToHex = function(str) {
var hex = "";
var e = str.length;
var c = 0;
var h;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
part = str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
while (part.length < 2) {
part = "0" + part;
hex += part;
return hex;
$.decodeFromHex = function(str) {
var r='';
var i = 0;
while(i < str.length){
r += unescape('%'+str.substring(i,i+2));
i += 2;
return r;
$.htmlEscape = function(str) {
return str && str.htmlSafe ?
str.toString() :
$.htmlEscape.element = $('<div/>');
// escape all string values (not keys) in an object
$.htmlEscapeValues = function(obj) {
var k,v;
for (k in obj) {
v = obj[k];
if (typeof v === "string") {
obj[k] = $.htmlEscape(v);
$.h = $.htmlEscape;
// useful for i18n, e.g. t('key', 'pick one: %{select}', {select: $.raw('<select><option>...')})
// note that raw returns a String object, so you may want to call toString
// if you're using it elsewhere
$.raw = function(str) {
str = new String(str);
str.htmlSafe = true;
return str;
// Fills the selected object(s) with data values as specified. Plaintext values should be specified in the
// data: data used to fill template.
// id: set the id attribute of the template object
// textValues: a list of strings, which values should be plaintext
// htmlValues: a list of strings, which values should be html
// hrefValues: List of string. Searches for all anchor tags in the template
// and globally replaces "{{ value }}" with data[value]. Useful for adding
// new elements asynchronously, when you don't know what their URL will be
// until they're created.
$.fn.fillTemplateData = function(options) {
if(this.length && options) {
if (options.iterator) {
var $el = $(this);
$.each(["name", "id", "class"], function(i, attr){
if ( $el.attr(attr) ) {
$el.attr(attr, $el.attr(attr).replace(/-iterator-/, options.iterator));
if(options.id) {
this.attr('id', options.id);
var contentChange = false;
if(options.data) {
for(var item in options.data) {
if(options.except && $.inArray(item, options.except) != -1) {
if (options.dataValues && $.inArray(item, options.dataValues) != -1) {
this.data(item, options.data[item].toString());
var $found_all = this.find("." + item);
var avoid = options.avoid || "";
$found_all.each(function() {
var $found = $(this);
if($found.length > 0 && $found.closest(avoid).length === 0) {
if(typeof(options.data[item]) == "undefined" || options.data[item] === null) {
options.data[item] = "";
if(options.htmlValues && $.inArray(item, options.htmlValues) != -1) {
if($found.hasClass('user_content')) {
contentChange = true;
$found.data('unenhanced_content_html', options.data[item].toString());
} else if ($found[0].tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") {
} else {
try {
var str = options.data[item].toString();
} catch(e) { }
if(options.hrefValues && options.data) {
this.find("a,span[rel]").each(function() {
var $obj = $(this),
oldHref, oldRel, oldName;
for(var i in options.hrefValues) {
var name = options.hrefValues[i];
if(oldHref = $obj.attr('href')) {
var newHref = $.replaceTags(oldHref, name, encodeURIComponent(options.data[name]));
var orig = $obj.text() == $obj.html() ? $obj.text() : null;
if(oldHref != newHref) {
$obj.attr('href', newHref);
if(orig) {
if(oldRel = $obj.attr('rel')) {
$obj.attr('rel', $.replaceTags(oldRel, name, options.data[name]));
if(oldName = $obj.attr('name')) {
$obj.attr('name', $.replaceTags(oldName, name, options.data[name]));
if(contentChange) {
return this;
$.fn.fillTemplateData.defaults = {htmlValues: null, hrefValues: null};
// Reverse version of fillTemplateData. Lets you pull out the string versions of values held in divs, spans, etc.
// Based on the usage of class names within an object to specify an object's sub-parts.
$.fn.getTemplateData = function(options) {
if(!this.length || !options) {
return {};
var result = {}, item, val;
if(options.textValues) {
for(item in options.textValues) {
var $item = this.find("." + options.textValues[item].replace(/\[/g, '\\[').replace(/\]/g, '\\]') + ":first");
val = $.trim($item.text());
if($item.html() == " ") { val = ""; }
if(val.length == 1 && val.charCodeAt(0) == 160) {
val = "";
result[options.textValues[item]] = val;
if(options.dataValues) {
for(item in options.dataValues) {
var val = this.data(options.dataValues[item]);
if(val) {
result[options.dataValues[item]] = val;
if(options.htmlValues) {
for(item in options.htmlValues) {
var $elem = this.find("." + options.htmlValues[item].replace(/\[/g, '\\[').replace(/\]/g, '\\]') + ":first");
val = null;
if($elem.hasClass('user_content') && $elem.data('unenhanced_content_html')) {
val = $elem.data('unenhanced_content_html');
} else {
val = $.trim($elem.html());
result[options.htmlValues[item]] = val;
return result;
$.fn.getTemplateValue = function(value, options) {
var opts = $.extend({}, options, {textValues: [value]});
return this.getTemplateData(opts)[value];
// Used internally to prepend object_name to data key names
// Supports nested names, e.g.
// assignment[id] => discussion_topic[assignment][id]
$._addObjectName = function(data, object_name, include_original) {
if(!data) { return data; }
var new_result = {};
if(data instanceof Array) {
new_result = [];
var original_name,
for(var i in data) {
if(data instanceof Array) {
original_name = data[i];
} else {
original_name = i;
first_bracket = original_name.indexOf('[');
if (first_bracket >= 0) {
new_name = object_name + "[" + original_name.substring(0, first_bracket) + "]" + original_name.substring(first_bracket);
} else {
new_name = object_name + "[" + original_name + "]";
if(typeof(original_name) == "string" && original_name.indexOf("=") === 0) {
new_name = original_name.substring(1);
original_name = new_name;
if(data instanceof Array) {
if(include_original) {
} else {
new_result[new_name] = data[i];
if(include_original) {
new_result[original_name] = data[i];
return new_result;
// Used internally to strip object_name from data key names
// Supports nested names, e.g.
// discussion_topic[assignment][id] => assignment[id]
$._stripObjectName = function(data, object_name, include_original) {
var new_result = {};
var short_name;
if(data instanceof Array) {
new_result = [];
for(var i in data) {
var original_name, found;
if(data instanceof Array) {
original_name = data[i];
} else {
original_name = i;
if(found = (original_name.indexOf(object_name + "[") === 0)) {
short_name = original_name.replace(object_name + "[", "");
closing = short_name.indexOf("]");
short_name = short_name.substring(0, closing) + short_name.substring(closing + 1);
if(data instanceof Array) {
} else {
new_result[short_name] = data[i];
if (!found || include_original) {
if(data instanceof Array) {
} else {
new_result[i] = data[i];
return new_result;
// Validated the selected form. Pops up little error messages
// next to form elements that have errors.
// object_name: specify to make error checking easier. If object_name == "assignment"
// and required included "good", then "assignment[good]" is required. Only
// useful if all validations use the given object_name
// required: a list of strings, elements that are required
// dates: list of strings, elements that must be blank or a valid date
// times: list of strings, elements that must be blank or a valid time
// numbers: list of strings, elements that must be blank or a valid number
// property_validations: hash, where key names are form element names
// and key values are functions to call on the given data. The function
// should return true if valid, false otherwise.
$.fn.validateForm = function(options) {
if (this.length === 0) {
return false;
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.validateForm.defaults, options),
$form = this,
errors = {},
data = options.data || $form.getFormData(options);
if (options.object_name) {
options.required = $._addObjectName(options.required, options.object_name);
options.date_fields = $._addObjectName(options.date_fields, options.object_name);
options.dates = $._addObjectName(options.dates, options.object_name);
options.times = $._addObjectName(options.times, options.object_name);
options.numbers = $._addObjectName(options.numbers, options.object_name);
options.property_validations = $._addObjectName(options.property_validations, options.object_name);
if (options.required) {
$.each(options.required, function(i, name) {
if (!data[name]) {
if (!errors[name]) {
errors[name] = [];
errors[name].push(I18n.t('errors.field_is_required', "This field is required"));
if(options.date_fields) {
$.each(options.date_fields, function(i, name) {
var $item = $form.find("input[name='" + name + "']").filter(".datetime_field_enabled");
if($item.length && $item.parent().children(".datetime_suggest").hasClass('invalid_datetime')) {
if (!errors[name]) {
errors[name] = [];
errors[name].push(I18n.t('errors.invalid_datetime', "Invalid date/time value"));
if (options.numbers) {
$.each(options.numbers, function(i, name){
var val = parseFloat(data[name]);
if(isNaN(val)) {
if(!errors[name]) {
errors[name] = [];
errors[name].push(I18n.t('errors.invalid_number', "This should be a number."));
if(options.property_validations) {
$.each(options.property_validations, function(name, validation) {
if($.isFunction(validation)) {
var result = validation.call($form, data[name], data);
if(result) {
if(typeof(result) != "string") {
result = I18n.t('errors.invalid_entry_for_field', "Invalid entry: %{field}", {field: name});
if(!errors[name]) { errors[name] = []; }
var hasErrors = false;
for(var err in errors) {
hasErrors = true;
if(hasErrors) {
return false;
return true;
$.fn.validateForm.defaults = {object_name: null, required: null, dates: null, times: null};
// Takes in an errors object and creates little pop-up message boxes over
// each errored form field displaying the error text. Still needs some
// css lovin'.
$.fn.formErrors = function(data_errors) {
if(this.length === 0) {
var $form = this;
var errors = {};
if(data_errors && data_errors['errors']) {
data_errors = data_errors['errors'];
if(typeof(data_errors) == 'string') {
data_errors = {base: data_errors};
$.each(data_errors, function(i, val) {
if(typeof(val) == "string") {
var newval = [];
val = newval;
} else if(typeof(i) == "number" && val.length == 2 && typeof(val[1]) == "string") {
newval = [];
i = val[0];
val = newval;
} else {
try {
newval = [];
for(var idx in val) {
if(typeof(val[idx]) == "object" && val[idx].message) {
} else {
val = newval;
} catch(e) {
val = val.toString();
if($form.find(":input[name='" + i + "'],:input[name*='[" + i + "]']").length > 0) {
$.each(val, function(idx, msg) {
if(!msg.match(i)) {
if(!errors[i]) {
errors[i] = msg;
} else {
errors[i] += "<br/>" + msg;
} else {
$.each(val, function(idx, msg) {
if(!errors.general) {
errors.general = msg;
} else {
errors.general += "<br/>" + msg;
var hasErrors = false;
var highestTop = 0;
var currentTop = $(document).scrollTop();
$.each(errors, function(name, msg) {
var $obj = $form.find(":input[name='" + name + "'],:input[name*='[" + name + "]']").filter(":first");
if(!$obj || $obj.length === 0 || name == "general") {
$obj = $form;
if($obj[0].tagName == 'TEXTAREA' && $obj.next('.mceEditor').length) {
$obj = $obj.next().find(".mceIframeContainer");
hasErrors = true;
var offset = $obj.errorBox(msg).offset();
if(offset.top > highestTop) {
highestTop = offset.top;
if(hasErrors) {
$('html,body').scrollTo({top: highestTop, left:0});
return this;
$.fn.zIndex = function() {
var $obj = this;
while($obj.length > 0 && $obj.closest("html").length > 0) {
var zIndex = parseInt($obj.css('zIndex'), 10);
if(zIndex && !isNaN(zIndex)) {
return zIndex;
} else {
$obj = $obj.parent();
return 1;
// Pops up a small box containing the given message. The box is connected to the given form element, and will
// go away when the element is selected.
$.fn.errorBox = function(message, scroll) {
if(this.length) {
var $obj = this,
$oldBox = $obj.data('associated_error_box');
if($oldBox) {
var $template = $("#error_box_template");
if(!$template.length) {
$template = $("<div id='error_box_template' class='error_box errorBox' style=''>" +
"<div class='error_text' style=''></div>" +
"<img src='/images/error_bottom.png' class='error_bottom'/>" +
var $box = $template.clone(true).attr('id', '').css('zIndex', $obj.zIndex() + 1).appendTo("body");
var offset = $obj.offset();
var height = $box.outerHeight();
var objLeftIndent = Math.round($obj.outerWidth() / 5);
if($obj[0].tagName == "FORM") {
objLeftIndent = Math.min(objLeftIndent, 50);
top: offset.top - height + 2,
left: offset.left + objLeftIndent
associated_error_box :$box,
associated_error_object: $obj
}).focus(function() {
$box.fadeOut('slow', function() {
$box.click(function() {
$(this).fadeOut('fast', function() {
if(!$.fn.errorBox.isBeingAdjusted) {
if(scroll) {
return $box;
$.fn.errorBox.errorBoxes = [];
$.moveErrorBoxes = function() {
if(!$.fn.errorBox.isBeingAdjusted) {
$.fn.errorBox.isBeingAdjusted = true;
setInterval($.moveErrorBoxes, 500);
var list = [];
var prevList = $.fn.errorBox.errorBoxes;
$(".error_box:visible").each(function() {
var $box = $(this);
if(!$box.data('associated_error_object') || $box.data('associated_error_object').filter(":visible").length === 0) {
for(var idx in prevList) {
var $obj = prevList[idx].filter(":visible:first");
if($obj.data('associated_error_box')) {
var $box = $obj.data('associated_error_box');
if($obj.filter(":visible").length === 0) {
} else {
var offset = $obj.offset();
var height = $box.outerHeight();
var objLeftIndent = Math.round($obj.outerWidth() / 5);
if($obj[0].tagName == "FORM") {
objLeftIndent = Math.min(objLeftIndent, 50);
top: offset.top - height + 2,
left: offset.left + objLeftIndent
$.fn.errorBox.errorBoxes = list;
// Hides all error boxes for the given form element and its input elements.
$.fn.hideErrors = function(options) {
if(this.length) {
var $oldBox = this.data('associated_error_box');
if($oldBox) {
this.data('associated_error_box', null);
this.find(":input").each(function() {
var $obj = $(this),
$oldBox = $obj.data('associated_error_box');
if($oldBox) {
$obj.data('associated_error_box', null);
return this;
// Shows a gray-colored text suggestion for the form object when it is
// blank, i.e. a date field would show DD-MM-YYYY until the user clicks on it.
// I may phase this out or rewrite it, I'm undecided. It's not
// being used very much yet.
$.fn.formSuggestion = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.focus(function(event) {
var $this = $(this),
title = $this.attr('title');
if(!title || title === "") { return; }
if($this.val() == title) {
}).blur(function(event) {
var $this = $(this),
title = $this.attr('title');
if(!title || title === "") { return; }
if($this.val() === "") {
if($this.val() == title) {
// Workaround a strage bug where the input would be selected then immediately unselected
// every other time you clicked on the input with its defaultValue being shown
.change(function(event) {
var $this = $(this),
if ( !$this.hasClass('suggestionFocus') && ( title = $(this).attr('title') ) ) {
if ($this.val() === "") {
$this.toggleClass("form_text_hint", $this.val() == title);
var title = $this.attr('title'),
val = $this.val();
if ( title && ( val === "" || val == title) ) {
$.fn.formSuggestion.suggestions = [];
$.windowScrollTop = function() {
return ($.browser.safari ? $("body") : $("html")).scrollTop();
$.fn.originalScrollTop = $.fn.scrollTop;
$.fn.scrollTop = function() {
if(this.selector == "html,body" && arguments.length === 0) {
console.error("$('html,body').scrollTop() is not cross-browser compatible... use $.windowScrollTop() instead");
return $.fn.originalScrollTop.apply(this, arguments);
// Scrolls the supplied object until its visible. Call from
// ("html,body") to scroll the window.
$.fn.scrollToVisible = function(obj) {
var options = {};
var $obj = $(obj);
var outerOffset = $("body").offset();
this.each(function() {
try {
outerOffset = $(this).offset();
return false;
} catch(e) {}
if ($obj.length === 0) { return; }
var innerOffset = $obj.offset(),
width = $obj.outerWidth(),
height = $obj.outerHeight(),
top = innerOffset.top - outerOffset.top,
bottom = top + height,
left = innerOffset.left - outerOffset.left,
right = left + width,
currentTop = (this.selector == "html,body" ? $.windowScrollTop() : this.scrollTop()),
currentLeft = this.scrollLeft(),
currentHeight = this.outerHeight(),
currentWidth = this.outerWidth();
if (this[0].tagName == "HTML" || this[0].tagName == "BODY") {
currentHeight = $(window).height();
if($("#wizard_box:visible").length > 0) {
currentHeight -= $("#wizard_box:visible").height();
currentWidth = $(window).width();
top -= currentTop;
left -= currentLeft;
bottom -= currentTop;
right -= currentLeft;
if (top < 0 || (currentHeight < height && bottom > currentHeight)) {
options.scrollTop = top + currentTop;
} else if (bottom > currentHeight) {
options.scrollTop = bottom + currentTop - currentHeight + 20;
if (left < 0) {
options.scrollLeft = left + currentLeft;
} else if (right > currentWidth) {
options.scrollLeft = right + currentLeft - currentWidth + 20;
if (options.scrollTop == 1) { options.scrollTop = 0; }
if (options.scrollLeft == 1) { options.scrollLeft = 0; }
return this;
// Simple dropdown list. Takes the list of attributes specified in "options" and displays them
// in a menu anchored to the selected element.
$.fn.dropdownList = function(options) {
if (this.length) {
var $div = $("#instructure_dropdown_list");
if (options == "hide" || options == "remove" || $div.data('current_dropdown_initiator') == this[0]) {
$div.remove().data('current_dropdown_initiator', null);
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.dropdownList.defaults, options),
$list = $div.children("div.list");
if (!$list.length) {
$div = $("<div id='instructure_dropdown_list'><div class='list ui-widget-content'></div></div>").appendTo("body");
$(document).mousedown(function(event) {
if ($div.data('current_dropdown_initiator') && !$(event.target).closest("#instructure_dropdown_list").length) {
$div.hide().data('current_dropdown_initiator', null);
}).mouseup(function(event) {
if ($div.data('current_dropdown_initiator') && !$(event.target).closest("#instructure_dropdown_list").length) {
setTimeout(function() {
$div.data('current_dropdown_initiator', null);
}, 100);
}).add(this).add($div).keydown(function(event) {
if ($div.data('current_dropdown_initiator')) {
var $current = $div.find(".ui-state-hover,.ui-state-active");
if (event.keyCode == 38) { // up
if ($current.length && $current.prev().length) {
$current.removeClass('ui-state-hover ui-state-active').addClass('minimal')
} else {
return false;
} else if (event.keyCode == 40) { // down
if (!$current.length) {
} else if ($current.next().length) {
$current.removeClass('ui-state-hover ui-state-active').addClass('minimal')
return false;
} else if (event.keyCode == 13 && $current.length) {
return false;
} else {
$div.hide().data('current_dropdown_initiator', null);
$div.find(".option").removeClass('ui-state-hover ui-state-active').addClass('minimal');
$div.click(function(event) {
$div.hide().data('current_dropdown_initiator', null);
$list = $div.children("div.list");
$div.data('current_dropdown_initiator', this[0]);
if (options.width) {
if (options.height) {
$div.find(".list").css('maxHeight', options.height);
$.each(options.options, function(optionName, callback){
var $option = $("<div class='option minimal' style='cursor: pointer; padding: 2px 5px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;'>" +
" <span tabindex='-1'>" + optionName.replace(/_/g, " ") + "</span>" +
if($.isFunction(callback)) {
function unhoverOtherOptions(){
$option.parent().find("div.option").removeClass('ui-state-hover ui-state-active').addClass('minimal');
mouseenter: function() {
mouseleave: unhoverOtherOptions,
mousedown: function(event) {
mouseup: unhoverOtherOptions,
click: callback
} else {
mousedown: function(event) {
var offset = this.offset(),
height = this.outerHeight(),
width = this.outerWidth();
whiteSpace : "nowrap",
position : 'absolute',
top : offset.top + height,
left : offset.left + 5,
right : ''
//this is a fix so that if the dropdown ends up being off the page then move it back in so that it is on the page.
if ($div.offset().left + $div.width() > $(window).width()) {
$div.css({'left' : '','right' : 0});
return this;
$.fn.dropdownList.defaults = {height: 250, width: "auto"};
$.parseDateTime = function(date, time) {
var date = $.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', date);
if(time) {
var times = time.split(":");
var hr = parseInt(times[0], 10);
if(hr == 12) { hr = 0; }
if(time.match(/pm/i)) {
hr += 12;
var min = 0;
if(times[1]) {
min = times[1].replace(/(am|pm)/gi, "");
} else {
date.date = date;
return date;
$.formatDateTime = function(date, options) {
var head = "", tail = "";
if(date) {
date.date = date.date || date;
if(options.object_name) {
head += options.object_name + "[";
tail = "]" + tail;
if(options.property_name) {
head += options.property_name;
var result = {};
if(date && !isNaN(date.date.getFullYear())) {
result[head + "(1i)" + tail] = date.getFullYear();
result[head + "(2i)" + tail] = (date.getMonth() + 1);
result[head + "(3i)" + tail] = date.getDate();
result[head + "(4i)" + tail] = date.getHours();
result[head + "(5i)" + tail] = date.getMinutes();
} else {
result[head + "(1i)" + tail] = "";
result[head + "(2i)" + tail] = "";
result[head + "(3i)" + tail] = "";
result[head + "(4i)" + tail] = "";
result[head + "(5i)" + tail] = "";
return result;
$.parseFromISO = function(iso, datetime_type) {
var user_offset = parseInt($("#time_zone_offset").text(), 10) / -60;
var today = new Date();
datetime_type = datetime_type || 'event';
try {
var result = {};
if(!iso) {
return $.parseFromISO.defaults;
var year = iso.substring(0, 4);
var month = iso.substring(5, 7);
var day = iso.substring(8, 10);
var date_offset = parseInt(iso.substring(19), 10) || 0;
result.date = new Date(year, month - 1, day);
if(result.date.getTimezoneOffset() != today.getTimezoneOffset()) {
user_offset = user_offset - ((result.date.getTimezoneOffset() - today.getTimezoneOffset()) / 60);
var hour_shift = user_offset - date_offset;
// NOTE: This value is a literal parsing of the date
// passed in and may technically be incorrect if there
// is shifting due to time zones.
// result.date = $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", iso.substring(0, 10));
result.date_sortable = iso.substring(0, 10);
result.date_string = month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
result.date_formatted = $.dateString(result.date);
var hour_string = iso.substring(11, 13);
var minute_string = iso.substring(14, 16);
var second_string = iso.substring(17, 19);
var hours = (parseInt(hour_string, 10)) * 1000.0 * 3600;
if(hour_shift && !isNaN(hour_shift)) {
hours = hours + (hour_shift * 1000.0 * 3600);
var minutes = parseInt(minute_string, 10) * 1000.0 * 60;
var seconds = parseInt(second_string, 10) * 1000.0;
var time_timestamp = (hours + minutes + seconds) || 0;
var date_timestamp = (Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day)) || 0;
result.time_timestamp = time_timestamp / 1000;
result.date_timestamp = date_timestamp / 1000;
var tz_offset = result.date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
var time = new Date(date_timestamp + time_timestamp + tz_offset);
var ampm = "am";
hours = time.getHours();
if(hours > 12) {
hours -= 12;
ampm = "pm";
} else if(hours == 12) {
ampm = "pm";
} else if(hours === 0) {
hours = 12;
var time_formatted = hours;
var time_tail = ":";
if(time.getMinutes() < 10) {
time_tail += "0";
time_tail += time.getMinutes();
if(time.getMinutes() !== 0) {
time_formatted += time_tail;
var by_at = datetime_type == 'due_date' ? 'by' : 'at';
var time_for_date_formatted = ' ' + by_at + ' ' + time_formatted + ampm;
result.show_time = true;
var sortable_hour = time.getHours();
if(sortable_hour < 10) {
sortable_hour = "0" + sortable_hour;
result.time_sortable = sortable_hour + time_tail;
time_formatted += ampm;
result.time_formatted = time_formatted;
result.time_string = hours + time_tail + ampm;
result.time = time;
result.datetime = time;
result.date_formatted = $.dateString(result.datetime);
result.datetime_formatted = result.date_formatted + time_for_date_formatted;
result.timestamp = (time_timestamp + date_timestamp) / 1000;
result.minute_timestamp = result.timestamp - (result.timestamp % 60);
return result;
} catch(e) {
return $.parseFromISO.defaults;
$.parseFromISO.ref_date = new Date();
$.parseFromISO.offset = $.parseFromISO.ref_date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
$.parseFromISO.defaults = {
date: new Date($.parseFromISO.offset),
date_sortable: "0000-00-00",
date_string: "",
date_formatted: "",
time_timestamp: 0,
date_timestamp: 0,
timestamp: 0,
time: new Date($.parseFromISO.offset),
time_formatted: "",
time_string: ""
var today = new Date();
$.thisYear = function(date) {
return date && (date.getFullYear() == today.getFullYear());
$.dateString = function(date) {
return (date && (date.toString($.thisYear(date) ? 'MMM d' : 'MMM d, yyyy'))) || "";
$.timeString = function(date) {
return (date && date.toString('h:mmtt').toLowerCase()) || "";
$.fn.parseFromISO = $.parseFromISO;
// Returns the width of the browser's scroll bars.
$.fn.scrollbarWidth = function() {
var $div = $('<div style="width:50px;height:50px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:-200px;left:-200px;"><div style="height:100px;"></div>').appendTo(this),
$innerDiv = $div.find('div');
// Append our div, do our calculation and then remove it
var w1 = $innerDiv.innerWidth();
$div.css('overflow-y', 'scroll');
var w2 = $innerDiv.innerWidth();
return (w1 - w2);
// Shows an ajax-loading image on the given object.
$.fn.loadingImg = function(options) {
if(!this || this.length === 0) {
return this;
var $obj = this.filter(":first");
var list;
if(options == "hide" || options == "remove") {
list = $obj.data('loading_images') || [];
for(var idx in list) {
if(list[idx]) {
$obj.data('loading_images', null);
return this;
} else if(options == "remove_once") {
list = $obj.data('loading_images') || [];
var img = list.pop();
if(img) { img.remove(); }
$obj.data('loading_images', list);
return this;
} else if (options == "register_image" && arguments.length == 3) {
$.fn.loadingImg.image_files[arguments[1]] = arguments[2];
options = $.extend({}, $.fn.loadingImg.defaults, options);
var image = $.fn.loadingImg.image_files['normal'];
if(options.image_size && $.fn.loadingImg.image_files[options.image_size]) {
image = $.fn.loadingImg.image_files[options.image_size];
if(options.paddingTop) {
options.vertical = options.paddingTop;
var paddingTop = 0;
if(options.vertical) {
if(options.vertical == "top") {
} else if(options.vertical == "bottom") {
paddingTop = $obj.outerHeight();
} else if(options.vertical == "middle") {
paddingTop = ($obj.outerHeight() / 2) - (image.height / 2);
} else {
paddingTop = parseInt(options.vertical, 10);
if(isNaN(paddingTop)) {
paddingTop = 0;
var paddingLeft = 0;
if(options.horizontal) {
if(options.horizontal == "left") {
} else if(options.horizontal == "right") {
paddingLeft = $obj.outerWidth() - image.width;
} else if(options.horizontal == "middle") {
paddingLeft = ($obj.outerWidth() / 2) - (image.width / 2);
} else {
paddingLeft = parseInt(options.horizontal, 10);
if(isNaN(paddingLeft)) {
paddingLeft = 0;
var zIndex = $obj.zIndex() + 1;
var $imageHolder = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('loading_image_holder');
var $image = $(document.createElement('img')).attr('src', image.url);
list = $obj.data('loading_images') || [];
$obj.data('loading_images', list);
if(!$obj.css('position') || $obj.css('position') == "static") {
var offset = $obj.offset();
var top = offset.top, left = offset.left;
if(options.vertical) {
top += paddingTop;
if(options.horizontal) {
left += paddingLeft;
zIndex: zIndex,
position: "absolute",
top: top,
left: left
} else {
zIndex: zIndex,
position: "absolute",
top: paddingTop,
left: paddingLeft
return $(this);
$.fn.loadingImg.defaults = {paddingTop: 0, image_size: 'normal', vertical: 0, horizontal: 0};
$.fn.loadingImg.image_files = {
normal: {url: '/images/ajax-loader.gif', width: 32, height: 32},
small: {url: '/images/ajax-loader-small.gif', width: 16, height: 16}
$.fn.loadingImage = $.fn.loadingImg;
// Simple animation for dimming an element's opacity
$.fn.dim = function(speed) {
return this.animate({opacity: 0.4}, speed);
$.fn.undim = function(speed) {
return this.animate({opacity: 1.0}, speed);
// Helper for deleting objects from the DOM and db.
// url: URL to pass DELETE message. If none provided,
// behaves as if the request were a success. Useful for testing.
// message: Confirmation message
// cancelled: Function to handle cancel.
// confirmed: Functiont to handle confirm, before submit.
// success: What to do on success. If none provided, fades
// out the element and removes it from the DOM.
// error: Error.
$.fn.confirmDelete = function(options) {
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.confirmDelete.defaults, options);
var $object = this;
var result = true;
options.noMessage = options.noMessage || options.no_message;
if(options.message && !options.noMessage) {
if(!$.skipConfirmations) {
result = confirm(options.message);
if(!result) {
if(options.cancelled && $.isFunction(options.cancelled)) {
if(!options.confirmed) {
options.confirmed = function() {
if(options.url) {
if(!options.success) {
options.success = function(data) {
$object.fadeOut('slow', function() {
var data = {};
if(options.token) {
data.authenticity_token = options.token;
if(!data.authenticity_token) {
data.authenticity_token = $("#ajax_authenticity_token").text();
$.ajaxJSON(options.url, "DELETE", data, function(data) {
options.success.call($object, data);
}, function(data, request, status, error) {
if(options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call($object, data, request, status, error);
} else {
} else {
if(!options.success) {
options.success = function() {
$object.fadeOut('slow', function() {
$.fn.confirmDelete.defaults = {
message: I18n.t('confirms.default_delete_thing', "Are you sure you want to delete this?")
$.originalGetJSON = $.getJSON;
$.getJSON = function(url, data, callback) {
var xhr = $.originalGetJSON(url, data, callback);
$.ajaxJSON.storeRequest(xhr, url, 'GET', data);
return xhr;
var assert_option = function(data, arg) {
if(!data[arg]) {
throw arg + " option is required";
$.ajaxJSONPreparedFiles = function(options) {
assert_option(options, 'context_code');
var list = [];
var $this = this;
var pre_list = options.files || options.file_elements || [];
for(var idx = 0; idx < pre_list.length; idx++) {
var item = pre_list[idx];
item.name = (item.value || item.name).split(/(\/|\\)/).pop();
var attachments = [];
var ready = function() {
var data = options.data;
if(options.handle_files) {
var result = attachments;
if(options.single_file) {
result = attachments[0];
data = options.handle_files.call(this, result, data);
if(options.url && options.success && data != false) {
$.ajaxJSON(options.url, options.method, data, options.success, options.error);
var uploadFile = function(parameters, file) {
$.ajaxJSON(options.uploadDataUrl || "/files/pending", 'POST', parameters, function(data) {
try {
if(data && data.upload_url) {
var post_params = data.upload_params;
var old_name = $(file).attr('name');
$(file).attr('name', data.file_param);
$.ajaxJSONFiles(data.upload_url, 'POST', post_params, $(file), function(data) {
$(file).attr('name', old_name);
}, function(data) {
$(file).attr('name', old_name);
(options.upload_error || options.error).call($this, data);
}, {onlyGivenParameters: data.remote_url});
} else {
(options.upload_error || options.error).call($this, data);
} catch(e) {
var ex = e;
}, function() {
return (options.upload_error || options.error).apply(this, arguments);
var next = function() {
var item = list.shift();
if(item) {
uploadFile.call($this, $.extend({
'attachment[folder_id]': options.folder_id,
'attachment[intent]': options.intent,
'attachment[asset_string]': options.asset_string,
'attachment[filename]': item.name,
'attachment[context_code]': options.context_code
}, options.formData || {}), item);
} else {
$.ajaxJSONFiles = function(url, submit_type, formData, files, success, error, options) {
var $newForm = $(document.createElement("form"));
$newForm.attr('action', url).attr('method', submit_type);
if(!formData.authenticity_token) {
formData.authenticity_token = $("#ajax_authenticity_token").text();
var fileNames = {};
files.each(function() {
fileNames[$(this).attr('name')] = true;
for(var idx in formData) {
if(!fileNames[idx]) {
var $input = $(document.createElement('input'));
$input.attr('type', 'hidden').attr('name', idx).attr('value', formData[idx]);
files.each(function() {
var $newFile = $(this).clone(true);
fileUpload: true,
success: success,
onlyGivenParameters: options ? options.onlyGivenParameters : false,
error: error
(function() {
// Wrapper for default $.ajax behavior. On error will call
// the default error method if no error method is provided.
$.ajaxJSON = function(url, submit_type, data, success, error, options) {
data = data || {};
if(!url && error) {
error(null, null, "URL required for requests", null);
url = url || ".";
if(submit_type != "GET") {
data._method = submit_type;
submit_type = "POST";
if(!data.authenticity_token) {
data.authenticity_token = $("#ajax_authenticity_token").text();
if($("#page_view_id").length > 0 && !data.page_view_id && (!options || !options.skipPageViewLog)) {
data.page_view_id = $("#page_view_id").text();
var ajaxError = function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var data = xhr;
if(xhr.responseText) {
var text = xhr.responseText.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
data = { message: text };
try {
data = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");
} catch(e) { }
if(options && options.skipDefaultError) {
if(error && $.isFunction(error)) {
error(data, xhr, textStatus, errorThrown);
} else {
var params = {
url: url,
dataType: "json",
type: submit_type,
success: function(data) {
$.ajaxJSON.inFlighRequests -= 1;
data = data || {};
var page_view_id = null;
if(xhr && xhr.getResponseHeader && (page_view_id = xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Canvas-Page-View-Id"))) {
setTimeout(function() {
$(document).triggerHandler('page_view_id_recieved', page_view_id);
}, 50);
if(!data.length && data['errors']) {
ajaxError(data['errors'], null, "");
if(!options || !options.skipDefaultError) {
$.fn.defaultAjaxError.func.call($.fn.defaultAjaxError.object, null, data, "0", data['errors']);
} else {
} else if(success && $.isFunction(success)) {
error: function() {
$.ajaxJSON.inFlighRequests -= 1;
ajaxError.apply(this, arguments);
data: data
if(options && options.timeout) {
params['timeout'] = options.timeout;
$.ajaxJSON.inFlighRequests += 1;
var xhr = $.ajax(params);
$.ajaxJSON.storeRequest(xhr, url, submit_type, data);
return xhr;
$.ajaxJSON.inFlighRequests = 0;
$.ajaxJSON.unhandledXHRs = [];
$.ajaxJSON.ignoredXHRs = [];
$.ajaxJSON.passedRequests = [];
$.ajaxJSON.storeRequest = function(xhr, url, submit_type, data) {
xhr: xhr,
url: url,
submit_type: submit_type,
data: data
$.ajaxJSON.findRequest = function(xhr) {
var requests = $.ajaxJSON.passedRequests;
for(var idx in requests) {
if(requests[idx] && requests[idx].xhr == xhr) {
return requests[idx];
return null;
var already_listening_for_close_link_clicks = false;
$._flashBox = function(type, content, timeout) {
if(!already_listening_for_close_link_clicks) {
already_listening_for_close_link_clicks = true;
$("#flash_message_holder .close-link").live('click', function(event) {
$("#flash_" + type + "_message")
.stop(true, true)
.empty().append("<a href='' class='close-link'>#</a>")
.css('opacity', 1)
.show('drop', { direction: "up" })
.delay(timeout || 7000)
.hide('drop', { direction: "up" }, 2000, function() {
// Pops up a small notification box at the top of the screen.
$.flashMessage = function(content, timeout) {
$._flashBox("notice", content, timeout);
// Pops up a small error box at the top of the screen.
$.flashError = function(content, timeout) {
$._flashBox("error", content, timeout);
// Watches the given element's location.href for any changes
// to the fragment ("#...") and calls the provided function
// when there are any.
// $(document).fragmentChange(function(event, hash) { alert(hash); });
$.fn.fragmentChange = function(fn) {
if(fn && fn !== true) {
var query = (window.location.search || "").replace(/^\?/, "").split("&");
var idx;
// The URL can hard-code a hash regardless of what's
// actually shown in the hash by specifying a query
// parameter, hash=some_hash
var query_hash = null;
for(idx in query) {
var item = query[idx];
if(item && item.indexOf("hash=") === 0) {
query_hash = "#" + item.substring(5);
this.bind('document_fragment_change', fn);
var $doc = this;
var found = false;
// Can only be used on the root document,
// will not work on an iframe, for example.
for(idx in $._checkFragments.fragmentList) {
var obj = $._checkFragments.fragmentList[idx];
if(obj.doc[0] == $doc[0]) {
found = true;
if(!found) {
doc: $doc,
fragment: ""
$(window).bind('hashchange', $._checkFragments);
setTimeout(function() {
if(query_hash && query_hash.length > 0) {
$doc.triggerHandler('document_fragment_change', query_hash);
} else if($doc && $doc[0] && $doc[0].location && $doc[0].location.hash.length > 0) {
$doc.triggerHandler('document_fragment_change', $doc[0].location.hash);
}, 500);
} else {
this.triggerHandler('document_fragment_change', this[0].location.hash);
return this;
$._checkFragments = function() {
var list = $._checkFragments.fragmentList;
for(var idx in list) {
var obj = list[idx];
var $doc = obj.doc;
if($doc[0].location.hash != obj.fragment) {
$doc.triggerHandler('document_fragment_change', $doc[0].location.hash);
obj.fragment = $doc[0].location.hash;
$._checkFragments.fragmentList[idx] = obj;
$._checkFragments.fragmentList = [];
// Triggers a click only if the anchor tag isn't disabled.
$.fn.clickLink = function() {
var $obj = this.eq(0);
if(!$obj.hasClass('disabled_link')) {
// jQuery supposedly has this built-in, but I haven't
// had much success with it.
$.fn.showIf = function(bool) {
if ($.isFunction(bool)) {
bool = bool.call(this);
if(bool) {
} else {
return this;
var scrollSideBarIsBound = false;
$.scrollSidebar = function(){
var $right_side = $("#right-side"),
$body = $('body'),
$main = $('#main'),
$not_right_side = $("#not_right_side"),
$window = $(window),
headerHeight = $right_side.offset().top,
rightSideMarginBottom = $("#right-side-wrapper").height() - $right_side.outerHeight();
function onScroll(){
var windowScrollTop = $window.scrollTop(),
windowScrollIsBelowHeader = (windowScrollTop > headerHeight);
if (windowScrollIsBelowHeader) {
var notRightSideHeight = $not_right_side.height(),
rightSideHeight = $right_side.height(),
notRightSideIsTallerThanRightSide = notRightSideHeight > rightSideHeight,
rightSideBottomIsBelowMainBottom = ( headerHeight + $main.height() - windowScrollTop ) <= ( rightSideHeight + rightSideMarginBottom );
.toggleClass('with-scrolling-right-side', windowScrollIsBelowHeader && notRightSideIsTallerThanRightSide && !rightSideBottomIsBelowMainBottom)
.toggleClass('with-sidebar-pinned-to-bottom', windowScrollIsBelowHeader && notRightSideIsTallerThanRightSide && rightSideBottomIsBelowMainBottom);
setInterval(onScroll, 1000);
scrollSideBarIsBound = true;
// Catches specified key events and calls the provided function
// when they occur. Can use text or key codes, passed in as a
// space-separated string.
$.fn.keycodes = function(options, fn) {
/* Based loosely on Tzury Bar Yochay's js-hotkeys:
(c) Copyrights 2007 - 2008
Original idea by by Binny V A, http://www.openjs.com/scripts/events/keyboard_shortcuts/
jQuery Plugin by Tzury Bar Yochay
Project's sites:
License: same as jQuery license. */
var specialKeys = { 27: 'esc', 9: 'tab', 32:'space', 13: 'return', 8:'backspace', 145: 'scroll',
20: 'capslock', 144: 'numlock', 19:'pause', 45:'insert', 36:'home', 46:'del',
35:'end', 33: 'pageup', 34:'pagedown', 37:'left', 38:'up', 39:'right',40:'down',
112:'f1',113:'f2', 114:'f3', 115:'f4', 116:'f5', 117:'f6', 118:'f7', 119:'f8',
120:'f9', 121:'f10', 122:'f11', 123:'f12', 191:'/' };
if ($.browser.mozilla){
specialKeys = $.extend(specialKeys, { 96: '0', 97:'1', 98: '2', 99:
'3', 100: '4', 101: '5', 102: '6', 103: '7', 104: '8', 105: '9' });
if(typeof(options) == "string") {
options = {keyCodes: options};
if(this.filter(":input,object,embed").length > 0) {
options.ignore = "";
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.keycodes.defaults, options);
var keyCodes = [];
var originalCodes = [];
var codes = options.keyCodes.split(" ");
$.each(codes, function(i, code) {
code = code.split("+").sort().join("+").toLowerCase();
this.bind('keydown', function(event, originalEvent) {
event = (originalEvent && originalEvent.keyCode) ? originalEvent : event;
if(options.ignore && $(event.target).is(options.ignore)) { return; }
var code = [];
if(event.shiftKey) { code.push("Shift"); }
if(event.ctrlKey) { code.push("Ctrl"); }
if(event.metaKey) { code.push("Meta"); }
if(event.altKey) { code.push("Alt"); }
var key = specialKeys[event.keyCode];
key = key || String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
code = code.sort().join("+").toLowerCase();
event.keyMatches = function(checkCode) {
checkCode = checkCode.split("+").sort().join("+").toLowerCase();
return checkCode == code;
var idx = $.inArray(code, keyCodes);
var picker = $(document).data('last_datepicker');
if(picker && picker[0] == this && event.keyCode == 27) {
return false;
if(idx != -1) {
event.keyString = originalCodes[idx];
fn.call(this, event);
return this;
$.fn.keycodes.defaults = {ignore: ":input,object,embed", keyCodes: ""};
$.datepicker.oldParseDate = $.datepicker.parseDate;
$.datepicker.parseDate = function(format, value, settings) {
return Date.parse((value || "").toString().replace(/ (at|by)/, "")) || $.datepicker.oldParseDate(format, value, settings);
$.datepicker._generateDatepickerHTML = $.datepicker._generateHTML;
$.datepicker._generateHTML = function(inst) {
var html = $.datepicker._generateDatepickerHTML(inst);
if(inst.settings.timePicker) {
var hr = inst.input.data('time-hour') || "";
hr = hr.replace(/'/g, "");
var min = inst.input.data('time-minute') || "";
min = min.replace(/'/g, "");
var ampm = inst.input.data('time-ampm') || "";
var selectedAM = (ampm == "am") ? "selected" : "";
var selectedPM = (ampm == "pm") ? "selected" : "";
html += "<div class='datepicker-time'><label for='ui-datepicker-time-hour'>" + $.h(I18n.beforeLabel('datepicker.time', "Time")) + "</label> <input id='ui-datepicker-time-hour' type='text' value='" + hr + "' title='hr' class='ui-datepicker-time-hour' style='width: 20px;'/>:<input type='text' value='" + min + "' title='min' class='ui-datepicker-time-minute' style='width: 20px;'/> <select class='ui-datepicker-time-ampm' title='" + $.h(I18n.t('datepicker.titles.am_pm', "am/pm")) + "'><option value=''> </option><option value='am' " + selectedAM + ">" + $.h(I18n.t('#time.am', "am")) + "</option><option value='pm' " + selectedPM + ">" + $.h(I18n.t('#time.pm', "pm")) + "</option></select> <button type='button' class='button small-button ui-datepicker-ok'>" + $.h(I18n.t('#buttons.done', "Done")) + "</button></div>";
return html;
$.fn.realDatepicker = $.fn.datepicker;
var _originalSelectDay = $.datepicker._selectDay;
$.datepicker._selectDay = function(id, month, year, td) {
var target = $(id);
if ($(td).hasClass(this._unselectableClass) || this._isDisabledDatepicker(target[0])) {
var inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
if(inst.settings.timePicker && !$.datepicker.okClicked && !inst._keyEvent) {
var origVal = inst.inline;
inst.inline = true;
$.data(target, 'datepicker', inst);
_originalSelectDay.call(this, id, month, year, td);
inst.inline = origVal;
$.data(target, 'datepicker', inst);
} else {
_originalSelectDay.call(this, id, month, year, td);
$.fn.datepicker = function(options) {
options = $.extend({}, options);
options.prevOnSelect = options.onSelect;
options.onSelect = function(text, picker) {
if(options.prevOnSelect) {
options.prevOnSelect.call(this, text, picker);
var $div = picker.dpDiv;
var hr = $div.find(".ui-datepicker-time-hour").val() || $(this).data('time-hour');
var min = $div.find(".ui-datepicker-time-minute").val() || $(this).data('time-minute');
var ampm = $div.find(".ui-datepicker-time-ampm").val() || $(this).data('time-ampm');
if(hr) {
min = min || "00";
ampm = ampm || "pm";
var time = hr + ":" + min + " " + ampm;
text += " " + time;
if(!$.fn.datepicker.timepicker_initialized) {
$(document).delegate('.ui-datepicker-ok', 'click', function(event) {
var cur = $.datepicker._curInst;
var inst = cur;
var sel = $('td.' + $.datepicker._dayOverClass +
', td.' + $.datepicker._currentClass, inst.dpDiv);
if (sel[0]) {
$.datepicker.okClicked = true;
$.datepicker._selectDay(cur.input[0], inst.selectedMonth, inst.selectedYear, sel[0]);
$.datepicker.okClicked = false;
} else {
$.datepicker._hideDatepicker(null, $.datepicker._get(inst, 'duration'));
$(document).delegate(".ui-datepicker-time-hour", 'change keypress focus blur', function(event) {
var cur = $.datepicker._curInst;
if(cur) {
var val = $(this).val();
cur.input.data('time-hour', val);
}).delegate(".ui-datepicker-time-minute", 'change keypress focus blur', function(event) {
var cur = $.datepicker._curInst;
if(cur) {
var val = $(this).val();
cur.input.data('time-minute', val);
}).delegate(".ui-datepicker-time-ampm", 'change keypress focus blur', function(event) {
var cur = $.datepicker._curInst;
if(cur) {
var val = $(this).val();
cur.input.data('time-ampm', val);
$(document).delegate(".ui-datepicker-time-hour,.ui-datepicker-time-minute,.ui-datepicker-time-ampm", 'mousedown', function(event) {
$(document).delegate(".ui-datepicker-time-hour,.ui-datepicker-time-minute,.ui-datepicker-time-ampm", 'change keypress focus blur', function(event) {
if(event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 13) {
var cur = $.datepicker._curInst;
var inst = cur;
var sel = $('td.' + $.datepicker._dayOverClass +
', td.' + $.datepicker._currentClass, inst.dpDiv);
if (sel[0]) {
$.datepicker.okClicked = true;
$.datepicker._selectDay(cur.input[0], inst.selectedMonth, inst.selectedYear, sel[0]);
$.datepicker.okClicked = false;
} else {
$.datepicker._hideDatepicker(null, $.datepicker._get(inst, 'duration'));
} else if(event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 27) {
$.datepicker._hideDatepicker(null, '');
$.fn.datepicker.timepicker_initialized = true;
$(document).data('last_datepicker', this);
$.fn.date_field = function(options) {
options = $.extend({}, options);
options.dateOnly = true;
return this;
$.fn.time_field = function(options) {
options = $.extend({}, options);
options.timeOnly = true;
return this;
$.fn.datetime_field = function(options) {
options = $.extend({}, options);
this.each(function() {
var $field = $(this);
// if($field.hasClass('datetime_field_enabled')) { return; }
// $field.addClass('datetime_field_enabled');
if(!options.timeOnly) {
timePicker: (!options.dateOnly),
constrainInput: false,
dateFormat: 'M d, yy',
showOn: 'button',
buttonImage: '/images/datepicker.gif?1234',
buttonImageOnly: true
var $after = $(this);
if($field.next(".ui-datepicker-trigger").length > 0) { $after = $field.next(); }
var $div = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('datetime_suggest');
$div = $after.next();
$field.bind("change focus blur keyup", function() {
var val = $(this).val();
if(options.timeOnly && val && parseInt(val, 10) == val) {
if(val < 8) {
val += "pm";
} else {
val += "am";
var d = Date.parse((val || "").toString().replace(/ (at|by)/, ""));
var parse_error_message = I18n.t('errors.not_a_date', "That's not a date!");
var text = parse_error_message;
if(!$(this).val()) { text = ""; }
if(d) {
$(this).data('date', d);
if(!options.timeOnly && !options.dateOnly && (d.getHours() || d.getMinutes() || options.alwaysShowTime)) {
text = d.toString('ddd MMM d, yyyy h:mmtt');
$(this).data('time-hour', d.toString('h'))
.data('time-minute', d.toString('mm'))
.data('time-ampm', d.toString('tt').toLowerCase());
} else if(!options.timeOnly) {
text = d.toString('ddd MMM d, yyyy');
} else {
text = d.toString('h:mmtt').toLowerCase();
var $suggest = $(this).parent().children('.datetime_suggest');
if($suggest) {
$suggest.toggleClass('invalid_datetime', text == parse_error_message);
return this;
$.datetime = {};
$.datetime.shortFormat = "MMM d, yyyy";
$.datetime.defaultFormat = "MMM d, yyyy h:mmtt";
$.datetime.sortableFormat = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss";
$.datetime.clean = function(text) {
var date = Date.parse((text || "").toString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss").replace(/ (at|by)/, "")) || text;
var result = "";
if(date) {
if(date.getHours() || date.getMinutes()) {
result = date.toString($.datetime.defaultFormat);
} else {
result = date.toString($.datetime.shortFormat);
return result;
$.datetime.process = function(text) {
var date = text;
if(typeof(text) == "string") {
date = Date.parse((text || "").toString().replace(/ (at|by)/, ""));
var result = "";
if(date) {
result = date.toString($.datetime.sortableFormat);
return result;
/* Based loosely on:
jQuery ui.timepickr - 0.6.5
(c) Maxime Haineault <haineault@gmail.com>
MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */
$.fn.timepicker = function() {
var $picker = $("#time_picker");
if($picker.length === 0) {
$picker = $._initializeTimepicker();
this.each(function() {
$(this).focus(function() {
var offset = $(this).offset();
var height = $(this).outerHeight();
var width = $(this).outerWidth();
var $picker = $("#time_picker");
left: -1000,
height: 'auto',
width: 'auto'
var pickerOffset = $picker.offset();
var pickerHeight = $picker.outerHeight();
var pickerWidth = $picker.outerWidth();
top: offset.top + height,
left: offset.left
$("#time_picker .time_slot").removeClass('ui-state-highlight').removeClass('ui-state-active');
$picker.data('attached_to', $(this)[0]);
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
var scrollTop = $.windowScrollTop();
if((offset.top + height - scrollTop + pickerHeight) > windowHeight) {
top: offset.top - pickerHeight
if(offset.left + pickerWidth > windowWidth) {
left: offset.left + width - pickerWidth
}).blur(function() {
if($("#time_picker").data('attached_to') == $(this)[0]) {
$("#time_picker").data('attached_to', null);
}).keycodes("esc return", function(event) {
}).keycodes("ctrl+up ctrl+right ctrl+left ctrl+down", function(event) {
if($("#time_picker").data('attached_to') != $(this)[0]) {
var $current = $("#time_picker .time_slot.ui-state-highlight:first");
var time = $($("#time_picker").data('attached_to')).val();
var hr = 12;
var min = "00";
var ampm = "pm";
var idx;
if(time && time.length >= 7) {
hr = time.substring(0, 2);
min = time.substring(3, 5);
ampm = time.substring(5, 7);
if($current.length === 0) {
idx = parseInt(time, 10) - 1;
if(isNaN(idx)) { idx = 0; }
$("#time_picker .time_slot").eq(idx).triggerHandler('mouseover');
if(event.keyString == "ctrl+up") {
var $parent = $current.parent(".widget_group");
idx = $parent.children(".time_slot").index($current);
if($parent.hasClass('ampm_group')) {
idx = min / 15;
} else if($parent.hasClass('minute_group')) {
idx = parseInt(hr, 10) - 1;
} else if(event.keyString == "ctrl+right") {
} else if(event.keyString == "ctrl+left") {
} else if(event.keyString == "ctrl+down") {
$parent = $current.parent(".widget_group");
idx = $parent.children(".time_slot").index($current);
var $list = $parent.next(".widget_group").find(".time_slot");
idx = Math.min(idx, $list.length - 1);
if($parent.hasClass('hour_group')) {
idx = min / 15;
} else if($parent.hasClass('minute_group')) {
idx = (ampm == "am") ? 0 : 1;
return this;
$._initializeTimepicker = function() {
var $picker = $(document.createElement('div'));
$picker.attr('id', 'time_picker').css({
position: "absolute",
display: "none"
var pickerHtml = "<div class='widget_group hour_group'>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>01</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>02</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>03</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>04</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>05</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>06</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>07</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>08</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>09</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>10</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>11</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>12</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='clear'></div>";
pickerHtml += "</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='widget_group minute_group'>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>00</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>15</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>30</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>45</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='clear'></div>";
pickerHtml += "</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='widget_group ampm_group'>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>" + $.h(I18n.t('#time.am', "am")) + "</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='ui-widget ui-state-default time_slot'>" + $.h(I18n.t('#time.pm', "pm")) + "</div>";
pickerHtml += "<div class='clear'></div>";
pickerHtml += "</div>";
$picker.find(".time_slot").mouseover(function() {
var $field = $($picker.data('attached_to') || "none");
var time = $field.val();
var hr = 12;
var min = "00";
var ampm = "pm";
if(time && time.length >= 7) {
hr = time.substring(0, 2);
min = time.substring(3, 5);
ampm = time.substring(5, 7);
var val = $(this).text();
if(val > 0 && val <= 12) {
hr = val;
} else if(val == "am" || val == "pm") {
ampm = val;
} else {
min = val;
$field.val(hr + ":" + min + ampm);
}).mouseout(function() {
}).mousedown(function(event) {
}).mouseup(function() {
}).click(function(event) {
if($picker.data('attached_to')) {
$picker.stop().hide().data('attached_to', null);
return $picker;
// This is a patch that so that if you disable an element, that it also gives it the class disabled.
// that way you can add css classes for our friend IE6. so rather than using selector:disabled, you can do selector.disabled.
// I patch the $.attr method, not the $.fn.attr method because both $.fn.attr and $.fn.removeAttr use $.attr.
// which means that it will get run trough this both when you disable AND remove the 'disabled' attribute on an element.
$.attrBeforeHandlingDisabled = $.attr;
$.attr = function( elem, name, value, pass ){
if(typeof(name) === "string" && name.toLowerCase() === 'disabled' && value !== undefined) {
$(elem)[(value ? "add" : "remove") + "Class"]('disabled');
return $.attrBeforeHandlingDisabled.apply(this, arguments);
// this is a patch so you can set the "method" atribute on rails' REST-ful forms.
$.attrBeforeHandlingFormMethod = $.attr;
$.attr = function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
// if it's an html node and if we are trying to set the 'method' attribute
if ( elem && value && typeof(name) === "string" && name.toLowerCase() == 'method') {
var orginalVal = value;
value = value.toUpperCase() === 'GET' ? 'GET' : 'POST';
if ( value === 'POST' ) {
var $input = $(elem).find("input[name='_method']");
if ( !$input.length ) {
$input = $("<input type='hidden' name='_method'/>").prependTo(elem);
// can't do .apply because we need to pas the NEW 'value' that we set above, not the one in 'arguments'
return $.attrBeforeHandlingFormMethod.call( this, elem, name, value, pass );
$.fn.indicate = function(options) {
options = options || {};
var $indicator;
if(options == "remove") {
$indicator = this.data('indicator');
if($indicator) {
var offset = this.offset();
if(options && options.offset) {
offset = options.offset;
var width = this.width();
var height = this.height();
var zIndex = (options.container || this).zIndex();
$indicator = $(document.createElement('div'));
width: width + 6,
height: height + 6,
top: offset.top - 3,
left: offset.left - 3,
zIndex: zIndex + 1,
position: 'absolute',
display: 'block',
"-moz-border-radius": 5,
opacity: 0.8,
border: "2px solid #870",
backgroundColor: "#fd0"
$indicator.mouseover(function() {
$(this).stop().fadeOut('fast', function() {
if(this.data('indicator')) {
this.data('indicator', $indicator);
if(options && options.singleFlash) {
$indicator.hide().fadeIn().animate({opacity: 0.8}, 500).fadeOut('slow', function() {
} else {
$indicator.hide().fadeIn().animate({opacity: 0.8}, 500).fadeOut('slow').fadeIn('slow').animate({opacity: 0.8}, 2500).fadeOut('slow', function() {
if(options && options.scroll) {
$.keys = function(object){
var results = [];
for (var property in object)
return results;
$.fn.hasScrollbar = function(){
return this.length && (this[0].clientHeight < this[0].scrollHeight);
$.fn.log = function (msg) {
console.log("%s: %o", msg, this);
return this;
$.fn.chevronCrumbs = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
.append('<span class="chevron-outer"><span class="chevron-inner"></span></span>')
$.underscore = function(string) {
return (string || "").replace(/([A-Z])/g, "_$1").replace(/^_/, "").toLowerCase();
$.titleize = function(string) {
var res = (string || "").replace(/([A-Z])/g, " $1").replace(/_/g, " ").replace(/\s+/, " ").replace(/^\s/, "");
return $.map(res.split(/\s/), function(word) { return (word[0] || "").toUpperCase() + word.substring(1); }).join(" ");
$.pluralize = function(string) {
return (string || "") + "s";
$.pluralize_with_count = function(count, string) {
return "" + count + " " + (count == 1 ? string : $.pluralize(string));
$.parseUserAgentString = function(userAgent) {
userAgent = (userAgent || "").toLowerCase();
var data = {
version: (userAgent.match( /.+(?:me|ox|it|ra|ie|er)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [0,null])[1],
chrome: /chrome/.test( userAgent ),
safari: /webkit/.test( userAgent ),
opera: /opera/.test( userAgent ),
msie: /msie/.test( userAgent ) && !(/opera/.test( userAgent )),
firefox: /firefox/.test( userAgent),
mozilla: /mozilla/.test( userAgent ) && !(/(compatible|webkit)/.test( userAgent )),
speedgrader: /speedgrader/.test( userAgent )
var browser = null;
if(data.chrome) {
browser = "Chrome";
} else if(data.safari) {
browser = "Safari";
} else if(data.opera) {
browser = "Opera";
} else if(data.msie) {
browser = "Internet Explorer";
} else if(data.firefox) {
browser = "Firefox";
} else if(data.mozilla) {
browser = "Mozilla";
} else if(data.speedgrader) {
browser = "SpeedGrader for iPad";
if (!browser) {
browser = I18n.t('browsers.unrecognized', "Unrecognized Browser");
} else if(data.version) {
data.version = data.version.split(/\./).slice(0,2).join(".");
browser = browser + " " + data.version;
return browser;
$.fileSize = function(bytes) {
var factor = 1024;
if(bytes < factor) {
return parseInt(bytes, 10) + " bytes";
} else if(bytes < factor * factor) {
return parseInt(bytes / factor, 10) + "KB";
} else {
return (Math.round(10.0 * bytes / factor / factor) / 10.0) + "MB";
$.uniq = function(array) {
var result = [];
var hash = {};
for(var idx in array) {
if(!hash[array[idx]]) {
hash[array[idx]] = true;
return result;
$.getUserServices = function(service_types, success, error) {
if(!$.isArray(service_types)) { service_types = [service_types]; }
var url = "/services?service_types=" + service_types.join(",");
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'GET', {}, function(data) {
if(success) { success(data); }
}, function(data) {
if(error) { error(data); }
var lastLookup; //used to keep track of diigo requests
$.findLinkForService = function(service_type, callback) {
var $dialog = $("#instructure_bookmark_search");
if( !$dialog.length ) {
$dialog = $("<div id='instructure_bookmark_search'/>");
$dialog.append("<form id='bookmark_search_form' style='margin-bottom: 5px;'>" +
"<img src='/images/blank.png'/> " +
"<input type='text' class='query' style='width: 230px;'/>" +
"<button class='button search_button' type='submit'>" +
$.h(I18n.t('buttons.search', "Search")) + "</button></form>");
$dialog.append("<div class='results' style='max-height: 200px; overflow: auto;'/>");
$dialog.find("form").submit(function(event) {
var now = new Date();
if(service_type == 'diigo' && lastLookup && now - lastLookup < 15000) {
// let the user know we have to take things slow because of Diigo
setTimeout(function() {
}, 15000 - (now - lastLookup));
.append($.h(I18n.t('status.diigo_search_throttling', "Diigo limits users to one search every ten seconds. Please wait...")));
$dialog.find(".results").empty().append($.h(I18n.t('status.searching', "Searching...")));
lastLookup = new Date();
var query = $dialog.find(".query").val();
var url = $.replaceTags($dialog.data('reference_url'), 'query', query);
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'GET', {}, function(data) {
if( !data.length ) {
$dialog.find(".results").append($.h(I18n.t('no_results_found', "No Results Found")));
for(var idx in data) {
data[idx].short_title = data[idx].title;
if(data[idx].title == data[idx].description) {
data[idx].short_title = $.truncateText(data[idx].description, 30);
$("<div class='bookmark'/>")
.append($('<a class="bookmark_link" style="font-weight: bold;"/>').attr({
href: data[idx].url,
title: data[idx].title
.append($("<div style='margin: 5px 10px; font-size: 0.8em;'/>").text(data[idx].description || I18n.t('no_description', "No description")));
}, function() {
.append($.h(I18n.t('errors.search_failed', "Search failed, please try again.")));
$dialog.delegate('.bookmark_link', 'click', function(event) {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
var title = $(this).attr('title') || $(this).text();
url: url,
title: title
$dialog.find(".search_button").text(service_type == 'delicious' ? I18n.t('buttons.search_by_tag', "Search by Tag") : I18n.t('buttons.search', "Search"));
$dialog.find("form img").attr('src', '/images/' + service_type + '_small_icon.png');
var url = "/search/bookmarks?q=%7B%7B+query+%7D%7D&service_type=%7B%7B+service_type+%7D%7D";
url = $.replaceTags(url, 'service_type', service_type);
$dialog.data('reference_url', url);
autoOpen: false,
title: I18n.t('titles.bookmark_search', "Bookmark Search: %{service_name}", {service_name: $.titleize(service_type)}),
open: function() {
width: 400
$.findImageForService = function(service_type, callback) {
var $dialog = $("#instructure_image_search");
$dialog.find("button").attr('disabled', false);
if( !$dialog.length ) {
$dialog = $("<div id='instructure_image_search'/>")
.append("<form id='image_search_form' style='margin-bottom: 5px;'>" +
"<img src='/images/flickr_creative_commons_small_icon.png'/> " +
"<input type='text' class='query' style='width: 250px;' title='" +
$.h(I18n.t('tooltips.enter_search_terms', "enter search terms")) + "'/>" +
"<button class='button' type='submit'>" +
$.h(I18n.t('buttons.search', "Search")) + "</button></form>")
.append("<div class='results' style='max-height: 240px; overflow: auto;'/>");
$dialog.find("form .query").formSuggestion();
$dialog.find("form").submit(function(event) {
var now = new Date();
$dialog.find("button").attr('disabled', true);
$dialog.find(".results").empty().append(I18n.t('status.searching', "Searching..."));
$dialog.bind('search_results', function(event, data) {
$dialog.find("button").attr('disabled', false);
if(data && data.photos && data.photos.photo) {
for(var idx in data.photos.photo) {
var photo = data.photos.photo[idx],
image_url = "http://farm" + photo.farm + ".static.flickr.com/" + photo.server + "/" + photo.id + "_" + photo.secret + "_s.jpg",
big_image_url = "http://farm" + photo.farm + ".static.flickr.com/" + photo.server + "/" + photo.id + "_" + photo.secret + ".jpg",
source_url = "http://www.flickr.com/photos/" + photo.owner + "/" + photo.id;
$('<div class="image" style="float: left; padding: 2px; cursor: pointer;"/>')
.append($('<img/>', {
data: {
source: source_url,
big_image_url: big_image_url
'class': "image_link",
src: image_url,
title: "embed " + (photo.title || ""),
alt: photo.title || ""
} else {
$dialog.find(".results").empty().append($.h(I18n.t('errors.search_failed', "Search failed, please try again.")));
var query = encodeURIComponent($dialog.find(".query").val());
// this request will be handled by window.jsonFlickerApi()
$.getScript("http://www.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&format=json&api_key=734839aadcaa224c4e043eaf74391e50&per_page=25&license=1,2,3,4,5,6&sort=relevance&text=" + query);
$dialog.delegate('.image_link', 'click', function(event) {
image_url: $(this).data('big_image_url') || $(this).attr('src'),
link_url: $(this).data('source'),
title: $(this).attr('alt')
$dialog.find("form img").attr('src', '/images/' + service_type + '_small_icon.png');
var url = $("#editor_tabs .bookmark_search_url").attr('href');
url = $.replaceTags(url, 'service_type', service_type);
.data('reference_url', url)
autoOpen: false,
title: I18n.t('titles.image_search', "Image Search: %{service_name}", {service_name: $.titleize(service_type)}),
width: 440,
open: function() {
height: 320
$.truncateText = function(string, max) {
max = max || 30;
if ( !string ) {
return "";
} else {
var split = (string || "").split(/\s/),
result = "",
done = false;
for(var idx in split) {
var val = split[idx];
if ( done ) {
// do nothing
} else if( val && result.length < max) {
if(result.length > 0) {
result += " ";
result += val;
} else {
done = true;
result += "...";
return result;
function getTld(hostname){
hostname = (hostname || "").split(":")[0];
var parts = hostname.split("."),
length = parts.length;
return ( length > 1 ?
[ parts[length - 2] , parts[length - 1] ] :
var locationTld = getTld(window.location.hostname);
$.expr[':'].external = function(element){
var href = $(element).attr('href');
//if a browser doesnt support <a>.hostname then just dont mark anything as external, better to not get false positives.
return !!(href && href.length && !href.match(/^(mailto\:|javascript\:)/) && element.hostname && getTld(element.hostname) != locationTld);
INST.youTubeRegEx = /^https?:\/\/(www\.youtube\.com\/watch.*v(=|\/)|youtu\.be\/)([^&#]*)/;
$.youTubeID = function(path) {
var match = path.match(INST.youTubeRegEx);
if(match && match[match.length - 1]) {
return match[match.length - 1];
return null;
window.equella = {
ready: function(data) {
$(document).triggerHandler('equella_ready', data);
cancel: function() {
$(document).bind('equella_ready', function(event, data) {
$("#equella_dialog").triggerHandler('equella_ready', data);
}).bind('equella_cancel', function() {
var storage_user_id;
function getUser() {
if ( !storage_user_id ) {
storage_user_id = $.trim($("#identity .user_id").text());
return storage_user_id;
$.store.userGet = function(key) {
return $.store.get("_" + getUser() + "_" + key);
$.store.userSet = function(key, value) {
return $.store.set("_" + getUser() + "_" + key, value);
$.store.userRemove = function(key, value) {
return $.store.remove("_" + getUser() + "_" + key, value);
window.jsonFlickrApi = function(data) {
$("#instructure_image_search").triggerHandler('search_results', data);
// return query string parameter
// $.queryParam("name") => qs value or null
$.queryParam = function(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)");
var results = regex.exec(window.location.search);
if(results == null)
return results;
return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
// tells you how many keys are in an object,
// so: $.size({}) === 0 and $.size({foo: "bar"}) === 1
$.size = function(object) {
var keyCount = 0;
$.each(object,function(){ keyCount++; });
return keyCount;
$.capitalize = function(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1).toLowerCase();
// first element in array is if scribd can handle it, second is if google can.
var previewableMimeTypes = {
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.sun.xml.writer": [1, 1],
"application/excel": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet": [1, 1],
"text/rtf": [1, false],
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.sun.xml.impress": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.sun.xml.calc": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.ms-excel": [1, 1],
"application/msword": [1, 1],
"application/mspowerpoint": [1, 1],
"application/rtf": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow": [1, 1],
"text/plain": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document": [1, 1],
"application/postscript": [1, 1],
"application/pdf": [1, 1],
"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint": [1, 1]
$.filePreviewsEnabled = function(){
return !(INST.disableScribdPreviews && INST.disableGooglePreviews);
// check to see if a file of a certan mimeType is previewable inline in the browser by either scribd or googleDocs
// ex: $.isPreviewable("application/mspowerpoint") -> true
// $.isPreviewable("application/rtf", 'google') -> false
$.isPreviewable = function(mimeType, service){
return $.filePreviewsEnabled() && previewableMimeTypes[mimeType] && (
!service ||
(!INST['disable' + $.capitalize(service) + 'Previews'] && previewableMimeTypes[mimeType][{scribd: 0, google: 1}[service]])
$.fn.loadDocPreview = function(options) {
// if it is a scribd doc and flash is available
var flashVersion = swfobject.getFlashPlayerVersion(),
hasGoodEnoughFlash = flashVersion && flashVersion.major > 9;
return this.each(function(){
var $this = $(this),
opts = $.extend({
height: '400px'
}, $this.data(), options);
function tellAppIViewedThisInline(){
// if I have a url to ping back to the app that I viewed this file inline, ping it.
if (opts.attachment_view_inline_ping_url) {
$.ajaxJSON(opts.attachment_view_inline_ping_url, 'POST', {}, function() { }, function() { });
// if doc is scribdable, and the browser can show it.
if (!INST.disableScribdPreviews && opts.scribd_doc_id && opts.scribd_access_key && hasGoodEnoughFlash && scribd) {
var scribdDoc = scribd.Document.getDoc( opts.scribd_doc_id, opts.scribd_access_key ),
id = $this.attr('id'),
// see http://www.scribd.com/developers/api?method_name=Javascript+API for an explaination of these options
scribdParams = $.extend({
'jsapi_version': 1,
'disable_related_docs': true, //Disables the related documents tab in List Mode.
'auto_size' : false, //When false, this parameter forces Scribd Reader to use the provided width and height rather than using a width multiplier of 85/110.
'height' : opts.height,
'use_ssl' : 'https:' == document.location.protocol
}, opts.scribdParams);
if (!id) {
id = $.uniqueId("scribd_preview_");
$this.attr('id', id);
$.each(scribdParams, function(key, value){
scribdDoc.addParam(key, value);
if ($.isFunction(opts.ready)) {
scribdDoc.addEventListener('iPaperReady', opts.ready);
scribdDoc.write( id );
} else if (!INST.disableGooglePreviews && (!opts.mimeType || $.isPreviewable(opts.mimeType, 'google')) && opts.attachment_id || opts.public_url){
// else if it's something google docs preview can handle and we can get a public url to this document.
function loadGooglePreview(){
// this handles both ssl and plain http.
var googleDocPreviewUrl = '//docs.google.com/viewer?' + $.param({
embedded: true,
url: opts.public_url
$('<iframe src="' + googleDocPreviewUrl + '" height="' + opts.height + '" width="100%" />')
if ($.isFunction(opts.ready)) {
if (opts.public_url) {
} else if (opts.attachment_id) {
var url = '/files/'+opts.attachment_id+'/public_url.json';
if (opts.submission_id) {
url += '?' + $.param({ submission_id: opts.submission_id });
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'GET', {}, function(data){
if (data && data.public_url) {
$.extend(opts, data);
} else {
// else fall back with a message that the document can't be viewed inline
$this.html('<p>' + $.h(I18n.t('errors.cannot_view_document_inline', 'This document cannot be viewed inline, you might not have permission to view it or it might have been deleted.')) + '</p>');
// this is used if you want to fill the browser window with something inside #content but you want to also leave the footer and header on the page.
$.fn.fillWindowWithMe = function(options){
var opts = $.extend({minHeight: 400}, options),
$this = $(this),
$wrapper_container = $('#wrapper-container'),
$main = $('#main'),
$not_right_side = $('#not_right_side'),
$window = $(window),
$toResize = $(this).add(opts.alsoResize);
function fillWindowWithThisElement(){
var spaceLeftForThis = $window.height()
- ($wrapper_container.offset().top + $wrapper_container.height())
+ ($main.height() - $not_right_side.height()),
newHeight = Math.max(400, spaceLeftForThis);
if ($.isFunction(opts.onResize)) {
opts.onResize.call($this, newHeight);
.bind('resize.fillWindowWithMe', fillWindowWithThisElement);
return this;
$.regexEscape = function(string) {
return string.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");