
172 lines
4.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
* Copyright (C) 2022 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
// yarn-validate-workspace-deps.js: ensure that any explicit dependency on a
// local workspace package is specified using the free-range specifier "*" so
// that yarn cannot be tricked into retrieving the package from a remote
// registry in case the package's local version can no longer satisfy the
// requested one
// yarn --silent workspaces info --json |
// node script/yarn-validate-workspace-deps.js
// consider the following case:
// // file: package.json
// {
// "name": "canvas-lms",
// "workspaces": {
// "packages": [ "packages/*" ]
// },
// "dependencies": {
// "get-cookie": "^1"
// }
// }
// // file: packages/get-cookie/package.json
// {
// "name": "get-cookie",
// "version": "2.0"
// }
// since "get-cookie" got bumped up to 2 but consumer package.json is still
// requesting ^1, yarn will attempt to retrieve get-cookie@^1 from the remote
// registry, and we don't necessarily own that, which is a potential attack
// vector
// instead, we can guarantee that yarn will use whatever version the workspace
// package is providing by using a free specifier like "*"
// see SEC-4437
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const glob = require('glob')
const root = path.resolve(__dirname, '..')
async function main() {
const workspaces = await parseWorkspacesFromStdin()
let errors = []
for (const pkgfile of scanPkgfiles(require.resolve('../package.json'))) {
errors = errors.concat( validate({ pkgfile, workspaces, errors }) )
if (errors.length) {
process.exitCode = 1
console.log('dependencies listed below must have a specifier of "*"')
for (const error of errors) {
console.log("%s:%s", path.relative(root, error.pkgfile), error.dep)
function scanPkgfiles(rootpkgfile) {
let pkgfiles = [ rootpkgfile ]
for (const pattern of require(rootpkgfile).workspaces.packages || []) {
pkgfiles = pkgfiles.concat(
glob.sync(`${pattern}/package.json`, {
cwd: path.dirname(rootpkgfile),
absolute: true
return pkgfiles
function validate({ pkgfile, workspaces }) {
const { dependencies = {} } = require(pkgfile)
const errors = []
let depcount = 0
for (const [dep, version] of Object.entries(dependencies)) {
if (dep in workspaces) {
depcount += 1
if (version !== '*') {
errors.push({ pkgfile, dep })
if (depcount > 0) {
console.error('found %d workspace package dependencies and %d errors -- "%s"',
path.relative(root, pkgfile),
else {
console.error('found no workspace package dependencies -- "%s"',
path.relative(root, pkgfile)
return errors
async function read(stream) {
const chunks = []
for await (const chunk of stream) {
return Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8')
async function parseWorkspacesFromStdin() {
const buffer = await read(process.stdin)
const parsed = JSON.parse(buffer)
// yarn 1.19.1, which is what jenkins is on, has a different output structure
// that looks like this:
// {
// "type": "log",
// "data": "{\"json\":\"blob\"}"
// }
// while yarn 1.22.1 directly emits the data with no metadata:
// {
// "json": "blob"
// }
if (parsed.type === 'log' && parsed.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
return JSON.parse(
else {
return parsed