
47 lines
1.6 KiB

// This loader knows how to build a glue module that requires both the original
// unextended file from canvas, and any extensions from plugins, and builds
// a chain of calls to apply the extensions. This is a replacement for any
// place in the app the original file is required.
var extractFileName = function(remainingRequest){
var loaderedPieces = remainingRequest.split("!");
var unloaderedRequest = loaderedPieces[loaderedPieces.length - 1];
return unloaderedRequest.replace(/^.*\/app\/coffeescripts\//, "");
module.exports = function(source){
throw "Should not ever make it to the actual extensions "+
"loader because the pitching function does the work";
module.exports.pitch = function(remainingRequest, precedingRequest, data) {
var fileName = extractFileName(remainingRequest);
var plugins = this.query.replace("?", "").split(",");
var originalRequire = "unextended!coffeescripts/" + fileName;
var pluginPaths = [originalRequire];
var pluginArgs = [];
plugins.forEach(function(plugin, i){
var pluginExtension = "" + plugin + "/app/coffeescripts/extensions/" + fileName;
var pluginChain = "orig"
var i = pluginArgs.length -1;
while(i >= 0){
var pluginCall = pluginArgs[i];
pluginChain = "" + pluginCall + "(" + pluginChain + ")";
i = i-1;
var extendedJavascript = ""+
"define(" + JSON.stringify(pluginPaths) + ",function(orig, " + pluginArgs.join(",") + "){\n" +
" return " + pluginChain + ";\n" +
return extendedJavascript;