closes LF-679
test plan:
- Have an assignment with different types of overrides
- in a rails console, set the unassign_item column of an
override to true
- run EffectiveDueDates.for_course(course, assignment).to_hash
- the student with the unassigned override should not show up
- try this with different types of overrides and ensure
precedence is upheld
- for example, if a student has both an ADHOC override and an
unassigned section override, the student should still be assigned
Change-Id: I141d9ad06ee567d4c74ce701ad0b248d4725ea5d
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Robin Kuss <>
Reviewed-by: Jackson Howe <>
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
Product-Review: Sarah Gerard <>