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# Copyright (C) 2017 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# @API Planner override
# API for creating, accessing and updating planner override. PlannerOverrides are used
# to control the visibility of objects displayed on the Planner.
# @model PlannerOverride
# {
# "id": "PlannerOverride",
# "description": "User-controlled setting for whether an item should be displayed on the planner or not",
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "The ID of the planner override",
# "example": 234,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "plannable_type": {
# "description": "The type of the associated object for the planner override",
# "example": "Assignment",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "plannable_id": {
# "description": "The id of the associated object for the planner override",
# "example": 1578941,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "user_id": {
# "description": "The id of the associated user for the planner override",
# "example": 1578941,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "workflow_state": {
# "description": "The current published state of the item, synced with the associated object",
# "example": "published",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "marked_complete": {
# "description": "Controls whether or not the associated plannable item is marked complete on the planner",
# "example": false,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "dismissed": {
# "description": "Controls whether or not the associated plannable item shows up in the opportunities list",
# "example": false,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "created_at": {
# "description": "The datetime of when the planner override was created",
# "example": "2017-05-09T10:12:00Z",
# "type": "datetime"
# },
# "updated_at": {
# "description": "The datetime of when the planner override was updated",
# "example": "2017-05-09T10:12:00Z",
# "type": "datetime"
# },
# "deleted_at": {
# "description": "The datetime of when the planner override was deleted, if applicable",
# "example": "2017-05-15T12:12:00Z",
# "type": "datetime"
# }
# }
# }
class PlannerOverridesController < ApplicationController
include Api::V1::PlannerItem
include Api::V1::PlannerOverride
include PlannerHelper
before_action :require_user
before_action :set_date_range
before_action :set_params, only: [:items_index]
attr_reader :start_date, :end_date, :page, :per_page,
:include_concluded, :only_favorites
# @API List planner items
# Retrieve the paginated list of objects to be shown on the planner for the
# current user with the associated planner override to override an item's
# visibility if set.
# @argument start_date [Date]
# Only return items starting from the given date.
# The value should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd or ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
# @argument end_date [Date]
# Only return items up to the given date.
# The value should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd or ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
# @argument filter [String, "new_activity"]
# Only return items that have new or unread activity
# @example_response
# [
# {
# "context_type": "Course",
# "course_id": 1,
# "visible_in_planner": true, // Whether or not it is displayed on the student planner
# "planner_override": { ... planner override object ... }, // Associated PlannerOverride object if user has toggled visibility for the object on the planner
# "submissions": false, // The statuses of the user's submissions for this object
# "plannable_id": "123",
# "plannable_type": "discussion_topic",
# "plannable": { ... discussion topic object },
# "html_url": "/courses/1/discussion_topics/8"
# },
# {
# "context_type": "Course",
# "course_id": 1,
# "visible_in_planner": true,
# "planner_override": {
# "id": 3,
# "plannable_type": "Assignment",
# "plannable_id": 1,
# "user_id": 2,
# "workflow_state": "active",
# "marked_complete": true, // A user-defined setting for marking items complete in the planner
# "dismissed": false, // A user-defined setting for hiding items from the opportunities list
# "deleted_at": null,
# "created_at": "2017-05-18T18:35:55Z",
# "updated_at": "2017-05-18T18:35:55Z"
# },
# "submissions": { // The status as it pertains to the current user
# "excused": false,
# "graded": false,
# "late": false,
# "missing": true,
# "needs_grading": false,
# "with_feedback": false
# },
# "plannable_id": "456",
# "plannable_type": "assignment",
# "plannable": { ... assignment object ... },
# "html_url": "http://canvas.instructure.com/courses/1/assignments/1#submit"
# },
# {
# "visible_in_planner": true,
# "planner_override": null,
# "submissions": false, // false if no associated assignment exists for the plannable item
# "plannable_id": "789",
# "plannable_type": "planner_note",
# "plannable": {
# "id": 1,
# "todo_date": "2017-05-30T06:00:00Z",
# "title": "hello",
# "details": "world",
# "user_id": 2,
# "course_id": null,
# "workflow_state": "active",
# "created_at": "2017-05-30T16:29:04Z",
# "updated_at": "2017-05-30T16:29:15Z"
# },
# "html_url": "http://canvas.instructure.com/api/v1/planner_notes.1"
# }
# ]
def items_index
ensure_valid_planner_params or return
items_json = Rails.cache.fetch(['planner_items', @current_user, page, params[:filter], default_opts].cache_key, expires_in: 120.minutes) do
items = params[:filter] == 'new_activity' ? unread_items : planner_items
items = Api.paginate(items, self, api_v1_planner_items_url)
planner_items_json(items, @current_user, session, {start_at: start_date, due_after: start_date, due_before: end_date})
render json: items_json
# @API List planner overrides
# Retrieve a planner override for the current user
# @returns [PlannerOverride]
def index
planner_overrides = Api.paginate(PlannerOverride.for_user(@current_user).active, self, api_v1_planner_overrides_url)
render :json => planner_overrides.map { |po| planner_override_json(po, @current_user, session) }
# @API Show a planner override
# Retrieve a planner override for the current user
# @returns PlannerOverride
def show
planner_override = PlannerOverride.find_by_id(params[:id])
if planner_override.present?
render json: planner_override_json(planner_override, @current_user, session)
render json: { message: "No object of type #{plannable_override.class} with that ID" }, status: :not_found
# @API Update a planner override
# Update a planner override's visibilty for the current user
# @argument marked_complete
# determines whether the planner item is marked as completed
# @argument dismissed
# determines whether the planner item shows in the opportunities list
# @returns PlannerOverride
def update
planner_override = PlannerOverride.find(params[:id])
planner_override.marked_complete = value_to_boolean(params[:marked_complete])
planner_override.dismissed = value_to_boolean(params[:dismissed])
if planner_override.save
render json: planner_override_json(planner_override, @current_user, session), status: :ok
render json: planner_override.errors, status: :bad_request
# @API Create a planner override
# Create a planner override for the current user
# @argument plannable_type [String, "announcement"|"assignment"|"discussion_topic"|"quiz"|"wiki_page"|"planner_note"]
# Type of the item that you are overriding in the planner
# @argument plannable_id [Integer]
# ID of the item that you are overriding in the planner
# @argument marked_complete [Boolean]
# If this is true, the item will show in the planner as completed
# @argument dismissed [Boolean]
# If this is true, the item will not show in the opportunities list
# @returns PlannerOverride
def create
plannable_type = PLANNABLE_TYPES[params[:plannable_type]]
plannable = plannable_type.constantize.find_by_id(params[:plannable_id])
unless plannable
return render json: { message: "No object of type #{plannable_type} with that ID" }, status: :not_found
planner_override = PlannerOverride.new(plannable_type: plannable_type,
plannable_id: params[:plannable_id], marked_complete: value_to_boolean(params[:marked_complete]),
user: @current_user, dismissed: value_to_boolean(params[:dismissed]))
if planner_override.save
render json: planner_override_json(planner_override, @current_user, session), status: :created
render json: planner_override.errors, status: :bad_request
# @API Delete a planner override
# Delete a planner override for the current user
# @returns PlannerOverride
def destroy
planner_override = PlannerOverride.find(params[:id])
if planner_override.destroy
render json: planner_override_json(planner_override, @current_user, session), status: :ok
render json: planner_override.errors, status: :bad_request
def planner_items
collections = [*assignment_collections,
def unread_items
collections = [unread_discussion_topic_collection,
def assignment_collections
# TODO: For Teacher Planner, we'll need to optimize & add
# the below `grading` and `moderation` collections. Disabled
# for now to better optimize the Student Planner.
# grading = @current_user.assignments_needing_grading(default_opts) if @domain_root_account.grants_right?(@current_user, :manage_grades)
# moderation = @current_user.assignments_needing_moderation(default_opts)
submitting = @current_user.assignments_needing_submitting(default_opts).
preload(:quiz, :discussion_topic)
ungraded_quiz = @current_user.ungraded_quizzes(default_opts)
submitted = @current_user.submitted_assignments(default_opts).preload(:quiz, :discussion_topic)
scopes = {submitted: submitted, ungraded_quiz: ungraded_quiz,
submitting: submitting}
# TODO: Add when ready (see above comment)
# scopes[:grading] = grading if grading
# scopes[:moderation] = moderation if moderation
collections = []
scopes.each do |scope_name, scope|
next unless scope
base_model = scope_name == :ungraded_quiz ? Quizzes::Quiz : Assignment
collections << item_collection(scope_name.to_s, scope, base_model, [:due_at, :created_at], :id)
def unread_discussion_topic_collection
@current_user.discussion_topics_needing_viewing(scope_only: true, include_ignored: true,
due_before: end_date, due_after: start_date).
DiscussionTopic, [:todo_date, :posted_at, :delayed_post_at, :last_reply_at, :created_at], :id)
def unread_submission_collection
course_ids = @current_user.enrollments.shard(Shard.current).where(:type => %w{StudentEnrollment StudentViewEnrollment}).current.active_by_date.distinct.pluck(:course_id)
Assignment.active.where(:context_type => "Course", :context_id => course_ids).
where("assignments.muted IS NULL OR NOT assignments.muted").
joins(:submissions => :content_participations). # we can assume content participations because they're automatically created when comments are made - see SubmissionComment#update_participation
where(:submissions => {:user_id => @current_user}).
where(:content_participations => {:user_id => @current_user, :workflow_state => 'unread'}).
due_between_with_overrides(start_date, end_date),
Assignment, [:due_at, :created_at], :id)
def planner_note_collection
PlannerNote.active.where(user: @current_user, todo_date: @start_date...@end_date).
where("course_id IS NULL OR course_id IN (?)", @current_user.course_ids_for_todo_lists(:student, default_opts)),
PlannerNote, [:todo_date, :created_at], :id)
def page_collection
item_collection('pages', @current_user.wiki_pages_needing_viewing(default_opts),
WikiPage, [:todo_date, :created_at], :id)
def ungraded_discussion_collection
item_collection('ungraded_discussions', @current_user.discussion_topics_needing_viewing(default_opts),
DiscussionTopic, [:todo_date, :posted_at, :created_at], :id)
def item_collection(label, scope, base_model, *order_by)
descending = params[:order] == 'desc'
bookmarker = Plannable::Bookmarker.new(base_model, descending, *order_by)
[label, BookmarkedCollection.wrap(bookmarker, scope)]
def set_date_range
@start_date, @end_date = if [params[:start_date], params[:end_date]].all?(&:blank?)
[params[:start_date], params[:end_date]]
# Since a range is needed, set values that weren't passed to a date
# in the far past/future as to get all values before or after whichever
# date was passed
@start_date = formatted_planner_date('start_date', @start_date, 10.years.ago)
@end_date = formatted_planner_date('end_date', @end_date, 10.years.from_now)
def set_params
includes = Array.wrap(params[:include]) & %w{concluded only_favorites}
@per_page = params[:per_page] || 50
@page = params[:page] || 'first'
@include_concluded = includes.include? 'concluded'
@only_favorites = includes.include? 'only_favorites'
def require_user
render_unauthorized_action if !@current_user || !@domain_root_account.feature_enabled?(:student_planner)
def default_opts
include_ignored: true,
include_ungraded: true,
include_concluded: include_concluded,
only_favorites: only_favorites,
include_locked: true,
due_before: end_date,
due_after: start_date,
scope_only: true,
limit: per_page.to_i + 1, # needs a + 1 because otherwise folio might think there aren't any more objects