715 lines
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715 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2012 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# @API Outcome Groups
# API for accessing learning outcome group information.
# Learning outcome groups organize outcomes within a context (or in the global
# "context" for global outcomes). Every outcome is created in a particular
# context (that context then becomes its "owning context") but may be linked
# multiple times in one or more related contexts. This allows different
# accounts or courses to organize commonly defined outcomes in ways appropriate
# to their pedagogy, including having the same outcome discoverable at
# different locations in the organizational hierarchy.
# While an outcome can be linked into a context (such as a course) multiple
# times, it may only be linked into a particular group once.
# @model OutcomeGroup
# {
# "id": "OutcomeGroup",
# "description": "",
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "the ID of the outcome group",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "url": {
# "description": "the URL for fetching/updating the outcome group. should be treated as opaque",
# "example": "/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "parent_outcome_group": {
# "description": "an abbreviated OutcomeGroup object representing the parent group of this outcome group, if any. omitted in the abbreviated form.",
# "$ref": "OutcomeGroup"
# },
# "context_id": {
# "description": "the context owning the outcome group. may be null for global outcome groups. omitted in the abbreviated form.",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "context_type": {
# "example": "Account",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "title": {
# "description": "title of the outcome group",
# "example": "Outcome group title",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "description": {
# "description": "description of the outcome group. omitted in the abbreviated form.",
# "example": "Outcome group description",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "vendor_guid": {
# "description": "A custom GUID for the learning standard.",
# "example": "customid9000",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "subgroups_url": {
# "description": "the URL for listing/creating subgroups under the outcome group. should be treated as opaque",
# "example": "/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/subgroups",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "outcomes_url": {
# "description": "the URL for listing/creating outcome links under the outcome group. should be treated as opaque",
# "example": "/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/outcomes",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "import_url": {
# "description": "the URL for importing another group into this outcome group. should be treated as opaque. omitted in the abbreviated form.",
# "example": "/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/import",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "can_edit": {
# "description": "whether the current user can update the outcome group",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# }
# }
# }
# @model OutcomeLink
# {
# "id": "OutcomeLink",
# "description": "",
# "properties": {
# "url": {
# "description": "the URL for fetching/updating the outcome link. should be treated as opaque",
# "example": "/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/outcomes/1",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "context_id": {
# "description": "the context owning the outcome link. will match the context owning the outcome group containing the outcome link; included for convenience. may be null for links in global outcome groups.",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "context_type": {
# "example": "Account",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "outcome_group": {
# "description": "an abbreviated OutcomeGroup object representing the group containing the outcome link.",
# "$ref": "OutcomeGroup"
# },
# "outcome": {
# "description": "an abbreviated Outcome object representing the outcome linked into the containing outcome group.",
# "$ref": "Outcome"
# },
# "assessed": {
# "description": "whether this outcome has been used to assess a student in the context of this outcome link. In other words, this will be set to true if the context is a course, and a student has been assessed with this outcome in that course.",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "can_unlink": {
# "description": "whether this outcome link is manageable and is not the last link to an aligned outcome",
# "type": "boolean"
# }
# }
# }
class OutcomeGroupsApiController < ApplicationController
include Api::V1::Outcome
before_action :require_user
before_action :get_context
before_action :require_context, :only => [:link_index]
# @API Redirect to root outcome group for context
# Convenience redirect to find the root outcome group for a particular
# context. Will redirect to the appropriate outcome group's URL.
def redirect
return unless can_read_outcomes
@outcome_group = @context ?
@context.root_outcome_group :
redirect_to polymorphic_path [:api_v1, @context || :global, :outcome_group], :id => @outcome_group.id
# @API Get all outcome groups for context
# @beta
# @returns [OutcomeGroup]
def index
return unless can_read_outcomes
url = polymorphic_url [:api_v1, @context || :global, :outcome_groups]
groups = Api.paginate(context_outcome_groups, self, url)
render json: groups.map { |group| outcome_group_json(group, @current_user, session) }
# @API Get all outcome links for context
# @beta
# @argument outcome_style [Optional, String]
# The detail level of the outcomes. Defaults to "abbrev".
# Specify "full" for more information.
# @argument outcome_group_style [Optional, String]
# The detail level of the outcome groups. Defaults to "abbrev".
# Specify "full" for more information.
# @returns [OutcomeLink]
def link_index
return unless can_read_outcomes
url = polymorphic_url [:api_v1, @context, :outcome_group_links]
links = @context.learning_outcome_links.preload(:learning_outcome_content).order(:id)
links = Api.paginate(links, self, url)
outcome_params = params.slice(:outcome_style, :outcome_group_style)
unless params["outcome_style"] == "abbrev"
outcome_ids = links.map(&:content_id)
ret = LearningOutcomeResult.distinct.where(learning_outcome_id: outcome_ids).pluck(:learning_outcome_id)
# ret is now a list of outcomes that have been assessed
outcome_params[:assessed_outcomes] = ret
render json: outcome_links_json(links, @current_user, session, outcome_params)
# @API Show an outcome group
# @returns OutcomeGroup
def show
return unless can_read_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
render :json => outcome_group_json(@outcome_group, @current_user, session)
# @API Update an outcome group
# Modify an existing outcome group. Fields not provided are left as is;
# unrecognized fields are ignored.
# When changing the parent outcome group, the new parent group must belong to
# the same context as this outcome group, and must not be a descendant of
# this outcome group (i.e. no cycles allowed).
# @argument title [String]
# The new outcome group title.
# @argument description [String]
# The new outcome group description.
# @argument vendor_guid [String]
# A custom GUID for the learning standard.
# @argument parent_outcome_group_id [Integer]
# The id of the new parent outcome group.
# @returns OutcomeGroup
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/2.json' \
# -X PUT \
# -F 'title=Outcome Group Title' \
# -F 'description=Outcome group description' \
# -F 'vendor_guid=customid9000' \
# -F 'parent_outcome_group_id=1' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/2.json' \
# -X PUT \
# --data-binary '{
# "title": "Outcome Group Title",
# "description": "Outcome group description",
# "vendor_guid": "customid9000",
# "parent_outcome_group_id": 1
# }' \
# -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def update
return unless can_manage_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
if @outcome_group.learning_outcome_group_id.nil?
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
@outcome_group.update_attributes(params.permit(:title, :description, :vendor_guid))
if params[:parent_outcome_group_id] && params[:parent_outcome_group_id] != @outcome_group.learning_outcome_group_id
new_parent = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:parent_outcome_group_id])
unless new_parent.adopt_outcome_group(@outcome_group)
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
if @outcome_group.save
render :json => outcome_group_json(@outcome_group, @current_user, session)
render :json => @outcome_group.errors, :status => :bad_request
# @API Delete an outcome group
# Deleting an outcome group deletes descendant outcome groups and outcome
# links. The linked outcomes themselves are only deleted if all links to the
# outcome were deleted.
# Aligned outcomes cannot be deleted; as such, if all remaining links to an
# aligned outcome are included in this group's descendants, the group
# deletion will fail.
# @returns OutcomeGroup
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/2.json' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def destroy
return unless can_manage_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
if @outcome_group.learning_outcome_group_id.nil?
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
@outcome_group.skip_tag_touch = true
render :json => outcome_group_json(@outcome_group, @current_user, session)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# @API List linked outcomes
# A paginated list of the immediate OutcomeLink children of the outcome group.
# @argument outcome_style [Optional, String]
# The detail level of the outcomes. Defaults to "abbrev".
# Specify "full" for more information.
# @returns [OutcomeLink]
def outcomes
return unless can_read_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
# get and paginate links from group
link_scope = @outcome_group.child_outcome_links.active.order_by_outcome_title
url = polymorphic_url [:api_v1, @context || :global, :outcome_group_outcomes], :id => @outcome_group.id
@links = Api.paginate(link_scope, self, url)
# pre-populate the links' groups and contexts to prevent
# extraneous loads
@links.each do |link|
link.associated_asset = @outcome_group
link.context = @outcome_group.context
outcome_params = params.slice(:outcome_style)
# preload the links' outcomes' contexts.
ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader.new.preload(@links, :learning_outcome_content => :context)
# render to json and serve
render :json => outcome_links_json(@links, @current_user, session, outcome_params)
# Intentionally undocumented in the API. Used by the UI to show a list of
# accounts' root outcome groups for the account(s) above the context.
def account_chain
return unless authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_outcomes)
account_chain =
if @context.is_a?(Account)
@context.account_chain - [@context]
account_chain.map! {|a| {
:id => a.root_outcome_group.id,
:title => a.name,
:description => t('account_group_description', 'Account level outcomes group.'),
:dontImport => true,
:url => polymorphic_path([:api_v1, a, :outcome_group], :id => a.root_outcome_group.id),
:subgroups_url => polymorphic_path([:api_v1, a, :outcome_group_subgroups], :id => a.root_outcome_group.id),
:outcomes_url => polymorphic_path([:api_v1, a, :outcome_group_outcomes], :id => a.root_outcome_group.id)
} }
path = polymorphic_path [:api_v1, @context, :account_chain]
account_chain = Api.paginate(account_chain, self, path)
render :json => account_chain
# @API Create/link an outcome
# Link an outcome into the outcome group. The outcome to link can either be
# specified by a PUT to the link URL for a specific outcome (the outcome_id
# in the PUT URLs) or by supplying the information for a new outcome (title,
# description, ratings, mastery_points) in a POST to the collection.
# If linking an existing outcome, the outcome_id must identify an outcome
# available to this context; i.e. an outcome owned by this group's context,
# an outcome owned by an associated account, or a global outcome. With
# outcome_id present, any other parameters are ignored.
# If defining a new outcome, the outcome is created in the outcome group's
# context using the provided title, description, ratings, and mastery points;
# the title is required but all other fields are optional. The new outcome
# is then linked into the outcome group.
# If ratings are provided when creating a new outcome, an embedded rubric
# criterion is included in the new outcome. This criterion's mastery_points
# default to the maximum points in the highest rating if not specified in the
# mastery_points parameter. Any ratings lacking a description are given a
# default of "No description". Any ratings lacking a point value are given a
# default of 0. If no ratings are provided, the mastery_points parameter is
# ignored.
# @argument outcome_id [Integer]
# The ID of the existing outcome to link.
# @argument title [String]
# The title of the new outcome. Required if outcome_id is absent.
# @argument display_name [String]
# A friendly name shown in reports for outcomes with cryptic titles,
# such as common core standards names.
# @argument description [String]
# The description of the new outcome.
# @argument vendor_guid [String]
# A custom GUID for the learning standard.
# @argument mastery_points [Integer]
# The mastery threshold for the embedded rubric criterion.
# @argument ratings[][description] [String]
# The description of a rating level for the embedded rubric criterion.
# @argument ratings[][points] [Integer]
# The points corresponding to a rating level for the embedded rubric criterion.
# @argument calculation_method [String, "decaying_average"|"n_mastery"|"latest"|"highest"]
# The new calculation method. Defaults to "highest"
# @argument calculation_int [Integer]
# The new calculation int. Only applies if the calculation_method is "decaying_average" or "n_mastery"
# @returns OutcomeLink
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/outcomes/1.json' \
# -X PUT \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/outcomes.json' \
# -X POST \
# -F 'title=Outcome Title' \
# -F 'display_name=Title for reporting' \
# -F 'description=Outcome description' \
# -F 'vendor_guid=customid9000' \
# -F 'mastery_points=3' \
# -F 'calculation_method=decaying_average' \
# -F 'calculation_int=75' \
# -F 'ratings[][description]=Exceeds Expectations' \
# -F 'ratings[][points]=5' \
# -F 'ratings[][description]=Meets Expectations' \
# -F 'ratings[][points]=3' \
# -F 'ratings[][description]=Does Not Meet Expectations' \
# -F 'ratings[][points]=0' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/outcomes.json' \
# -X POST \
# --data-binary '{
# "title": "Outcome Title",
# "display_name": "Title for reporting",
# "description": "Outcome description",
# "vendor_guid": "customid9000",
# "mastery_points": 3,
# "ratings": [
# { "description": "Exceeds Expectations", "points": 5 },
# { "description": "Meets Expectations", "points": 3 },
# { "description": "Does Not Meet Expectations", "points": 0 }
# ]
# }' \
# -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def link
return unless can_manage_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
if params[:outcome_id]
@outcome = context_available_outcome(params[:outcome_id])
unless @outcome
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
outcome_params = params.permit(:title, :description, :mastery_points, :vendor_guid,
:display_name, :calculation_method, :calculation_int, :ratings => strong_anything)
@outcome = context_create_outcome(outcome_params)
unless @outcome.valid?
render :json => @outcome.errors, :status => :bad_request
@outcome_link = @outcome_group.add_outcome(@outcome)
render :json => outcome_link_json(@outcome_link, @current_user, session)
# @API Unlink an outcome
# Unlinking an outcome only deletes the outcome itself if this was the last
# link to the outcome in any group in any context. Aligned outcomes cannot be
# deleted; as such, if this is the last link to an aligned outcome, the
# unlinking will fail.
# @returns OutcomeLink
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/outcomes/1.json' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def unlink
return unless can_manage_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
@outcome_link = @outcome_group.child_outcome_links.active.where(content_id: params[:outcome_id]).first
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless @outcome_link
render :json => outcome_link_json(@outcome_link, @current_user, session)
rescue ContentTag::LastLinkToOutcomeNotDestroyed => error
render :json => { 'message' => error.message }, :status => :bad_request
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# @API List subgroups
# A paginated list of the immediate OutcomeGroup children of the outcome group.
# @returns [OutcomeGroup]
def subgroups
return unless can_read_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
# get and paginate subgroups from group
subgroup_scope = @outcome_group.child_outcome_groups.active.order_by_title
url = polymorphic_url [:api_v1, @context || :global, :outcome_group_subgroups], :id => @outcome_group.id
@subgroups = Api.paginate(subgroup_scope, self, url)
# pre-populate the subgroups' parent groups to prevent extraneous
# loads
@subgroups.each{ |group| group.context = @outcome_group.context }
# render to json and serve
render :json => @subgroups.map{ |group| outcome_group_json(group, @current_user, session, :abbrev) }
# @API Create a subgroup
# Creates a new empty subgroup under the outcome group with the given title
# and description.
# @argument title [Required, String]
# The title of the new outcome group.
# @argument description [String]
# The description of the new outcome group.
# @argument vendor_guid [String]
# A custom GUID for the learning standard
# @returns OutcomeGroup
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/subgroups.json' \
# -X POST \
# -F 'title=Outcome Group Title' \
# -F 'description=Outcome group description' \
# -F 'vendor_guid=customid9000' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/1/outcome_groups/1/subgroups.json' \
# -X POST \
# --data-binary '{
# "title": "Outcome Group Title",
# "description": "Outcome group description",
# "vendor_guid": "customid9000"
# }' \
# -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def create
return unless can_manage_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
@child_outcome_group = @outcome_group.child_outcome_groups.build(params.permit(:title, :description, :vendor_guid))
if @child_outcome_group.save
render :json => outcome_group_json(@child_outcome_group, @current_user, session)
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# @API Import an outcome group
# Creates a new subgroup of the outcome group with the same title and
# description as the source group, then creates links in that new subgroup to
# the same outcomes that are linked in the source group. Recurses on the
# subgroups of the source group, importing them each in turn into the new
# subgroup.
# Allows you to copy organizational structure, but does not create copies of
# the outcomes themselves, only new links.
# The source group must be either global, from the same context as this
# outcome group, or from an associated account. The source group cannot be
# the root outcome group of its context.
# @argument source_outcome_group_id [Required, Integer]
# The ID of the source outcome group.
# @returns OutcomeGroup
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/2/outcome_groups/3/import.json' \
# -X POST \
# -F 'source_outcome_group_id=2' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def import
return unless can_manage_outcomes
@outcome_group = context_outcome_groups.find(params[:id])
# source has to exist
@source_outcome_group = LearningOutcomeGroup.active.where(id: params[:source_outcome_group_id]).first
unless @source_outcome_group
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# source has to be global, in same context, or in an associated
# account
source_context = @source_outcome_group.context
unless !source_context || source_context == @context || @context.associated_accounts.include?(source_context)
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# source can't be a root group
unless @source_outcome_group.learning_outcome_group_id
render :json => 'error'.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# import the validated source
@child_outcome_group = @outcome_group.add_outcome_group(@source_outcome_group)
render :json => outcome_group_json(@child_outcome_group, @current_user, session)
def can_read_outcomes
if @context
authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :read_outcomes)
authorized_action(Account.site_admin, @current_user, :read_global_outcomes)
def can_manage_outcomes
if @context
authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_outcomes)
authorized_action(Account.site_admin, @current_user, :manage_global_outcomes)
# get the active outcome groups in the context/global
def context_outcome_groups
# verify the outcome is eligible to be linked into the context,
# returning the outcome if so
def context_available_outcome(outcome_id)
if @context
@context.available_outcome(outcome_id, :allow_global => true)
LearningOutcome.global.where(id: outcome_id).first
def context_create_outcome(data)
scope = @context ? @context.created_learning_outcomes : LearningOutcome.global
outcome = scope.build(data.slice(:title, :display_name, :description, :vendor_guid))
outcome.rubric_criterion = data.slice(:ratings, :mastery_points) if data[:ratings]
if data[:calculation_method]
outcome.calculation_method = data[:calculation_method]
outcome.calculation_int = data[:calculation_int]