1222 lines
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1222 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require 'atom'
# @API Conversations
# API for creating, accessing and updating user conversations.
# @model Conversation
# {
# "id": "Conversation",
# "description": "",
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "the unique identifier for the conversation.",
# "example": 2,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "subject": {
# "description": "the subject of the conversation.",
# "example": 2,
# "type": "string"
# },
# "workflow_state": {
# "description": "The current state of the conversation (read, unread or archived).",
# "example": "unread",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "last_message": {
# "description": "A <=100 character preview from the most recent message.",
# "example": "sure thing, here's the file",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "start_at": {
# "description": "the date and time at which the last message was sent.",
# "example": "2011-09-02T12:00:00Z",
# "type": "datetime"
# },
# "message_count": {
# "description": "the number of messages in the conversation.",
# "example": 2,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "subscribed": {
# "description": "whether the current user is subscribed to the conversation.",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "private": {
# "description": "whether the conversation is private.",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "starred": {
# "description": "whether the conversation is starred.",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "properties": {
# "description": "Additional conversation flags (last_author, attachments, media_objects). Each listed property means the flag is set to true (i.e. the current user is the most recent author, there are attachments, or there are media objects)",
# "type": "array",
# "items": {
# "type": "string"
# }
# },
# "audience": {
# "description": "Array of user ids who are involved in the conversation, ordered by participation level, then alphabetical. Excludes current user, unless this is a monologue.",
# "type": "array",
# "items": {
# "type": "integer"
# }
# },
# "audience_contexts": {
# "description": "Most relevant shared contexts (courses and groups) between current user and other participants. If there is only one participant, it will also include that user's enrollment(s)/ membership type(s) in each course/group.",
# "type": "array",
# "items": {
# "type": "string"
# }
# },
# "avatar_url": {
# "description": "URL to appropriate icon for this conversation (custom, individual or group avatar, depending on audience).",
# "example": "https://canvas.instructure.com/images/messages/avatar-group-50.png",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "participants": {
# "description": "Array of users participating in the conversation. Includes current user.",
# "type": "array",
# "items": { "$ref": "ConversationParticipant" }
# },
# "visible": {
# "description": "indicates whether the conversation is visible under the current scope and filter. This attribute is always true in the index API response, and is primarily useful in create/update responses so that you can know if the record should be displayed in the UI. The default scope is assumed, unless a scope or filter is passed to the create/update API call.",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "context_name": {
# "description": "Name of the course or group in which the conversation is occurring.",
# "example": "Canvas 101",
# "type": "string"
# }
# }
# }
# @model ConversationParticipant
# {
# "id": "ConversationParticipant",
# "description": "",
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "The user ID for the participant.",
# "example": 2,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "name": {
# "description": "A short name the user has selected, for use in conversations or other less formal places through the site.",
# "example": "Shelly",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "full_name": {
# "description": "The full name of the user.",
# "example": "Sheldon Cooper",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "avatar_url": {
# "description": "If requested, this field will be included and contain a url to retrieve the user's avatar.",
# "example": "https://canvas.instructure.com/images/messages/avatar-50.png",
# "type": "string"
# }
# }
# }
class ConversationsController < ApplicationController
include ConversationsHelper
include SearchHelper
include KalturaHelper
include Api::V1::Conversation
include Api::V1::Progress
before_action :require_user, :except => [:public_feed]
before_action :reject_student_view_student
before_action :get_conversation, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy, :add_recipients, :remove_messages]
before_action :infer_scope, :only => [:index, :show, :create, :update, :add_recipients, :add_message, :remove_messages]
before_action :normalize_recipients, :only => [:create, :add_recipients]
before_action :infer_tags, :only => [:create, :add_message, :add_recipients]
# whether it's a bulk private message, or a big group conversation,
# batch up all delayed jobs to make this more responsive to the user
batch_jobs_in_actions :only => :create
API_ALLOWED_FIELDS = %w{workflow_state subscribed starred}.freeze
# @API List conversations
# Returns the paginated list of conversations for the current user, most
# recent ones first.
# @argument scope [String, "unread"|"starred"|"archived"]
# When set, only return conversations of the specified type. For example,
# set to "unread" to return only conversations that haven't been read.
# The default behavior is to return all non-archived conversations (i.e.
# read and unread).
# @argument filter[] [String, course_id|group_id|user_id]
# When set, only return conversations for the specified courses, groups
# or users. The id should be prefixed with its type, e.g. "user_123" or
# "course_456". Can be an array (by setting "filter[]") or single value
# (by setting "filter")
# @argument filter_mode ["and"|"or", default "or"]
# When filter[] contains multiple filters, combine them with this mode,
# filtering conversations that at have at least all of the contexts ("and")
# or at least one of the contexts ("or")
# @argument interleave_submissions [Boolean] (Obsolete) Submissions are no
# longer linked to conversations. This parameter is ignored.
# @argument include_all_conversation_ids [Boolean] Default is false. If true,
# the top-level element of the response will be an object rather than
# an array, and will have the keys "conversations" which will contain the
# paged conversation data, and "conversation_ids" which will contain the
# ids of all conversations under this scope/filter in the same order.
# @argument include[] [Optional, String, "participant_avatars"]
# "participant_avatars":: Optionally include an "avatar_url" key for each user participanting in the conversation
# @response_field id The unique identifier for the conversation.
# @response_field subject The subject of the conversation.
# @response_field workflow_state The current state of the conversation
# (read, unread or archived)
# @response_field last_message A <=100 character preview from the most
# recent message
# @response_field last_message_at The timestamp of the latest message
# @response_field message_count The number of messages in this conversation
# @response_field subscribed Indicates whether the user is actively
# subscribed to the conversation
# @response_field private Indicates whether this is a private conversation
# (i.e. audience of one)
# @response_field starred Whether the conversation is starred
# @response_field properties Additional conversation flags (last_author,
# attachments, media_objects). Each listed property means the flag is
# set to true (i.e. the current user is the most recent author, there
# are attachments, or there are media objects)
# @response_field audience Array of user ids who are involved in the
# conversation, ordered by participation level, then alphabetical.
# Excludes current user, unless this is a monologue.
# @response_field audience_contexts Most relevant shared contexts (courses
# and groups) between current user and other participants. If there is
# only one participant, it will also include that user's enrollment(s)/
# membership type(s) in each course/group
# @response_field avatar_url URL to appropriate icon for this conversation
# (custom, individual or group avatar, depending on audience)
# @response_field participants Array of users (id, name, full_name) participating in
# the conversation. Includes current user. If `include[]=participant_avatars`
# was passed as an argument, each user in the array will also have an
# "avatar_url" field
# @response_field visible Boolean, indicates whether the conversation is
# visible under the current scope and filter. This attribute is always
# true in the index API response, and is primarily useful in create/update
# responses so that you can know if the record should be displayed in
# the UI. The default scope is assumed, unless a scope or filter is passed
# to the create/update API call.
# @example_response
# [
# {
# "id": 2,
# "subject": "conversations api example",
# "workflow_state": "unread",
# "last_message": "sure thing, here's the file",
# "last_message_at": "2011-09-02T12:00:00Z",
# "message_count": 2,
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": false,
# "properties": ["attachments"],
# "audience": [2],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": ["StudentEnrollment"]}, "groups": {}},
# "avatar_url": "https://canvas.instructure.com/images/messages/avatar-group-50.png",
# "participants": [
# {"id": 1, "name": "Joe", "full_name": "Joe TA"},
# {"id": 2, "name": "Jane", "full_name": "Jane Teacher"}
# ],
# "visible": true,
# "context_name": "Canvas 101"
# }
# ]
# @returns [Conversation]
def index
if request.format == :json
@conversations_scope = @conversations_scope.where('message_count > 0')
conversations = Api.paginate(@conversations_scope, self, api_v1_conversations_url)
# optimize loading the most recent messages for each conversation into a single query
ConversationParticipant.preload_latest_messages(conversations, @current_user)
@conversations_json = conversations_json(conversations, @current_user,
session, include_participant_avatars: (Array(params[:include]).include? "participant_avatars"),
include_participant_contexts: false, visible: true,
include_context_name: true, include_beta: params[:include_beta])
if params[:include_all_conversation_ids]
@conversations_json = {:conversations => @conversations_json, :conversation_ids => @conversations_scope.conversation_ids}
render :json => @conversations_json
return redirect_to conversations_path(:scope => params[:redirect_scope]) if params[:redirect_scope]
hash = {
:ATTACHMENTS_FOLDER_ID => @current_user.conversation_attachments_folder.id.to_s,
:ACCOUNT_CONTEXT_CODE => "account_#{@domain_root_account.id}",
:CAN_MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_CONTEXT => valid_account_context?(@domain_root_account),
:MAX_GROUP_CONVERSATION_SIZE => Conversation.max_group_conversation_size
notes_enabled_accounts = @current_user.associated_accounts.where(enable_user_notes: true)
hash[:NOTES_ENABLED] = notes_enabled_accounts.any?
hash[:CAN_ADD_NOTES_FOR_ACCOUNT] = notes_enabled_accounts.any? {|a| a.grants_right?(@current_user, :manage_students) }
course_note_permissions = {}
@current_user.enrollments.active.of_instructor_type.preload(:course).each do |enrollment|
course_note_permissions[enrollment.course_id] = true if enrollment.has_permission_to?(:manage_user_notes)
hash[:CAN_ADD_NOTES_FOR_COURSES] = course_note_permissions
js_env(CONVERSATIONS: hash)
return render :index_new
def toggle_new_conversations
redirect_to action: 'index'
# @API Create a conversation
# Create a new conversation with one or more recipients. If there is already
# an existing private conversation with the given recipients, it will be
# reused.
# @argument recipients[] [Required, String]
# An array of recipient ids. These may be user ids or course/group ids
# prefixed with "course_" or "group_" respectively, e.g.
# recipients[]=1&recipients[]=2&recipients[]=course_3
# @argument subject [String]
# The subject of the conversation. This is ignored when reusing a
# conversation. Maximum length is 255 characters.
# @argument body [Required, String]
# The message to be sent
# @argument group_conversation [Boolean]
# Defaults to false. If true, this will be a group conversation (i.e. all
# recipients may see all messages and replies). If false, individual private
# conversations will be started with each recipient. Must be set false if the
# number of recipients is over the set maximum (default is 100).
# @argument attachment_ids[] [String]
# An array of attachments ids. These must be files that have been previously
# uploaded to the sender's "conversation attachments" folder.
# @argument media_comment_id [String]
# Media comment id of an audio of video file to be associated with this
# message.
# @argument media_comment_type [String, "audio"|"video"]
# Type of the associated media file
# @argument user_note [Boolean]
# Will add a faculty journal entry for each recipient as long as the user
# making the api call has permission, the recipient is a student and
# faculty journals are enabled in the account.
# @argument mode [String, "sync"|"async"]
# Determines whether the messages will be created/sent synchronously or
# asynchronously. Defaults to sync, and this option is ignored if this is a
# group conversation or there is just one recipient (i.e. it must be a bulk
# private message). When sent async, the response will be an empty array
# (batch status can be queried via the {api:ConversationsController#batches batches API})
# @argument scope [String, "unread"|"starred"|"archived"]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @argument filter[] [String, course_id|group_id|user_id]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @argument filter_mode ["and"|"or", default "or"]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @argument context_code [String]
# The course or group that is the context for this conversation. Same format
# as courses or groups in the recipients argument.
def create
return render_error('recipients', 'blank') if params[:recipients].blank?
return render_error('recipients', 'invalid') if @recipients.blank?
return render_error('body', 'blank') if params[:body].blank?
context_type = nil
context_id = nil
if params[:context_code].present?
context = Context.find_by_asset_string(params[:context_code])
return render_error('context_code', 'invalid') unless valid_context?(context)
context_type = context.class.name
context_id = context.id
params[:recipients].each do |recipient|
if recipient =~ /\Acourse_\d+\Z/ &&
!Context.find_by_asset_string(recipient).try(:grants_right?, @current_user, session, :send_messages_all)
return render_error('recipients', 'restricted by role')
group_conversation = value_to_boolean(params[:group_conversation])
batch_private_messages = !group_conversation && @recipients.size > 1
batch_group_messages = group_conversation && value_to_boolean(params[:bulk_message])
message = build_message
if !batch_group_messages && @recipients.size > Conversation.max_group_conversation_size
return render_error('recipients', 'too many for group conversation')
if batch_private_messages || batch_group_messages
mode = params[:mode] == 'async' ? :async : :sync
batch = ConversationBatch.generate(message, @recipients, mode,
subject: params[:subject], context_type: context_type,
context_id: context_id, tags: @tags, group: batch_group_messages)
if mode == :async
headers['X-Conversation-Batch-Id'] = batch.id.to_s
return render :json => [], :status => :accepted
# reload and preload stuff
conversations = ConversationParticipant.where(:id => batch.conversations).preload(:conversation).order("visible_last_authored_at DESC, last_message_at DESC, id DESC")
ConversationParticipant.preload_latest_messages(conversations, @current_user)
visibility_map = infer_visibility(conversations)
render :json => conversations.map{ |c| conversation_json(c, @current_user, session, :include_participant_avatars => false, :include_participant_contexts => false, :visible => visibility_map[c.conversation_id]) }, :status => :created
@conversation = @current_user.initiate_conversation(@recipients, !group_conversation, :subject => params[:subject], :context_type => context_type, :context_id => context_id)
@conversation.add_message(message, :tags => @tags, :update_for_sender => false, :cc_author => true)
render :json => [conversation_json(@conversation.reload, @current_user, session, :include_indirect_participants => true, :messages => [message])], :status => :created
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => err
render :json => err.record.errors, :status => :bad_request
# @API Get running batches
# Returns any currently running conversation batches for the current user.
# Conversation batches are created when a bulk private message is sent
# asynchronously (see the mode argument to the {api:ConversationsController#create create API action}).
# @example_response
# [
# {
# "id": 1,
# "subject": "conversations api example",
# "workflow_state": "created",
# "completion": 0.1234,
# "tags": [],
# "message":
# {
# "id": 1,
# "created_at": "2011-09-02T10:00:00Z",
# "body": "quick reminder, no class tomorrow",
# "author_id": 1,
# "generated": false,
# "media_comment": null,
# "forwarded_messages": [],
# "attachments": []
# }
# }
# ]
def batches
batches = Api.paginate(@current_user.conversation_batches.in_progress.order(:id),
render :json => batches.map{ |m| conversation_batch_json(m, @current_user, session) }
# @API Get a single conversation
# Returns information for a single conversation for the current user. Response includes all
# fields that are present in the list/index action as well as messages
# and extended participant information.
# @argument interleave_submissions [Boolean] (Obsolete) Submissions are no
# longer linked to conversations. This parameter is ignored.
# @argument scope [String, "unread"|"starred"|"archived"]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @argument filter[] [String, course_id|group_id|user_id]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @argument filter_mode ["and"|"or", default "or"]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @argument auto_mark_as_read [Boolean] Default true. If true, unread
# conversations will be automatically marked as read. This will default
# to false in a future API release, so clients should explicitly send
# true if that is the desired behavior.
# @response_field participants Array of relevant users. Includes current
# user. If there are forwarded messages in this conversation, the authors
# of those messages will also be included, even if they are not
# participating in this conversation. Fields include:
# @response_field messages Array of messages, newest first. Fields include:
# id:: The unique identifier for the message
# created_at:: The timestamp of the message
# body:: The actual message body
# author_id:: The id of the user who sent the message (see audience, participants)
# generated:: If true, indicates this is a system-generated message (e.g. "Bob added Alice to the conversation")
# media_comment:: Audio/video comment data for this message (if applicable). Fields include: display_name, content-type, media_id, media_type, url
# forwarded_messages:: If this message contains forwarded messages, they will be included here (same format as this list). Note that those messages may have forwarded messages of their own, etc.
# attachments:: Array of attachments for this message. Fields include: display_name, content-type, filename, url
# @response_field submissions (Obsolete) Array of assignment submissions having
# comments relevant to this conversation. Submissions are no longer linked to conversations.
# This field will always be nil or empty.
# @example_response
# {
# "id": 2,
# "subject": "conversations api example",
# "workflow_state": "unread",
# "last_message": "sure thing, here's the file",
# "last_message_at": "2011-09-02T12:00:00-06:00",
# "message_count": 2,
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": false,
# "properties": ["attachments"],
# "audience": [2],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": []}, "groups": {}},
# "avatar_url": "https://canvas.instructure.com/images/messages/avatar-50.png",
# "participants": [
# {"id": 1, "name": "Joe", "full_name": "Joe TA"},
# {"id": 2, "name": "Jane", "full_name": "Jane Teacher"},
# {"id": 3, "name": "Bob", "full_name": "Bob Student"}
# ],
# "messages":
# [
# {
# "id": 3,
# "created_at": "2011-09-02T12:00:00Z",
# "body": "sure thing, here's the file",
# "author_id": 2,
# "generated": false,
# "media_comment": null,
# "forwarded_messages": [],
# "attachments": [{"id": 1, "display_name": "notes.doc", "uuid": "abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef"}]
# },
# {
# "id": 2,
# "created_at": "2011-09-02T11:00:00Z",
# "body": "hey, bob didn't get the notes. do you have a copy i can give him?",
# "author_id": 2,
# "generated": false,
# "media_comment": null,
# "forwarded_messages":
# [
# {
# "id": 1,
# "created_at": "2011-09-02T10:00:00Z",
# "body": "can i get a copy of the notes? i was out",
# "author_id": 3,
# "generated": false,
# "media_comment": null,
# "forwarded_messages": [],
# "attachments": []
# }
# ],
# "attachments": []
# }
# ],
# "submissions": []
# }
def show
unless request.xhr? || params[:format] == 'json'
scope = if @conversation.archived?
elsif @conversation.visible_last_authored_at && !@conversation.last_message_at
return redirect_to conversations_path(:scope => scope, :id => @conversation.conversation_id, :message => params[:message])
@conversation.update_attribute(:workflow_state, "read") if @conversation.unread? && auto_mark_as_read?
messages = nil
Shackles.activate(:slave) do
messages = @conversation.messages
ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader.new.preload(messages, :asset)
render :json => conversation_json(@conversation,
include_participant_contexts: value_to_boolean(params.fetch(:include_participant_contexts, true)),
include_indirect_participants: true,
messages: messages,
submissions: [],
include_beta: params[:include_beta],
include_context_name: true,
include_reply_permission_check: true
# @API Edit a conversation
# Updates attributes for a single conversation.
# @argument conversation[workflow_state] [String, "read"|"unread"|"archived"]
# Change the state of this conversation
# @argument conversation[subscribed] [Boolean]
# Toggle the current user's subscription to the conversation (only valid for
# group conversations). If unsubscribed, the user will still have access to
# the latest messages, but the conversation won't be automatically flagged
# as unread, nor will it jump to the top of the inbox.
# @argument conversation[starred] [Boolean]
# Toggle the starred state of the current user's view of the conversation.
# @argument scope [String, "unread"|"starred"|"archived"]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @argument filter[] [String, course_id|group_id|user_id]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @argument filter_mode ["and"|"or", default "or"]
# Used when generating "visible" in the API response. See the explanation
# under the {api:ConversationsController#index index API action}
# @example_response
# {
# "id": 2,
# "subject": "conversations api example",
# "workflow_state": "read",
# "last_message": "sure thing, here's the file",
# "last_message_at": "2011-09-02T12:00:00-06:00",
# "message_count": 2,
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": false,
# "properties": ["attachments"],
# "audience": [2],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": []}, "groups": {}},
# "avatar_url": "https://canvas.instructure.com/images/messages/avatar-50.png",
# "participants": [{"id": 1, "name": "Joe", "full_name": "Joe TA"}]
# }
def update
if @conversation.update_attributes(params.require(:conversation).permit(*API_ALLOWED_FIELDS))
render :json => conversation_json(@conversation, @current_user, session)
render :json => @conversation.errors, :status => :bad_request
# @API Mark all as read
# Mark all conversations as read.
def mark_all_as_read
render :json => {}
# @API Delete a conversation
# Delete this conversation and its messages. Note that this only deletes
# this user's view of the conversation.
# Response includes same fields as UPDATE action
# @example_response
# {
# "id": 2,
# "subject": "conversations api example",
# "workflow_state": "read",
# "last_message": null,
# "last_message_at": null,
# "message_count": 0,
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": false,
# "properties": []
# }
def destroy
render :json => conversation_json(@conversation, @current_user, session, :visible => false)
# internal api
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/conversations/:id/delete_for_all \
# -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
def delete_for_all
return unless authorized_action(Account.site_admin, @current_user, :manage_students)
render :json => {}
# internal api
def deleted_index
return render_unauthorized_action unless @current_user.roles(Account.site_admin).include? 'admin'
query = lambda {
participants = ConversationMessageParticipant.query_deleted(params['user_id'], params)
participants.map { |p| deleted_conversation_json(p, @current_user, session) }
if (params['conversation_id'])
conversation_messages = Conversation.find(params['conversation_id']).shard.activate { query.call }
conversation_messages = query.call
render :json => conversation_messages
#internal api
def restore_message
return render_unauthorized_action unless @current_user.roles(Account.site_admin).include? 'admin'
return render_error('message_id', 'required') unless params['message_id']
return render_error('user_id', 'required') unless params['user_id']
return render_error('conversation_id', 'required') unless params['conversation_id']
Conversation.find(params['conversation_id']).shard.activate do
cmp = ConversationMessageParticipant
.where(:user_id => params['user_id'])
.where(:conversation_message_id => params['message_id'])
cmp.update_all(:workflow_state => 'active', :deleted_at => nil)
participant = ConversationParticipant
.where(:conversation_id => params['conversation_id'])
.where(:user_id => params['user_id'])
messages = participant.messages
participant.message_count = messages.count(:id)
participant.last_message_at = messages.first().created_at
render :json => cmp.map { |c| conversation_message_json(c.conversation_message, @current_user, session) }
# @API Add recipients
# Add recipients to an existing group conversation. Response is similar to
# the GET/show action, except that only includes the
# latest message (e.g. "joe was added to the conversation by bob")
# @argument recipients[] [Required, String]
# An array of recipient ids. These may be user ids or course/group ids
# prefixed with "course_" or "group_" respectively, e.g.
# recipients[]=1&recipients[]=2&recipients[]=course_3
# @example_response
# {
# "id": 2,
# "subject": "conversations api example",
# "workflow_state": "read",
# "last_message": "let's talk this over with jim",
# "last_message_at": "2011-09-02T12:00:00-06:00",
# "message_count": 2,
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": false,
# "starred": null,
# "properties": [],
# "audience": [2, 3, 4],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": []}, "groups": {}},
# "avatar_url": "https://canvas.instructure.com/images/messages/avatar-group-50.png",
# "participants": [
# {"id": 1, "name": "Joe", "full_name": "Joe TA"},
# {"id": 2, "name": "Jane", "full_name": "Jane Teacher"},
# {"id": 3, "name": "Bob", "full_name": "Bob Student"},
# {"id": 4, "name": "Jim", "full_name": "Jim Admin"}
# ],
# "messages":
# [
# {
# "id": 4,
# "created_at": "2011-09-02T12:10:00Z",
# "body": "Jim was added to the conversation by Joe TA",
# "author_id": 1,
# "generated": true,
# "media_comment": null,
# "forwarded_messages": [],
# "attachments": []
# }
# ]
# }
def add_recipients
if @recipients.present?
@conversation.add_participants(@recipients, :tags => @tags, :root_account_id => @domain_root_account.id)
render :json => conversation_json(@conversation.reload, @current_user, session, :messages => [@conversation.messages.first])
render :json => {}, :status => :bad_request
# @API Add a message
# Add a message to an existing conversation. Response is similar to the
# GET/show action, except that only includes the
# latest message (i.e. what we just sent)
# @argument body [Required, String]
# The message to be sent.
# @argument attachment_ids[] [String]
# An array of attachments ids. These must be files that have been previously
# uploaded to the sender's "conversation attachments" folder.
# @argument media_comment_id [String]
# Media comment id of an audio of video file to be associated with this
# message.
# @argument media_comment_type [String, "audio"|"video"]
# Type of the associated media file.
# @argument recipients[] [String]
# An array of user ids. Defaults to all of the current conversation
# recipients. To explicitly send a message to no other recipients,
# this array should consist of the logged-in user id.
# @argument included_messages[] [String]
# An array of message ids from this conversation to send to recipients
# of the new message. Recipients who already had a copy of included
# messages will not be affected.
# @argument user_note [Boolean]
# Will add a faculty journal entry for each recipient as long as the user
# making the api call has permission, the recipient is a student and
# faculty journals are enabled in the account.
# @example_response
# {
# "id": 2,
# "subject": "conversations api example",
# "workflow_state": "unread",
# "last_message": "let's talk this over with jim",
# "last_message_at": "2011-09-02T12:00:00-06:00",
# "message_count": 2,
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": false,
# "starred": null,
# "properties": [],
# "audience": [2, 3],
# "audience_contexts": {"courses": {"1": []}, "groups": {}},
# "avatar_url": "https://canvas.instructure.com/images/messages/avatar-group-50.png",
# "participants": [
# {"id": 1, "name": "Joe", "full_name": "Joe TA"},
# {"id": 2, "name": "Jane", "full_name": "Jane Teacher"},
# {"id": 3, "name": "Bob", "full_name": "Bob Student"}
# ],
# "messages":
# [
# {
# "id": 3,
# "created_at": "2011-09-02T12:00:00Z",
# "body": "let's talk this over with jim",
# "author_id": 2,
# "generated": false,
# "media_comment": null,
# "forwarded_messages": [],
# "attachments": []
# }
# ]
# }
def add_message
if @conversation.conversation.replies_locked_for?(@current_user)
return render_unauthorized_action
if params[:body].present?
# allow responses to be sent to anyone who is already a conversation participant.
params[:from_conversation_id] = @conversation.conversation_id
# not a before_action because we need to set the above parameter.
# find included_messages
message_ids = params[:included_messages]
message_ids = message_ids.split(/,/) if message_ids.is_a?(String)
# these checks could be folded into the initial ConversationMessage lookup for better efficiency
if message_ids
# sanity check: are the messages part of this conversation?
db_ids = ConversationMessage.where(:id => message_ids, :conversation_id => @conversation.conversation_id).pluck(:id)
unless db_ids.count == message_ids.count
return render_error('included_messages', 'not for this conversation')
message_ids = db_ids
# sanity check: can the user see the included messages?
found_count = 0
Shard.partition_by_shard(message_ids) do |shard_message_ids|
found_count += ConversationMessageParticipant.where(:conversation_message_id => shard_message_ids, :user_id => @current_user).count
unless found_count == message_ids.count
return render_error('included_messages', 'not a participant')
message_args = build_message_args
if @conversation.should_process_immediately?
message = @conversation.process_new_message(message_args, @recipients, message_ids, @tags)
render :json => conversation_json(@conversation.reload, @current_user, session, :messages => [message])
{:strand => "add_message_#{@conversation.global_conversation_id}", :max_attempts => 1},
message_args, @recipients, message_ids, @tags)
return render :json => [], :status => :accepted
render :json => {}, :status => :bad_reqquest
# @API Delete a message
# Delete messages from this conversation. Note that this only affects this
# user's view of the conversation. If all messages are deleted, the
# conversation will be as well (equivalent to DELETE)
# @argument remove[] [Required, String]
# Array of message ids to be deleted
# @example_response
# {
# "id": 2,
# "subject": "conversations api example",
# "workflow_state": "read",
# "last_message": "sure thing, here's the file",
# "last_message_at": "2011-09-02T12:00:00-06:00",
# "message_count": 1,
# "subscribed": true,
# "private": true,
# "starred": null,
# "properties": ["attachments"]
# }
def remove_messages
if params[:remove]
@conversation.remove_messages(*@conversation.messages.where(id: params[:remove]).to_a)
if @conversation.conversation_message_participants.where('workflow_state <> ?', 'deleted').length == 0
@conversation.update_attribute(:last_message_at, nil)
render :json => conversation_json(@conversation, @current_user, session)
# @API Batch update conversations
# Perform a change on a set of conversations. Operates asynchronously; use the {api:ProgressController#show progress endpoint}
# to query the status of an operation.
# @argument conversation_ids[] [required, String]
# List of conversations to update. Limited to 500 conversations.
# @argument event [Required, String, "mark_as_read"|"mark_as_unread"|"star"|"unstar"|"archive"|"destroy"]
# The action to take on each conversation.
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/conversations \
# -X PUT \
# -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
# -d 'event=mark_as_read' \
# -d 'conversation_ids[]=1' \
# -d 'conversation_ids[]=2'
# @returns Progress
def batch_update
conversation_ids = params[:conversation_ids]
update_params = params.permit(:event).to_unsafe_h
allowed_events = %w(mark_as_read mark_as_unread star unstar archive destroy)
return render(:json => {:message => 'conversation_ids not specified'}, :status => :bad_request) unless params[:conversation_ids].is_a?(Array)
return render(:json => {:message => 'conversation batch size limit (500) exceeded'}, :status => :bad_request) unless params[:conversation_ids].size <= 500
return render(:json => {:message => 'event not specified'}, :status => :bad_request) unless update_params[:event]
return render(:json => {:message => 'invalid event'}, :status => :bad_request) unless allowed_events.include? update_params[:event]
progress = ConversationParticipant.batch_update(@current_user, conversation_ids, update_params)
render :json => progress_json(progress, @current_user, session)
# @API Find recipients
# Deprecated, see the {api:SearchController#recipients Find recipients endpoint} in the Search API
def find_recipients; end
# @API Unread count
# Get the number of unread conversations for the current user
# @example_response
# {'unread_count': '7'}
def unread_count
# the reasons for this being a string instead of an integer are historical,
# but for backwards API compatibility we need to leave it a string.
render :json => {'unread_count' => @current_user.unread_conversations_count.to_s}
def public_feed
return unless get_feed_context(:only => [:user])
@current_user = @context
feed = Atom::Feed.new do |f|
f.title = t('titles.rss_feed', "Conversations Feed")
f.links << Atom::Link.new(:href => conversations_url, :rel => 'self')
f.updated = Time.now
f.id = conversations_url
Shackles.activate(:slave) do
@entries = []
@conversation_contexts = {}
@current_user.conversations.each do |conversation|
if @conversation_contexts[conversation.conversation.id].blank?
@conversation_contexts[conversation.conversation.id] = feed_context_content(conversation)
@entries = @entries.sort_by{|e| [e.created_at, e.id] }.reverse
@entries.each do |entry|
feed.entries << entry.to_atom(:additional_content => @conversation_contexts[entry.conversation.id])
respond_to do |format|
format.atom { render :plain => feed.to_xml }
def feed_context_content(conversation)
content = ""
audience = conversation.other_participants
audience_names = audience.map(&:name)
audience_contexts = contexts_for(audience, conversation.local_context_tags) # will be 0, 1, or 2 contexts
audience_context_names = [:courses, :groups].inject([]) { |ary, context_key|
ary + audience_contexts[context_key].keys.map { |k| @contexts[context_key][k] && @contexts[context_key][k][:name] }
content += "<hr />"
content += "<div>#{ERB::Util.h(t('conversation_context', "From a conversation with"))} "
participant_list_cutoff = 2
if audience_names.length <= participant_list_cutoff
content += "#{ERB::Util.h(audience_names.to_sentence)}"
others_string = t('other_recipients', {
:one => "and 1 other",
:other => "and %{count} others"
:count => audience_names.length - participant_list_cutoff)
content += "#{ERB::Util.h(audience_names[0...participant_list_cutoff].join(", "))} #{ERB::Util.h(others_string)}"
if !audience_context_names.empty?
content += " (#{ERB::Util.h(audience_context_names.to_sentence)})"
content += "</div>"
def watched_intro
unless @current_user.watched_conversations_intro?
render :json => {}
def render_error(attribute, message)
render :json => [{
:attribute => attribute,
:message => message,
:status => :bad_request
def infer_scope
filter_mode = (params[:filter_mode].respond_to?(:to_sym) && params[:filter_mode].to_sym) || :or
return render_error('filter_mode', 'invalid') if ![:or, :and].include?(filter_mode)
@conversations_scope = case params[:scope]
when 'unread'
when 'starred'
when 'sent'
when 'archived'
params[:scope] = 'inbox'
filters = param_array(:filter)
@conversations_scope = @conversations_scope.for_masquerading_user(@real_current_user) if @real_current_user
@conversations_scope = @conversations_scope.tagged(*filters, :mode => filter_mode) if filters.present?
@set_visibility = true
def infer_visibility(conversations)
multiple = conversations.is_a?(Enumerable) || conversations.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation)
conversations = [conversations] unless multiple
result = Hash.new(false)
visible_conversation_ids = @current_user.shard.activate do
@conversations_scope.where(:conversation_id => conversations.map(&:conversation_id)).pluck(:conversation_id)
visible_conversation_ids.each { |c_id| result[Shard.relative_id_for(c_id, @current_user.shard, Shard.current)] = true }
if !multiple
def normalize_recipients
return unless params[:recipients]
unless params[:recipients].is_a? Array
params[:recipients] = params[:recipients].split ","
# unrecognized context codes are ignored
if AddressBook.valid_context?(params[:context_code])
context = AddressBook.load_context(params[:context_code])
if context.nil?
# recognized context code must refer to a valid course or group
return render json: { message: 'invalid context_code' }, status: :bad_request
users, contexts = AddressBook.partition_recipients(params[:recipients])
known = @current_user.address_book.known_users(users, context: context, conversation_id: params[:from_conversation_id])
contexts.each{ |context| known.concat(@current_user.address_book.known_in_context(context)) }
@recipients = known.uniq(&:id)
@recipients.reject!{|u| u.id == @current_user.id} unless @recipients == [@current_user]
def infer_tags
tags = param_array(:tags).concat(param_array(:recipients)).concat([params[:context_code]])
tags = SimpleTags.normalize_tags(tags)
tags += tags.grep(/\Agroup_(\d+)\z/){ g = Group.where(id: $1.to_i).first and g.context.asset_string }.compact
@tags = tags.uniq
def get_conversation(allow_deleted = false)
scope = @current_user.all_conversations
scope = scope.where('message_count>0') unless allow_deleted
@conversation = scope.where(conversation_id: params[:id] || params[:conversation_id] || 0).first
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless @conversation
def build_message
def build_message_args
:attachment_ids => params[:attachment_ids],
:forwarded_message_ids => params[:forwarded_message_ids],
:root_account_id => @domain_root_account.id,
:media_comment => infer_media_comment,
:generate_user_note => value_to_boolean(params[:user_note])
def infer_media_comment
media_id = params[:media_comment_id]
media_type = params[:media_comment_type]
if media_id.present? && media_type.present?
media_comment = MediaObject.by_media_id(media_id).by_media_type(media_type).first
unless media_comment
media_comment ||= MediaObject.new
media_comment.media_type = media_type
media_comment.media_id = media_id
media_comment.root_account_id = @domain_root_account.id
media_comment.user = @current_user
media_comment.context = @current_user
def include_private_conversation_enrollments
if params.has_key? :include_private_conversation_enrollments
# TODO API v2: default to false, like we do in the UI
def auto_mark_as_read?
params[:auto_mark_as_read] ||= api_request?
# look up the param and cast it to an array. treat empty string same as empty
def param_array(key)
Array(params[key].presence || []).compact
def valid_context?(context)
case context
when nil then false
when Account then valid_account_context?(context)
when Course, Group then context.membership_for_user(@current_user) || context.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :send_messages)
else false
def valid_account_context?(account)
return false unless account.root_account?
return true if account.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :read_roster)
account.shard.activate do
user_sub_accounts = @current_user.associated_accounts.where(root_account_id: account).to_a
if user_sub_accounts.any? { |a| a.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :read_roster) }
return true