
155 lines
5.5 KiB

// This is basically one big port of what we do in ruby-land in the
// handlebars-tasks gem. We need to run handlebars source through basic
// compilation to extract i18nliner scopes, and then we wrap the resulting
// template in an AMD module, giving it dependencies on handlebars, it's scoped
// i18n object if it needs one, and any brandableCss variant stuff it needs.
const Handlebars = require('handlebars')
const {pick} = require('lodash')
const {EmberHandlebars} = require('ember-template-compiler')
const ScopedHbsExtractor = require('./../gems/canvas_i18nliner/js/scoped_hbs_extractor')
const {allFingerprintsFor} = require('brandable_css/lib/main')
const PreProcessor = require('./../gems/canvas_i18nliner/node_modules/i18nliner-handlebars/dist/lib/pre_processor')
const compileHandlebars = (data) => {
const path = data.path
const source = data.source
try {
let translationCount = 0
const ast = Handlebars.parse(source)
const extractor = new ScopedHbsExtractor(ast, {path})
const scope = extractor.scope
PreProcessor.scope = scope
extractor.forEach(() => translationCount++ )
const precompiler = data.ember ? EmberHandlebars : Handlebars
const result = precompiler.precompile(ast).toString()
const payload = {template: result, scope: scope, translationCount: translationCount}
return payload
catch (e) {
e = e.message || e
throw {error: e}
const emitTemplate = (path, name, result, dependencies, cssRegistration, partialRegistration) => {
const moduleName = `jst/${path.replace(/.*\/\jst\//, '').replace(/\.handlebars/, '')}`
return `
define('${moduleName}', ${JSON.stringify(dependencies)}, function(Handlebars){
var template = Handlebars.template, templates = Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {};
var name = '${name}';
templates[name] = template(${result['template']});
return templates[name];
const resourceName = (path) => {
return path
.replace(/^.+\/app\/views\/jst\/(?:plugins\/[^\/]*\/)?/, '')
.replace(/\.handlebars$/, '')
.replace(/_/g, '-')
// given an object, returns a new object with just the 'combinedChecksum' property of each item
const getCombinedChecksums = (obj) => {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((accumulator, key) => {
accumulator[key] = pick(obj[key], 'combinedChecksum')
return accumulator
}, {})
const buildCssReference = (name) => {
const bundle = 'jst/' + name
const cached = allFingerprintsFor(bundle + '.scss')
const firstVariant = Object.keys(cached)[0]
if (!firstVariant) {
// no matching css file, just return a blank string
return ''
const options = cached[firstVariant].includesNoVariables ?
// there is no branding / high contrast specific variables in this file,
// all users will use the same file.
JSON.stringify(pick(cached[firstVariant], 'combinedChecksum', 'includesNoVariables'))
// Spit out all the combinedChecksums into the compiled js file and use brandableCss.getCssVariant()
// at runtime to determine which css variant to load, based on the user & account's settings
JSON.stringify(getCombinedChecksums(cached)) + '[brandableCss.getCssVariant()]'
return `
var brandableCss = arguments[1];
brandableCss.loadStylesheet('${bundle}', ${options});
const partialRegexp = /\{\{>\s?\[?(.+?)\]?( .*?)?}}/g
const findReferencedPartials = (source) => {
let partials = []
let match
while(match = partialRegexp.exec(source)){
const uniquePartials = partials.filter((elem, pos) => partials.indexOf(elem) == pos)
return uniquePartials
const emitPartialRegistration = (path, resourceName) => {
const baseName = path.split('/').pop()
if (baseName.startsWith('_')) {
const partialName = baseName.replace(/^_/, '')
const partialPath = path.replace(baseName, partialName).replace(/.*\/\jst\//, '').replace(/\.handlebars/, '')
return `
Handlebars.registerPartial('${partialPath}', templates['${resourceName}']);
return ''
const buildPartialRequirements = (partialPaths) => {
const requirements = => {
const partialParts = partial.split('/')
partialParts[partialParts.length - 1] = '_' + partialParts[partialParts.length - 1]
const requirePath = partialParts.join('/')
return 'jst/' + requirePath
return requirements
module.exports = function i18nLinerHandlebarsLoader (source) {
const name = resourceName(this.resourcePath)
const dependencies = ['handlebars']
const partialRegistration = emitPartialRegistration(this.resourcePath, name)
const cssRegistration = buildCssReference(name)
if (cssRegistration){
// arguments[1] will be brandableCss
const partials = findReferencedPartials(source)
const partialRequirements = buildPartialRequirements(partials)
partialRequirements.forEach(requirement => dependencies.push(requirement))
const result = compileHandlebars({path: this.resourcePath, source})
if (result.error){
throw result
if (result.translationCount > 0) {
dependencies.push('i18n!' + result.scope)
const compiledTemplate = emitTemplate(this.resourcePath, name, result, dependencies, cssRegistration, partialRegistration)
return compiledTemplate