444 lines
14 KiB
444 lines
14 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import I18n from 'i18n!question_bank'
import $ from 'jquery'
import find_outcome from './find_outcome'
import moveQuestionTemplate from 'jst/quiz/move_question'
import htmlEscape from './str/htmlEscape'
import moveMultipleQuestionBanks from 'jsx/quizzes/question_bank/moveMultipleQuestionBanks'
import loadBanks from 'jsx/quizzes/question_bank/loadBanks'
import addBank from 'jsx/quizzes/question_bank/addBank'
import './jquery.ajaxJSON'
import './jquery.instructure_forms' /* formSubmit, getFormData, formErrors */
import 'jqueryui/dialog'
import './jquery.instructure_misc_helpers' /* replaceTags */
import './jquery.instructure_misc_plugins' /* confirmDelete, showIf, .dim */
import './jquery.keycodes'
import './jquery.loadingImg'
import './jquery.templateData'
export function updateAlignments(alignments) {
.text(I18n.t('updating_outcomes', 'Updating Outcomes...'))
.attr('disabled', true)
const params = {}
for (const idx in alignments) {
const alignment = alignments[idx]
params['assessment_question_bank[alignments][' + alignment[0] + ']'] = alignment[1]
if (alignments.length == 0) {
params['assessment_question_bank[alignments]'] = ''
const url = $('.edit_bank_link:last').attr('href')
data => {
const alignments = data.assessment_question_bank.learning_outcome_alignments.sort((a, b) => {
const a_name = (
(a.content_tag &&
a.content_tag.learning_outcome &&
a.content_tag.learning_outcome.short_description) ||
const b_name = (
(b.content_tag &&
b.content_tag.learning_outcome &&
b.content_tag.learning_outcome.short_description) ||
if (a_name < b_name) {
return -1
} else if (a_name > b_name) {
return 1
} else {
return 0
.text(I18n.t('align_outcomes', 'Align Outcomes'))
.attr('disabled', false)
const $outcomes = $('#aligned_outcomes_list')
const $template = $outcomes
for (const idx in alignments) {
const alignment = alignments[idx].content_tag
const outcome = {
short_description: alignment.learning_outcome.short_description,
mastery_threshold: Math.round(alignment.mastery_score * 10000) / 100.0
const $outcome = $template.clone(true)
$outcome.attr('data-id', alignment.learning_outcome_id)
data: outcome
data => {
.text(I18n.t('update_outcomes_fail', 'Updating Outcomes Failed'))
.attr('disabled', false)
export function attachPageEvents(e) {
$('#aligned_outcomes_list').delegate('.delete_outcome_link', 'click', function(event) {
const result = confirm(
'Are you sure you want to remove this outcome from the bank?'
$outcome = $(event.target).parents('.outcome'),
alignments = [],
outcome_id = $outcome.data('id')
if (result) {
$('#aligned_outcomes_list .outcome:not(.blank)').each(function() {
const id = $(this).attr('data-id')
const pct =
$(this).getTemplateData({textValues: ['mastery_threshold']}).mastery_threshold / 100
if (id != outcome_id) {
alignments.push([id, pct])
if ($('#more_questions').length > 0) {
$('.display_question .move').remove()
const url = $.replaceTags($('#bank_urls .more_questions_url').attr('href'), 'page', 1)
data => {
for (const idx in data.questions) {
const question = data.questions[idx].assessment_question
const $teaser = $('#question_teaser_' + question.id)
$teaser.data('question', question)
data => {}
$('.more_questions_link').click(function(event) {
if ($(this).hasClass('loading')) {
const $link = $(this)
const $more_questions = $('#more_questions')
const currentPage = parseInt($more_questions.attr('data-current-page'))
const totalPages = parseInt($more_questions.attr('data-total-pages'))
let url = $(this).attr('href')
url = $.replaceTags(url, 'page', currentPage + 1)
$link.text('loading more questions...').addClass('loading')
data => {
$link.text(I18n.t('links.more_questions', 'more questions')).removeClass('loading')
$more_questions.attr('data-current-page', currentPage + 1)
$more_questions.showIf(currentPage + 1 < totalPages)
for (const idx in data.questions) {
const question = data.questions[idx].assessment_question
question.assessment_question_id = question.id
const $question = $('#question_teaser_blank')
data: question,
id: 'question_teaser_' + question.id,
hrefValues: ['id']
data: question.question_data,
htmlValues: ['question_text']
$question.data('question', question)
() => {
.text(I18n.t('loading_more_fail', 'loading more questions fails, please try again'))
$('.delete_bank_link').click(function(event) {
url: $(this).attr('href'),
message: I18n.t(
'Are you sure you want to delete this bank of questions?'
success() {
location.href = $('.assessment_question_banks_url').attr('href')
$('.bookmark_bank_link').click(function(event) {
const $link = $(this)
$link.find('.message').text(I18n.t('bookmarking', 'Bookmarking...'))
data => {
$link.find('.message').text(I18n.t('already_bookmarked', 'Already Bookmarked'))
$link.attr('disabled', true)
() => {
$link.find('.message').text(I18n.t('bookmark_failed', 'Bookmark Failed'))
$('.edit_bank_link').click(event => {
const val = $('#edit_bank_form h2').text()
.val(val || I18n.t('question_bank', 'Question Bank'))
$('#edit_bank_form .bank_name_box').keycodes('return esc', function(event) {
if (event.keyString == 'esc') {
} else if (event.keyString == 'return') {
$('#edit_bank_form .bank_name_box').blur(() => {
object_name: 'assessment_question_bank',
beforeSubmit(data) {
$('#edit_bank_form h2').text(data.title)
success(data) {
const bank = data.assessment_question_bank
$('#edit_bank_form .bank_name_box').blur()
$('#edit_bank_form h2').text(bank.title)
error(data) {
.change(function() {
$('#questions').toggleClass('brief', !$(this).attr('checked'))
$('#questions').delegate('.move_question_link', 'click', function(event) {
const $dialog = $('#move_question_dialog')
$dialog.find('.submit_button').text(I18n.t('title.move_copy_questions', 'Move/Copy Questions'))
if (!$dialog.hasClass('loaded')) {
} else {
const template = $(this)
.getTemplateData({textValues: ['question_name', 'question_text']})
data: template
$dialog.data('question', $(this).parents('.question_holder'))
width: 600,
title: I18n.t('title.move_copy_questions', 'Move/Copy Questions')
$('#move_question_dialog .submit_button').click(function() {
const $dialog = $('#move_question_dialog')
const data = $dialog.getFormData()
const multiple_questions = data.multiple_questions == '1'
const move = data.copy != '1'
let submitText = null
if (move) {
submitText = I18n.t(
{one: 'Moving Question...', other: 'Moving Questions...'},
{count: multiple_questions ? 2 : 1}
} else {
submitText = I18n.t(
{one: 'Copying Question...', other: 'Copying Questions...'},
{count: multiple_questions ? 2 : 1}
$dialog.find('button').attr('disabled', true)
const url = $('#bank_urls .move_questions_url').attr('href')
data.move = move ? '1' : '0'
if (!multiple_questions) {
const id = $dialog
data['questions[' + id + ']'] = '1'
const ids = []
$dialog.find('.list_question :checkbox:checked').each(function() {
const save = function(data) {
data => {
$dialog.find('button').attr('disabled', false)
$dialog.find('.submit_button').text('Move/Copy Question')
if (move) {
if ($dialog.data('question')) {
} else {
for (const idx in ids) {
const id = ids[idx]
$('#question_' + id)
$('#question_teaser_' + id).remove()
data => {
$dialog.find('button').attr('disabled', false)
let failedText = null
if (move) {
failedText = I18n.t(
one: 'Moving Question Failed, please try again',
other: 'Moving Questions Failed, please try again'
{count: multiple_questions ? 2 : 1}
} else {
failedText = I18n.t(
one: 'Copying Question Failed, please try again',
other: 'Copying Questions Failed, please try again'
{count: multiple_questions ? 2 : 1}
if (data.assessment_question_bank_id == 'new') {
const create_url = $('#bank_urls .assessment_question_banks_url').attr('href')
{'assessment_question_bank[title]': data.assessment_question_bank_name},
bank_data => {
data.assessment_question_bank_id = bank_data.assessment_question_bank.id
data => {
$dialog.find('button').attr('disabled', false)
let submitAgainText = null
if (move) {
submitAgainText = I18n.t(
'Moving Question Failed, please try again...'
} else {
submitAgainText = I18n.t(
'Copying Question Failed, please try again...'
} else {
$('#move_question_dialog .cancel_button').click(() => {
$('#move_question_dialog :radio').change(function() {
$('#move_question_dialog .new_question_bank_name').showIf(
$(this).attr('checked') && $(this).val() == 'new'