250 lines
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250 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import I18n from 'i18n!public_message_students'
import $ from 'jquery'
import natcompare from 'compiled/util/natcompare'
import numberHelper from 'jsx/shared/helpers/numberHelper'
import './jquery.instructure_forms' /* formSubmit */
import 'jqueryui/dialog'
import './jquery.instructure_misc_plugins' /* showIf */
let currentSettings = {}
function checkSendable() {
const $message_students_dialog = messageStudentsDialog()
$message_students_dialog.find('#body').val().length == 0 ||
$message_students_dialog.find('.student:not(.blank):visible').length == 0
/* global messageStudents */
window.messageStudents = function(settings) {
const $message_students_dialog = messageStudentsDialog()
currentSettings = settings
for (let idx = 0, l = settings.options.length; idx < l; idx++) {
const $option = $('<option/>')
const option = settings.options[idx]
const title = settings.title,
$li = $message_students_dialog.find('ul li.blank:first'),
$ul = $message_students_dialog.find('ul'),
students_hash = {}
$message_students_dialog.find('ul li:not(.blank)').remove()
const sortedStudents = settings.students.slice()
for (let i = 0; i < sortedStudents.length; i++) {
const student = sortedStudents[i]
const $student = $li.clone(true).removeClass('blank')
const remove_text = I18n.t('Remove %{student} from recipients', {
student: student.name
const $remove_button = $student.find('.remove-button')
.attr('title', remove_text)
.append($("<span class='screenreader-only'></span>").text(remove_text))
$remove_button.click(function(event) {
// hide the selected student
const $s = $(this).closest('li')
$s.hide('fast', checkSendable)
// focus the next visible student, or the subject field if that was the last one in the list
const $next = $s.nextAll(':visible:first')
if ($next.length) {
$('button', $next).focus()
} else {
$('#message_assignment_recipients #subject').focus()
$student.data('id', student.id)
$student.user_data = student
students_hash[student.id] = $student
const dialogTitle = I18n.t('Message Students for %{course_name}', {
course_name: title
$message_students_dialog.data('students_hash', students_hash),
$message_students_dialog.find('.out_of').showIf(settings.points_possible != null)
$message_students_dialog.find('.send_button').text(I18n.t('send_message', 'Send Message'))
$message_students_dialog.find('select')[0].selectedIndex = 0
width: 600,
modal: true,
open: (_event, _ui) => {
.attr('role', 'dialog')
.attr('aria-label', dialogTitle)
close: (_event, _ui) => {
.dialog('option', 'title', dialogTitle)
.on('dialogclose', settings.onClose)
$(document).ready(() => {
const $message_students_dialog = messageStudentsDialog()
$message_students_dialog.find('button').click(e => {
const btn = $(e.target)
if (btn.hasClass('disabled')) {
processData(data) {
const ids = []
.each(function() {
if (ids.length == 0) {
return false
data.recipients = ids.join(',')
return data
beforeSubmit(data) {
.text(I18n.t('Sending Message...'))
success(data) {
$.flashMessage(I18n.t('Message sent!'))
.text(I18n.t('Send Message'))
error(data) {
.text(I18n.t('Sending Message Failed, please try again'))
const showStudentsMessageSentTo = function() {
const optionIdx = parseInt($message_students_dialog.find('select').val(), 10) || 0
const option = currentSettings.options[optionIdx]
const studentsHash = $message_students_dialog.data('students_hash')
let cutoff = numberHelper.parse($message_students_dialog.find('.cutoff_score').val())
if (isNaN(cutoff)) {
cutoff = null
const studentElements = Object.values(studentsHash)
let selectedStudentIds = []
if (studentsHash) {
if (option && option.callback) {
selectedStudentIds = option.callback.call(window.messageStudents, cutoff, studentElements)
} else if (currentSettings.callback) {
selectedStudentIds = currentSettings.callback.call(
if (currentSettings.subjectCallback) {
.val(currentSettings.subjectCallback(option.text, cutoff))
.toggleClass('show_score', !!(option.cutoff || option.score))
disableButtons(selectedStudentIds.length === 0)
const selectedIdSet = new Set(selectedStudentIds)
Object.entries(studentsHash).forEach(([studentId, studentElement]) => {
const closeDialog = function() {
.bind('change blur keyup', showStudentsMessageSentTo)
.bind('change blur keyup', checkSendable)
$message_students_dialog.find('#body').bind('change blur keyup', checkSendable)
function disableButtons(disabled, buttons) {
if (buttons == null) {
buttons = messageStudentsDialog().find('button')
buttons.toggleClass('disabled', disabled).attr('aria-disabled', disabled)
function disableSend(disabled) {
disableButtons(disabled, messageStudentsDialog().find('.send_button'))
function messageStudentsDialog() {
return $('#message_students_dialog')
export default messageStudents