1319 lines
41 KiB
1319 lines
41 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import {send} from 'jsx/shared/rce/RceCommandShim'
import INST from './INST'
import I18n from 'i18n!instructure'
import $ from 'jquery'
import _ from 'underscore'
import FakeXHR from 'compiled/xhr/FakeXHR'
import authenticity_token from 'compiled/behaviors/authenticity_token'
import htmlEscape from './str/htmlEscape'
import './jquery.ajaxJSON' /* ajaxJSON, defaultAjaxError */
import './jquery.disableWhileLoading'
import {trackEvent} from 'jquery.google-analytics'
import './jquery.instructure_date_and_time' /* date_field, time_field, datetime_field */
import './jquery.instructure_misc_helpers' /* /\$\.uniq/ */
import 'compiled/jquery.rails_flash_notifications'
import './vendor/jquery.scrollTo'
// Intercepts the default form submission process. Uses the form tag's
// current action and method attributes to know where to submit to.
// NOTE: because IE only allows form methods to be "POST" or "GET",
// we can't set the form to "PUT" or "DELETE" as cleanly as we'd like.
// I'm following the Rails convention, and adding a _method input
// if one doesn't already exist, and then setting that input's value
// to the method type. formSubmit checks this value first, then
// the checks form.data('method') and finally the form's method
// attribute.
// Options:
// validation options -- formSubmit calls validateForm before
// submitting, so you can pass in validation options to
// formSubmit and it will validate first.
// noSubmit: Option to call everything normally until the actual request,
// then just calls success with the processed data
// processData: formSubmit by default just calls $.fn.getFormData.
// if you need additional data in the form submission, add
// it here and return the new object.
// beforeSubmit: called right before the request is sent. Useful
// for hiding forms, adding ajax loader icons, etc.
// success: called on success
// error: Called on error. The response from the server will also
// be used to populate error boxes on form elements. If the form
// no longer exists and no error method is provided, the default
// error method for Instructure is called... actually
// it will always be called when you're in development environment.
// fileUpload: Either a boolean or a function. If it is true or
// returns true, then it's assumed this is a file upload request
// and we use the iframe trick to submit the form.
// onSubmit: A callback which will receive 1. a deferred object
// encompassing the request(s) triggered by the submit action and 2. the
// formData being posted
$.fn.formSubmit = function(options) {
this.submit(function(event) {
const $form = $(this) // this is to handle if bind to a template element, then it gets cloned the original this would not be the same as the this inside of here.
// disableWhileLoading might need to wrap this, so we don't want to modify the original
let onSubmit = options.onSubmit
if ($form.data('submitting')) {
$form.data('trigger_event', event)
let error = false
const result = $form.validateForm(options)
if (!result) {
return false
// retrieve form data
let formData = $form.getFormData(options)
if (options.processData && $.isFunction(options.processData)) {
let newData = null
try {
newData = options.processData.call($form, formData)
} catch (e) {
error = e
if (INST && INST.environment !== 'production') throw error
if (newData === false) {
return false
} else if (newData) {
formData = newData
let method =
$form.data('method') || $form.find("input[name='_method']").val() || $form.attr('method'),
formId = $form.attr('id'),
action = $form.attr('action'),
submitParam = null
if ($.isFunction(options.beforeSubmit)) {
submitParam = null
try {
submitParam = options.beforeSubmit.call($form, formData)
} catch (e) {
error = e
if (INST && INST.environment !== 'production') throw error
if (submitParam === false) {
return false
if (options.disableWhileLoading) {
const oldOnSubmit = onSubmit
onSubmit = function(loadingPromise) {
if (options.disableWhileLoading === 'spin_on_success') {
// turn it into a false promise, i.e. never resolve
const origPromise = loadingPromise
loadingPromise = $.Deferred()
origPromise.fail(() => {
if (oldOnSubmit) oldOnSubmit.apply(this, arguments)
if (onSubmit) {
var loadingPromise = $.Deferred(),
oldHandlers = {}
onSubmit.call(this, loadingPromise, formData)
$.each(['success', 'error'], function(i, successOrError) {
oldHandlers[successOrError] = options[successOrError]
options[successOrError] = function() {
loadingPromise[successOrError === 'success' ? 'resolve' : 'reject'].apply(
if ($.isFunction(oldHandlers[successOrError])) {
return oldHandlers[successOrError].apply(this, arguments)
let doUploadFile = options.fileUpload
if ($.isFunction(options.fileUpload)) {
try {
doUploadFile = options.fileUpload.call($form, formData)
} catch (e) {
error = e
if (doUploadFile && options.fileUploadOptions) {
$.extend(options, options.fileUploadOptions)
if ($form.attr('action')) {
action = $form.attr('action')
if (error && !options.preventDegradeToFormSubmit) {
if (loadingPromise) loadingPromise.reject()
const xhrSuccess = function(data, request) {
if ($.isFunction(options.success)) {
options.success.call($form, data, submitParam, request)
const xhrError = function(data, request) {
let $formObj = $form,
needValidForm = true
if ($.isFunction(options.error)) {
const $obj = options.error.call($form, data.errors || data, submitParam, request) // data is null?
if ($obj) $formObj = $obj
needValidForm = false
if ($formObj.parents('html').get(0) == $('html').get(0) && options.formErrors !== false) {
if ($.isFunction(options.errorFormatter)) data = options.errorFormatter(data.errors || data)
$formObj.formErrors(data, options)
} else if (needValidForm) {
if (options.noSubmit) {
xhrSuccess.call(this, formData, {})
} else if (doUploadFile && options.preparedFileUpload && options.context_code) {
$.ajaxJSONPreparedFiles.call(this, {
handle_files: options.upload_only ? xhrSuccess : options.handle_files,
single_file: options.singleFile,
context_code: $.isFunction(options.context_code)
? options.context_code.call($form)
: options.context_code,
asset_string: options.asset_string,
intent: options.intent,
folder_id: $.isFunction(options.folder_id)
? options.folder_id.call($form)
: options.folder_id,
file_elements: $form.find("input[type='file']:visible"),
files: $.isFunction(options.files) ? options.files.call($form) : options.files,
url: options.upload_only ? null : action,
method: options.method,
uploadDataUrl: options.uploadDataUrl,
formDataTarget: options.formDataTarget,
success: xhrSuccess,
error: xhrError
} else if (doUploadFile && $.handlesHTML5Files && $form.hasClass('handlingHTML5Files')) {
const args = $.extend({}, formData)
$form.find("input[type='file']").each(function() {
const $input = $(this),
file_list = $input.data('file_list')
if (file_list && file_list instanceof FileList) {
args[$input.attr('name')] = file_list
$.toMultipartForm(args, params => {
url: action,
body: params.body,
content_type: params.content_type,
form_data: params.form_data,
success: xhrSuccess,
error: xhrError
} else if (doUploadFile) {
const id = _.uniqueId(formId + '_'),
$frame = $(
"<div style='display: none;' id='box_" +
htmlEscape(id) +
"'><iframe id='frame_" +
htmlEscape(id) +
"' name='frame_" +
htmlEscape(id) +
"' src='about:blank' onload='$(\"#frame_" +
htmlEscape(id) +
.find('#frame_' + id),
formMethod = method,
priorTarget = $form.attr('target'),
priorEnctype = $form.attr('ENCTYPE'),
request = new FakeXHR()
ENCTYPE: 'multipart/form-data',
encoding: 'multipart/form-data',
target: 'frame_' + id
// TODO: remove me once we stop proxying file uploads and/or
// explicitly calling $.ajaxJSONFiles
if (options.onlyGivenParameters) {
$.ajaxJSON.storeRequest(request, action, method, formData)
$frame.bind('form_response_loaded', function() {
const i = $frame[0],
doc = i.contentDocument || i.contentWindow.document
if (doc.location.href == 'about:blank') return
if ($.httpSuccess(request)) {
xhrSuccess.call(this, request.response, request)
} else {
xhrError.call(this, request.response, request)
$.fn.defaultAjaxError.func.call($.fn.defaultAjaxError.object, null, request, '0', null)
setTimeout(() => {
ENCTYPE: priorEnctype,
encoding: priorEnctype,
target: priorTarget
$('#box_' + id).remove()
}, 5000)
.data('submitting', true)
.data('submitting', false)
} else {
$.ajaxJSON(action, method, formData, xhrSuccess, xhrError)
return this
$.ajaxJSONPreparedFiles = function(options) {
const list = []
const $this = this
const pre_list = options.files || options.file_elements || []
for (let idx = 0; idx < pre_list.length; idx++) {
const item = pre_list[idx]
item.name = (item.value || item.name).split(/(\/|\\)/).pop()
const attachments = []
const ready = function() {
let data = options.formDataTarget == 'url' ? options.formData : {}
if (options.handle_files) {
let result = attachments
if (options.single_file) {
result = attachments[0]
data = options.handle_files.call(this, result, data)
if (options.url && options.success && data !== false) {
$.ajaxJSON(options.url, options.method, data, options.success, options.error)
const uploadUrl = options.uploadDataUrl || '/files/pending'
const uploadFile = function(parameters, file) {
// we want the s3 success url in the preflight response, not embedded in
// the upload_url. the latter doesn't work with the new ajax mechanism
parameters.no_redirect = true
file = file.files[0]
.then(({uploadFile}) =>
uploadFile(uploadUrl, parameters, file, undefined, options.onProgress)
.then(data => {
.catch(error => {
;(options.upload_error || options.error).call($this, error)
var next = function() {
const item = list.shift()
if (item) {
const attrs = $.extend(
name: item.name,
on_duplicate: 'rename',
no_redirect: true,
'attachment[folder_id]': options.folder_id,
'attachment[intent]': options.intent,
'attachment[asset_string]': options.asset_string,
'attachment[filename]': item.name,
'attachment[size]': item.size,
'attachment[context_code]': options.context_code,
'attachment[on_duplicate]': 'rename'
options.formDataTarget == 'uploadDataUrl' ? options.formData : {}
if (item.files.length === 1) {
attrs['attachment[content_type]'] = item.files[0].type
uploadFile.call($this, attrs, item)
} else {
$.ajaxJSONFiles = function(url, submit_type, formData, files, success, error, options) {
const $newForm = $(document.createElement('form'))
$newForm.attr('action', url).attr('method', submit_type)
// TODO: remove me once we stop proxying file uploads
formData.authenticity_token = authenticity_token()
const fileNames = {}
files.each(function() {
fileNames[$(this).attr('name')] = true
for (const idx in formData) {
if (!fileNames[idx]) {
const $input = $(document.createElement('input'))
.attr('type', 'hidden')
.attr('name', idx)
.attr('value', formData[idx])
files.each(function() {
const $newFile = $(this).clone(true)
fileUpload: true,
onlyGivenParameters: options ? options.onlyGivenParameters : false,
$.handlesHTML5Files = !!(window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && XMLHttpRequest)
if ($.handlesHTML5Files) {
$("input[type='file']").live('change', function(event) {
const file_list = this.files
if (file_list) {
$(this).data('file_list', file_list)
$.ajaxFileUpload = function(options) {
// TODO: remove me once we stop proxying file uploads
options.data.authenticity_token = authenticity_token()
$.toMultipartForm(options.data, function(params) {
url: options.url,
body: params.body,
content_type: params.content_type,
form_data: params.form_data,
method: options.method,
success(data) {
if (options.success && $.isFunction(options.success)) {
options.success.call(this, data)
progress(data) {
if (options.progress && $.isFunction(options.progress)) {
options.progress.call(this, data)
error(data, request) {
// error function
if (options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
data = data || {}
const $obj = options.error.call(this, data.errors || data)
} else {
options.binary === false
$.httpSuccess = function(r) {
try {
return (
(!r.status && location.protocol == 'file:') ||
(r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300) ||
r.status == 304 ||
(jQuery.browser.safari && r.status == undefined)
} catch (e) {}
return false
$.sendFormAsBinary = function(options, not_binary) {
const body = options.body
const url = options.url
const method = options.method
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
if (xhr.upload) {
function(event) {
if (options.progress && $.isFunction(options.progress)) {
options.progress.call(this, event)
function(event) {
if (options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call(this, 'uploading error', xhr, event)
function(event) {
if (options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call(this, 'aborted by the user', xhr, event)
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(event) {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
let json = null
try {
json = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)
} catch (e) {}
if ($.httpSuccess(xhr)) {
if (json && !json.errors) {
if (options.success && $.isFunction(options.success)) {
options.success.call(this, json, xhr, event)
} else if (options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call(this, json || xhr.responseText, xhr, event)
} else if (options.error && $.isFunction(options.error)) {
options.error.call(this, json || xhr.responseText, xhr, event)
xhr.open(method, url)
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, */*')
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest')
if (options.form_data) {
} else {
xhr.overrideMimeType(options.content_type || 'multipart/form-data')
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', options.content_type || 'multipart/form-data')
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', body.length)
if (not_binary) {
} else if (!xhr.sendAsBinary) {
console.log('xhr.sendAsBinary not supported')
} else {
$.fileData = function(file_object) {
return {
name: file_object.name || file_object.fileName,
size: file_object.size || file_object.fileSize,
type: file_object.type,
forced_type: file_object.type || 'application/octet-stream'
$.toMultipartForm = function(params, callback) {
let boundary = '-----AaB03x' + _.uniqueId(),
result = {content_type: 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary},
body = '--' + boundary + '\r\n',
paramsList = [],
hasFakeFile = false
for (var idx in params) {
paramsList.push([idx, params[idx]])
if (params[idx] && params[idx].fake_file) {
hasFakeFile = true
if (window.FormData && !hasFakeFile) {
const fd = new FormData()
// xsslint xssable.receiver.whitelist fd
for (var idx in params) {
let param = params[idx]
if (window.FileList && param instanceof FileList) {
param = param[0]
if (param instanceof Array) {
for (let i = 0; i < param.length; i++) {
fd.append(idx, param[i])
} else {
fd.append(idx, param)
result.form_data = fd
function sanitizeQuotedString(text) {
return text.replace(/\"/g, '')
function finished() {
result.body = body.substring(0, body.length - 2) + '--'
function nextParam() {
if (paramsList.length === 0) {
let param = paramsList.shift(),
name = param[0],
value = param[1]
if (window.FileList && value instanceof FileList) {
value = value[0]
if (window.FileList && value instanceof FileList) {
const innerBoundary = '-----BbC04y' + _.uniqueId(),
fileList = []
body +=
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' +
sanitizeQuotedString(name) +
'\r\n' +
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=' +
innerBoundary +
for (const jdx in value) {
const finishedFiles = function() {
body += '--' + innerBoundary + '--\r\n' + '--' + boundary + '\r\n'
var nextFile = function() {
if (fileList.length === 0) {
const file = fileList.shift(),
fileData = $.fileData(file),
reader = new FileReader()
reader.onloadend = function() {
body +=
'--' +
innerBoundary +
'\r\n' +
'Content-Disposition: file; filename="' +
sanitizeQuotedString(fileData.name) +
'"\r\n' +
'Content-Type: ' +
fileData.forced_type +
'\r\n' +
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
} else if (window.File && value instanceof File) {
const fileData = $.fileData(value),
reader = new FileReader()
reader.onloadend = function() {
body +=
'Content-Disposition: file; name="' +
sanitizeQuotedString(name) +
'"; filename="' +
fileData.name +
'"\r\n' +
'Content-Type: ' +
fileData.forced_type +
'\r\n' +
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
reader.result +
'\r\n--' +
boundary +
} else if (value && value.fake_file) {
body +=
'Content-Disposition: file; name="' +
sanitizeQuotedString(name) +
'"; filename="' +
value.name +
'"\r\n' +
'Content-Type: ' +
value.content_type +
'\r\n' +
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
value.content +
'\r\n--' +
boundary +
} else {
body +=
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' +
sanitizeQuotedString(name) +
'"\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
(value || '').toString() +
'\r\n' +
'--' +
boundary +
// Fills the selected form object with the collected data values.
// Handles select boxes, check boxes and radios as well.
// object_name: Name of the object form form elements. So if
// I provide the data {good: true, bad: false} and
// options.object_name == "assignment", then it will fill
// form elements "good" and "assignment[good]" with true
// and "bad" and "assignment[bad]" with false.
// call_change: Specifies whether to trigger the onchange event
// for form elements that are set.
$.fn.fillFormData = function(data, opts) {
if (this.length) {
data = data || []
const options = $.extend({}, $.fn.fillFormData.defaults, opts)
if (options.object_name) {
data = $._addObjectName(data, options.object_name, true)
this.find(':input').each(function() {
const $obj = $(this)
const name = $obj.attr('name')
const inputType = $obj.attr('type')
if (name in data) {
if (name) {
if (inputType == 'hidden' && $obj.next('input:checkbox').attr('name') == name) {
// do nothing
} else if (inputType != 'checkbox' && inputType != 'radio') {
let val = data[name]
if (typeof val === 'undefined' || val === null) {
val = ''
} else if ($obj.val() == data[name]) {
$obj.attr('checked', true)
} else {
$obj.attr('checked', false)
if ($obj && $obj.change && options.call_change) {
return this
$.fn.fillFormData.defaults = {object_name: null, call_change: true}
// Pulls out the selected and entered values on a given form.
// object_name: see fillFormData above. If object_name == "assignment"
// and the form has an element named "assignment[good]" then
// the result will include both "assignment[good]" and "good"
// values: specify the set of values to retrieve (if they exist)
// by default retrieves all it can find.
$.fn.getFormData = function(options) {
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.getFormData.defaults, options),
result = {},
$form = this
.each(function() {
const $input = $(this),
inputType = $input.attr('type')
if ((inputType == 'radio' || inputType == 'checkbox') && !$input.attr('checked')) return
let val = $input.val()
if ($input.hasClass('datetime_field_enabled')) {
val = $input.data('iso8601')
try {
if ($input.data('rich_text')) {
val = send($input, 'get_code', false)
} catch (e) {}
const attr = $input.prop('name') || ''
const multiValue = attr.match(/\[\]$/)
if (inputType == 'hidden' && !multiValue) {
if (
.find("[name='" + attr + "']")
)[0] != $input[0]
) {
if (
attr &&
attr !== '' &&
(inputType == 'checkbox' || typeof result[attr] === 'undefined' || multiValue)
) {
if (!options.values || $.inArray(attr, options.values) != -1) {
if (multiValue) {
result[attr] = result[attr] || []
} else {
result[attr] = val
const lastAttr = attr
if (options.object_name) {
result = $._stripObjectName(result, options.object_name, true)
return result
$.fn.getFormData.defaults = {object_name: null}
// Used internally to prepend object_name to data key names
// Supports nested names, e.g.
// assignment[id] => discussion_topic[assignment][id]
$._addObjectName = function(data, object_name, include_original) {
if (!data) {
return data
let new_result = {}
if (data instanceof Array) {
new_result = []
let original_name, new_name, first_bracket
for (const i in data) {
if (data instanceof Array) {
original_name = data[i]
} else {
original_name = i
first_bracket = original_name.indexOf('[')
if (first_bracket >= 0) {
new_name =
object_name +
'[' +
original_name.substring(0, first_bracket) +
']' +
} else {
new_name = object_name + '[' + original_name + ']'
if (typeof original_name === 'string' && original_name.indexOf('=') === 0) {
new_name = original_name.substring(1)
original_name = new_name
if (data instanceof Array) {
if (include_original) {
} else {
new_result[new_name] = data[i]
if (include_original) {
new_result[original_name] = data[i]
return new_result
// Used internally to strip object_name from data key names
// Supports nested names, e.g.
// discussion_topic[assignment][id] => assignment[id]
$._stripObjectName = function(data, object_name, include_original) {
let new_result = {}
let short_name
if (data instanceof Array) {
new_result = []
for (const i in data) {
var original_name, found
if (data instanceof Array) {
original_name = data[i]
} else {
original_name = i
if ((found = original_name.indexOf(object_name + '[') === 0)) {
short_name = original_name.replace(object_name + '[', '')
const closing = short_name.indexOf(']')
short_name = short_name.substring(0, closing) + short_name.substring(closing + 1)
if (data instanceof Array) {
} else {
new_result[short_name] = data[i]
if (!found || include_original) {
if (data instanceof Array) {
} else {
new_result[i] = data[i]
return new_result
// Validated the selected form. Pops up little error messages
// next to form elements that have errors.
// object_name: specify to make error checking easier. If object_name == "assignment"
// and required included "good", then "assignment[good]" is required. Only
// useful if all validations use the given object_name
// required: a list of strings, elements that are required
// dates: list of strings, elements that must be blank or a valid date
// times: list of strings, elements that must be blank or a valid time
// numbers: list of strings, elements that must be blank or a valid number
// property_validations: hash, where key names are form element names
// and key values are functions to call on the given data. The function
// should return nothing if valid, an error message for display otherwise.
// labels: map of element names to labels to be used in error reporting. The validation
// will attempt to determine the appropriate label via HTML <label for="..."> elements
// if not specified
$.fn.validateForm = function(options) {
if (this.length === 0) {
return false
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.validateForm.defaults, options),
$form = this,
errors = {},
data = options.data || $form.getFormData(options)
if (options.object_name) {
options.required = $._addObjectName(options.required, options.object_name)
options.date_fields = $._addObjectName(options.date_fields, options.object_name)
options.dates = $._addObjectName(options.dates, options.object_name)
options.times = $._addObjectName(options.times, options.object_name)
options.numbers = $._addObjectName(options.numbers, options.object_name)
options.property_validations = $._addObjectName(
if (options.required) {
const required = _.result(options, 'required')
$.each(required, (i, name) => {
if (!data[name]) {
if (!errors[name]) {
errors[name] = []
let fieldPrompt = options.labels && options.labels[name]
fieldPrompt = fieldPrompt || $form.getFieldLabelString(name)
I18n.t('errors.required', 'Required field') + (fieldPrompt ? ': ' + fieldPrompt : '')
if (options.date_fields) {
$.each(options.date_fields, (i, name) => {
const $item = $form.find("input[name='" + name + "']").filter('.datetime_field_enabled')
if ($item.length && $item.data('invalid')) {
if (!errors[name]) {
errors[name] = []
errors[name].push(I18n.t('errors.invalid_datetime', 'Invalid date/time value'))
if (options.numbers) {
$.each(options.numbers, (i, name) => {
const val = parseFloat(data[name])
if (isNaN(val)) {
if (!errors[name]) {
errors[name] = []
errors[name].push(I18n.t('errors.invalid_number', 'This should be a number.'))
if (options.property_validations) {
$.each(options.property_validations, (name, validation) => {
if ($.isFunction(validation)) {
let result = validation.call($form, data[name], data)
if (result) {
if (typeof result !== 'string') {
result = I18n.t('errors.invalid_entry_for_field', 'Invalid entry: %{field}', {
field: name
if (!errors[name]) {
errors[name] = []
let hasErrors = false
for (const err in errors) {
hasErrors = true
if (hasErrors) {
$form.formErrors(errors, options)
'Form Errors',
this.attr('id') || this.attr('class') || document.title,
return false
return true
$.fn.validateForm.defaults = {object_name: null, required: null, dates: null, times: null}
// Takes in an errors object and creates little pop-up message boxes over
// each errored form field displaying the error text. Still needs some
// css lovin'.
$.fn.formErrors = function(data_errors, options) {
if (this.length === 0) {
const $form = this
const errors = {}
const elementErrors = []
if (data_errors && data_errors.errors) {
data_errors = data_errors.errors
if (typeof data_errors === 'string') {
data_errors = {base: data_errors}
$.each(data_errors, (i, val) => {
if (typeof val === 'string') {
var newval = []
val = newval
} else if (
typeof i === 'number' &&
val.length == 2 &&
val[0] instanceof jQuery &&
typeof val[1] === 'string'
) {
} else if (typeof i === 'number' && val.length == 2 && typeof val[1] === 'string') {
newval = []
i = val[0]
val = newval
} else {
try {
newval = []
for (const idx in val) {
if (typeof val[idx] === 'object' && val[idx].message) {
} else {
val = newval
} catch (e) {
val = val.toString()
if ($form.find(":input[name='" + i + "'],:input[name*='[" + i + "]']").length > 0) {
$.each(val, (idx, msg) => {
if (!errors[i]) {
errors[i] = htmlEscape(msg)
} else {
errors[i] += '<br/>' + htmlEscape(msg)
} else {
$.each(val, (idx, msg) => {
if (!errors.general) {
errors.general = htmlEscape(msg)
} else {
errors.general += '<br/>' + htmlEscape(msg)
let hasErrors = false
let highestTop = 0
let lastField = null
const currentTop = $(document).scrollTop()
const errorDetails = {}
$.each(errors, (name, msg) => {
let $obj = $form
.find(":input[name='" + name + "'],:input[name*='[" + name + "]']")
if (!$obj || $obj.length === 0) {
const $hiddenInput = $form
.find("[name='" + name + "'],[name*='[" + name + "]']")
if ($hiddenInput && $hiddenInput.length > 0) {
$obj = $hiddenInput.prev()
if (!$obj || $obj.length === 0 || name == 'general') {
$obj = $form
if ($obj[0].tagName == 'TEXTAREA' && $obj.next('.mceEditor').length) {
$obj = $obj.next().find('.mceIframeContainer')
errorDetails[name] = {object: $obj, message: msg}
hasErrors = true
const offset = $obj.errorBox($.raw(msg)).offset()
if (offset.top > highestTop) {
highestTop = offset.top
lastField = $obj
if (lastField) {
for (let idx = 0, l = elementErrors.length; idx < l; idx++) {
const $obj = elementErrors[idx][0]
const msg = elementErrors[idx][1]
hasErrors = true
const offset = $obj.errorBox(msg).offset()
if (offset.top > highestTop) {
highestTop = offset.top
if (hasErrors) {
if (options && options.onFormError) options.onFormError.call($form, errorDetails)
$('html,body').scrollTo({top: highestTop, left: 0})
return this
// Pops up a small box containing the given message. The box is connected to the given form element, and will
// go away when the element is selected.
$.fn.errorBox = function(message, scroll) {
if (this.length) {
const $obj = this,
$oldBox = $obj.data('associated_error_box')
if ($oldBox) {
let $template = $('#error_box_template')
if (!$template.length) {
$template = $(
"<div id='error_box_template' class='error_box errorBox' style=''>" +
"<div class='error_text' style=''></div>" +
"<img src='/images/error_bottom.png' class='error_bottom'/>" +
const $box = $template
.attr('id', '')
.css('zIndex', $obj.zIndex() + 1)
// If our message happens to be a safe string, parse it as such. Otherwise, clean it up. //
const offset = $obj.offset()
const height = $box.outerHeight()
let objLeftIndent = Math.round($obj.outerWidth() / 5)
if ($obj[0].tagName == 'FORM') {
objLeftIndent = Math.min(objLeftIndent, 50)
top: offset.top - height + 2,
left: offset.left + objLeftIndent
const cleanup = function() {
const $screenReaderErrors = $('#flash_screenreader_holder').find('span')
const srError = _.find($screenReaderErrors, node => $(node).text() == $box.text())
if (srError) {
const fade = function() {
$box.stop(true, true).fadeOut('slow', cleanup)
associated_error_box: $box,
associated_error_object: $obj
$box.click(function() {
$(this).fadeOut('fast', cleanup)
if (!$.fn.errorBox.isBeingAdjusted) {
if (scroll) {
return $box
$.fn.errorBox.errorBoxes = []
$.moveErrorBoxes = function() {
const list = []
const prevList = $.fn.errorBox.errorBoxes
// ember does silly things with arrays
// so this for loop was changed from a for-in
// to how you see it below.
// That way, canvas doesn't blow up in some places
// ... at least not because of this
for (let idx = 0; idx < prevList.length; idx++) {
const $obj = prevList[idx],
$box = $obj.data('associated_error_box')
if ($box && $box.length && $box[0].parentNode) {
if ($obj.filter(':visible').length) {
const offset = $obj.offset()
const height = $box.outerHeight()
let objLeftIndent = Math.round($obj.outerWidth() / 5)
if ($obj[0].tagName == 'FORM') {
objLeftIndent = Math.min(objLeftIndent, 50)
top: offset.top - height + 2,
left: offset.left + objLeftIndent
} else {
$.fn.errorBox.errorBoxes = list
if (list.length) {
$.fn.errorBox.isBeingAdjusted = setTimeout($.moveErrorBoxes, 500)
} else {
delete $.fn.errorBox.isBeingAdjusted
// Hides all error boxes for the given form element and its input elements.
$.fn.hideErrors = function(options) {
if (this.length) {
const $oldBox = this.data('associated_error_box')
const $screenReaderErrors = $('#flash_screenreader_holder').find('span')
if ($oldBox) {
this.data('associated_error_box', null)
this.find(':input').each(function() {
const $obj = $(this),
$oldBox = $obj.data('associated_error_box')
if ($oldBox) {
$obj.data('associated_error_box', null)
const srError = _.find($screenReaderErrors, node => $(node).text() == $oldBox.text())
if (srError) {
return this
$.fn.markRequired = function(options) {
if (!options.required) {
let required = options.required
if (options.object_name) {
required = $._addObjectName(required, options.object_name)
const $form = $(this)
$.each(required, function(i, name) {
const field = $form.find('[name="' + name + '"]')
if (!field.length) {
field.attr({'aria-required': 'true'})
field.each(function() {
if (!this.id) {
const label = $('label[for="' + this.id + '"]')
if (!label.length) {
// Added the if statement to prevent the JS from adding the asterisk to the forgot password placeholder.
if (this.id != 'pseudonym_session_unique_id_forgot') {
$('<span aria-hidden="true" />')
.attr('title', I18n.t('errors.field_is_required', 'This field is required'))
$.fn.getFieldLabelString = function(name) {
const field = $(this).find('[name="' + name + '"]')
if (!field.length || !field[0].id) {
const label = $('label[for="' + field[0].id + '"]')
if (!label.length) {
return label[0].firstChild.textContent