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* Copyright (C) 2018 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import AssignmentMuter from 'ui/features/screenreader_gradebook/jquery/AssignmentMuter'
import $ from 'jquery'
QUnit.module('AssignmentMuter', suiteHooks => {
let assignment
let responseAssignment
suiteHooks.beforeEach(() => {
assignment = {id: '1', name: 'foo', anonymize_students: false, muted: false}
responseAssignment = {id: '1', name: 'foo', anonymize_students: true, muted: true}
function createAssignmentMuter(setterFn) {
const muter = new AssignmentMuter({text: () => {}}, assignment, '/bar', setterFn, {})
muter.$dialog = {dialog() {}}
return muter
QUnit.module('#afterUpdate', hooks => {
hooks.beforeEach(() => {
sinon.stub($, 'publish')
hooks.afterEach(() => {
test('closes the dialog', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter()
sinon.stub(muter.$dialog, 'dialog')
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
QUnit.module('when not passed a setter function', () => {
test('sets anonymize_students on the assignment', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter()
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
strictEqual(muter.assignment.anonymize_students, responseAssignment.anonymize_students)
test('sets muted on the assignment', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter()
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
strictEqual(muter.assignment.muted, responseAssignment.muted)
test('publishes "assignment_muting_toggled" message', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter()
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
test('publishes "assignment_muting_toggled" message with the updated anonymize_students attribute', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter()
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
const [publishedAssignment] = $.publish.getCall(0).args[1]
strictEqual(publishedAssignment.anonymize_students, responseAssignment.anonymize_students)
test('publishes "assignment_muting_toggled" message with the updated muted attribute', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter()
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
const [publishedAssignment] = $.publish.getCall(0).args[1]
strictEqual(publishedAssignment.muted, responseAssignment.muted)
QUnit.module('when passed a setter function', () => {
test('sets anonymize_students via the setter function', () => {
const setterFn = sinon.stub()
const muter = createAssignmentMuter(setterFn)
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
test('sets muted via the setter function', () => {
const setterFn = sinon.stub()
const muter = createAssignmentMuter(setterFn)
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
ok(setterFn.calledWith(assignment, 'muted', responseAssignment.anonymize_students))
test('publishes "assignment_muting_toggled" message', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter(() => {})
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
test('publishes "assignment_muting_toggled" message with the updated anonymize_students attribute', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter(() => {})
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
const [publishedAssignment] = $.publish.getCall(0).args[1]
strictEqual(publishedAssignment.anonymize_students, responseAssignment.anonymize_students)
test('publishes "assignment_muting_toggled" message with the updated muted attribute', () => {
const muter = createAssignmentMuter(() => {})
muter.afterUpdate({assignment: responseAssignment})
const [publishedAssignment] = $.publish.getCall(0).args[1]
strictEqual(publishedAssignment.muted, responseAssignment.muted)