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A bunch of objects that can generate statistics from a set of responses to a quiz.

Work In Progress.


Adding support for a new question type

Implementing the analyzer

  • define an answer analyzer in answer_analyzers/question_type.rb
  • make sure your analyzer implements the common interface, which is defined by the AnswerAnalyzer::Base class
  • please document both output and input formats that you expect to generate the stats

Registering it

Edit lib/canvas_quiz_statistics/answer_analyzers.rb and:

  • require your analyzer
  • add it to the list of available analyzers in CanvasQuizStatistics::AnswerAnalyzers::AVAILABLE_ANALYZERS where the key should be the question type (with the _question suffix) and the value would be your analyzer

Covering it

You will probably need to simulate question data to cover your analyzer. Grab a JSON snapshot of the question_data construct for your question and save it in spec/support/fixtures/ and check out the fixture helpers in spec/support/question_helpers.rb for more information on how to use the fixture.