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# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (C) 2020 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require "datadog/tracing"
module Canvas
# This module is currently a wrapper for managing connecting with ddtrace
# to send APM information to Datadog, but could in the future be re-worked to
# be configurable for multiple APM backends.
# If running with multiple database clusters in production,
# you can set the "canvas_cluster" variable before enabling APM
# to make sure each cluster can load it's settings (for sampling rate)
# individually.
# use Canvas::Apm.enable_debug_mode = true to force logging output
# for every trace we try to write. Useful for making sure you're getting
# the tags you want at the client level, etc.
# Expected use is to call "configure_apm!" from an initializer
# (see /config/initializers/datadog_apm.rb)
# to configure APM and instrument rails in general.
# in contexts where we have canvas-specific attributes available,
# calling Canvas::Apm.annotate_trace() with the shard and account
# will provide the facets useful for searching by in the aggregation client.
module Apm
class << self
attr_writer :enable_debug_mode, :hostname, :tracer
attr_accessor :canvas_cluster
def reset!
@_app_analytics_enabled = nil
@_config = nil
@_host_sample_rate = nil
@_host_sampling_decision = nil
@_sample_rate = nil
@canvas_cluster = nil
@enable_debug_mode = nil
@hostname = nil
@tracer = nil
def config
unless @_config
return @_config if @_config.present?
dynamic_settings = DynamicSettings.find(tree: :private)
if canvas_cluster.present?
dynamic_settings = DynamicSettings.find(tree: :private, cluster: canvas_cluster)
yaml = dynamic_settings["datadog_apm.yml", failsafe: :missing] || "{}"
return {} if yaml == :missing
@_config = YAML.safe_load(yaml)
def sample_rate
return @_sample_rate if @_sample_rate.present?
@_sample_rate = config.fetch("sample_rate", 0.0).to_f
def host_sample_rate
return @_host_sample_rate if @_host_sample_rate.present?
@_host_sample_rate = config.fetch("host_sample_rate", 0.0).to_f
def analytics_enabled?
return @_app_analytics_enabled unless @_app_analytics_enabled.nil?
@_app_analytics_enabled = config.fetch("app_analytics_enabled", false)
def configured?
sample_rate > 0.0 && host_chosen?
def host_chosen?
return @_host_sampling_decision if @_host_sampling_decision.present?
return false if @hostname.blank? || host_sample_rate <= 0
return false if host_sample_rate > 1.0 # invalid ratio
@_host_sampling_decision = get_sampling_decision(@hostname, host_sample_rate, HOST_SAMPLING_INTERVAL)
def get_sampling_decision(string_input, rate, interval)
# SHA is consistent across machines
# and ruby invocations. Same host and
# sampling ratio will always produce same decision.
# this is important because we get billed by host
# and we want all the passenger processes on a single
# host to make the same decision.
sha = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(string_input)
sha_int = sha.to_i(16)
interval_point = sha_int % interval
threshold = rate * interval
interval_point <= threshold
def rate_sampler
def enable_apm!
sampler = rate_sampler
debug_mode = @enable_debug_mode.presence || false
Datadog.configure do |c|
# this is filtered on the datadog UI side
# to make sure we don't analyze _everything_
# which would be very expensive
c.tracing.analytics.enabled = analytics_enabled?
c.diagnostics.debug = debug_mode
c.tracing.sampler = sampler
c.tracing.instrument :aws
c.tracing.instrument :faraday
c.tracing.instrument :graphql
c.tracing.instrument :http
c.tracing.instrument :rails
c.tracing.instrument :redis
Delayed::Worker.plugins << Canvas::Apm::InstJobs::Plugin
def configure_apm!
enable_apm! if configured?
def annotate_trace(shard, root_account, request_context_id, current_user)
return unless configured?
apm_root_span = tracer.active_root_span
return if apm_root_span.blank?
apm_root_span.set_tag("request_context_id", request_context_id.to_s) if request_context_id.present?
apm_root_span.set_tag("shard", shard.id.to_s) if shard.try(:id).present?
act_global_id = root_account.try(:global_id)
apm_root_span.set_tag("root_account", act_global_id.to_s) if act_global_id.present?
apm_root_span.set_tag("current_user", current_user.global_id.to_s) if current_user
# use this to wrap arbitrary code in traces
# without referencing the datadog library directly
# while still getting to avoid (for now) having to wrap
# every possible option in their API.
# To trace any Ruby code, you can use the Canvas::Apm.tracer.trace method:
# Canvas::Apm.tracer.trace(name, options) do |span|
# # Wrap this block around the code you want to instrument
# # Additionally, you can modify the span here.
# # e.g. Change the resource name, set tags, etc...
# end
# See datadog examples here:
# http://gems.datadoghq.com/trace/docs/#Manual_Instrumentation
def tracer
return Canvas::Apm::StubTracer.instance unless configured?
@tracer || Datadog::Tracing
# Alternatively you can just call this to get
# the service name and trace type preset for you
# Canvas::Apm.trace("timezone setup", options) do |span|
# # the code to trace goes here
# end
# see available "Options" to be passed on here:
# http://gems.datadoghq.com/trace/docs/#Manual_Instrumentation
def trace(resource_name, opts = {}, &)
opts[:service] = opts.fetch(:service, "canvas_custom")
opts[:resource] = resource_name
opts[:span_type] = opts.fetch(:span_type, "canvas_ruby")
tracer.trace("application.code", opts, &)