closes OUT-3768
Test plan:
with account_level_mastery_scales on and off
- verify account and course outcomes page can be viewed
- verify outcomes can be viewed, created, edited, deleted
- when FF is on, view and form should not include rubric
criteria or scoring method
- when rubrics are aligned
- verify changing outcome prompts warning that
aligned rubrics will be updated
- when aligned rubric is assessed
- verify that the "some students have been assessed" warning
appears when FF is off
- verify warning does not appear when FF is on, because
we will not be updating scoring params
- on rubrics page and assignments page
- verify that outcome scoring details are still displayed
when choosing an outcome in the "Find Outcome" dialog
(when creating/editing a rubric)
- when FF is off, this data should come from the outcome
- when FF is on, this data should come from the mastery
scale if present
- on question banks page
- verify as with rubrics, when aligning an outcome to a
question bank
Change-Id: Ia1e7cb6f53a341121ca8b94d23a2801c331ce533
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Pat Renner <>
Reviewed-by: Augusto Callejas <>
QA-Review: Brian Watson <>
Product-Review: Jody Sailor