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End to End testing

End to End testing framework for canvas-lms Jenkinsfiles For more information about the e2e testing framework take a look JenkinsPipelineUnit

Getting Started

First, you need to install JDK 8:

$ brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
$ brew cask install adoptopenjdk8

Install gradle

Install gradle:

brew install gradle

Install gradle wrapper

To install gradle wrapper:

$ GRADLE_WRAPPER_DIR="/path/to/install/gradlewrapper/"
$ gradle wrapper
$ echo "export PATH=$GRADLE_WRAPPER_DIR:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

For further information: gradlewrapper

Running Tests

$ cd /path/to/canvas-lms/build/new-jenkins/library
$ gradlew integrationTest

To run a specific file

$ cd /path/to/canvas-lms/build/new-jenkins/library
$ gradlew integrationTest --tests <classname> # where classname is RebaseHelperTest for example

To force a re-run a specific file

$ cd /path/to/canvas-lms/build/new-jenkins/library
$ gradlew integrationTest --tests <classname> --info --rerun-tasks # where classname is RebaseHelperTest for example

Help & Support

If you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to #devx!