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# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
# @API Quiz Questions
# @beta
# @model QuizQuestion
# {
# "id" : "QuizQuestion",
# "required": ["id", "quiz_id"],
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "The ID of the quiz question.",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "quiz_id": {
# "description": "The ID of the Quiz the question belongs to.",
# "example": 2,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "position": {
# "description": "The order in which the question will be retrieved and displayed.",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "question_name": {
# "description": "The name of the question.",
# "example": "Prime Number Identification",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "question_type": {
# "description": "The type of the question.",
# "example": "multiple_choice_question",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "question_text": {
# "description": "The text of the question.",
# "example": "Which of the following is NOT a prime number?",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "points_possible": {
# "description": "The maximum amount of points possible received for getting this question correct.",
# "example": 5,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "correct_comments": {
# "description": "The comments to display if the student answers the question correctly.",
# "example": "That's correct!",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "incorrect_comments": {
# "description": "The comments to display if the student answers incorrectly.",
# "example": "Unfortunately, that IS a prime number.",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "neutral_comments": {
# "description": "The comments to display regardless of how the student answered.",
# "example": "Goldbach's conjecture proposes that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers.",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "answers": {
# "description": "An array of available answers to display to the student.",
# "type": "array",
# "items": { "$ref": "Answer" }
# }
# }
# }
# @model Answer
# {
# "required": ["answer_text", "answer_weight"],
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "The unique identifier for the answer. Do not supply if this answer is part of a new question",
# "example": 6656,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "answer_text": {
# "description": "The text of the answer.",
# "example": "Constantinople",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "answer_weight": {
# "description": "An integer to determine correctness of the answer. Incorrect answers should be 0, correct answers should be non-negative.",
# "example": 100,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "answer_comments": {
# "description": "Specific contextual comments for a particular answer.",
# "example": "Remember to check your spelling prior to submitting this answer.",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "text_after_answers": {
# "description": "Used in missing word questions. The text to follow the missing word",
# "example": " is the capital of Utah.",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "answer_match_left": {
# "description": "Used in matching questions. The static value of the answer that will be displayed on the left for students to match for.",
# "example": "Salt Lake City",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "answer_match_right": {
# "description": "Used in matching questions. The correct match for the value given in answer_match_left. Will be displayed in a dropdown with the other answer_match_right values..",
# "example": "Utah",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "matching_answer_incorrect_matches": {
# "description": "Used in matching questions. A list of distractors, delimited by new lines (\n) that will be seeded with all the answer_match_right values.",
# "example": "Nevada\nCalifornia\nWashington",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "numerical_answer_type": {
# "description": "Used in numerical questions. Values can be 'exact_answer', 'range_answer', or 'precision_answer'.",
# "example": "exact_answer",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "exact": {
# "description": "Used in numerical questions of type 'exact_answer'. The value the answer should equal.",
# "example": 42,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "margin": {
# "description": "Used in numerical questions of type 'exact_answer'. The margin of error allowed for the student's answer.",
# "example": 4,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "approximate": {
# "description": "Used in numerical questions of type 'precision_answer'. The value the answer should equal.",
# "example": 1.2346e+9,
# "type": "number",
# "format": "float64"
# },
# "precision": {
# "description": "Used in numerical questions of type 'precision_answer'. The numerical precision that will be used when comparing the student's answer.",
# "example": 4,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "start": {
# "description": "Used in numerical questions of type 'range_answer'. The start of the allowed range (inclusive).",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "end": {
# "description": "Used in numerical questions of type 'range_answer'. The end of the allowed range (inclusive).",
# "example": 10,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# },
# "blank_id": {
# "description": "Used in fill in multiple blank and multiple dropdowns questions.",
# "example": 1170,
# "type": "integer",
# "format": "int64"
# }
# }
# }
class Quizzes::QuizQuestionsController < ApplicationController
include Api::V1::QuizQuestion
include ::Filters::Quizzes
include ::Filters::QuizSubmissions
before_action :require_context, :require_quiz
before_action :require_question, :only => [:show]
# @API List questions in a quiz or a submission
# @beta
# Returns the list of QuizQuestions in this quiz.
# @argument quiz_submission_id [Integer]
# If specified, the endpoint will return the questions that were presented
# for that submission. This is useful if the quiz has been modified after
# the submission was created and the latest quiz version's set of questions
# does not match the submission's.
# NOTE: you must specify quiz_submission_attempt as well if you specify this
# parameter.
# @argument quiz_submission_attempt [Integer]
# The attempt of the submission you want the questions for.
# @returns [QuizQuestion]
def index
if params[:quiz_submission_id] && params[:quiz_submission_attempt]
return index_submission_questions
if authorized_action(@quiz, @current_user, :update)
# @API Get a single quiz question
# @beta
# Returns the quiz question with the given id
# @argument id [Required, Integer]
# The quiz question unique identifier.
# @returns QuizQuestion
def show
if authorized_action(@quiz, @current_user, :update)
render :json => question_json(@question,
# @API Create a single quiz question
# @beta
# Create a new quiz question for this quiz
# @argument question[question_name] [String]
# The name of the question.
# @argument question[question_text] [String]
# The text of the question.
# @argument question[quiz_group_id] [Integer]
# The id of the quiz group to assign the question to.
# @argument question[question_type] ["calculated_question"|"essay_question"|"file_upload_question"|"fill_in_multiple_blanks_question"|"matching_question"|"multiple_answers_question"|"multiple_choice_question"|"multiple_dropdowns_question"|"numerical_question"|"short_answer_question"|"text_only_question"|"true_false_question"]
# The type of question. Multiple optional fields depend upon the type of question to be used.
# @argument question[position] [Integer]
# The order in which the question will be displayed in the quiz in relation to other questions.
# @argument question[points_possible] [Integer]
# The maximum amount of points received for answering this question correctly.
# @argument question[correct_comments] [String]
# The comment to display if the student answers the question correctly.
# @argument question[incorrect_comments] [String]
# The comment to display if the student answers incorrectly.
# @argument question[neutral_comments] [String]
# The comment to display regardless of how the student answered.
# @argument question[text_after_answers] [String]
# @argument question[answers] [[Answer]]
# @returns QuizQuestion
def create
if authorized_action(@quiz, @current_user, :update)
if params[:existing_questions]
return add_questions
question_data = params[:question]&.to_unsafe_h
question_data ||= {}
if question_data[:quiz_group_id]
@group = @quiz.quiz_groups.find(question_data[:quiz_group_id])
guard_against_big_fields do
@question = @quiz.quiz_questions.create(:quiz_group => @group, :question_data => question_data)
@quiz.did_edit if @quiz.created?
render json: question_json(@question, @current_user, session, @context, [:assessment_question, :plain_html])
def add_questions
find_bank(params[:assessment_question_bank_id]) do
@assessment_questions = params[:assessment_questions_ids].split(",")).to_a
@group = @quiz.quiz_groups.where(id: params[:quiz_group_id]).first if params[:quiz_group_id].to_i > 0
@questions = @quiz.add_assessment_questions(@assessment_questions, @group)
render json: questions_json(@questions, @current_user, session, [:assessment_question])
protected :add_questions
# @API Update an existing quiz question
# @beta
# Updates an existing quiz question for this quiz
# @argument quiz_id [Required, Integer]
# The associated quiz's unique identifier.
# @argument id [Required, Integer]
# The quiz question's unique identifier.
# @argument question[question_name] [String]
# The name of the question.
# @argument question[question_text] [String]
# The text of the question.
# @argument question[quiz_group_id] [Integer]
# The id of the quiz group to assign the question to.
# @argument question[question_type] ["calculated_question"|"essay_question"|"file_upload_question"|"fill_in_multiple_blanks_question"|"matching_question"|"multiple_answers_question"|"multiple_choice_question"|"multiple_dropdowns_question"|"numerical_question"|"short_answer_question"|"text_only_question"|"true_false_question"]
# The type of question. Multiple optional fields depend upon the type of question to be used.
# @argument question[position] [Integer]
# The order in which the question will be displayed in the quiz in relation to other questions.
# @argument question[points_possible] [Integer]
# The maximum amount of points received for answering this question correctly.
# @argument question[correct_comments] [String]
# The comment to display if the student answers the question correctly.
# @argument question[incorrect_comments] [String]
# The comment to display if the student answers incorrectly.
# @argument question[neutral_comments] [String]
# The comment to display regardless of how the student answered.
# @argument question[text_after_answers] [String]
# @argument question[answers] [[Answer]]
# @returns QuizQuestion
def update
if authorized_action(@quiz, @current_user, :update)
@question =[:id])
question_data = params[:question].to_unsafe_h
question_data[:regrade_user] = @current_user
question_data ||= {}
if question_data[:quiz_group_id]
@group = @quiz.quiz_groups.find(question_data[:quiz_group_id])
if question_data[:quiz_group_id] != @question.quiz_group_id
@question.quiz_group_id = question_data[:quiz_group_id]
@question.position =
guard_against_big_fields do
@question.question_data = question_data
@quiz.did_edit if @quiz.created?
render json: question_json(@question, @current_user, session, @context, [:assessment_question, :plain_html])
# @API Delete a quiz question
# @beta
# @argument quiz_id [Required, Integer]
# The associated quiz's unique identifier
# @argument id [Required, Integer]
# The quiz question's unique identifier
# <b>204 No Content</b> response code is returned if the deletion was successful.
def destroy
if authorized_action(@quiz, @current_user, :update)
@question =[:id])
head :no_content
def guard_against_big_fields
rescue Quizzes::QuizQuestion::RawFields::FieldTooLongError => ex
raise ex unless request.xhr?
render_xhr_exception(ex, ex.message)
def require_question
unless @question =[:id])
raise'Quiz Question not found')
def parse_includes
Array(params[:include] || []).map(&:to_sym)
def censored?
!@quiz.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :update)
# @private
# Basically, instead of rendering the quiz's active question set, this method
# would locate a submission model at a specific attempt and render the
# questions that were provided for that session instead.
# Requires :quiz_submission_id and :quiz_submission_attempt as parameters.
# These are currently documented in #index.
# @note
# This is a good candidate to move out of this controller and into
# QuizSubmissionQuestionsController. If you do, you can munge the rendered
# question data along with the submission's question answer records provided
# by that API. That way, API users won't have to pull each separately.
def index_submission_questions
if authorized_action(@quiz_submission, @current_user, :read)
scope = Quizzes::QuizQuestion.where({
id: { |question| question['id'] }
results_visible = @quiz_submission.results_visible?(user: @current_user)
reject! "Cannot view questions due to quiz settings", 401 unless results_visible
render_question_set(scope, @quiz_submission.quiz_data)
def render_question_set(scope, quiz_data=nil)
api_route = polymorphic_url([:api, :v1, @context, :quiz_questions], {:quiz_id => @quiz})
questions = Api.paginate(scope, self, api_route)
render :json => questions_json(questions,
shuffle_answers: @quiz.shuffle_answers_for_user?(@current_user)