
709 lines
27 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
# @API Discussion Topics
class DiscussionTopicsApiController < ApplicationController
include Api::V1::DiscussionTopics
include Api::V1::User
include SubmittableHelper
before_action :require_context_and_read_access
before_action :require_topic
before_action :require_initial_post, except: [:add_entry, :mark_topic_read,
:mark_topic_unread, :show,
before_action only: [:replies, :entries, :add_entry, :add_reply, :show,
:view, :entry_list, :subscribe_topic] do
# @API Get a single topic
# Returns data on an individual discussion topic. See the List action for the response formatting.
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id> \
# -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
def show
render(json: discussion_topics_api_json([@topic], @context,
@current_user, session).first)
# @API Get the full topic
# Return a cached structure of the discussion topic, containing all entries,
# their authors, and their message bodies.
# May require (depending on the topic) that the user has posted in the topic.
# If it is required, and the user has not posted, will respond with a 403
# Forbidden status and the body 'require_initial_post'.
# In some rare situations, this cached structure may not be available yet. In
# that case, the server will respond with a 503 error, and the caller should
# try again soon.
# The response is an object containing the following keys:
# * "participants": A list of summary information on users who have posted to
# the discussion. Each value is an object containing their id, display_name,
# and avatar_url.
# * "unread_entries": A list of entry ids that are unread by the current
# user. this implies that any entry not in this list is read.
# * "entry_ratings": A map of entry ids to ratings by the current user. Entries
# not in this list have no rating. Only populated if rating is enabled.
# * "forced_entries": A list of entry ids that have forced_read_state set to
# true. This flag is meant to indicate the entry's read_state has been
# manually set to 'unread' by the user, so the entry should not be
# automatically marked as read.
# * "view": A threaded view of all the entries in the discussion, containing
# the id, user_id, and message.
# * "new_entries": Because this view is eventually consistent, it's possible
# that newly created or updated entries won't yet be reflected in the view.
# If the application wants to also get a flat list of all entries not yet
# reflected in the view, pass include_new_entries=1 to the request and this
# array of entries will be returned. These entries are returned in a flat
# array, in ascending created_at order.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/view' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
# @example_response
# {
# "unread_entries": [1,3,4],
# "entry_ratings": {3: 1},
# "forced_entries": [1],
# "participants": [
# { "id": 10, "display_name": "user 1", "avatar_image_url": "https://...", "html_url": "https://..." },
# { "id": 11, "display_name": "user 2", "avatar_image_url": "https://...", "html_url": "https://..." }
# ],
# "view": [
# { "id": 1, "user_id": 10, "parent_id": null, "message": "...html text...", "replies": [
# { "id": 3, "user_id": 11, "parent_id": 1, "message": "...html....", "replies": [...] }
# ]},
# { "id": 2, "user_id": 11, "parent_id": null, "message": "...html..." },
# { "id": 4, "user_id": 10, "parent_id": null, "message": "...html..." }
# ]
# }
def view
return unless authorized_action(@topic, @current_user, :read_replies)
mobile_brand_config = !in_app? && @context.account.effective_brand_config
opts = {
:include_new_entries => value_to_boolean(params[:include_new_entries]),
:include_mobile_overrides => !!mobile_brand_config
structure, participant_ids, entry_ids, new_entries = @topic.materialized_view(opts)
if structure
structure = resolve_placeholders(structure)
# we assume that json_structure will typically be served to users requesting string IDs
if !stringify_json_ids? || mobile_brand_config
entries = JSON.parse(structure)
StringifyIds.recursively_stringify_ids(entries, reverse: true) if !stringify_json_ids?
DiscussionTopic::MaterializedView.include_mobile_overrides(entries, mobile_brand_config.css_and_js_overrides) if mobile_brand_config
structure = entries.to_json
if new_entries
new_entries.each do |e|
e["message"] = resolve_placeholders(e["message"]) if e["message"]
e["attachments"].each {|att| att["url"] = resolve_placeholders(att["url"]) if att["url"] } if e["attachments"]
participants = Shard.partition_by_shard(participant_ids) do |shard_ids|
# Preload accounts because they're needed to figure out if a user's avatar should be shown in
# AvatarHelper#avatar_url_for_user, which is used by user_display_json. We get an N+1 on the
# number of discussion participants if we don't do this.
User.where(id: shard_ids).preload({pseudonym: :account}).to_a
include_context_card_info = value_to_boolean(
include_enrollment_state = params[:include_enrollment_state] && (@context.is_a?(Course) || @context.is_a?(Group)) &&
@context.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :read_as_admin)
enrollments = nil
if include_enrollment_state || include_context_card_info
enrollment_context = @context.is_a?(Course) ? @context : @context.context
all_enrollments = enrollment_context.enrollments.where(:user_id => participants).to_a
if include_enrollment_state
all_enrollments = all_enrollments.group_by(&:user_id)
all_enrollments ||= {}
participant_info = do |participant|
json = user_display_json(participant, @context.is_a_context? && @context)
enrolls = all_enrollments[] || []
if include_enrollment_state
json[:isInactive] = enrolls.any? && enrolls.all?(&:inactive?)
if include_context_card_info
json[:is_student] = enrolls.any? { |e| e.type == "StudentEnrollment" }
json[:course_id] =
unread_entries = entry_ids - DiscussionEntryParticipant.read_entry_ids(entry_ids, @current_user)
unread_entries = if stringify_json_ids?
forced_entries = DiscussionEntryParticipant.forced_read_state_entry_ids(entry_ids, @current_user)
forced_entries = if stringify_json_ids?
entry_ratings = {}
if @topic.allow_rating?
entry_ratings = DiscussionEntryParticipant.entry_ratings(entry_ids, @current_user)
entry_ratings = Hash[ { |k, v| [k.to_s, v] }] if stringify_json_ids?
# as an optimization, the view structure is pre-serialized as a json
# string, so we have to do a bit of manual json building here to fit it
# into the response.
fragments = {
:unread_entries => unread_entries.to_json,
:forced_entries => forced_entries.to_json,
:entry_ratings => entry_ratings.to_json,
:participants => json_cast(participant_info).to_json,
:view => structure,
:new_entries => json_cast(new_entries).to_json,
fragments = { |k, v| %("#{k}": #{v}) }
render :json => "{ #{fragments.join(', ')} }"
head 503
# @API Post an entry
# Create a new entry in a discussion topic. Returns a json representation of
# the created entry (see documentation for 'entries' method) on success.
# @argument message [String] The body of the entry.
# @argument attachment a multipart/form-data form-field-style
# attachment. Attachments larger than 1 kilobyte are subject to quota
# restrictions.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/entries.json' \
# -F 'message=<message>' \
# -F 'attachment=@<filename>' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def add_entry
@entry = build_entry(@topic.discussion_entries)
if authorized_action(@topic, @current_user, :read) && authorized_action(@entry, @current_user, :create)
# @API List topic entries
# Retrieve the (paginated) top-level entries in a discussion topic.
# May require (depending on the topic) that the user has posted in the topic.
# If it is required, and the user has not posted, will respond with a 403
# Forbidden status and the body 'require_initial_post'.
# Will include the 10 most recent replies, if any, for each entry returned.
# If the topic is a root topic with children corresponding to groups of a
# group assignment, entries from those subtopics for which the user belongs
# to the corresponding group will be returned.
# Ordering of returned entries is newest-first by posting timestamp (reply
# activity is ignored).
# @response_field id The unique identifier for the entry.
# @response_field user_id The unique identifier for the author of the entry.
# @response_field editor_id The unique user id of the person to last edit the entry, if different than user_id.
# @response_field user_name The name of the author of the entry.
# @response_field message The content of the entry.
# @response_field read_state The read state of the entry, "read" or "unread".
# @response_field forced_read_state Whether the read_state was forced (was set manually)
# @response_field created_at The creation time of the entry, in ISO8601
# format.
# @response_field updated_at The updated time of the entry, in ISO8601 format.
# @response_field attachment JSON representation of the attachment for the
# entry, if any. Present only if there is an attachment.
# @response_field attachments *Deprecated*. Same as attachment, but returned
# as a one-element array. Present only if there is an attachment.
# @response_field recent_replies The 10 most recent replies for the entry,
# newest first. Present only if there is at least one reply.
# @response_field has_more_replies True if there are more than 10 replies for
# the entry (i.e., not all were included in this response). Present only if
# there is at least one reply.
# @example_response
# [ {
# "id": 1019,
# "user_id": 7086,
# "user_name": "",
# "message": "Newer entry",
# "read_state": "read",
# "forced_read_state": false,
# "created_at": "2011-11-03T21:33:29Z",
# "attachment": {
# "content-type": "unknown/unknown",
# "url": "",
# "filename": "content.txt",
# "display_name": "content.txt" } },
# {
# "id": 1016,
# "user_id": 7086,
# "user_name": "",
# "message": "first top-level entry",
# "read_state": "unread",
# "forced_read_state": false,
# "created_at": "2011-11-03T21:32:29Z",
# "recent_replies": [
# {
# "id": 1017,
# "user_id": 7086,
# "user_name": "",
# "message": "Reply message",
# "created_at": "2011-11-03T21:32:29Z"
# } ],
# "has_more_replies": false } ]
def entries
@entries = Api.paginate(root_entries(@topic).newest_first, self, entry_pagination_url(@topic))
render :json => discussion_entry_api_json(@entries, @context, @current_user, session)
# @API Post a reply
# Add a reply to an entry in a discussion topic. Returns a json
# representation of the created reply (see documentation for 'replies'
# method) on success.
# May require (depending on the topic) that the user has posted in the topic.
# If it is required, and the user has not posted, will respond with a 403
# Forbidden status and the body 'require_initial_post'.
# @argument message [String] The body of the entry.
# @argument attachment a multipart/form-data form-field-style
# attachment. Attachments larger than 1 kilobyte are subject to quota
# restrictions.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/entries/<entry_id>/replies.json' \
# -F 'message=<message>' \
# -F 'attachment=@<filename>' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def add_reply
@parent = all_entries(@topic).find(params[:entry_id])
@entry = build_entry(@parent.discussion_subentries)
if authorized_action(@entry, @current_user, :create)
# @API List entry replies
# Retrieve the (paginated) replies to a top-level entry in a discussion
# topic.
# May require (depending on the topic) that the user has posted in the topic.
# If it is required, and the user has not posted, will respond with a 403
# Forbidden status and the body 'require_initial_post'.
# Ordering of returned entries is newest-first by creation timestamp.
# @response_field id The unique identifier for the reply.
# @response_field user_id The unique identifier for the author of the reply.
# @response_field editor_id The unique user id of the person to last edit the entry, if different than user_id.
# @response_field user_name The name of the author of the reply.
# @response_field message The content of the reply.
# @response_field read_state The read state of the entry, "read" or "unread".
# @response_field forced_read_state Whether the read_state was forced (was set manually)
# @response_field created_at The creation time of the reply, in ISO8601
# format.
# @example_response
# [ {
# "id": 1015,
# "user_id": 7084,
# "user_name": "",
# "message": "Newer message",
# "read_state": "read",
# "forced_read_state": false,
# "created_at": "2011-11-03T21:27:44Z" },
# {
# "id": 1014,
# "user_id": 7084,
# "user_name": "",
# "message": "Older message",
# "read_state": "unread",
# "forced_read_state": false,
# "created_at": "2011-11-03T21:26:44Z" } ]
def replies
@parent = root_entries(@topic).find(params[:entry_id])
@replies = Api.paginate(reply_entries(@parent).newest_first, self, reply_pagination_url(@topic, @parent))
render :json => discussion_entry_api_json(@replies, @context, @current_user, session)
# @API List entries
# Retrieve a paginated list of discussion entries, given a list of ids.
# May require (depending on the topic) that the user has posted in the topic.
# If it is required, and the user has not posted, will respond with a 403
# Forbidden status and the body 'require_initial_post'.
# @argument ids[] [String]
# A list of entry ids to retrieve. Entries will be returned in id order,
# smallest id first.
# @response_field id The unique identifier for the reply.
# @response_field user_id The unique identifier for the author of the reply.
# @response_field user_name The name of the author of the reply.
# @response_field message The content of the reply.
# @response_field read_state The read state of the entry, "read" or "unread".
# @response_field forced_read_state Whether the read_state was forced (was set manually)
# @response_field created_at The creation time of the reply, in ISO8601
# format.
# @response_field deleted If the entry has been deleted, returns true. The
# user_id, user_name, and message will not be returned for deleted entries.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/entry_list?ids[]=1&ids[]=2&ids[]=3' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
# @example_response
# [
# { ... entry 1 ... },
# { ... entry 2 ... },
# { ... entry 3 ... },
# ]
def entry_list
ids = Array(params[:ids])
entries = @topic.discussion_entries.order(:id).find(ids)
@entries = Api.paginate(entries, self, entry_pagination_url(@topic))
render :json => discussion_entry_api_json(@entries, @context, @current_user, session, [:display_user])
# @API Mark topic as read
# Mark the initial text of the discussion topic as read.
# No request fields are necessary.
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/read.json' \
# -X PUT \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
# -H "Content-Length: 0"
def mark_topic_read
# @API Mark topic as unread
# Mark the initial text of the discussion topic as unread.
# No request fields are necessary.
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/read.json' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def mark_topic_unread
# @API Mark all entries as read
# Mark the discussion topic and all its entries as read.
# No request fields are necessary.
# @argument forced_read_state [Boolean]
# A boolean value to set all of the entries' forced_read_state. No change
# is made if this argument is not specified.
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/read_all.json' \
# -X PUT \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
# -H "Content-Length: 0"
def mark_all_read
# @API Mark all entries as unread
# Mark the discussion topic and all its entries as unread.
# No request fields are necessary.
# @argument forced_read_state [Boolean]
# A boolean value to set all of the entries' forced_read_state. No change is
# made if this argument is not specified.
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/read_all.json' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def mark_all_unread
# @API Mark entry as read
# Mark a discussion entry as read.
# No request fields are necessary.
# @argument forced_read_state [Boolean]
# A boolean value to set the entry's forced_read_state. No change is made if
# this argument is not specified.
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/entries/<entry_id>/read.json' \
# -X PUT \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"\
# -H "Content-Length: 0"
def mark_entry_read
# @API Mark entry as unread
# Mark a discussion entry as unread.
# No request fields are necessary.
# @argument forced_read_state [Boolean]
# A boolean value to set the entry's forced_read_state. No change is made if
# this argument is not specified.
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/entries/<entry_id>/read.json' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def mark_entry_unread
# @API Rate entry
# Rate a discussion entry.
# @argument rating [Integer]
# A rating to set on this entry. Only 0 and 1 are accepted.
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/entries/<entry_id>/rating.json' \
# -X POST \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def rate_entry
rating = params[:rating].to_i
unless [0, 1].include? rating
return render(:json => { :message => "Invalid rating given" }, :status => :bad_request)
if authorized_action(@entry, @current_user, :rate)
render_state_change_result @entry.change_rating(rating, @current_user)
# @API Subscribe to a topic
# Subscribe to a topic to receive notifications about new entries
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/subscribed.json' \
# -X PUT \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
# -H "Content-Length: 0"
def subscribe_topic
render_state_change_result @topic.subscribe(@current_user)
# @API Unsubscribe from a topic
# Unsubscribe from a topic to stop receiving notifications about new entries
# On success, the response will be 204 No Content with an empty body
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/discussion_topics/<topic_id>/subscribed.json' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def unsubscribe_topic
render_state_change_result @topic.unsubscribe(@current_user)
def require_topic
@topic =[:topic_id])
return authorized_action(@topic, @current_user, :read)
def require_entry
@entry = @topic.discussion_entries.find(params[:entry_id])
def require_initial_post
return true if !@topic.initial_post_required?(@current_user, session)
# neither the current user nor the enrollment user (if any) has posted yet,
# so give them the forbidden status
render :json => 'require_initial_post', :status => :forbidden
return false
def build_entry(association)
params[:message] = process_incoming_html_content(params[:message])! if @topic.new_record? => params[:message], :user => @current_user, :discussion_topic => @topic)
def save_entry
has_attachment = params[:attachment].present? && params[:attachment].size > 0 &&
@entry.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :attach)
return if has_attachment && !@topic.for_assignment? && params[:attachment].size > 1.kilobytes &&
quota_exceeded(@current_user, named_context_url(@context, :context_discussion_topic_url,
log_asset_access(@topic, 'topics', 'topics', 'participate')
if has_attachment
@attachment = (@current_user || @context).attachments.create(:uploaded_data => params[:attachment])
@entry.attachment = @attachment
render :json => discussion_entry_api_json([@entry], @context, @current_user, session, [:user_name, :display_user]).first, :status => :created
render :json => @entry.errors, :status => :bad_request
def visible_topics(topic)
# conflate entries from all child topics for groups the user can access
topics = [topic]
if topic.for_group_discussion? && !topic.child_topics.empty?
groups = do |group|
group.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :read)
topic.child_topics.each{ |t| topics << t if groups.include?(t.context) }
def all_entries(topic)
def root_entries(topic)
def reply_entries(entry)
def change_topic_read_state(new_state)
render_state_change_result @topic.change_read_state(new_state, @current_user)
def get_forced_option()
opts = {}
opts[:forced] = value_to_boolean(params[:forced_read_state]) if params.has_key?(:forced_read_state)
def change_topic_all_read_state(new_state)
opts = get_forced_option
@topic.change_all_read_state(new_state, @current_user, opts)
render :json => {}, :status => :no_content
def change_entry_read_state(new_state)
opts = get_forced_option
if authorized_action(@entry, @current_user, :read)
render_state_change_result @entry.change_read_state(new_state, @current_user, opts)
# the result of several state change functions are the following:
# nil - no current user
# true - state is already set to the requested state
# participant with errors - something went wrong with the participant
# participant with no errors - the change went through
# this function renders a 204 No Content for a success, or a Bad Request
# for failure with participant errors if there are any
def render_state_change_result(result)
if result == true || result.try(:errors).blank?
head :no_content
render :json => result.try(:errors) || {}, :status => :bad_request