Fixes CNVS-24295
Test plan:
- Create at least three users and give each of them a few email
- Add '', '', and ''
as addresses to the first of those three users
- Run the following, with U1 and U2 replaced with the ids of the
first and second users you created, respectively (do not
include the id of the third user in this list):
.where(user_id: U1)
.update_all(bounce_count: 1, last_bounce_at:
.where(user_id: U2)
.update_all(bounce_count: 1, last_bounce_at: -
- As a site admin and on the account's domain, navigate to
- Ensure that you're given a CSV file that mentions all of the
first and second user's channels but none of the third user's
- Ensure that the second user's channels come before the first
user's channels, and that the first user's channels mention
today's date as the last date at which they bounced while
the second user's channels mention yesterday instead
- Navigate to /api/v1/accounts/.../bouncing_communication_channels.csv,
where ... is the id of the account, and verify that you get
the same result
- Navigate to
- Ensure that the resulting CSV mentions and but not
- Navigate to
where TODAY is today's date in ISO 8601 format
- Ensure that the resulting CSV mentions only the second user's
channels and not the first user's
- Navigate to
- Ensure that the resulting CSV mentions only the first user's
channels and not the second user's
- Make a POST request to
/api/v1/accounts/self/boucing_communication_channels/reset with parameters
- View the first user's profile
- Ensure that and are no longer
marked as bouncing, but all the other addresses are
- Make a POST request to
/api/v1/accounts/self/bouncing_communication_channels/reset with parameters
before=TODAY where TODAY is today's date in ISO 8601 format
- View the second user's profile
- Ensure that all of the second user's communication channels are
no longer marked as bouncing
- View the first user's profile
- Ensure that the user's channels are still marked as bouncing
- Make a POST request to
- View the first user's profile
- Ensure that their channels are now no longer marked as bouncing
Change-Id: Ic937777a03481dc0b442ff6cf766175cc987fd80
Reviewed-by: Alex Boyd <>
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Heath Hales <>
Product-Review: Allison Weiss <>
Tested-by: Jenkins