
374 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2018 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
require 'spec_helper'
describe DocviewerAuditEventsController do
before :once do
@course = Course.create!(name: 'a course')
@student = student_in_course(name: 'Student', course: @course, enrollment_state: :active).user
@first_ta = ta_in_course(name: 'First Ta', course: @course, enrollment_state: :active).user
@second_ta = ta_in_course(name: 'Second Ta', course: @course, enrollment_state: :active).user
@teacher = teacher_in_course(name: 'teacher', course: @course, enrollment_state: :active).user
@admin = account_admin_user
@encoded64_secret = 'c2Vrcml0'
@secret = Base64.decode64(@encoded64_secret)
@attachment = @student.attachments.create!(course: @course, content_type: 'text/plain', filename: 'attachment.txt')
Canvadoc.create!(document_id: "abc123#{}", attachment_id:
before :each do
# Assignment.create! will hit MultiCache, and if a default stub doesn't
# exist, the stub with args will throw an error.
allow(Canvas::DynamicSettings).to receive(:find).and_return({})
allow(Canvas::DynamicSettings).to receive(:find).with(service: 'canvadoc', default_ttl: 5.minutes).and_return(
{'secret' => @encoded64_secret}
let(:default_params) do
docviewer_audit_event: {
annotation_body: {
color: '',
content: '',
created_at: '',
modified_at: '',
page: '',
type: ''
event_type: 'highlight_created',
related_annotation_id: 1
token: Canvas::Security.create_jwt({}, nil, @secret, :HS512),
document_id: @attachment.canvadoc.document_id,
describe 'status codes' do
it 'renders status unauthorized if not passed a correct jwt auth token' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'anonymous', anonymous_grading: true)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(token: 'wrong token')
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)
it 'explains if not passed a correct jwt auth token' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'anonymous', anonymous_grading: true)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(token: 'wrong token')
expect(JSON.parse(response.body).fetch('message')).to eq 'JWT signature invalid'
it 'renders status bad_request if param values are missing' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'anonymous', anonymous_grading: true)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.except(:docviewer_audit_event)
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request)
it 'renders status not_acceptable for a non-moderated, non-anonymous assignment' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'non-moderated and non-anonymous')
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_acceptable)
it 'explains why it rendered status not_acceptable' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'non-moderated and non-anonymous')
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
expect(JSON.parse(response.body).fetch('message')).to eq 'Assignment is neither anonymous nor moderated'
it 'renders status unprocessable_entity if passed an invalid event type' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'generally reasonable', anonymous_grading: true)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
default_params[:docviewer_audit_event][:event_type] = 'miscellaneous_annotation_created'
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity)
context 'for a moderated assignment' do
it 'renders status ok if assignment has an open slot for moderating' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 2,
final_grader: @teacher
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
it 'renders status ok if assignment does not have an open slot for moderating but user is final grader' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 1,
final_grader: @teacher
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
assignment.grade_student(@student, grade: 10, grader: @first_ta, provisional: true)
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
it 'renders status forbidden if no open slot and user is not final grader' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 1,
final_grader: @teacher
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
assignment.grade_student(@student, grade: 10, grader: @first_ta, provisional: true)
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:
expect(response).to have_http_status(:forbidden)
it 'explains that user cannot be a moderation grader, if so' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 1,
final_grader: @teacher
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
assignment.grade_student(@student, grade: 10, grader: @first_ta, provisional: true)
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:
expect(JSON.parse(response.body).fetch('message')).to eq 'Reached maximum number of graders for assignment'
context 'for an anonymous assignment' do
it 'renders status ok' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'anonymous', anonymous_grading: true)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
it 'allows students to annotate, if assignment is anonymous or moderated' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'anonymous', anonymous_grading: true)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
expect {
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:
}.to change { AnonymousOrModerationEvent.where(assignment: assignment, submission: @submission).count }.by(1)
it 'allows fake students to annotate, if assignment is anonymous or moderated' do
fake_student = course_with_user('StudentViewEnrollment', course: @course).user
attachment = fake_student.attachments.create!(course: @course, content_type: 'text/plain', filename: 'attachment.txt')
doc = Canvadoc.create!(document_id: "abc123#{}", attachment_id:
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'anonymous', anonymous_grading: true)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(fake_student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [attachment])
params = default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:, document_id: doc.document_id)
expect {
post :create, format: :json, params: params
}.to change {
AnonymousOrModerationEvent.where(assignment: assignment, submission: @submission).count
context "as an admin" do
before(:once) do
@assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 2,
final_grader: @teacher
@submission = @assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
@assignment.grade_student(@student, grade: 10, grader: @first_ta, provisional: true)
subject(:annotate_as_admin) do
-> { post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id: }
it "can annotate even if there are no slots available" do
@assignment.update!(grader_count: 1) change {
AnonymousOrModerationEvent.where(assignment: @assignment, submission: @submission).count
it "does not occupy a slot when annotating" do
is_expected.not_to change { @assignment.provisional_moderation_graders.count }
it 'updates an existing moderation grader to occupy slot, if it had not already' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 2,
final_grader: @teacher
existing_grader = assignment.moderation_graders.create!(user: @first_ta, anonymous_id: '12345', slot_taken: false)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:
expect(existing_grader.reload.slot_taken).to be true
it 'handles canvadocs on older version submissions' do
second_attachment = @student.attachments.create!(course: @course, content_type: 'text/plain', filename: 'attachment.txt')
Canvadoc.create!(document_id: "abc123#{}", attachment_id:
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, name: 'anonymous', anonymous_grading: true)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
@submission.update!(submitted_at: 1.hour.ago)
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [second_attachment])
expect {
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:
}.to change {
AnonymousOrModerationEvent.where(assignment: assignment, submission: @submission).count
it 'creates a moderation grader' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 2,
final_grader: @teacher
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:
expect(assignment.moderation_graders.pluck(:user_id)).to include
it 'creates a moderation grader even if full, if user is final grader' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 1,
final_grader: @teacher
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
assignment.grade_student(@student, grade: 10, grader: @first_ta, provisional: true)
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
expect(assignment.moderation_graders.pluck(:user_id)).to include
it 'allows any grader to annotate a moderated assignment if grades have been posted' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(
course: @course,
name: 'moderated',
moderated_grading: true,
grader_count: 1,
final_grader: @teacher
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
assignment.grade_student(@student, grade: 10, grader: @teacher, provisional: true)
expect {
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.merge(canvas_user_id:
}.to change {
AnonymousOrModerationEvent.where(assignment: assignment, canvadoc: @attachment.canvadoc, submission: @submission).count
it 'creates an AnonymousOrModerationEvent' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, anonymous_grading: true, name: 'anonymous')
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
expect {
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
}.to change {
AnonymousOrModerationEvent.where(assignment: assignment, canvadoc: @attachment.canvadoc, submission: @submission).count
it 'saves a copy of the annotation_body in the payload' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, anonymous_grading: true, name: 'anonymous')
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.deep_merge(docviewer_audit_event: { annotation_body: { type: 'a type' } })
event = AnonymousOrModerationEvent.find_by!(assignment: assignment, canvadoc: @attachment.canvadoc, submission: @submission)
type = event.payload.fetch('annotation_body').fetch('type')
expect(type).to eq 'a type'
it "saves the annotation_id in the payload" do
assignment = @course.assignments.create!(anonymous_grading: true, name: "anonymous")
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: "online_upload", attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.deep_merge(docviewer_audit_event: { annotation_id: 23 })
event = AnonymousOrModerationEvent.find_by!(assignment: assignment, submission: @submission)
expect(event.payload.fetch("annotation_id")).to eq "23"
it "saves the context in the payload" do
assignment = @course.assignments.create!(anonymous_grading: true, name: "anonymous")
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: "online_upload", attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.deep_merge(docviewer_audit_event: { context: "a context" })
event = AnonymousOrModerationEvent.find_by!(assignment: assignment, submission: @submission)
expect(event.payload.fetch("context")).to eq "a context"
it 'saves the related_annotation_id in the payload' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, anonymous_grading: true, name: 'anonymous')
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.deep_merge(docviewer_audit_event: { related_annotation_id: 23 })
event = AnonymousOrModerationEvent.find_by!(assignment: assignment, canvadoc: @attachment.canvadoc, submission: @submission)
expect(event.payload['related_annotation_id']).to eq '23'
it 'renders a json representation of the event on successful creation' do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, anonymous_grading: true, name: 'anonymous')
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
event = AnonymousOrModerationEvent.find_by!(assignment: assignment, canvadoc: @attachment.canvadoc, submission: @submission)
expect(JSON.parse(response.body).fetch('anonymous_or_moderation_event').fetch('id')).to eq
it "is okay if related_annotation_id is not passed" do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, anonymous_grading: true, name: 'anonymous')
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params.except(:related_annotation_id)
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
it "creates an event with 'docviewer_' prepended to the supplied event type" do
assignment = Assignment.create!(course: @course, anonymous_grading: true, name: 'zzzzz')
@submission = assignment.submit_homework(@student, submission_type: 'online_upload', attachments: [@attachment])
expect {
post :create, format: :json, params: default_params
}.to change {
assignment: assignment,
submission: @submission,
event_type: 'docviewer_highlight_created'
}.by 1