151 lines
4.4 KiB
151 lines
4.4 KiB
const gulp = require('gulp')
const gulpPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')()
const merge = require('merge-stream')
const rename = require('gulp-rename')
const DIST = 'public/dist'
const STUFF_TO_REV = [
// These files have links in their css to images from their own dir
// Include *everything* from plugins
// so we don't have to worry about their internals
// TODO: do we need these if we are all-webpack?
// exclude .js here
gulp.task('rev', () => {
const timezonefilesToIgnore = [
].map(f => `!./node_modules/timezone/${f}`)
const timezoneFileGlobs = ['./node_modules/timezone/**/*.js'].concat(timezonefilesToIgnore)
const timezonesStream = gulp
.src(timezoneFileGlobs, {base: './node_modules'})
const customTimezoneStream = gulp
.pipe(rename(path => path.dirname = '/timezone'))
const fontfaceObserverStream = gulp
new FontFaceObserver('LatoWeb').load().then(function () {
}, console.log.bind(console, 'Failed to load Lato font'));
return makeIE11Polyfill().then((IE11PolyfillCode) => {
let stream = merge(
gulpPlugins.file('ie11-polyfill.js', IE11PolyfillCode, { src: true }),
gulp.src(STUFF_TO_REV, {
base: 'public', // tell it to use the 'public' folder as the base of all paths
follow: true // follow symlinks, so it picks up on images inside plugins and stuff
// this is used by the include_account_js call in mobile_auth.html.erb to make sure '$' is there for accounts' custom js files
], {
base: '.'
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' || process.env.RAILS_ENV === 'production') {
const jsFilter = gulpPlugins.filter('**/*.js', {restore: true});
stream = stream.pipe(jsFilter)
return stream
gulp.task('watch', () => gulp.watch(STUFF_TO_REV, ['rev']))
gulp.task('default', ['rev', 'watch'])
function gulpTimezonePlugin () {
const through = require('through2')
const wrapTimezone = (code, timezoneName) =>
`// this was autogenerated by gulpTimezonePlugin from the timezone source in node_modules
(window.__PRELOADED_TIMEZONE_DATA__ || (window.__PRELOADED_TIMEZONE_DATA__ = {}))['${timezoneName}'] ${code.toString().replace('module.exports', '')}
return through.obj((file, encoding, callback) => {
if (file.isNull()) return callback(null, file)
if (file.isBuffer()) {
const timezoneName = file.path
.replace(/.*\/timezone\//, '')
.replace(/\.js$/, '')
file.contents = new Buffer(wrapTimezone(file.contents, timezoneName))
return callback(null, file)
function makeIE11Polyfill () {
const coreJsBuilder = require('core-js-builder')
return coreJsBuilder({
library: false,
umd: false
}).then(code =>
THIS FILE WAS AUTOGENERATED BY gulp in makeIE11Polyfill to polyfill the following features: