Allows users to start a "quiz-taking session" via the API by creating
a QuizSubmission and later on completing it.
Note that this patch isn't concerned with actually using the QS to
answer questions. That task will be the concern of a new API controller,
closes CNVS-8980
---- ----
- Create a quiz
- Keep a tab open on the Moderate Quiz (MQ from now) page
Create the quiz submission (ie, start a quiz-taking session):
- Via the API, as a student:
- POST to /courses/:course_id/quizzes/:quiz_id/submissions
- Verify that you receive a 200 response with the newly created
QuizSubmission in the JSON response.
- Copy the "validation_token" field down, you will need this later
- Go to the MQ tab and verify that it says the student has started a
quiz attempt
Complete the quiz submission (ie, finish a quiz-taking session):
- Via the API, as a student, prepare a request with:
- Method: POST
- URI: /courses/:course_id/quizzes/:quiz_id/submissions/:id/complete
- Parameter "validation_token" to what you copied earlier
- Parameter "attempt" to the current attempt number (starts at 1)
- Now perform the request, and:
- Verify that you receive a 200 response
- Go to the MQ tab and verify that it says the submission has been
completed (ie, Time column reads "finished in X seconds/minutes")
Other stuff to test (failure scenarios):
The first endpoint (one for starting a quiz attempt) should reject your
request in any of the following cases:
- The quiz has been locked
- You are not enrolled in the quiz course
- The Quiz has an Access Code that you either didn't pass, or passed
- The Quiz has an IP filter and you're not in the address range
- You are already taking the quiz (you've created the submission and
did not call /complete yet)
- You are not currently taking the quiz, but you already took it
earlier and the Quiz does not allow for multiple attempts
The second endpoint (one for completing the quiz attempt) should reject
your request in any of the following cases:
- You pass in an invalid "validation_token"
- You already completed that quiz submission (e.g, you called that
endpoint earlier)
Change-Id: Iff8a47859d7477c210de46ea034544d5e2527fb2
Reviewed-by: Derek DeVries <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Myller de Araujo <>
Product-Review: Ahmad Amireh <>