
237 lines
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define [
], ($, tz, detroit, juneau, portuguese, I18nStubber) ->
module 'fudgeDateForProfileTimezone',
setup: ->
@snapshot = tz.snapshot()
@original = new Date(expectedTimestamp = Date.UTC(2013, 8, 1))
teardown: ->
test 'should produce a date that formats via toString same as the original formats via tz', ->
fudged = $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(@original)
equal fudged.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), tz.format(@original, '%F %T')
test 'should parse dates before the year 1000', ->
# using specific string (and specific timezone to guarantee it) since tz.format has a bug pre-1000
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America Detroit')
oldDate = new Date(Date.UTC(900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
oldFudgeDate = $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(oldDate)
equal oldFudgeDate.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), "0900-02-01 00:00:00"
test 'should work on non-date date-like values', ->
fudged = $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(+@original)
equal fudged.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), tz.format(@original, '%F %T')
fudged = $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(@original.toISOString())
equal fudged.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), tz.format(@original, '%F %T')
test 'should return null for invalid values', ->
equal $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(null), null
equal $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(''), null
equal $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone('bogus'), null
test 'should not return treat 0 as invalid', ->
equal +$.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(0), +$.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(new Date(0))
test 'should be sensitive to profile time zone', ->
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
fudged = $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(@original)
equal fudged.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), tz.format(@original, '%F %T')
tz.changeZone(juneau, 'America/Juneau')
fudged = $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone(@original)
equal fudged.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), tz.format(@original, '%F %T')
module 'unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone',
setup: ->
@snapshot = tz.snapshot()
@original = new Date(expectedTimestamp = Date.UTC(2013, 8, 1))
teardown: ->
test 'should produce a date that formats via tz same as the original formats via toString()', ->
unfudged = $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(@original)
equal tz.format(unfudged, '%F %T'), @original.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
test 'should work on non-date date-like values', ->
unfudged = $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(+@original)
equal tz.format(unfudged, '%F %T'), @original.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
unfudged = $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(@original.toISOString())
equal tz.format(unfudged, '%F %T'), @original.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
test 'should return null for invalid values', ->
equal $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(null), null
equal $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(''), null
equal $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone('bogus'), null
test 'should not return treat 0 as invalid', ->
equal +$.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(0), +$.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(new Date(0))
test 'should be sensitive to profile time zone', ->
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
unfudged = $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(@original)
equal tz.format(unfudged, '%F %T'), @original.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
tz.changeZone(juneau, 'America/Juneau')
unfudged = $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(@original)
equal tz.format(unfudged, '%F %T'), @original.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
module 'sameYear',
setup: -> @snapshot = tz.snapshot()
teardown: -> tz.restore(@snapshot)
test 'should return true iff both dates from same year', ->
date1 = new Date(0)
date2 = new Date(+date1 + 86400000)
date3 = new Date(+date1 - 86400000)
ok $.sameYear(date1, date2)
ok !$.sameYear(date1, date3)
test 'should compare relative to profile timezone', ->
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
date1 = new Date(5 * 3600000) # 5am UTC = 12am EST
date2 = new Date(+date1 + 1000) # Dec 31, 1969 at 11:59:59pm EST
date3 = new Date(+date1 - 1000) # Jan 1, 1970 at 00:00:01am EST
ok $.sameYear(date1, date2)
ok !$.sameYear(date1, date3)
module 'sameDate',
setup: -> @snapshot = tz.snapshot()
teardown: -> tz.restore(@snapshot)
test 'should return true iff both times from same day', ->
date1 = new Date(86400000)
date2 = new Date(+date1 + 3600000)
date3 = new Date(+date1 - 3600000)
ok $.sameDate(date1, date2)
ok !$.sameDate(date1, date3)
test 'should compare relative to profile timezone', ->
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
date1 = new Date(86400000 + 5 * 3600000) # 5am UTC = 12am EST
date2 = new Date(+date1 + 1000) # Jan 1, 1970 at 11:59:59pm EST
date3 = new Date(+date1 - 1000) # Jan 2, 1970 at 00:00:01am EST
ok $.sameDate(date1, date2)
ok !$.sameDate(date1, date3)
module 'midnight',
setup: -> @snapshot = tz.snapshot()
teardown: -> tz.restore(@snapshot)
test 'should return true iff the time is midnight', ->
date1 = new Date(0)
date2 = new Date(60000)
ok $.midnight(date1)
ok !$.midnight(date2)
test 'should check time relative to profile timezone', ->
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
date1 = new Date(0) # 12am UTC = 7pm EST
date2 = new Date(5 * 3600000) # 5am UTC = 00:00am EST
date3 = new Date(+date2 + 60000) # 00:01am EST
ok !$.midnight(date1)
ok $.midnight(date2)
ok !$.midnight(date3)
test 'should check time relative to specific timezone if provided', ->
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
tz.preload('America/Juneau', juneau)
date1 = new Date(0) # 12am UTC = 16:00 AKST (in 1970)
date2 = new Date(8 * 3600000) # 8am UTC = 00:00 AKST
date3 = new Date(+date2 + 60000) # 00:01 AKST
ok !$.midnight(date1, timezone: 'America/Juneau')
ok $.midnight(date2, timezone: 'America/Juneau')
ok !$.midnight(date3, timezone: 'America/Juneau')
module 'dateString',
setup: ->
@snapshot = tz.snapshot()
teardown: ->
test 'should format in profile timezone', ->
I18nStubber.stub 'en', 'date.formats.medium': "%b %-d, %Y"
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
equal $.dateString(new Date(0)), 'Dec 31, 1969'
module 'timeString',
setup: ->
@snapshot = tz.snapshot()
teardown: ->
test 'should format in profile timezone', ->
I18nStubber.stub 'en', 'time.formats.tiny': "%l:%M%P"
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
equal $.timeString(new Date(0)), '7:00pm'
test 'should format according to profile locale', ->
I18nStubber.setLocale 'en-GB'
I18nStubber.stub 'en-GB', 'time.formats.tiny': "%k:%M"
equal $.timeString(new Date(46800000)), '13:00'
module 'datetimeString',
setup: ->
@snapshot = tz.snapshot()
teardown: ->
test 'should format in profile timezone', ->
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
I18nStubber.stub 'en',
'date.formats.medium': "%b %-d, %Y"
'time.formats.tiny': "%l:%M%P"
'time.event': "%{date} at %{time}"
equal $.datetimeString(new Date(0)), 'Dec 31, 1969 at 7:00pm'
test 'should translate into the profile locale', ->
tz.changeLocale(portuguese, 'pt_PT')
I18nStubber.setLocale 'pt'
I18nStubber.stub 'pt',
'date.formats.medium': "%-d %b %Y"
'time.formats.tiny': "%k:%M"
'time.event': "%{date} em %{time}"
equal $.datetimeString('1970-01-01 15:00:00Z'), "1 Jan 1970 em 15:00"
module '$.datepicker.parseDate',
setup: ->
@snapshot = tz.snapshot()
teardown: ->
test 'should accept localized strings and return them fudged', ->
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
tz.changeLocale(portuguese, 'pt_PT')
I18nStubber.setLocale 'pt'
I18nStubber.stub 'pt',
# this isn't the real format, but we want the %Y in here to make it
# deterministic regardless of the year it's run in
'date.formats.date_at_time': "%-d %b %Y em %k:%M"
# 6pm EDT (detroit) = 22:00Z, but parsed will be fudged, so make sure to
# also fudge what we're comparing to
parsed = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yyyy', "3 Ago 2015 em 18:06")
fudged = $.fudgeDateForProfileTimezone('2015-08-03 22:06:00Z')
equal +parsed, +fudged