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# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module Api::V1::Course
include Api::V1::Json
include Api::V1::EnrollmentTerm
include Api::V1::SectionEnrollments
include Api::V1::PostGradesStatus
def course_settings_json(course)
settings = {}
settings[:allow_student_discussion_topics] = course.allow_student_discussion_topics?
settings[:allow_student_forum_attachments] = course.allow_student_forum_attachments?
settings[:allow_student_discussion_editing] = course.allow_student_discussion_editing?
settings[:grading_standard_enabled] = course.grading_standard_enabled?
settings[:grading_standard_id] = course.grading_standard_id
settings[:allow_student_organized_groups] = course.allow_student_organized_groups?
settings[:hide_final_grades] = course.hide_final_grades?
settings[:hide_distribution_graphs] = course.hide_distribution_graphs?
settings[:lock_all_announcements] = course.lock_all_announcements?
settings[:restrict_student_past_view] = course.restrict_student_past_view?
settings[:restrict_student_future_view] = course.restrict_student_future_view?
def courses_json(courses, user, session, includes, enrollments)
courses.map{ |course| course_json(course, user, session, includes, enrollments) }
# Public: Returns a course hash to serialize for a json api request.
# course - The course information to return as the hash.
# user - The user requesting the information for permissions.
# session - The current users session object.
# includes - Custom attributes to include in the data response.
# enrollments - Course enrollments to include in the response.
# Examples
# course_json(course, user, session, includes, enrollments)
# # => {
# "account_id" => 3,
# "course_code" => "TestCourse",
# "default_view" => "feed",
# "id" => 1,
# "name" => "TestCourse",
# "start_at" => nil,
# "end_at" => nil,
# "public_syllabus" => false,
# "storage_quota_mb" => 500,
# "hide_final_grades" => false,
# "apply_assignment_group_weights" => false,
# "calendar" => { "ics" => "http://localhost:3000/feeds/calendars/course_Y6uXZZPu965ziva2pqI7c0QR9v1yu2QZk9X0do2D.ics" },
# "permissions" => { :create_discussion_topic => true }
# }
def course_json(course, user, session, includes, enrollments)
Api::V1::CourseJson.to_hash(course, user, includes, enrollments) do |builder, allowed_attributes, methods, permissions_to_include|
hash = api_json(course, user, session, { :only => allowed_attributes, :methods => methods }, permissions_to_include)
hash['term'] = enrollment_term_json(course.enrollment_term, user, session, enrollments, []) if includes.include?('term')
hash['course_progress'] = CourseProgress.new(course, user).to_json if includes.include?('course_progress')
hash['apply_assignment_group_weights'] = course.apply_group_weights?
hash['sections'] = section_enrollments_json(enrollments) if includes.include?('sections')
hash['total_students'] = course.students.count if includes.include?('total_students')
hash['passback_status'] = post_grades_status_json(course) if includes.include?('passback_status')
add_helper_dependant_entries(hash, course, builder)
def copy_status_json(import, course, user, session)
hash = api_json(import, user, session, :only => %w(id progress created_at workflow_state integration_id))
# the type of object for course copy changed but we don't want the api to change
# so map the workflow states to the old ones
if hash['workflow_state'] == 'imported'
hash['workflow_state'] = 'completed'
elsif !['created', 'failed'].member?(hash['workflow_state'])
hash['workflow_state'] = 'started'
hash[:status_url] = api_v1_course_copy_status_url(course, import)
def add_helper_dependant_entries(hash, course, builder)
request = self.respond_to?(:request) ? self.request : nil
hash['calendar'] = { 'ics' => "#{feeds_calendar_url(course.feed_code)}.ics" }
hash['syllabus_body'] = api_user_content(course.syllabus_body, course) if builder.include_syllabus
hash['html_url'] = course_url(course, :host => HostUrl.context_host(course, request.try(:host_with_port))) if builder.include_url