1188 lines
51 KiB
1188 lines
51 KiB
Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../spec/factories/*.rb").each { |file| require file }
def ping
STDOUT.sync = true
print '.'
def create_notification(context, type, delay, link, txt, sms="")
Canvas::MessageHelper.create_notification(context, type, delay, link, txt, sms="")
def create_scribd_mime_type(ext, name)
ScribdMimeType.find_or_create_by_extension_and_name(ext, name)
namespace :db do
desc "Generate security.yml key"
task :generate_security_key do
security_conf_path = File.expand_path(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'security.yml'))
security_conf = YAML.load_file(security_conf_path)
if security_conf[RAILS_ENV]["encryption_key"].to_s.length < 20
security_conf[RAILS_ENV]["encryption_key"] = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(64)
File.open(security_conf_path, 'w') { |f| YAML.dump(security_conf, f) }
desc "Load environment"
task :load_environment => [:generate_security_key, :environment] do
raise "Please configure domain.yml" unless HostUrl.default_host
desc "Resets the encryption_key hash in the database. Needed if you change the encryption_key"
task :reset_encryption_key_hash do
desc "Make sure all scribd mime types are set up correctly"
task :ensure_scribd_mime_types => :load_environment do
create_scribd_mime_type('doc', 'application/msword')
create_scribd_mime_type('ppt', 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint')
create_scribd_mime_type('pdf', 'application/pdf')
create_scribd_mime_type('xls', 'application/vnd.ms-excel')
create_scribd_mime_type('ps', 'application/postscript')
create_scribd_mime_type('rtf', 'application/rtf')
create_scribd_mime_type('rtf', 'text/rtf')
create_scribd_mime_type('docx', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document')
create_scribd_mime_type('pptx', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation')
create_scribd_mime_type('xlsx', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet')
create_scribd_mime_type('ppt', 'application/mspowerpoint')
create_scribd_mime_type('xls', 'application/excel')
create_scribd_mime_type('txt', 'text/plain')
create_scribd_mime_type('odt', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text')
create_scribd_mime_type('odp', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation')
create_scribd_mime_type('ods', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet')
create_scribd_mime_type('sxw', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer')
create_scribd_mime_type('sxi', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress')
create_scribd_mime_type('sxc', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc')
create_scribd_mime_type('xltx', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template')
create_scribd_mime_type('ppsx', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow')
create_scribd_mime_type('potx', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template')
create_scribd_mime_type('dotx', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template')
puts 'Scribd Mime Types added'
desc "Make sure all message templates have notifications in the db"
task :evaluate_notification_templates => :load_environment do
Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'app', 'messages', '*.erb')) do |filename|
filename = File.split(filename)[1]
name = filename.split(".")[0]
unless name[0,1] == "_"
titled = name.titleize.gsub(/Sms/, 'SMS')
puts "No notification found in db for #{name}" unless Notification.find_by_name(titled)
Notification.all.each do |n|
puts "No notification files found for #{n.name}" if Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'app', 'messages', "#{n.name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, '_')}.*.erb")).empty?
desc "Find or create the notifications"
task :load_notifications => :load_environment do
create_notification 'Announcement', 'Announcement', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/announcements', %{
New Announcement
<%= asset.title %>: <%= asset.context.name %>
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.message, :max_length => 500) %>
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.message, :max_length => 200) %>
create_notification 'AccountUser', 'Other', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
New Account User
New Account Admin for <%= asset.account.name %>
A new admin, <%= asset.user.name %>, has been added for the account <%= asset.account.name %>
}, %{
A new admin, <%= asset.user.name %>, has been added for the account <%= asset.account.name %>
create_notification 'Course', 'Other', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
New Course
New Course for <%= asset.root_account.name %>
A new course, <%= asset.name %>, has been added for the account <%= asset.root_account.name %>
}, %{
A new course, <%= asset.name %>, has been added for the account <%= asset.root_account.name %>
create_notification 'StudentReports', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
Report Generated
Report Generated
Report generated successfully
}, %{
Report generated successfully
create_notification 'StudentReports', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
Report Generation Failed
Report Generation Failed
Report generation failed
}, %{
Report generation failed
create_notification 'ContentMigration', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
Migration Export Ready
Course Extraction Ready: <%= asset.migration_settings[:course_name] %>
The extraction process for the course, <%= asset.migration_settings[:course_name] %>, has completed. To finish importing content into <%= asset.context.name %> you'll need to click the following link:
}, %{
The extraction process for the course, <%= asset.migration_settings[:course_name] %>, has completed. To finish importing content into <%= asset.context.name %> you'll need to click the following link:
create_notification 'ContentMigration', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
Migration Import Finished
Course Import Finished: <%= asset.context.name %>
Importing <%= asset.migration_settings[:course_name] %> into <%= asset.context.name %> has finished.
}, %{
Importing <%= asset.migration_settings[:course_name] %> into <%= asset.context.name %> has finished.
create_notification 'ContentMigration', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
Migration Import Failed
Course Import Failed: <%= asset.context.name %>
There was a problem importing <%= asset.migration_settings[:course_name] %> into <%= asset.context.name %>. Please notify your system administrator, and give them the following error code: "ContentMigration:<%= asset.id %>:<%= asset.progress %>".
}, %{
There was a problem importing <%= asset.migration_settings[:course_name] %> into <%= asset.context.name %>. Please notify your system administrator, and give them the following error code: "ContentMigration:<%= asset.id %>:<%= asset.progress %>".
create_notification 'ContentExport', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
Content Export Finished
Course Export Finished: <%= asset.context.name %>
Your course export for "<%= asset.context.name %>" has finished.
}, %{
Your course export for "<%= asset.context.name %>" has finished.
create_notification 'ContentExport', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
Content Export Failed
Course Export failed: <%= asset.context.name %>
There was a problem exporting the course "<%= asset.context.name %>".
}, %{
There was a problem exporting the course "<%= asset.context.name %>".
create_notification 'User', 'Other', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
New User
New Instructure User %>
A new user, <%= asset.name %>, just registered for the account <%= asset.account.name rescue nil %>
}, %{
A new user, <%= asset.name %>, just registered for the account <%= asset.account.name rescue nil %>
create_notification 'User', 'Other', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>', %{
New Teacher Registration
New Teacher Registration
A new teacher, <%= asset.name %>, just registered at Instructure
}, %{
A new teacher, <%= asset.name %>, just registered at Instructure
create_notification 'Assignment', 'Due Date', 5*60,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/assignments/<%= asset.id %>', %{
Assignment Due Date Changed
Assignment Due Date Changed: <%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>
The due date for the assignment, <%= asset.title %>, for the course, <%= asset.context.name %> has changed to:
<%= asset.due_at.strftime("%b %d at %I:%M") rescue "No Due Date" %><%= asset.due_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
Click here to view the assignment:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>, is now due:
<%= asset.due_at.strftime("%b %d at %I:%M") rescue "No Due Date" %><%= asset.due_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
create_notification 'Assignment', 'Reminder', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/assignments/<%= asset.id %>', %{
Assignment Publishing Reminder
Unpublished Assignment: <%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>
The assignment, <%= asset.title %>, for the course, <%= asset.context.name %> appears to have been graded, but not published. Publishing assignments notifies students that their grades have been entered and finalized.
Click here to view the assignment:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>, still needs to be published so students know their grades are entered and official
create_notification 'Assignment', 'Reminder', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/assignments/<%= asset.id %>', %{
Assignment Grading Reminder
Ungraded Assignment: <%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>
It looks like the assignment, <%= asset.title %>, for the course, <%= asset.context.name %> hasn't been graded. It was due <%= datetime_string(asset.due_at) %>.
Click here to view the assignment:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>, hasn't been graded, even though it was due <%= datetime_string(asset.due_at) %>
create_notification 'Assignment', 'Reminder', 0,
'<%= a = asset.assignment %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>', %{
Assignment Due Date Reminder
Due: <%= asset.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.assignment.context.name %>
This is a reminder that the assignment <%= asset.assignment.title %>, for the course, <%= asset.assignment.context.name %> is due <%= datetime_string(asset.assignment.due_at) %>.
Click here to view the assignment:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.assignment.context.name %> is due <%= datetime_string(asset.assignment.due_at) %>
create_notification 'Assignment', 'Course Content', 30*60,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/assignments/<%= asset.id %>', %{
Assignment Changed
Assignment Changed: <%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>
The assignment, <%= asset.title %>, for the course, <%= asset.context.name %>, has changed.
Click here to view the assignment:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %> has changed.
create_notification 'Assignment', 'Due Date', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/assignments/<%= asset.id %>', %{
Assignment Created
Assignment Created - <%= asset.title %>: <%= asset.context.name %>
A new assignment has been created for your course, <%= asset.context.name %>
<%= asset.title %>
due: <%= asset.due_at.strftime("%b %d at %I:%M") rescue "No Due Date" %><%= asset.due_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
Click here to view the assignment:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New Assignment for <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= asset.title %>
due: <%= asset.due_at.strftime("%b %d at %I:%M") rescue "No Due Date" %><%= asset.due_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
create_notification 'Course', 'Grading Policies', 5*60,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset) %>/<%= asset.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.id %>/assignments', %{
Grade Weight Changed
Grade Weight Changed: <%= asset.name %>
The grading policy for <%= asset.name %> has changed.
You can see details here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.name %> grading policy has changed.
create_notification 'Assignment', 'Grading', 15*60,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/assignments/<%= asset.id %>', %{
Assignment Graded
Assignment Graded: <%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>
Your assignment, <%= asset.title %>, has been graded.
You can view it here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.title %>, <%= assset.context.name %> has been graded.
create_notification 'Attachment', 'Files', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/files/<%= asset.id %>', %{
New File Added
New File Added: <%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>
A new file has been added for the course, <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= asset.title %>
<%= asset.readable_size %>
You can view it here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New file added for <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= asset.title %>
<%= asset.readable_size %>
create_notification 'CalendarEvent', 'Calendar', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/calendar_events/<%= asset.id %>', %{
New Event Created
New Event - <%= asset.title %>: <%= asset.context.name %>
There's a new event scheduled for <%= asset.context.name %> that you should be aware of:
<%= asset.title %>
<% if (asset.start_at == asset.end_at || !asset.end_at) %>
<%= asset.start_at.strftime("%b %d at %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.start_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
<% else %>
from <%= asset.start_at.strftime("%b %d %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.start_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
to <%= asset.end_at.strftime("%b %d %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.end_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
<% end %>
You can see details here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New event for <%= asset.contex.name: %>
<%= asset.title %>
<% if (asset.start_at == asset.end_at || !asset.end_at) %>
<%= asset.start_at.strftime("%b %d at %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.start_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
<% else %>
from <%= asset.start_at.strftime("%b %d %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.start_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
to <%= asset.end_at.strftime("%b %d %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.end_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
<% end %>
create_notification 'CalendarEvent', 'Calendar', 15*60,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/calendar_events/<%= asset.id %>', %{
Event Date Changed
Event Date Changed: <%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>
The event, <%= asset.title %>, for the course, <%= asset.context.name %> has changed times. It's now:
<% if (asset.start_at == asset.end_at || !asset.end_at) %>
<%= asset.start_at.strftime("%b %d at %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.start_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
<% else %>
from <%= asset.start_at.strftime("%b %d %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.start_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
to <%= asset.end_at.strftime("%b %d %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.end_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
<% end %>
You can see details here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %> changed to:
<% if (asset.start_at == asset.end_at || !asset.end_at) %>
<%= asset.start_at.strftime("%b %d at %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.start_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
<% else %>
from <%= asset.start_at.strftime("%b %d %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.start_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
to <%= asset.end_at.strftime("%b %d %I:%M") rescue "No Time Set" %><%= asset.end_at.strftime("%p").downcase rescue "" %>
<% end %>
create_notification 'Collaborator', 'Invitation', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.collaboration.context) %>/<%= asset.collaboration.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.collaboration.context_id %>/collaborations', %{
Collaboration Invitation
Collaboration Invitation: <%= asset.collaboration.context.name %>
You've been invited to collaborate on a document, <%= asset.collaboration.title %> for
<%= asset.collaboration.context.name %>. The document was created
<% if asset.collaboration.user %> by <%= asset.collaboration.user.name %><% end %>
in <%= asset.collaboration.service_name %>
and you were invited using your email address, <%= asset.user.gmail %>.
If that's the wrong email address for this type of collaboration, you'll need to
change your profile settings or register with <%= asset.collaboration.service_name %>.
You can see the details here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You were invited to collaborate on a document, <%= asset.collaboration.title %> for
<%= asset.collaboration.context.name %>. Visit <%= HostUrl.default_host %> for more details.
create_notification 'WebConference', 'Invitation', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/conferences', %{
Web Conference Invitation
Web Conference Invitation: <%= asset.context.name %>
You've been invited to participate in a web conference, <%= asset.title %> for
<%= asset.context.name %>.
You can see the details here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You were invited to join a web conference, <%= asset.title %> for
<%= asset.context.name %>. Visit <%= HostUrl.default_host %> for more details.
create_notification 'CommunicationChannel', 'Registration', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/pseudonyms/<%= asset.pseudonym_id %>/claim/<%= asset.confirmation_code %>', %{
Confirm Email Communication Channel
Confirm Email: Instructure
The email address, <%= asset.path %> is being registered at Instructure for the user, <%= asset.user.name %>.
To confirm this registration, please visit the following url:
<%= main_link %>
}, ""
create_notification 'CommunicationChannel', 'Registration', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/communication_channels/<%= asset.id %>/merge/<%= asset.confirmation_code %>', %{
Merge Email Communication Channel
Claim Email: Instructure
Someone is requesting the use of this email address, <%= asset.path %>, for
their account at Instructure. Right now this address is being used by
<%= asset.user.name %> (id: <%= asset.user_id).
If you would like to assign this email address to a different user, please visit the following url:
<%= main_link %>
}, ""
create_notification 'CommunicationChannel', 'Registration', 0,
'no link available', %{
Confirm SMS Communication Channel
Confirm SMS: Instructure
This address is being registered at <%= HostUrl.default_host %> for the user, <%= asset.user.name %>. Enter the code:
<%= asset.confirmation_code %>
at <%= HostUrl.default_host %> to confirm this account.
}, %{
Confirm SMS Communication Channel
Confirm SMS: Instructure
This address is being registered at <%= HostUrl.default_host %> for the user, <%= asset.user.name %>. Enter the code:
<%= asset.confirmation_code %>
at <%= HostUrl.default_host %> to confirm this account.
create_notification 'Pseudonym', 'Registration', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>/pseudonyms/<%= asset.pseudonym_id %>/change_password/<%= asset.confirmation_code %>', %{
Pseudonym Registration
Registration: Instructure Canvas
You have been registered for a new login at Instructure.
To finish the registration process, please visit the following url:
<%= main_link %>
registration_note = create_notification 'CommunicationChannel', 'Registration', 0,
"http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>/pseudonyms/<%= asset.pseudonym_id %>/register/<%= asset.confirmation_code %>", %{
Confirm Registration
Confirm Registration: Instructure
Thank you for registering with Instructure! This email is confirmation that the user, <%= asset.user.name %> is registering for a new account at <%= HostUrl.default_host %>.
To finish the registration process, please visit the following url:
<%= main_link %>
registration_note.update_attribute(:delay_for, 0)
create_notification 'CommunicationChannel', 'Registration', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.default_host %>/pseudonyms/<%= asset.pseudonym_id %>/change_password/<%= asset.confirmation_code %>', %{
Forgot Password
Forgot Password: Instructure
You requested a confirmation of your password for this address at <%= HostUrl.default_host %>.
To set a new password, please click the following link:
<%= main_link %>
create_notification 'DiscussionTopic', 'Discussion', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/discussion_topics/<%= asset.id %>', %{
New Discussion Topic
New Discussion - <%= asset.title %>: <%= asset.context.name %>
A new discussion topic has been started that may be interesting to you:
<%= asset.title %>
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.message, :max_length => 200) %>
Join to the conversation here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New Topic for <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= asset.title %>
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.message, :max_length => 200) %>
create_notification 'DiscussionEntry', 'DiscussionEntry', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/discussion_topics/<%= asset.discussion_topic_id %>', %{
New Discussion Entry
New Comment for <%= asset.discussion_topic.title %>: <%= asset.context.name %>
<%= asset.user.short_name just commented on the topic <%= asset.discussion_topic.title %> for <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.message, :max_length => 200) %>
Join to the conversation here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New Comment for <%= asset.discussion_topic.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.message, :max_length => 200) %>
create_notification 'AccountUser', 'Registration', 0,
'<% cc = asset.user.communication_channel %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.account) %>/pseudonyms/<%= cc.pseudonym_id %>/register/<%= cc.confirmation_code %>', %{
Account User Registration
Account Admin Notification
You've been added as an <%= asset.readable_type %> to the account <%= asset.account.name %> at <%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.account) %>. First you'll need to finish the registration process.
You can finish regsitering your account here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been added as an <%= asset.readable_type %> to the account <%= asset.account.name %> at <%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.account) %>
create_notification 'AccountUser', 'Registration', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.account) %>/accounts/<%= asset.account_id %>', %{
Account User Notification
Account Admin Notification
You've been added as an <%= asset.readable_type %> to the account <%= asset.account.name %> at <%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.account) %>
Visit the account page here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been added as an <%= asset.readable_type %> to the account <%= asset.account.name %> at <%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.account) %>
create_notification 'Enrollment', 'Registration', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>?invitation=<%= asset.uuid %>', %{
Enrollment Invitation
<%= asset.context.class.to_s.capitalize %> Invitation
You've been invited to participate in the <%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase %>, <%= asset.context.name %>, as a <%= asset.readable_type %>.
Visit the <%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase %> page here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been invited to the <%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase %> as
a <%= asset.readable_type %>. Visit <%= HostUrl.default_host %> for more details.
create_notification 'Enrollment', 'Registration', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>?invitation=<%= asset.uuid %>', %{
Enrollment Registration
<%= asset.context.class.to_s.capitalize %> Invitation
You've been invited to participate in a class at <%= HostUrl.default_host %>. The class is
called <%= asset.context.name %>, and you've been invited to
participate as a <%= asset.readable_type %>.
Visit the <%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase %> page here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been invited to the <%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase %> as
a <%= asset.readable_type %>. Visit <%= HostUrl.default_host %> for more details.
create_notification 'Enrollment', 'Registration', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>', %{
Enrollment Notification
<%= asset.context.class.to_s.capitalize %> Enrollment
You've been enrolled in the <%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase %>, <%= asset.context.name %> as a <%= asset.readable_type %>
Visit the <%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase %> page here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been enrolled in the <%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase %> as
a <%= asset.readable_type %>. Visit <%= HostUrl.default_host %> for more details.
create_notification 'Enrollment', 'Membership Update', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.course) %>/<%= asset.course.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.course_id %>/details', %{
Enrollment Accepted
<%= asset.user.name %> accepted the <%= asset.course.class.to_s.capitalize %> Invitation
<%= asset.user.name %> just accepted their invitation to participate in the <%= asset.course.class.to_s.downcase %>, <%= asset.course.name %>, as a <%= asset.readable_type %>.
See the list of current enrollments here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.user.name %> accepted the <%= asset.readable_type %> invitation for the <%= asset.course.class.to_s.downcase %>, <%= asset.course.name %>
create_notification 'ContextMessage', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>', %{
Teacher Context Message
New Message: <%= asset.subject %> from <%= user.name rescue 'Unknown User' %>
<%= user.name rescue 'Unknown User' %> just sent you a message from the Instructure <%= asset.context.class.to_s %>, <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= asset.body %>
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= user.name rescue 'Unknown User' %> just sent you a message <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.body, :max_length => 50) %>
create_notification 'ContextMessage', 'Student Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>', %{
Student Context Message
New Message: <%= asset.subject %> from <%= user.name rescue 'Unknown User' %>
<%= user.name rescue 'Unknown User' %> just sent you a message from the Instructure <%= asset.context.class.to_s %>, <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= asset.body %>
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= user.name rescue 'Unknown User' %> just sent you a message <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.body, :max_length => 50) %>
create_notification 'GroupMembership', 'Membership Update', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.group.context) %>/<%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/groups', %{
New Context Group Membership
New Group Membership: <%= asset.group.name %>
You've been added to a new group for the <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> <%= asset.group.context.name %>. The name of the group is <%= asset.group.name %>.
You can see your group memberships for this <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> by clicking the link below:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been added to a new group for the <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> <%= asset.group.context.name %>. The name of the group is <%= asset.group.name %>.
create_notification 'GroupMembership', 'Invitation', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.group.context) %>/<%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/groups', %{
New Context Group Membership Invitation
New Group Membership: <%= asset.group.name %>
You've been added to a new group for the <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> <%= asset.group.context.name %>. The name of the group is <%= asset.group.name %>.
You can see your group memberships for this <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> by clicking the link below:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been added to a new group for the <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> <%= asset.group.context.name %>. The name of the group is <%= asset.group.name %>.
create_notification 'GroupMembership', 'Membership Update', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.group.context) %>/<%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/groups', %{
Group Membership Accepted
New Group Membership: <%= asset.group.name %>
You've been added to a new group for the <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> <%= asset.group.context.name %>. The name of the group is <%= asset.group.name %>.
You can see your group memberships for this <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> by clicking the link below:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been added to a new group for the <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> <%= asset.group.context.name %>. The name of the group is <%= asset.group.name %>.
create_notification 'GroupMembership', 'Membership Update', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.group.context) %>/<%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/groups', %{
Group Membership Rejected
New Group Membership: <%= asset.group.name %>
You've been added to a new group for the <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> <%= asset.group.context.name %>. The name of the group is <%= asset.group.name %>.
You can see your group memberships for this <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> by clicking the link below:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been added to a new group for the <%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase %> <%= asset.group.context.name %>. The name of the group is <%= asset.group.name %>.
create_notification 'Group', 'Message', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.group.context) %>/<%= asset.group.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/groups', %{
New Student Organized Group
New Student Group: <%= asset.group.name %>
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New student group: <%= asset.group.name %>
create_notification 'AssessmentRequest', 'Invitation', 0,
'<%ra=asset.rubric_association%>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(ra.context) %>/<%= ra.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= ra.context_id %>/rubrics/<%= ra.rubric_id %>', %{
Rubric Assessment Submission Reminder
Reminder to Submit Assessment: <%= asset.rubric_association.title %>, <%= asset.rubric_association.context.name %>
You've been reminded to assess: <%= asset.rubric_association.title %>, <%= asset.rubric_association.context.name %>:
<%= asset.rubric_association.description %>
You can review the assessment and submit your entry here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been reminded to assess: <%= asset.rubric_association.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>.
create_notification 'AssessmentRequest', 'Invitation', 0,
'<%ra=asset.rubric_association%>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(ra.context) %>/<%= ra.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= ra.context_id %>/rubric_associations/<%= ra.id %>/assessments/<%= asset.uuid %>', %{
Rubric Assessment Invitation
Assessment Invitation: <%= asset.rubric_association.title %>, <%= asset.rubric_association.context.name %>
You've been invited by <%= asset.user.name %> to assess their submission for <%= asset.rubric_association.title %>:
<%= asset.rubric_association.description %>
You can review and evaluate the entry here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
You've been invited by <%= asset.user.name %> to assess their submission for <%= asset.rubric_association.title %>.
create_notification 'RubricAssociation', 'Invitation', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.context) %>/<%= asset.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.context_id %>/rubrics/<%= asset.rubric_id %>', %{
Rubric Association Created
New Assessment: <%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.context.name %>
A new assessment has been created for <%= asset.context.name %>:
<%= asset.title %>
<%= asset.description %>
You can review the assessment and submit your entry here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
A new assessment has been created for <%= asset.context.name %>.
create_notification 'Submission', 'All Submissions', 0,
'<%= a = asset.assignment %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>/submissions/<%= asset.user_id %>', %{
Assignment Submitted
Submitted: <%= asset.user.name %>, <%= asset.assignment.title %>
<%= asset.user.name %> has just turned in a submission for <%= asset.assignment.title %> in the course <%= asset.assignment.context.name %>.
You can view the submission here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.user.name %> just turned in their assignment (late), <%= asset.assignment.title %>
create_notification 'Submission', 'All Submissions', 0,
'<%= a = asset.assignment %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>/submissions/<%= asset.user_id %>', %{
Assignment Resubmitted
Submitted: <%= asset.user.name %>, <%= asset.assignment.title %>
<%= asset.user.name %> has just turned in a re-submission for <%= asset.assignment.title %> in the course <%= asset.assignment.context.name %>.
You can view the submission here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.user.name %> just turned in their assignment (late), <%= asset.assignment.title %>
create_notification 'Submission', 'Late Grading', 0,
'<%= a = asset.assignment %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>/submissions/<%= asset.user_id %>', %{
Assignment Submitted Late
Late Assignment: <%= asset.user.name %>, <%= asset.assignment.title %>
<%= asset.user.name %> has just turned in a late submission for <%= asset.assignment.title %> in the course <%= asset.assignment.context.name %>.
You can view the submission here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.user.name %> just turned in their assignment (late), <%= asset.assignment.title %>
create_notification 'Submission', 'Late Grading', 0,
'<%= a = asset.assignment %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>', %{
Group Assignment Submitted Late
Late Assignment: <%= asset.group.name %>, <%= asset.assignment.title %>
The group <%= asset.group.name %> has just turned in a late submission for <%= asset.assignment.title %> in the course <%= asset.assignment.context.name %>.
You can view the submission here:
http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(asset.assignment.context) %>/<%= asset.assignment.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= asset.assignment.context_id %>/assignments/<%= asset.assignment_id %>/submissions/<%= asset.user_id %>
}, %{
<%= asset.group.name %> just turned in their assignment (late), <%= asset.assignment.title %>
create_notification 'Submission', 'Grading', 60*60,
'<%= a = asset.assignment %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>', %{
Submission Graded
Assignment Graded: <%= asset.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.assignment.context.name %>
Your assignment, <%= asset.assignment.title %>, has been graded.
You can review the assignment here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.assignment.context.name %> has been graded.
create_notification 'SubmissionComment', 'Submission Comment', 0,
'<%a=asset.submission.assignment%>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>/submissions/<%= asset.submission.user_id %>', %{
Submission Comment
Submission Comment: <%= asset.submission.user.name %>, <%= asset.submission.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.submission.assignment.context.name %>
<%= asset.author_name || "Someone" %> just made a new comment on the submission for <%= asset.submission.user.name %>
for <%= asset.submission.assignment.title %>.
You can review the submission details here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New comment by <%= asset.author.name %> for <%= asset.submission.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.submission.user.name %>, <%= asset.submission.assignment.context.name %>.
create_notification 'SubmissionComment', 'Submission Comment', 0,
'<%a=asset.submission.assignment%>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>/submissions/<%= asset.submission.user_id %>', %{
Submission Comment For Teacher
Submission Comment: <%= asset.submission.user.name %>, <%= asset.submission.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.submission.assignment.context.name %>
<%= asset.author_name || "Someone" %> just made a new comment on the submission for <%= asset.submission.user.name %>
for <%= asset.submission.assignment.title %>.
You can review the submission details here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New comment by <%= asset.author.name %> for <%= asset.submission.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.submission.user.name %>, <%= asset.submission.assignment.context.name %>.
create_notification 'Submission', 'Grading', 5*60,
'<%= a = asset.assignment %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(a.context) %>/<%= a.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= a.context_id %>/assignments/<%= a.id %>/submissions/<%= asset.user_id %>', %{
Submission Grade Changed
Grade Changed: <%= asset.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.assignment.context.name %>
The grade on your assignment, <%= asset.assignment.title %> has been changed.
You can review the assignment here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
Your grade for <%= asset.assignment.title %>, <%= asset.assignment.context.name %> just changed.
create_notification 'WikiPage', 'Course Content', 0,
'<%ns=asset.find_namespace_for_user(user) %>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(ns.context) %>/<%= ns.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= ns.context_id %>/wiki/<%= ns.namespace + ":" if !ns.default? %><%= asset.url %>', %{
New Wiki Page
New Wiki Page - <%= asset.title.titleize %>: <%= asset.find_namespace_for_user(user).context.name rescue "" %>
<% namespace = asset.find_namespace_for_user(user) %>
A new page has been added to the wiki for <%= namespace.context.name %> that may make your life easier.
<%= asset.title.titleize %>
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.body, :max_length => 200) %>
You can review it here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
New wiki page for <%= asset.find_namespace_for_user(user).context.name rescue "" %>:
<%= asset.title.titleize %>
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.body, :max_length => 200) %>
create_notification 'WikiPage', 'Course Content', 15*60,
'<%ns=asset.find_namespace_for_user(user)%>http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(ns.context) %>/<%= ns.context.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize %>/<%= ns.context_id %>/wiki/<%= ns.namespace + ":" if !ns.default? %><%= asset.url %>', %{
Updated Wiki Page
Updated Wiki Page: <%= asset.title.titleize %>, <%= asset.find_namespace_for_user(user).context.name rescue "" %>
<% namespace = asset.find_namespace_for_user(user) %>
A page has been updated on the wiki for <%= namespace.context.name %> that may make your life easier.
<%= asset.title.titleize %>
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.body, :max_length => 200) %>
You can review it here:
<%= main_link %>
}, %{
<%= asset.title %>, <%= asset.find_namespace_for_user(user).context.name rescue "" %> just updated:
<%= strip_and_truncate(asset.body, :max_length => 200) %>
create_notification 'Summary', 'Summaries', 0,
'http://<%= HostUrl.context_host(namespace.context) %>', %{
Recent Instructure Activity
<%= main_link %>
Here is a summary of recent activity on your courses at Instructure:
<% for delayed_message in delayed_messages do %>
* <%= delayed_message.name_of_topic %>
<%= delayed_message.link %>
<%= delayed_message.summary %>
<% end %>
You received this message because you are subscribed to receive messages at
To change the way you get mail from this group, visit your profile page at
<%= HostUrl.default_host %>.
puts "\nNotifications Loaded"
desc "Create an administrator account"
task :configure_admin => :load_environment do
def create_admin(email, password)
pseudonym = Pseudonym.find_by_unique_id(email)
user = pseudonym ? pseudonym.user : User.create!
user.register! unless user.registered?
unless pseudonym
# don't pass the password in the create call, because that way is extra
# picky. the admin should know what they're doing, and we'd rather not
# fail here.
pseudonym = user.pseudonyms.create!(:unique_id => email, :path => email,
:password => "validpassword", :password_confirmation => "validpassword")
user.communication_channels << pseudonym.communication_channel
# set the password later.
pseudonym.password = pseudonym.password_confirmation = password
Account.site_admin.add_user(user, 'AccountAdmin')
Account.default.add_user(user, 'AccountAdmin')
rescue => e
STDERR.puts "Problem creating administrative account, please try again: " + e
user = nil
if !(ENV['CANVAS_LMS_ADMIN_EMAIL'] || "").empty? && !(ENV['CANVAS_LMS_ADMIN_PASSWORD'] || "").empty?
unless user
require 'highline/import'
while !Rails.env.test? do
while true do
email = ask("What email address will the site administrator account use? > ") { |q| q.echo = true }
email_confirm = ask("Please confirm > ") { |q| q.echo = true }
break if email == email_confirm
while true do
password = ask("What password will the site administrator use? > ") { |q| q.echo = "*" }
password_confirm = ask("Please confirm > ") { |q| q.echo = "*" }
break if password == password_confirm
break if create_admin(email, password)
desc "Configure usage statistics collection"
task :configure_statistics_collection => [:load_environment] do
gather_data = ENV["CANVAS_LMS_STATS_COLLECTION"] || ""
gather_data = "opt_out" if gather_data.empty?
if !Rails.env.test? && (ENV["CANVAS_LMS_STATS_COLLECTION"] || "").empty?
require 'highline/import'
choose do |menu|
menu.header = "To help our developers better serve you, Instructure would like to collect some usage data about your Canvas installation. You can change this setting at any time."
menu.prompt = "> "
menu.choice("Opt in") {
gather_data = "opt_in"
puts "Thank you for participating!"
menu.choice("Only send anonymized data") {
gather_data = "anonymized"
puts "Thank you for participating in anonymous usage collection."
menu.choice("Opt out completely") {
gather_data = "opt_out"
puts "You have opted out."
puts "You can change this feature at any time by running the rake task 'rake db:configure_statistics_collection'"
Setting.set("usage_statistics_collection", gather_data)
desc "Configure default settings"
task :configure_default_settings => :load_environment do
Setting.set("support_multiple_account_types", "false")
Setting.set("show_opensource_linkback", "true")
desc "generate data"
task :generate_data => [:configure_default_settings, :load_notifications, :ensure_scribd_mime_types,
:evaluate_notification_templates] do
desc "Configure Default Account Name"
task :configure_account_name => :load_environment do
if (ENV['CANVAS_LMS_ACCOUNT_NAME'] || "").empty?
require 'highline/import'
if !Rails.env.test?
name = ask("What do you want users to see as the account name? This should probably be the name of your organization. > ") { |q| q.echo = true }
a = Account.default
a.name = name
a = Account.default
desc "Create all the initial data, including notifications and admin account"
task :load_initial_data => [:configure_admin, :configure_account_name, :configure_statistics_collection, :generate_data] do
puts "\nInitial data loaded"
end # Task: load_initial_data
desc "Useful initial setup task"
task :initial_setup => [:generate_security_key, :migrate] do
load 'app/models/pseudonym.rb'
end # Namespace: db