161 lines
7.4 KiB
161 lines
7.4 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import I18n from 'i18n!calculator'
import $ from 'jquery'
import calcCmd from 'calcCmd'
import htmlEscape from './str/htmlEscape'
import './jquery.instructure_misc_helpers' /* /\$\.raw/ */
import './jquery.instructure_misc_plugins' /* showIf */
import 'jqueryui/sortable'
var generateFinds = function($table) {
var finds = {};
finds.formula_rows = $table.find(".formula_row");
finds.formula_rows.each(function(i) {
this.formula = $(this).find(".formula");
this.status = $(this).find(".status");
$(this).data('formula', $(this).find(".formula"));
$(this).data('status', $(this).find(".status"));
finds.round = $table.find(".round");
finds.status = $table.find(".status");
finds.last_row_details = $table.find(".last_row_details");
return finds;
$.fn.superCalc = function(options, more_options) {
if(options == 'recalculate') {
$(this).triggerHandler('calculate', more_options);
} else if(options == 'clear') {
} else if(options == 'cache_finds') {
$(this).data('cached_finds', generateFinds($(this).data('table')));
} else if(options == 'clear_cached_finds') {
$(this).data('cached_finds', null);
} else {
options = options || {};
options.c1 = true;
var $entryBox = $(this);
var $table = $("<table class='formulas' aria-live='polite'>" +
"<thead><tr><td id='headings.formula'>" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('headings.formula', "Formula")) + "</td><td id='headings.result'>" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('headings.result', "Result")) + "</td><td aria-hidden='true'> </td></tr></thead>" +
"<tfoot>" +
"<tr><td colspan='3' class='last_row_details' style='display: none;'>" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('last_formula_row', "the last formula row will be used to compute the final answer")) + "</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td></td><td class='decimal_places'>" +
"<select aria-labelledby='decimal_places_label' class='round'><option>0</option><option>1</option><option>2</option><option>3</option><option>4</option></select> " +
"<label id='decimal_places_label'>" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('decimal_places', 'Decimal Places')) + "</label>" +
"</td></tr>" +
"</tfoot>" +
$entryBox.attr('aria-labelledby', 'headings.formula');
$entryBox.css('width', '220px');
$(this).data('table', $table);
$table.find("tfoot tr:last td:first").append($entryBox);
var $displayBox = $entryBox.clone(true).removeAttr('id');
$table.find("tfoot tr:last td:first").append($displayBox);
var $enter = $("<button type='button' class='btn save_formula_button'>" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('buttons.save', "Save")) + "</button>");
$table.find("tfoot tr:last td:first").append($enter);
var $input = $("<input type='text' readonly='true'/>");
$table.find("tfoot tr:last td:first").append($input.hide());
$entryBox.data('supercalc_options', options);
$entryBox.data('supercalc_answer', $input);
$table.delegate('.save_formula_button', 'click', function() {
$displayBox.triggerHandler('keypress', true);
$table.delegate('.delete_formula_row_link', 'click', function(event) {
items: '.formula_row',
update: function() {
$table.delegate('.round', 'change', function() {
$entryBox.bind('calculate', function(event, no_dom) {
var finds = $(this).data('cached_finds') || generateFinds($table);
if(options.pre_process && $.isFunction(options.pre_process)) {
var lines = options.pre_process();
for(var idx in lines) {
if(!no_dom) {
$entryBox.val(lines[idx] || "");
try {
} catch(e) {
finds.formula_rows.each(function() {
var formula_text = this.formula.html();
var res = null;
try {
// precision 15 to strip floating point error
var precision = 15;
// regex strips extra 0s from toPrecision output
var stripZeros = function(str){return str.replace(/(?:(\.[0-9]*[^0e])|\.)0*(e.*)?$/,"$1$2")};
var val = +calcCmd.computeValue(formula_text).toPrecision(precision);
var rounder = Math.pow(10, parseInt(finds.round.val(), 10) || 0) || 1;
res = "= " + stripZeros((Math.round(val * rounder) / rounder).toPrecision(precision));
} catch(e) {
res = e.toString();
this.status.attr('data-res', res);
if(!no_dom) {
if(!no_dom) {
if(finds.formula_rows.length > 1) {
finds.last_row_details.showIf(finds.formula_rows.length > 1);
finds.status.removeAttr('title').filter(":last").attr('title', I18n.t('sample_final_answer', 'This value is an example final answer for this question type'));
$displayBox.bind('keypress', function(event, enter) {
if(event.keyCode == 13 || enter && $displayBox.val()) {
var $tr = $("<tr class='formula_row'><td class='formula' aria-labelledby='headings.formula' title='" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('drag_to_reorder', 'Drag to reorder')) + "'></td><td class='status' aria-labelledby='headings.result'></td><td><a href='#' class='delete_formula_row_link no-hover'><img src='/images/delete_circle.png' alt='" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('delete_formula', 'Delete Formula')) + "'/></a></td></tr>");
if(options && options.formula_added && $.isFunction(options.formula_added)) {