4296 lines
176 KiB
4296 lines
176 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// xsslint jqueryObject.function makeFormAnswer makeDisplayAnswer
// xsslint jqueryObject.property sortable placeholder
// xsslint safeString.property question_text
import regradeTemplate from 'jst/quiz/regrade'
import I18n from 'i18n!quizzes'
import _ from 'underscore'
import $ from 'jquery'
import calcCmd from './calcCmd'
import htmlEscape from './str/htmlEscape'
import pluralize from './str/pluralize'
import Handlebars from 'compiled/handlebars_helpers'
import DueDateOverrideView from 'compiled/views/assignments/DueDateOverride'
import Quiz from 'compiled/models/Quiz'
import DueDateList from 'compiled/models/DueDateList'
import QuizRegradeView from 'compiled/views/quizzes/QuizRegradeView'
import SectionList from 'compiled/collections/SectionCollection'
import MissingDateDialog from 'compiled/views/calendar/MissingDateDialogView'
import MultipleChoiceToggle from 'compiled/editor/MultipleChoiceToggle'
import EditorToggle from 'compiled/editor/EditorToggle'
import TextHelper from 'compiled/str/TextHelper'
import RCEKeyboardShortcuts from 'compiled/views/editor/KeyboardShortcuts'
import INST from './INST' // safari sniffing for VO workarounds
import QuizFormulaSolution from './quiz_formula_solution'
import addAriaDescription from './quiz_labels'
import RichContentEditor from 'jsx/shared/rce/RichContentEditor'
import ConditionalRelease from 'jsx/shared/conditional_release/ConditionalRelease'
import deparam from 'compiled/util/deparam'
import SisValidationHelper from 'compiled/util/SisValidationHelper'
import LockManager from 'jsx/blueprint_courses/apps/LockManager'
import './jquery.ajaxJSON'
import './jquery.instructure_date_and_time' /* time_field, datetime_field */
import './jquery.instructure_forms' /* formSubmit, fillFormData, getFormData, formErrors, errorBox */
import 'jqueryui/dialog'
import './jquery.instructure_misc_helpers' /* replaceTags, /\$\.underscore/ */
import './jquery.instructure_misc_plugins' /* .dim, confirmDelete, showIf */
import './jquery.keycodes'
import './jquery.loadingImg'
import 'compiled/jquery.rails_flash_notifications'
import './jquery.templateData'
import './supercalc'
import './vendor/jquery.scrollTo'
import 'jqueryui/sortable'
import 'jqueryui/tabs'
var dueDateList, overrideView, quizModel, sectionList, correctAnswerVisibility, scoreValidation;
var lockManager = new LockManager()
lockManager.init({ itemType: 'quiz', page: 'edit' })
const lockedItems = lockManager.isChildContent() ? lockManager.getItemLocks() : {}
function adjustOverridesForFormParams(overrides){
var idx = 0;
var overridesLength = overrides.length;
var _override = null;
var dates = [ 'due_at', 'lock_at', 'unlock_at' ];
// make sure we don't send the literal string "null" to the server.
for (idx;idx< overridesLength;idx++){
_override = overrides[idx]
for (var date in dates) {
var _date = dates[date];
if (!dates.hasOwnProperty(date)) continue;
if (_override[_date]) {
_override[_date] = _override[_date].toUTCString();
} else {
_override[_date] = "";
// TODO: let the quiz API handle this.
// The AssignmentOverride model can take care of these values.
// See the automatically defined methods via self.override
// in app/models/assignment_override.rb
delete _override.unlock_at_overridden;
delete _override.lock_at_overridden;
delete _override.all_day_date;
delete _override.due_at_overridden;
delete _override.all_day;
var isShowingResults = function() {
return $('#never_hide_results').prop('checked');
var isShowingResultsJustOnce = function() {
return $('#quiz_one_time_results').prop('checked');
var renderDueDates = function(){
quizModel = new Quiz(ENV.QUIZ);
sectionList = new SectionList(ENV.SECTION_LIST);
dueDateList = new DueDateList(quizModel.get('assignment_overrides'),
sectionList, quizModel);
overrideView = window.overrideView = new DueDateOverrideView({
el: '.js-assignment-overrides',
model: dueDateList,
views: {},
dueDatesReadonly: lockedItems.due_dates,
availabilityDatesReadonly: lockedItems.availability_dates
var clickSetCorrect = I18n.t('titles.click_to_set_as_correct', "Click to set this answer as correct"),
isSetCorrect = I18n.t('titles.set_as_correct', "This answer is set as correct"),
clickUnsetCorrect = I18n.t('titles.click_to_unset_as_correct', "Click to unset this answer as correct"),
correctAnswerLabel = I18n.t('labels.correct_answer', "Correct Answer"),
possibleAnswerLabel = I18n.t('labels.possible_answer', "Possible Answer");
function togglePossibleCorrectAnswerLabel($answers) {
$answers.find('.select_answer label').text(possibleAnswerLabel);
$answers.find('.select_answer input[name=answer_text]').attr("aria-label", possibleAnswerLabel);
$answers.filter('.correct_answer').find(".select_answer label").text(correctAnswerLabel);
$answers.filter('.correct_answer').find(".select_answer input[name=answer_text]").attr("aria-label", correctAnswerLabel);
function toggleSelectAnswerAltText($answers,type) {
if (type != "multiple_answer") {
.attr('title', clickSetCorrect)
.find('img').attr('alt', clickSetCorrect);
.attr('title', isSetCorrect)
.find('img').attr('alt', isSetCorrect);
} else {
.attr('title', clickUnsetCorrect)
.find('img').attr('alt', clickUnsetCorrect);
.attr('title', clickSetCorrect)
.find('img').attr('alt', clickSetCorrect);
export function isChangeMultiFuncBound ($questionContent) {
var ret = false;
var events = $._data($questionContent[0], 'events');
if (events && events.change) {
events.change.forEach(function (event) {
if (event.handler.origFuncNm === 'changeMultiFunc') {
ret = true;
return ret;
function getChangeMultiFunc ($questionContent, questionType, $select) {
var ret = function changeMultiFunc () {
if (questionType !== 'multiple_dropdowns_question' && questionType !== 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question') {
var text = RichContentEditor.callOnRCE($questionContent, 'get_code');
var matches = text.match(/\[[A-Za-z0-9_\-.]+\]/g);
var matchHash = {};
if (matches) {
for (var idx = 0; idx < matches.length; idx++) {
if (matches[idx]) {
var variable = matches[idx].substring(1, matches[idx].length - 1);
if (!matchHash[variable]) {
var $option = $select.find('option').eq(idx);
if (!$option.length) {
$option = $('<option/>').appendTo($select);
matchHash[variable] = true;
// if there are not any options besides the default:
// "<option class='shown_when_no_other_options_available' value='0'>[ Enter Answer Variables Above ]</option>"
if (!$select.find('option:not(.shown_when_no_other_options_available)').length) {
$select.append("<option class='shown_when_no_other_options_available' value='0'>" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('enter_answer_variable_above',
'[ Enter Answer Variables Above ]')) + '</option>');
// doing the following because minifying will change the function name
// which we reference in isChangeMultiFuncBound()
ret.origFuncNm = 'changeMultiFunc';
return ret;
// TODO: refactor this... it's not going to be horrible, but it will
// take a little bit of work. I just wrapped it in a closure for now
// to not pollute the global namespace, but it could use more.
export const quiz = window.quiz = {
uniqueLocalIDStore: {},
// Should cache any elements used throughout the object here
init: function () {
this.$questions = $('#questions');
this.$showDetailsWrap = $('#show_question_details_wrap').hide();
return this;
// Determines whether or not to show the "show question details" link.
checkShowDetails: function() {
var hasQuestions = this.$questions.find('div.display_question:not(.essay_question, .file_upload_question, .text_only_question)').length;
this.$showDetailsWrap[hasQuestions ? 'show' : 'hide'](200);
generateUniqueLocalID: function($obj) {
var className = "object";
if ($obj.attr('class')) {
if ($obj.attr('class').indexOf(' ') != -1) {
className = $obj.attr('class').split(' ')[0];
} else {
className = $obj.attr('class');
var number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999);
var id = className + "_" + number;
while(quiz.uniqueLocalIDStore[id]) {
number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999);
id = className + "_" + number;
quiz.uniqueLocalIDStore[id] = true;
return id;
// Updates answer when the question's type changes
updateFormAnswer: function($answer, data, ignoreCurrent) {
var question_type = data.question_type;
var currentData = ignoreCurrent ? {} : $answer.getFormData();
var answer = $.extend({}, quiz.defaultAnswerData, currentData, data);
$answer.find(".answer_type").hide().filter("." + answer.answer_type).show();
answer.answer_weight = parseFloat(answer.answer_weight);
if (isNaN(answer.answer_weight)) {
answer.answer_weight = 0;
$answer.fillFormData(answer, {call_change: false});
$answer.find('.select_answer input').showIf(!answer.answer_html);
$answer.find('.matching_answer .answer_match_left').showIf(!answer.answer_match_left_html);
$answer.find('.matching_answer .answer_match_left_html').showIf(answer.answer_match_left_html);
if (answer.answer_comment || answer.answer_comment_html) {
answer.answer_selection_type = answer.answer_selection_type || quiz.answerSelectionType(answer.question_type);
var $answers = $answer.parent().find(".answer");
if (answer.answer_selection_type == "any_answer") {
} else if (answer.answer_selection_type == "matching") {
} else if (answer.answer_selection_type != "multiple_answer") {
if ($answers.filter(".correct_answer").length === 0) {
} else {
var templateData = {
answer_text: answer.answer_text,
id: answer.id,
match_id: answer.match_id
templateData.comments_header = I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.comments_on_answer', "Comments, if the user chooses this answer"));
templateData.short_answer_header = I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.possible_answer', "Possible Answer"));
$answer.find(".comment_focus").attr('title', I18n.t('titles.click_to_enter_comments_on_answer', 'Click to enter comments for the student if they choose this answer'));
if (question_type == "essay_question" || question_type == "file_upload_question") {
templateData.comments_header = I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.comments_on_question', "Comments for this question"));
} else if (question_type == "matching_question") {
templateData.answer_match_left_html = answer.answer_match_left_html;
templateData.comments_header = I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.comments_on_wrong_match', "Comments if the user gets this match wrong"));
$answer.find(".comment_focus").attr('title', I18n.t('titles.click_to_enter_comments_on_wrong_match', 'Click to enter comments for the student if they miss this match'));
} else if (question_type == "missing_word_question") {
templateData.short_answer_header = I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.answer_text', "Answer text"));
} else if (question_type == "multiple_choice_question") {
templateData.answer_html = answer.answer_html;
} else if (question_type == "multiple_answers_question") {
templateData.answer_html = answer.answer_html;
templateData.short_answer_header = I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.answer_text', "Answer text"));
} else if (question_type == "fill_in_multiple_blanks_question") {
templateData.blank_id = answer.blank_id;
} else if (question_type == "multiple_dropdowns_question") {
templateData.short_answer_header = I18n.t('answer_text', "Answer text");
templateData.blank_id = answer.blank_id;
if (answer.blank_id && answer.blank_id != '0') {
$answer.addClass('answer_for_' + answer.blank_id);
if (answer.blank_index >= 0) {
$answer.addClass('answer_idx_' + answer.blank_index);
data: templateData,
htmlValues: ['answer_html', 'answer_match_left_html']
addHTMLFeedback($answer.find('.answer_comments'), answer, 'answer_comment');
if (answer.answer_weight > 0) {
if (answer.answer_selection_type == "multiple_answer") {
.attr('title', clickUnsetCorrect)
.find('img').attr('alt', clickUnsetCorrect);
} else if (answer.answer_weight < 0) {
if (question_type == "matching_question") {
// won't exist if they've never clicked the edit button
var htmlToggle = $answer.find('.edit_html').data('editorToggle')
var supportsHTMLAnswers = question_type === 'multiple_choice_question' || question_type === 'multiple_answers_question'
if (htmlToggle && supportsHTMLAnswers) {
// some answer types share the same text fields, so we show it
} else if (htmlToggle) {
// call display so the editor gets closed and we display the HTML next
// time we're editing an answer type that supports HTML answers
questionContentCounter: 0,
loadJQueryElemById: function (id) {
return $('#' + id);
rebindMultiChange: function (questionType, questionContentId, $select) {
var $questionContent = quiz.loadJQueryElemById(questionContentId);
if (questionType === 'multiple_dropdowns_question' || questionType === 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question') {
if (!isChangeMultiFuncBound($questionContent)) {
$questionContent.bind('change', getChangeMultiFunc($questionContent, questionType, $select)).change();
showFormQuestion: function ($form) {
var $question = $form.find('.question');
var $questionContent = $question.find('.question_content');
var $select = $question.find('.blank_id_select');
var questionType = $question.find('.question_type').val();
if (!$form.attr('id')) {
// we show and then hide the form so that the layout for the editor is computed correctly
$form.find('.question_content').attr('id', 'question_content_' + quiz.questionContentCounter++);
RichContentEditor.loadNewEditor($questionContent, {
tinyOptions: {
aria_label: I18n.t('label.question.instructions', 'Question instructions, rich text area')
quiz.rebindMultiChange(questionType, $questionContent[0].id, $select);
$form.find('.text_after_answers').attr('id', 'text_after_answers_' + quiz.questionContentCounter++);
return $form.show();
answerTypeDetails: function(qt) {
var answer_type, question_type, n_correct = "one";
if (qt == 'multiple_choice_question') {
answer_type = "select_answer";
question_type = "multiple_choice_question";
} else if (qt == 'true_false_question') {
answer_type = "select_answer";
question_type = "true_false_question";
} else if (qt == 'short_answer_question') {
answer_type = "short_answer";
question_type = "short_answer_question";
n_correct = "all";
} else if (qt == 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question') {
answer_type = "short_answer";
question_type = "fill_in_multiple_blanks_question";
n_correct = "all";
} else if (qt == 'essay_question') {
answer_type = "comment";
question_type = "essay_question";
n_correct = "none";
} else if (qt == 'file_upload_question') {
answer_type = "comment";
question_type = "file_upload_question";
n_correct = "none";
} else if (qt == 'matching_question') {
answer_type = "matching_answer";
question_type = "matching_question";
n_correct = "all";
} else if (qt == 'missing_word_question') {
answer_type = "select_answer";
question_type = "missing_word_question";
} else if (qt == 'multiple_dropdowns_question') {
answer_type = "select_answer";
question_type = "multiple_dropdowns_question";
n_correct = "multiple";
} else if (qt == 'numerical_question') {
answer_type = "numerical_answer";
question_type = "numerical_question";
n_correct = "all";
} else if (qt == 'multiple_answers_question') {
answer_type = "select_answer";
question_type = "multiple_answers_question";
n_correct = "multiple";
} else if (qt == 'calculated_question') {
answer_type = "numerical_answer";
question_type = "question_question";
return {
question_type: question_type,
answer_type: answer_type,
n_correct: n_correct
answerSelectionType: function(question_type) {
var result = "single_answer";
if (question_type == 'multiple_choice_question') {
} else if (question_type == 'true_false_question') {
} else if (question_type == 'short_answer_question') {
result = "any_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'essay_question') {
result = "none";
} else if (question_type == 'file_upload_question') {
result = "none";
} else if (question_type == 'matching_question') {
result = "matching";
} else if (question_type == 'missing_word_question') {
} else if (question_type == 'numerical_question') {
result = "any_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'calculated_question') {
result = "any_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'multiple_dropdowns_question') {
} else if (question_type == 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question') {
result = "any_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'multiple_answers_question') {
result = "multiple_answer";
} else if (question_type == "text_only_question") {
result = "none";
return result;
addExistingQuestion: function(question) {
var $group = $("#group_top_" + question.quiz_group_id);
var $bottom = null;
if ($group.length > 0) {
$bottom = $group.next();
while($bottom.length> 0 && !$bottom.hasClass('group_bottom')) {
$bottom = $bottom.next();
if ($bottom.length == 0) { $bottom = null; }
$.extend(question, question.question_data);
var $question = makeQuestion(question);
if ($bottom) {
} else {
quiz.updateDisplayQuestion($question.find(".question:first"), question, true);
updateDisplayQuestion: function($question, question, escaped) {
var fillArgs = {
data: question,
except: ['answers'],
htmlValues: ['correct_comments_html', 'incorrect_comments_html', 'neutral_comments_html']
if (escaped) {
} else {
$question.find(".equation_combinations_holder_holder").css('display', 'none');
$question.find(".multiple_answer_sets_holder").css('display', 'none');
$question.find(".variable_definitions_holder").css('display', 'none').find("tbody").empty();
$question.find(".formulas_holder").css('display', 'none').find(".formulas_list").empty();
var details = quiz.answerTypeDetails(question.question_type);
var answer_type = details.answer_type,
question_type = details.question_type,
n_correct = details.n_correct;
$question.attr('class', 'question display_question').addClass(question_type || 'text_only_question');
if (question.question_type == 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question') {
$question.find(".multiple_answer_sets_holder").css('display', '');
} else if (question.question_type == 'multiple_dropdowns_question') {
$question.find(".multiple_answer_sets_holder").css('display', '');
var $select = $(document.createElement("select")).addClass('answer_select');
var hadOne = false;
if (question.question_type == 'calculated_question') {
$.each(question.variables, function(i, variable) {
var $tr = $("<tr/>");
var $td = $("<td class='name'/>");
$td = $("<td class='min'/>");
$td = $("<td class='max'/>");
$td = $("<td class='scale'/>");
$question.find(".variable_definitions_holder").css('display', '');
$question.find(".variable_definitions tbody").append($tr);
$.each(question.formulas, function(i, formula) {
var $div = $("<div/>");
$question.find(".formulas_holder").css('display', '').find(".formulas_list").append($div);
if (question.answers.length > 0) {
var $tr = $("<tr/>");
for(var idx in question.answers[0].variables) {
var $th = $("<th/>");
var $th = $("<th/>");
$th.text(I18n.t('final_answer', "Final Answer"));
$question.find(".equation_combinations_holder_holder").css('display', '');
$question.find(".equation_combinations thead").append($tr).show();
$.each(question.answers, function(i, data) {
var $tr = $("<tr/>");
for(var idx in data.variables) {
var $td = $("<td/>");
var $td = $("<td class='final_answer'/>");
var answerHtml = data.answer;
if (question.answerDecimalPoints || question.answer_tolerance) {
var tolerance = parseFloatOrPercentage(question.answer_tolerance);
tolerance = tolerance || Math.pow(0.1, question.answerDecimalPoints);
answerHtml = answerHtml + " <span style='font-size: 0.8em;'>+/-</span> " + htmlEscape(tolerance);
$question.find(".equation_combinations tbody").append($tr);
} else {
var $option = $(document.createElement('option'));
$option.val("").text(I18n.t('choose_option', "[ Choose ]"));
$.each(question.answers, function(i, data) {
data.answer_type = answer_type;
if (n_correct == "all") {
data.answer_weight = 100;
} else if (n_correct == "one" && hadOne) {
data.answer_weight = 0;
} else if (n_correct == "none") {
data.answer_weight = 0;
if (data.answer_weight > 0) { hadOne = true; }
var $displayAnswer = makeDisplayAnswer(data, escaped);
// must use > in selector
$question.find(".text > .answers").append($displayAnswer);
var $option = $(document.createElement("option"));
$option.val("option_" + i).text(data.answer_text);
if (question.question_type == 'missing_word_question') {
var $text = $question.find(".question_text");
$text.html("<span class='text_before_answers'>" + $.raw(question.question_text) + "</span> ");
$text.append(" <span class='text_after_answers'>" + $.raw(question.text_after_answers) + "</span>");
} else if (question.question_type == 'multiple_dropdowns_question' || question.question_type == 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question') {
var variables = {}
$.each(question.answers, function(i, data) {
variables[data.blank_id] = true;
for(var idx in variables) {
var variable = idx;
if (variable && variables[idx]) {
var $option = $("<option/>");
if (question.question_type == 'matching_question') {
var $text = $question.find(".after_answers");
var split = [];
if (question.matches && question.answers) {
var correct_ids = {};
for(var idx in question.answers) {
correct_ids[question.answers[idx].match_id] = true;
for(var idx in question.matches) {
if (!correct_ids[question.matches[idx].match_id]) {
} else {
var split = (question.matching_answer_incorrect_matches || "");
if (typeof(split) == 'string') {
split = split.split("\n");
var codeHtml = "";
for(var cdx in split) {
if(split[cdx]) {
codeHtml = codeHtml + "<li>" + htmlEscape(split[cdx]) + "</li>";
if (codeHtml) {
$text.append(htmlEscape(I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.other_incorrect_matches', "Other Incorrect Match Options"))) + "<ul class='matching_answer_incorrect_matches_list'>" + codeHtml + "</ul>");
question_type: question_type,
answer_selection_type: answer_type
var isNew = $question.attr('id') == "question_new";
if (isNew) {
if (question_type != "text_only_question") {
quiz.defaultQuestionData.question_type = question_type;
quiz.defaultQuestionData.answer_count = Math.min($question.find(".answers .answer").length, 4);
$("html,body").scrollTo({top: $question.offset().top - 10, left: 0});
$question.find(".question_points_holder").showIf(!$question.closest(".question_holder").hasClass('group') && question.question_type != 'text_only_question');
if (question.id) {
var answers = question.answers;
data: {id: question.id},
id: 'question_' + question.id,
hrefValues: ['id']
// We have to do the operations below to solve the problem of answer ids being overwritten by fillTemplateData
if (answers) {
$question.find('.answers .answer .hidden.id').each(function(index, answerEl){
$question.find('.answers .answer .id:not(.hidden)').each(function(index, answerEl){
// Updates the question's form when the type changes
updateFormQuestion: function($form) {
var $formQuestion = $form.find(".question");
var question_type = $formQuestion.find(":input[name='question_type']").val();
var result = {};
result.answer_type = "select_answer";
result.answer_selection_type = quiz.answerSelectionType(question_type);
result.textValues = ['answer_weight', 'answer_text', 'answer_comment', 'blank_id', 'id', 'match_id'];
result.htmlValues = ['answer_html', 'answer_match_left_html', 'answer_comment_html'];
result.question_type = question_type;
var is_survey_quiz = $("#questions").hasClass('survey_quiz');
if (is_survey_quiz && $formQuestion.find("." + question_type + "_survey_quiz_explanation").length > 0) {
$formQuestion.find(".explanation").hide().filter("." + question_type + "_survey_quiz_explanation").show();
} else {
$formQuestion.find(".explanation").hide().filter("." + question_type + "_explanation").show();
$formQuestion.attr('class', 'question').addClass('selectable');
.find(".question_comment").css('display', '').end();
if (is_survey_quiz) {
$formQuestion.find(".question_comment").css('display', 'none').end()
.find(".question_neutral_comment").css('display', '');
$formQuestion.find(".question_header").text(I18n.t('question_colon', "Question:"));
$formQuestion.find(".question_points_holder").showIf(!$formQuestion.closest(".question_holder").hasClass('group') && question_type != 'text_only_question');
var options = {
addable: true
limitTextInputFor($formQuestion, question_type);
if (question_type == 'multiple_choice_question') {
} else if (question_type == 'true_false_question') {
options.addable = false;
var $answers = $formQuestion.find(".form_answers .answer");
if ($answers.length < 2) {
for(var i = 0; i < 2 - $answers.length; i++) {
var $answer = makeFormAnswer({ answer_type: "fixed_answer", question_type: "true_false_question" });
} else if ($answers.length > 2) {
for(var i = 2; i < $answers.length; i++) {
var answerOptions = {
question_type: "true_false_question",
answer_type: "fixed_answer",
answer_text: I18n.t('true', "True")
quiz.updateFormAnswer($formQuestion.find(".answer:first"), answerOptions);
answerOptions.answer_text = I18n.t('false', "False");
quiz.updateFormAnswer($formQuestion.find(".answer:last"), answerOptions);
result.answer_type = "fixed_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'short_answer_question') {
result.answer_type = "short_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'essay_question' || question_type == 'file_upload_question') {
.find(".question_comment").css('display', 'none').end()
.find(".question_neutral_comment").css('display', '').end();
options.addable = false;
result.answer_type = "none";
result.textValues = [];
result.htmlValues = [];
} else if (question_type == 'matching_question') {
result.answer_type = "matching_answer";
result.textValues = ['answer_match_left', 'answer_match_right', 'answer_comment'];
} else if (question_type == 'missing_word_question') {
$form.find(".question_header").text("Text to go before answers:");
result.answer_type = "select_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'numerical_question') {
result.answer_type = "numerical_answer";
result.textValues = ['numerical_answer_type', 'answer_exact', 'answer_error_margin', 'answer_range_start', 'answer_range_end', 'answer_approximate', 'answer_precision'];
result.html_values = [];
} else if (question_type == 'calculated_question') {
result.answer_type = "numerical_answer";
result.textValues = ['answer_combinations'];
result.html_values = [];
} else if (question_type == 'multiple_dropdowns_question') {
result.answer_type = "select_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question') {
result.answer_type = "short_answer";
} else if (question_type == 'multiple_answers_question') {
} else if (question_type == "text_only_question") {
options.addable = false;
.find(".question_comment").css('display', 'none');
$formQuestion.find(".question_header").text(I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.message_text', "Message Text")));
result.answer_type = "none";
result.textValues = [];
result.htmlValues = [];
var $answers = $formQuestion.find(".form_answers .answer");
if ($answers.length === 0 && result.answer_type != "none") {
$formQuestion.find(".form_answers").append(makeFormAnswer({answer_type: result.answer_type, question_type: question_type}));
$formQuestion.find(".form_answers").append(makeFormAnswer({answer_type: result.answer_type, question_type: question_type}));
$answers = $formQuestion.find(".form_answers .answer");
if (result.answer_selection_type == "any_answer") {
if (question_type == "short_answer_question") {
} else if (result.answer_selection_type == "matching") {
} else if (result.answer_selection_type != "multiple_answer") {
if ($answers.filter(".correct_answer").length === 0) {
$form.find(".answer").each(function() {
var weight = 0;
if ($(this).hasClass('correct_answer')) {
weight = 100;
quiz.updateFormAnswer($(this), result);
$form.find(".answer_type").hide().filter("." + result.answer_type).show();
return result;
calculatePointsPossible: function() {
var tally = 0;
$("#questions .question_holder:not(.group) .question:not(#question_new)").each(function() {
var val = parseFloat($(this).find(".question_points,.question_points.hidden").text());
if (isNaN(val) || val < 0) { val = 0; }
tally += val;
$("#questions .group_top:not(#group_top_new)").each(function(){
var val = parseFloat($(this).find(".question_points").text());
if (isNaN(val) || val < 0) { val = 0; }
var pickCount = $(this).find(".pick_count").text() || 0;
if (isNaN(pickCount)) { pickCount = 0; }
var groupId = this.id.replace("group_top_","")
var questionCount = $(this.parentElement).find("[data-group-id='" + groupId + "']").length
// unless it is a question bank, make sure
// enough questions are in the group
pickCount = Math.min(pickCount, questionCount)
tally += val * pickCount;
tally = Math.round(tally * 100.0) / 100.0;
return tally;
updateDisplayComments: function() {
$(".question_holder > .question > .question_comment").each(function() {
var val = $.trim($(this).find(".question_comment_text").html());
$(this).css('display', '').toggleClass('empty', !val);
$(".question_holder .answer_comment_holder").each(function() {
var val = $.trim($(this).find(".answer_comment").html());
$(this).css('display', '').toggleClass('empty', !val);
$("#questions .group_top:not(#group_top_new)").each(function(){
var pickCount = $(this).find(".pick_count").text() || 0;
if (isNaN(pickCount)) { pickCount = 0; }
var groupId = this.id.replace("group_top_","")
var questionCount = $(this.parentElement).find("[data-group-id='" + groupId + "']").length
var $warning = $('#insufficient_count_warning_' + groupId);
if (pickCount > ($(this).data('bank_question_count') || questionCount)) {
} else {
findContainerGroup: function($obj) {
$obj = $obj.prev();
while($obj.length > 0) {
if ($obj.hasClass('group_top')) {
return $obj;
} else if ($obj.hasClass('group_bottom')) {
return null;
$obj = $obj.prev();
return null;
parseInput: function($input, type) {
if ($input.val() == "") { return; }
var val = $input.val().replace(/,/g, '');
if (type == "int") {
val = parseInt(val, 10);
if (isNaN(val)) { val = 0; }
} else if (type == "float") {
val = Math.round(parseFloat(val) * 100.0) / 100.0;
if (isNaN(val)) { val = 0.0; }
} else if (type == "float_long") {
val = Math.round(parseFloat(val) * 10000.0) / 10000.0;
if (isNaN(val)) { val = 0.0; }
} else if (type == "precision") {
// Parse value and force NaN to 0
val = parseFloat(val)
if (isNaN(val)) { val = 0.0; }
// Round to precision 16 to handle floating point error
val = val.toPrecision(16);
// Truncate to specified precision
var precision = arguments[2] || 10;
if (precision < 16) {
var precision_shift = Math.pow(10, precision - Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN10) - 1);
val = Math.floor(val * precision_shift) / precision_shift;
// Format
val = val.toPrecision(precision)
Wrap parseInput with inforced range.
Value of $input must be between min and max inclusive, if value falls out
of the range it will be replaced with min or max respectively
parseInputRange: function($input, type, min, max) {
this.parseInput($input, type);
var val = $input.val();
if (val < min) {
if (val > max) {
validateAnswerTolerance: function($input) {
var val = $input.val();
if (val == "") { return; }
$input.val( parseFloatOrPercentage(val) );
defaultQuestionData: {
question_type: "multiple_choice_question",
question_text: "",
question_points: 1,
question_name: I18n.t('default_question_name', "Question"),
answer_count: 4
defaultAnswerData: {
answer_type: "select_answer",
answer_comment: "",
answer_weight: 0,
numerical_answer_type: "exact_answer",
answer_exact: "",
answer_error_margin: "",
answer_range_start: "",
answer_range_end: "",
answer_approximate: "",
answer_precision: "10"
scoreValidation = {
init: function() {
$('#quiz_options_form').on('xhrError', this.onFormError);
initValidators: function() {
.on('invalid:not_a_number', function(e) {
$(this).errorBox(I18n.t('errors.quiz_score_not_a_number', 'Score must be a number between 0 and 2,000,000,000.'));
.on('invalid:greater_than', function(e) {
$(this).errorBox(I18n.t('errors.quiz_score_too_short', 'Score must be greater than 0.'));
.on('invalid:less_than', function(e) {
$(this).errorBox(I18n.t('errors.quiz_score_too_long', 'Score must be less than 2,000,000,000.'));
validatePoints: function() {
var value = $("input#quiz_points_possible").val();
var numVal = parseInt(value);
if (value && isNaN(numVal)) {
// valid = false;
} else if (numVal > 2000000000) {
// valid = false;
} else if (numVal < 0) {
// valid = false;
// Delegate the handling of "points_possible" errors
onFormError: function(e, resp) {
if (resp && resp.points_possible) {
// Prevent $.fn.formErrors from giving error box with cryptic message.
delete resp.points_possible;
var ipFilterValidation = {
init: function() {
$('#quiz_options_form').on('xhrError', this.onFormError);
initValidators: function() {
$('#quiz_ip_filter').on('invalid:ip_filter', function(e) {
$(this).errorBox(I18n.t('IP filter is not valid.'));
onFormError: function(e, resp) {
if (resp && resp.invalid_ip_filter) {
var event = 'invalid:ip_filter'
// Prevent $.fn.formErrors from giving error box with cryptic message.
delete resp.invalid_ip_filter;
correctAnswerVisibility = {
$toggler: $(),
$options: $(),
$pickers: $(),
* Build date pickers, and install handlers for show_correct_answers stuff when:
* - form is being serialized
* - form errors are thrown
* - related date fields change
init: function() {
var that = correctAnswerVisibility;
var $toggler = that.$toggler = $('#quiz_show_correct_answers');
var $options = that.$options = $('#quiz_show_correct_answers_options');
var $pickers = that.$pickers = $options.find('.date_field');
$pickers.each(function() {
var $field = $(this);
var formattedDate = Handlebars.helpers.datetimeFormatted($field.val() || '');
.on('xhrError', that.onFormError)
.on('serializing', that.serialize);
isOn: function() {
return correctAnswerVisibility.$toggler.prop('checked');
* Install handlers for validating show_correct_answers (and related fields)
* values, as well as error handlers for bad values that show friendly
* error boxes.
installValidators: function() {
var that = correctAnswerVisibility;
that.$toggler.on('invalid:bad_range', function() {
'Hide date cannot be before show date.'));
return true;
that.$pickers.on('change', that.validateRange);
* Ensure that if both show_at and hide_at dates are specified, they form
* a valid time range.
* @fires invalid:bad_range
* @delegate #quiz_show_correct_answers
validateRange: function() {
var that = correctAnswerVisibility;
var $hide_at = that.$options.find('#quiz_hide_correct_answers_at');
var $show_at = that.$options.find('#quiz_show_correct_answers_at');
// Clear any existing error boxes
that.$pickers.each(function() {
var $errorBox = $(this).data('associated_error_box');
if ($errorBox) {
if ($show_at.val().length && $hide_at.val().length) {
if ($show_at.data().date >= $hide_at.data().date) {
* Handle remote show_correct_answers errors by triggering the corresponding
* events so the error handlers can pick them up.
* Side-effects:
* - `show_correct_answers` key will be deleted from the XHR response to prevent
* $.fn.formErrors from handling it.
* @param {jQuery} e XHR event.
* @param {Object} resp XHR response.
* @fires invalid:bad_range
* @delegate #quiz_show_correct_answers
onFormError: function(e, resp) {
var that = correctAnswerVisibility;
var i, errorEntry, event;
// Delegate the handling of "show_correct_answers" errors to the handlers bound
// to #quiz_show_correct_answers.
if (resp && resp.show_correct_answers) {
for (i = 0; i < resp.show_correct_answers.length; ++i) {
errorEntry = resp.show_correct_answers[i];
event = 'invalid:' + errorEntry.type.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/, '_');
// Prevent $.fn.formErrors from generating an error box with the API's
// cryptic error message.
delete resp.show_correct_answers;
* Serialize the dates set for the visibility duration, if specified and
* `hide_results` is enabled. If that's not enabled, nullify the values.
* @param {jQuery} e A jQuery event
* @param {Object} data The form/XHR data.
serialize: function(e, data) {
var showResults, showCorrectAnswers, showResultsOnce;
var resetField = function(key, value) {
data['quiz[' + key + ']'] = value || '';
var serializeField = function(key) {
var $field = $('#quiz_' + key);
var date;
if ($field.val().length) {
date = $field.data().date;
data['quiz[' + key + ']'] = $.unfudgeDateForProfileTimezone(date).toISOString();
} else {
showResults = data['quiz[hide_results][never]'] != '0';
showCorrectAnswers = data['quiz[show_correct_answers]'] == '1';
showResultsOnce = data['quiz[one_time_results]'] == '1';
if (showResults && showCorrectAnswers) {
} else {
resetField('show_correct_answers', '0');
// Discard the showAt / hideAt dates if we're showing results only once,
// or not at all:
if (!showResults || !showCorrectAnswers || showResultsOnce) {
// One time results doesn't apply if results are hidden in the first
// place:
if (!showResults) {
resetField('one_time_results', '0');
disable: function() {
var that = correctAnswerVisibility;
that.$toggler.prop('checked', false);
// Totally show or hide the showAt/hideAt date pickers
showDatePickers: function(isVisible) {
// Keep the pickers visible, but enable or disable them
enableDatePickers: function(isEnabled) {
.find('input.date_field, button.date_field')
.prop('disabled', !isEnabled);
function makeQuestion(data) {
var idx = $(".question_holder:visible").length + 1;
var question = $.extend({}, quiz.defaultQuestionData, {question_name: I18n.t('default_quesiton_name', "Question")}, data);
var $question = $("#question_template").clone(true);
$question.attr('id', '').find('.question').attr('id', 'question_new');
$question.fillTemplateData({ data: question, except: ['answers'] });
if (question.answers) {
question.answer_count = question.answers.length;
data.answer_type = question.answer_type;
question.anwer_type = quiz.answerTypeDetails(question.question_type);
for(var i = 0; i < question.answer_count; i++) {
var weight = i == 0 ? 100 : 0;
var answer = { answer_weight: weight };
if (question.answers && question.answers[i]) {
$.extend(answer, question.answers[i]);
$question.toggleClass('group', !!(data && data.quiz_group_id));
return $question;
function makeDisplayAnswer(data, escaped) {
data.answer_weight = data.weight || data.answer_weight;
data.answer_comment = data.comments || data.answer_comment;
data.answer_text = data.text || data.answer_text;
data.answer_html = data.html || data.answer_html;
data.answer_comment_html = data.comments_html || data.answer_comment_html;
data.answer_match_left = data.left || data.answer_match_left;
data.answer_match_left_html = data.left_html || data.answer_match_left_html;
data.answer_match_right = data.right || data.answer_match_right;
data.answer_exact = data.exact === undefined ? data.answer_exact : data.exact;
data.answer_error_margin = data.answer_error_margin || data.margin;
data.answer_range_start = data.start || data.answer_range_start;
data.answer_range_end = data.end || data.answer_range_end;
data.answer_approximate = data.approximate || data.answer_approximate;
data.answer_precision = data.precision || data.answer_precision;
var answer = $.extend({}, quiz.defaultAnswerData, data);
var $answer = $("#answer_template").clone(true).attr('id', '');
var answer_class = answer.answer_type;
if (answer_class == "numerical_answer") {
answer_class = "numerical_" + answer.numerical_answer_type;
$answer.addClass('answer_for_' + data.blank_id);
$answer.find(".answer_type").hide().filter("." + answer_class).show();
delete answer['answer_type'];
answer.answer_weight = parseFloat(answer.answer_weight);
if (isNaN(answer.answer_weight)) { answer.answer_weight = 0; }
$answer.fillFormData({answer_text: answer.answer_text});
$answer.fillTemplateData({data: answer, htmlValues: ['answer_html', 'answer_match_left_html', 'answer_comment_html']});
if (!answer.answer_comment || answer.answer_comment == "" || answer.answer_comment == I18n.t('answer_comments', "Answer comments")) {
if (answer.answer_weight == 100) {
} else if (answer.answer_weight > 0) {
} else if (answer.answer_weight < 0) {
return $answer;
function makeFormAnswer(data) {
var answer = $.extend({}, quiz.defaultAnswerData, data);
var $answer = $("#form_answer_template").clone(true).attr('id', '');
$answer.find(".answer_type").hide().filter("." + answer.answer_type).show();
answer.answer_weight = parseFloat(answer.answer_weight);
if (isNaN(answer.answer_weight)) { answer.answer_weight = 0; }
quiz.updateFormAnswer($answer, answer, true);
return $answer;
var REGRADE_DATA = {};
function quizData($question) {
var $quiz = $("#questions");
var quiz = {
questions: [],
points_possible: 0
var $list = $quiz.find(".question");
if ($question) { $list = $question; }
$list.each(function(i) {
var $question = $(this);
var questionData = $question.getTemplateData({
textValues: ['question_name', 'question_points', 'question_type', 'answer_selection_type', 'assessment_question_id', 'correct_comments', 'incorrect_comments', 'neutral_comments', 'matching_answer_incorrect_matches', 'equation_combinations', 'equation_formulas', 'regrade_option'],
htmlValues: ['question_text', 'text_before_answers', 'text_after_answers', 'correct_comments_html', 'incorrect_comments_html', 'neutral_comments_html']
questionData = $.extend(questionData, $question.find(".original_question_text").getFormData());
questionData.assessment_question_bank_id = $(".question_bank_id").text() || "";
if (questionData.text_before_answers) {
questionData.question_text = questionData.text_before_answers;
var matches = [];
$question.find(".matching_answer_incorrect_matches_list li").each(function() {
questionData.matching_answer_incorrect_matches = matches.join("\n");
var question = $.extend({}, quiz.defaultQuestionData, questionData);
question.answers = [];
var blank_ids_hash = {};
var only_add_for_blank_ids = false;
if (question.question_type == "multiple_dropdowns_question" || question.question_type == "fill_in_multiple_blanks_question") {
only_add_for_blank_ids = true;
$question.find(".blank_id_select option").each(function() {
blank_ids_hash[$(this).text()] = true;
if (question.question_type != 'calculated_question') {
// must use > in selector
$question.find(".text > .answers .answer").each(function() {
var $answer = $(this);
var answerData = $answer.getTemplateData({
textValues: ['answer_exact', 'answer_error_margin', 'answer_range_start', 'answer_range_end', 'answer_approximate', 'answer_precision', 'answer_weight', 'numerical_answer_type', 'blank_id', 'id', 'match_id', 'answer_text', 'answer_match_left', 'answer_match_right', 'answer_comment'],
htmlValues: ['answer_html', 'answer_match_left_html', 'answer_comment_html']
var answer = $.extend({}, quiz.defaultAnswerData, answerData);
if (only_add_for_blank_ids && answer.blank_id && !blank_ids_hash[answer.blank_id]) {
} else {
question.formulas = [];
$question.find(".formulas_holder .formulas_list > div").each(function() {
question.variables = [];
$question.find(".variable_definitions_holder .variable_definitions tbody tr").each(function() {
var data = $(this).getTemplateData({textValues: ['name', 'min', 'max', 'scale']});
question.answers = [];
$question.find(".equation_combinations tbody tr").each(function() {
var data = {};
data.variables = [];
$(this).find("td:not(.final_answer)").each(function(i) {
var variable = {};
variable.name = question.variables[i].name;
variable.value = parseFloat($(this).text(), 10) || 0;
data.answer_text = parseFloat($(this).find(".final_answer").text(), 10) || 0;
question.formula_decimal_places = parseInt($question.find(".formula_decimal_places").text(), 10) || 0;
question.answer_tolerance = parseFloatOrPercentage($question.find(".answer_tolerance").text(), 10) || 0;
question.position = i;
question.question_points = parseFloat(question.question_points);
if (isNaN(question.question_points) || question.question_points < 0) {
question.question_points = 0;
quiz.points_possible += question.question_points;
return quiz;
function generateFormQuizQuestion(formQuiz) {
var data = {};
var quiz = formQuiz;
if(quiz.questions.length > 0) {
data["question"] = quiz.questions[0];
return data;
function generateFormQuiz(quiz) {
var data = {
quiz: {},
questions: []
data.quiz.assignment_id = ENV.ASSIGNMENT_ID;
data.quiz.title = quiz.quiz_name;
quiz.questions.forEach(function(question) {
var q = {};
q.question_name = question.question_name;
q.assessment_question_id = question.assessment_question_id;
q.question_type = question.question_type;
q.points_possible = question.question_points;
q.correct_comments_html = question.correct_comments_html;
q.incorrect_comments_html = question.incorrect_comments_html;
q.neutral_comments_html = question.neutral_comments_html;
q.question_text = question.question_text;
q.regrade_option = question.regrade_option;
q.position = question.position;
q.text_after_answers = question.text_after_answers;
q.matching_answer_incorrect_matches = question.matching_answer_incorrect_matches;
q.formulas = question.formulas;
q.variables = question.variables;
q.answer_tolerance = question.answer_tolerance;
q.formula_decimal_places = question.formula_decimal_places;
q.answers = question.answers;
return data;
function addHTMLFeedback($container, question_data, name) {
var html = question_data[name+'_html'];
if (!html || html.length == 0) {
html = htmlEscape(question_data[name]);
question_data[name+'_html'] = html;
if (html && html.length > 0) {
var QUESTION_LIMIT = 1000;
function questionLimitReached(inclusiveLimit) {
if (!ENV.QUIZZES || !ENV.QUIZZES.QUIZ) return false; // quizzes have a limit, question banks do not
var numQuestions = $('#questions .question_holder').not('.group').length;
$('#questions .group_top').find('input[name="quiz_group[pick_count]"]').each(function() {
numQuestions += parseInt(this.value);
if (inclusiveLimit ? (numQuestions > QUESTION_LIMIT) : (numQuestions >= QUESTION_LIMIT)) {
setTimeout(function() {
alert(I18n.t('question_limit_reached', 'You have reached the maximum number of questions allowed for a quiz (%{count}/%{limit}).\n\nAs a workaround, consider spreading the material across multiple quizzes.', {count: numQuestions, limit: QUESTION_LIMIT}))
return true;
return false;
function limitTextInputFor(form, question_type) {
// Add character limit class
if (question_type == 'missing_word_question' ||
question_type == 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question' ||
question_type == 'short_answer_question') {
} else {
function parseFloatOrPercentage(val) {
if (val == "") { return val; }
var result;
// percentage value
if ((val + "").indexOf('%') === val.length - 1) {
var number = val.replace("%", "");
result = (Math.round(parseFloat(number) * 10000.0) / 10000.0) + "%";
// point value
} else if (!isNaN(val)) {
result = Math.round(parseFloat(val) * 10000.0) / 10000.0;
if (isNaN(result)) { result = 0.0; }
} else {
result = 0.0;
return result;
function toggleConditionalReleaseTab(quizType) {
if (quizType == "assignment") {
$('#quiz_tabs').tabs("option", "disabled", false);
} else {
$('#quiz_tabs').tabs("option", "disabled", [2]);
$('#quiz_tabs').tabs("option", "active", 0)
$(document).ready(function() {
var $quiz_options_form = $("#quiz_options_form");
var $quiz_edit_wrapper = $("#quiz_edit_wrapper");
$("#questions").delegate('.group_top,.question,.answer_select,.comment', 'mouseover', function(event) {
}).delegate('.group_top,.question,.answer_select,.comment', 'mouseout', function(event) {
$("#questions").delegate('.answer', 'mouseover', function(event) {
$("#questions .answer.hover").removeClass('hover');
$quiz_options_form.find("#extend_due_at").change(function() {
$quiz_options_form.find("#multiple_attempts_option").change(function(event) {
var $text = $("#multiple_attempts_suboptions #quiz_allowed_attempts");
if ($text.val() == '-1') {
$quiz_options_form.find("#time_limit_option").change(function(event, noFocus) {
if (!$(this).attr('checked')) {
} else if (!noFocus) {
}).triggerHandler('change', [true]);
$("#limit_attempts_option").change(function(event, noFocus) {
var $item = $("#quiz_allowed_attempts");
if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
var val = parseInt($item.data('saved_value') || $item.val() || "2", 10);
if (val == -1 || isNaN(val)) {
val = 1;
if (!noFocus) { $item.focus(); }
} else {
$item.data('saved_value', $(this).val());
}).triggerHandler('change', [true]);
$('#enable_quiz_ip_filter, #enable_quiz_access_code').on('change', function() {
var $checkbox = $(this);
var $optionGroup = $checkbox.closest('.option-group');
var checked = $checkbox.prop('checked');
// All of this magic here is so that VoiceOver will properly navigate to
// the inputs after they are shown.
var $foundOptions = $optionGroup.find('> .options');
if (checked) {
// We have to do this bit so keyboard only users aren't confused
// when their focus goes to something shown offscreen.
$foundOptions.find('[tabindex="-1"]').each(function (k,v) {
$(v).attr('tabindex', 0);
} else {
// Same as above
$foundOptions.find('[tabindex="0"]').each(function (k,v) {
$(v).attr('tabindex', -1);
if (!checked) {
}).each(function() {
$quiz_options_form.on('serializing', function(e, data) {
var erratic = false;
if ($('#enable_quiz_ip_filter').is(':checked')) {
if (!data['quiz[ip_filter]']) {
erratic = true;
I18n.t('errors.missing_ip_filter', 'You must enter a valid IP Address')
if ($('#enable_quiz_access_code').is(':checked')) {
if (!data['quiz[access_code]']) {
erratic = true;
I18n.t('errors.missing_access_code', 'You must enter an access code')
if (erratic) {
$("#quiz_require_lockdown_browser").change(function() {
$("#quiz_require_lockdown_browser_for_results").attr('checked', true).change();
$("#ip_filters_dialog").delegate('.ip_filter', 'click', function(event) {
var filter = $(this).getTemplateData({textValues: ['filter']}).filter;
$("#protect_quiz").attr('checked', true).triggerHandler('change');
$("#ip_filter").attr('checked', true).triggerHandler('change');
$(".ip_filtering_link").click(function(event) {
var $dialog = $("#ip_filters_dialog");
width: 400,
title: I18n.t('titles.ip_address_filtering', "IP Address Filtering")
if (!$dialog.hasClass('loaded')) {
$dialog.find(".searching_message").text(I18n.t('retrieving_filters', "Retrieving Filters..."));
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'GET', {}, function(data) {
var ip_filters = data.quiz_ip_filters;
var idx, filter, $filter;
if (ip_filters.length) {
for (idx = 0; idx < ip_filters.length; ++idx) {
filter = ip_filters[idx];
$filter = $dialog.find(".ip_filter.blank:first").clone(true).removeClass('blank');
$filter.fillTemplateData({data: filter});
$dialog.find(".filters tbody").append($filter.show());
} else {
$dialog.find(".searching_message").text(I18n.t('no_filters_found', "No filters found"));
}, function(data) {
$dialog.find(".searching_message").text(I18n.t('errors.retrieving_filters_failed', "Retrieving Filters Failed"));
$("#quiz_one_question_at_a_time").change(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.attr('checked')) {
$("#quiz_cant_go_back").attr('checked', false);
$(".question").on("change", ".limit_text", function() {
var answerValue = $(this).val();
var textLength = answerValue.length;
if(textLength > 80) {
alert(I18n.t('quiz_short_answer_length_error', 'Answers for fill in the blank questions must be under 80 characters long'));
$(this).val(answerValue.substring(0, 80));
$("#multiple_attempts_option,#limit_attempts_option,#quiz_allowed_attempts").change(function() {
var checked = $("#multiple_attempts_option").prop('checked') && $("#limit_attempts_option").prop('checked');
if (checked) {
var $attempts = $('#quiz_allowed_attempts');
var $attemptsVal = $attempts.val();
if(isNaN($attemptsVal)) {
alert(I18n.t('quiz_attempts_nan_error', 'Quiz attempts can only be specified in numbers'));
} else if($attemptsVal.length > 3) {
alert(I18n.t('quiz_attempts_length_error', 'Quiz attempts are limited to 3 digits, if you would like to give your students unlimited attempts, do not check Allow Multiple Attempts box to the left'));
} else {
$("#hide_results_only_after_last").attr('checked', false);
var hasCheckedOverrides = false;
object_name: "quiz",
processData: function(data) {
$(this).attr('method', 'PUT');
var quiz_title = $("input[name='quiz[title]']").val();
let postToSIS = data['quiz[post_to_sis]'] === '1'
var vaildQuizType = data['quiz[quiz_type]'] != 'survey' && data['quiz[quiz_type]'] != 'practice_quiz'
let maxNameLength = 256;
let valid = true
const validationData = {
assignment_overrides: overrideView.getAllDates(),
postToSIS: data['quiz[post_to_sis]'] == '1'
const errs = overrideView.validateBeforeSave(validationData,{})
let validationHelper = new SisValidationHelper({
postToSIS: validationData.postToSIS,
maxNameLength: maxNameLength,
name: quiz_title
if (_.keys(errs).length > 0) {
valid = false
if (validationHelper.nameTooLong()) {
valid = false
let headerOffset = $('#quiz_title').errorBox(I18n.t('The Quiz name must be under %{length} characters', {length: maxNameLength + 1})).offset();
$('html,body').scrollTo({top: headerOffset.top, left: 0});
if (!valid) {
return false
if (quiz_title.length == 0) {
var offset = $("#quiz_title").errorBox(I18n.t('errors.field_is_required', "This field is required")).offset();
$('html,body').scrollTo({top: offset.top, left:0});
return false;
data['quiz[title]'] = quiz_title;
if (!lockedItems.content) {
data['quiz[description]'] = RichContentEditor.callOnRCE($('#quiz_description'), 'get_code');
if ($("#quiz_notify_of_update").is(':checked')) {
data['quiz[notify_of_update]'] = $("#quiz_notify_of_update").val();
var attempts = 1;
if (data.multiple_attempts) {
attempts = parseInt(data.allowed_attempts, 10);
if (isNaN(attempts) || !data.limit_attempts) { attempts = -1; }
data.allowed_attempts = attempts;
data['quiz[allowed_attempts]'] = attempts;
var overrides = overrideView.getOverrides();
data['quiz[only_visible_to_overrides]'] = overrideView.containsSectionsWithoutOverrides();
if (overrideView.containsSectionsWithoutOverrides() && !hasCheckedOverrides) {
var sections = overrideView.sectionsWithoutOverrides();
var missingDateView = new MissingDateDialog({
validationFn: function(){ return sections },
labelFn: function( section ) { return section.get('name')},
success: function(){
hasCheckedOverrides = true;
missingDateView.cancel = function() {
return false;
} else {
var finalQuiz = overrideView.getDefaultDueDate();
if (finalQuiz) {
finalQuiz = finalQuiz.toJSON().assignment_override;
data['quiz[due_at]'] = finalQuiz.due_at || ""
data['quiz[unlock_at]'] = finalQuiz.unlock_at || "";
data['quiz[lock_at]'] = finalQuiz.lock_at || "";
else {
data['quiz[due_at]'] = "";
data['quiz[unlock_at]'] = "";
data['quiz[lock_at]'] = "";
if (overrides.length === 0) { overrides = false; }
data['quiz[assignment_overrides]'] = overrides;
var crError = conditionalRelease.editor.validateBeforeSave();
if (crError) {
$('#quiz_tabs').tabs("option", "active", 2);
return false;
var serializingEvent = $.Event('serializing');
$(this).trigger(serializingEvent, data);
if (serializingEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
return false;
return data;
beforeSubmit: function(data) {
$quiz_edit_wrapper.find(".btn.save_quiz_button").attr('disabled', true);
$quiz_edit_wrapper.find(".btn.save_and_publish").attr('disabled', true);
onSubmit: function(promise, data) {
var form = this;
promise = promise.pipe(function(promisedData) {
if (promisedData && promisedData.quiz) {
id: promisedData.quiz.assignment_id,
grading_type: 'points',
points_possible: promisedData.quiz.points_possible
return conditionalRelease.editor.save().pipe(function() {
return promisedData;
promise.then(success.bind(this), error.bind(this));
function success(data) {
.text(I18n.t('buttons.saved', "Saved!"));
if (data.quiz.assignment) {
var assignment = data.quiz.assignment;
if ($("#assignment_option_" + assignment.id).length === 0) {
if (assignment.assignment_group && $("#assignment_group_optgroup_" + assignment.assignment_group_id).length === 0) {
var assignment_group = assignment.assignment_group;
var $optgroup = $(document.createElement('optgroup'));
$optgroup.attr('label', assignment_group.name).attr('id', 'assignment_group_optgroup_' + assignment_group.id);
var $group = $("#assignment_group_optgroup_" + assignment.assignment_group_id);
var $option = $(document.createElement('option'));
$option.attr('id', 'assignment_option_' + assignment.id).val(assignment.id).text(assignment.title);
$("#quiz_assignment_id").val(data.quiz.quiz_type || "practice_quiz").change();
if (deparam()['return_to']) {
location.href = deparam()['return_to']
} else {
location.href = $(this).attr('action');
function error(data) {
.attr('disabled', false)
.text(I18n.t('buttons.save', "Save"));
.attr('disabled', false)
.text(I18n.t('buttons.save_and_publish', "Save & Publish"));
$(this).trigger('xhrError', data);
$quiz_edit_wrapper.find(".save_quiz_button").click(function(event) {
.text(I18n.t('buttons.saving', "Saving..."));
$quiz_options_form.data('submit_type', 'save_only').submit();
$quiz_edit_wrapper.find(".save_and_publish").click(function(event) {
var $publish_input = $(document.createElement('input'));
$publish_input.attr('type', 'hidden').attr('name', 'publish').attr('value', 'true');
.text(I18n.t('buttons.saving', "Saving..."));
$quiz_options_form.data('submit_type', 'save_only').submit();
$("#show_question_details").change(function(event) {
$("#questions").toggleClass('brief', !$(this).attr('checked'));
$(".start_over_link").click(function(event) {
var result = confirm(I18n.t('confirms.scrap_and_restart', "Scrap this quiz and start from scratch?"));
if (result) {
location.href = location.href + "?fresh=1";
$("#quiz_assignment_id").change(function(event) {
var previousData = $("#quiz_options").getTemplateData({textValues: ['assignment_id', 'title']});
var assignment_id = $("#quiz_assignment_id").val();
var quiz_title = $("#quiz_title_input").val();
if (assignment_id) {
var select = $("#quiz_assignment_id")[0];
quiz_title = $(select.options[select.selectedIndex]).text();
} else if (previousData.assignment_id) {
quiz_title = I18n.t('default_quiz_title', "Quiz");
var data = {
'quiz[assignment_id]': assignment_id,
'quiz[title]': quiz_title
var gradedQuiz = event.target.value === "assignment" ||
event.target.value === "graded_survey";
$("#quiz_options_form .quiz_survey_setting").showIf(assignment_id && assignment_id.match(/survey/));
$("#quiz_points_possible").showIf(assignment_id == 'graded_survey');
$("#survey_instructions").showIf(assignment_id == 'survey' || assignment_id == 'graded_survey');
$("#quiz_assignment_group_id").closest('.control-group').showIf(assignment_id == 'assignment' || assignment_id == 'graded_survey');
$("#questions").toggleClass('survey_quiz', assignment_id == 'survey' || assignment_id == 'graded_survey');
$("#quiz_display_points_possible").showIf(assignment_id != 'survey' && assignment_id != 'graded_survey');
$("#quiz_options_holder").toggleClass('survey_quiz', assignment_id == 'survey' || assignment_id == 'graded_survey');
var url = $("#quiz_urls .update_quiz_url").attr('href');
$(".question_form :input").keycodes("esc", function(event) {
$(this).parents("form").find("input[value='" + I18n.t('#buttons.cancel', "Cancel") + "']").click();
$(document).delegate('.blank_id_select', 'change', function() {
var variable = $(this).val();
var idx = $(this)[0].selectedIndex;
$(this).closest(".question").find(".answer").css('display', 'none');
if (variable) {
if (variable != '0') {
$(this).closest(".question").find(".answer.answer_idx_" + idx).filter(":not(.answer_for_" + variable + ")").each(function() {
$(this).attr('class', $(this).attr('class').replace(/answer_for_[A-Za-z0-9]+/g, ""));
$(this).addClass('answer_for_' + variable);
$(this).closest(".question").find(".answer.answer_for_" + variable).css('display', '');
} else {
$(this).closest(".question").find(".answer").css('display', '');
$(this).closest(".question").find(".answer.answer_idx_" + idx).css('display', '');
$(document).delegate(".delete_question_link", 'click', function(event) {
url: $(this).parents(".question_holder").find(".update_question_url").attr('href'),
message: I18n.t('confirms.delete_question', "Are you sure you want to delete this question?"),
success: function(data) {
$(document).delegate(".edit_question_link", 'click', function(event) {
var $question = $(this).parents(".question");
var questionID = $question.data("questionID")
var question = $question.getTemplateData({
textValues: ['question_type', 'correct_comments', 'incorrect_comments', 'neutral_comments',
'question_name', 'question_points', 'answer_selection_type', 'blank_id',
'matching_answer_incorrect_matches', 'regrade_option', 'regrade_disabled'],
htmlValues: ['question_text', 'correct_comments_html', 'incorrect_comments_html', 'neutral_comments_html']
question.question_text = $question.find("textarea[name='question_text']").val();
var matches = [];
$question.find(".matching_answer_incorrect_matches_list li").each(function() {
question.matching_answer_incorrect_matches = matches.join("\n");
question.question_points = parseFloat(question.question_points, 10);
if (isNaN(question.question_points) || question.question_points < 0) { question.question_points = 0; }
var $form = $("#question_form_template").clone(true).attr('id', '');
var $formQuestion = $form.find(".question");
addHTMLFeedback($form.find(".question_correct_comment"), question, 'correct_comments');
addHTMLFeedback($form.find(".question_incorrect_comment"), question, 'incorrect_comments');
addHTMLFeedback($form.find(".question_neutral_comment"), question, 'neutral_comments');
if (question.question_type != 'missing_word_question') { $form.find("option.missing_word").remove(); }
if ($question.hasClass('missing_word_question') || question.question_type == 'missing_word_question') {
question = $question.getTemplateData({textValues: ['text_before_answers', 'text_after_answers']});
var answer_data = $question.find(".original_question_text").getFormData();
question.text_before_answers = answer_data.question_text;
question.text_after_answers = answer_data.text_after_answers;
question.question_text = question.text_before_answers;
var data = quiz.updateFormQuestion($form);
if (data.question_type == 'calculated_question') {
var question = quizData($question).questions[0];
$form.find(".combinations_holder .combinations thead tr").empty();
for(var idx in question.variables) {
var $var = $($form.find(".variables .variable." + question.variables[idx].name));
if (question.variables[idx].name == 'variable') {
$var = $($form.find(".variables .variable").get(idx));
if ($var && $var.length > 0) {
var $th = $("<th/>");
$th.attr('id', 'possible_solution_' + question.variables[idx].name);
$form.find(".combinations_holder .combinations thead tr").append($th);
var $th = $("<th class='final_answer'/>");
$th.text(I18n.t('final_answer', "Final Answer"));
$th.attr('id', 'possible_solution_final');
$form.find(".combinations_holder .combinations thead tr").append($th);
for(var idx in question.formulas) {
$form.find(".decimal_places .round").val(question.formula_decimal_places);
if (question.answer_tolerance) {
for(var idx in question.answers) {
var $tr = $("<tr/>");
for(var jdx in question.answers[idx].variables) {
var $td = $("<td/>");
$td.attr('aria-labelledby', 'possible_solution_' + question.answers[idx].variables[jdx].name);
var html = question.answers[idx].answer_text;
if (question.answer_tolerance) {
html = html + " <span style='font-size: 0.8em;'>+/-</span> " + htmlEscape(question.answer_tolerance);
var $td = $("<td class='final_answer'/>");
$td.attr('aria-labelledby', 'possible_solution_final');
$form.find(".combinations tbody").append($tr);
$form.triggerHandler('settings_change', false);
$formQuestion.triggerHandler('recompute_variables', true);
} else {
// must use > in selector
$question.find(".text > .answers .answer").each(function(index) {
var answer = $(this).getTemplateData({
textValues: data.textValues,
htmlValues: data.htmlValues
answer.answer_type = data.answer_type;
answer.question_type = data.question_type;
var $answer = makeFormAnswer(answer);
addAriaDescription($answer, index+1);
if ($question.hasClass('essay_question') || $question.hasClass('file_upload')) {
$formQuestion.find(".comments_header").text(I18n.beforeLabel(I18n.t('labels.comments_on_question', "Comments for this question")));
limitTextInputFor($form, question.question_type);
$form.attr('action', $question.find(".update_question_url").attr('href'))
.attr('method', 'POST')
.find('.submit_button').text(I18n.t('buttons.update_question', 'Update Question'));
$("html,body").scrollTo({top: $form.offset().top - 10, left: 0});
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
// show regrade options if question was changed but quiz not saved
var $question = $form.find(".question");
var questionID = $question.data("questionID")
if (REGRADE_OPTIONS[questionID]) {
var regradeOption = $(QuizRegradeView.prototype.template()).find('input[value='+REGRADE_OPTIONS[questionID]+']')
var newAnswer = $form.find('.correct_answer')
toggleAnswer($question, {regradeOption: regradeOption, newAnswer: newAnswer})
toggleSelectAnswerAltText($('.form_answers .answer'), quiz.answerSelectionType(question.question_type))
togglePossibleCorrectAnswerLabel($('.form_answers .answer'));
$(".question_form :input[name='question_type']").change(function () {
// is this the initial loado of the question type
var loading = $(this).parents('.question.initialLoad').length > 0;
var holder = $(this).parents('.question_holder');
var isNew = $(holder).find('#question_new').length > 0;
if ($('#student_submissions_warning').length > 0 && !loading && !isNew) {
$('#question_form_template .cancel_link').click(function (event) {
var $displayQuestion = $(this).parents('form').prev();
var isNew = $displayQuestion.attr('id') == 'question_new';
if (!isNew) {
$("html,body").scrollTo({top: $displayQuestion.offset().top - 10, left: 0});
if (isNew) {
$(document).delegate("a.comment_focus", 'click', function(event) {
var $link = $(this);
var $comment = $link.closest('.question_comment, .answer_comments');
var $comment_html = $comment.find('.comment_html');
var toggler = $comment.data('editorToggle');
// create toggler instance on the first click
if (!toggler) {
var tinyOptions = {}
var inputColumn = $comment.parents().find('.answer_type:visible')[0]
if (inputColumn) {
var rightMargin = parseInt($comment.css('marginRight')) || 0
var leftMargin = parseInt($comment.css('marginLeft')) || 0
var commentMargin = rightMargin + leftMargin
var rceWidth = inputColumn.offsetWidth - commentMargin
tinyOptions.width = rceWidth
toggler = new EditorToggle($comment_html, {
editorBoxLabel: $link.title,
tinyOptions: tinyOptions
toggler.editButton = $link;
toggler.on('display', function() {
var html = $comment_html.html();
if (html == '') {
$comment.data('editorToggle', toggler);
if (!toggler.editing) {
$(document).delegate(".numerical_answer_type", 'change', function(){
$(document).delegate(".select_answer_link", 'click', function(event) {
var $question = $(this).parents(".question");
if (!$question.hasClass('selectable')) { return; }
var questionID = $question.data("questionID")
if (!REGRADE_DATA[questionID]){
REGRADE_DATA[questionID] = correctAnswerIDs($question);
updateAnswers($question, $(this).parents('.answer'));
function updateAnswers($question, newAnswer) {
var holder = $question.parents('.question_holder');
var isNew = holder.find("#question_new").length > 0;
if(isNew ||
!canRegradeQuestion($question) ||
!$("#student_submissions_warning").length > 0) {
toggleAnswer($question, {newAnswer: newAnswer, regradeOption: null});
else {
var isDisabled = holder.find('input[name="regrade_disabled"]').val() == '1';
var questionType = $question.find(".question_type").val();
var regradeOptions = new QuizRegradeView({
question: $question,
regradeDisabled: isDisabled,
regradeOption: REGRADE_OPTIONS[$question.data("questionID")],
multipleAnswer: questionType === "multiple_answers_question"
regradeOptions.on('update', function(regradeOption){
var newAnswerData = {regradeOption: regradeOption, newAnswer: newAnswer}
toggleAnswer($question, newAnswerData)
function toggleAnswer($question, newAnswerData) {
var $answer = $(newAnswerData.newAnswer);
var $answers = $answer.parent().find(".answer");
if ($question.find(":input[name='question_type']").val() != "multiple_answers_question") {
.find('.select_answer_link').attr('title', clickSetCorrect)
.find('img').attr('alt', clickSetCorrect)
setAnswerText(newAnswerData.newAnswer, isSetCorrect);
else {
var answerText = $answer.hasClass('correct_answer') ? clickUnsetCorrect : clickSetCorrect;
setAnswerText(newAnswerData.newAnswer, answerText);
if(!newAnswerData.regradeOption) { return; }
updateRegradeOption($question, newAnswerData)
function updateRegradeOption($question, newAnswerData) {
var option = newAnswerData.regradeOption
var optionText = option.next('span');
REGRADE_OPTIONS[$question.data("questionID")] = option.val();
function setAnswerText(answer, text) {
.attr('title', text)
.find('.answer_image').attr('alt', text)
function setQuestionID(question){
var questionID = $(question).closest('.question_holder')
.replace("question_", "");
question.data({"questionID": questionID})
function canRegradeQuestion($el) {
var regradeTypes = ["multiple_choice_question",
return _.find(regradeTypes, function(className) {
return $el.hasClass(className);
function disableRegrade(holder) {
holder.find('input[name="regrade_option"]').attr('disabled', true);
holder.find('input[name="regrade_option"]').attr('checked', false);
function disableQuestionForm() {
.attr('disabled', true)
.removeClass('button_primary btn-primary');
function enableQuestionForm() {
.addClass('button_primary btn-primary');
function correctAnswerIDs($el){
var answers = [];
$el.find('.answer').each(function(index) {
if ($(this).hasClass('correct_answer')) answers.push(index);
return answers;
function answersAreTheSameAsBefore($el) {
var questionID = $el.data("questionID");
// we don't know 'old answers' if they've updated and returned
if (REGRADE_OPTIONS[questionID]) {
return false;
} else {
var oldAnswers = REGRADE_DATA[questionID];
var newAnswers = correctAnswerIDs($el);
return oldAnswers.length == newAnswers.length &&
!_.difference(oldAnswers, newAnswers).length;
$(".question_form :input").change(function() {
if ($(this).parents(".answer").length > 0) {
var $answer = $(this).parents(".answer");
$answer.find(":input[name='" + $(this).attr('name') + "']").val($(this).val());
$(".question_form select.answer_selection_type").change(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "single_answer") {
} else {
$(".delete_answer_link").click(function(event) {
var holder = $(this).parents('.question_holder');
var regradeOpt = holder.find('span.regrade_option');
// warn they can't regrade if there are submissions
var disabled = regradeOpt.text() == 'disabled';
var isNew = holder.find("#question_new").length > 0;
if ($("#student_submissions_warning").length > 0 && !disabled && !isNew) {
var msg = I18n.t('confirms.delete_answer',
"Are you sure? Deleting answers from a question with submissions " +
"disables the option to regrade this question.")
if (!confirm(msg)) { return; }
// disabled regrade if they've chosen already
var $ans = $(this).parents(".answer");
var $ansHeader = $ans.closest('.question').find('.answers_header');
$(".add_question_group_link").click(function(event) {
if (questionLimitReached()) return;
$(".question_form .submit_button:visible,.quiz_group_form .submit_button:visible").each(function() {
var $group_top = $("#group_top_template").clone(true).attr('id', 'group_top_new');
var $group_bottom = $("#group_bottom_template").clone(true).attr('id', 'group_bottom_new');
$group_top.find(".quiz_group_form").attr('action', $("#quiz_urls .add_group_url").attr('href'))
.attr('method', 'POST');
$group_top.find(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('buttons.create_group', "Create Group"));
$(".add_question_link").click(function(event) {
if (questionLimitReached()) return;
$(".question_form:visible,.group_top.editing .quiz_group_form:visible").submit();
var $question = makeQuestion();
if ($(this).parents(".group_top").length > 0) {
var groupID = $(this).parents(".group_top")[0].id.replace("group_top_","")
$($question[0]).attr("data-group-id", groupID)
var $bottom = $(this).parents(".group_top").next();
while($bottom.length > 0 && !$bottom.hasClass('group_bottom')) {
$bottom = $bottom.next();
} else {
var $form = $question.parents(".question_holder").children("form");
$form.attr('action', $("#quiz_urls .add_question_url,#bank_urls .add_question_url").attr('href'))
.attr('method', 'POST')
.find(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('buttons.create_question', "Create Question"));
$("html,body").scrollTo({top: $question.offset().top - 10, left: 0});
quiz.$questions.delegate('.group_top input[name="quiz_group[pick_count]"]', {
focus: function() {
$(this).data('prev-value', this.value);
change: function() {
if (questionLimitReached(true)) {
this.value = $(this).data('prev-value');
var $findBankDialog = $("#find_bank_dialog");
$(".find_bank_link").click(function(event) {
var $dialog = $findBankDialog;
$dialog.data('form', $(this).closest(".quiz_group_form"));
if (!$dialog.hasClass('loaded')) {
$dialog.data('banks', {});
$dialog.find(".message").show().text(I18n.t('loading_question_banks', "Loading Question Banks..."));
var url = $dialog.find(".find_question_banks_url").attr('href');
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'GET', {}, function(banks) {
for(var idx in banks) {
var bank = banks[idx].assessment_question_bank;
var $bank = $dialog.find(".bank.blank:first").clone(true).removeClass('blank');
$bank.fillTemplateData({data: bank, dataValues: ['id', 'context_type', 'context_id']});
$bank.data('bank_data', bank);
}, function(data) {
$dialog.find(".message").text(I18n.t('errors.loading_banks_failed', "Question Banks failed to load, please try again"));
$dialog.find(".submit_button").attr('disabled', true);
title: I18n.t('titles.find_question_bank', "Find Question Bank"),
width: 600,
height: 400
$findBankDialog.delegate('.bank', 'click', function() {
$findBankDialog.find(".submit_button").attr('disabled', false);
}).delegate('.submit_button', 'click', function() {
var $bank = $findBankDialog.find(".bank.selected:first");
var bank = $bank.data('bank_data');
var $form = $findBankDialog.data('form');
bank.bank_name = bank.title;
var $formBank = $form.closest('.group_top').next(".assessment_question_bank")
if ($formBank.length == 0) {
$formBank = $("#group_top_template").next(".assessment_question_bank").clone(true);
.fillTemplateData({data: bank}).data('bank_data', bank);
}).delegate('.cancel_button', 'click', function() {
var $findQuestionDialog = $("#find_question_dialog");
$(".find_question_link").click(function(event) {
var $dialog = $findQuestionDialog;
if (!$dialog.hasClass('loaded')) {
$dialog.data('banks', {});
$dialog.find(".message").show().text(I18n.t('loading_question_banks', "Loading Question Banks..."));
var url = $dialog.find(".find_question_banks_url").attr('href');
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'GET', {}, function(banks) {
for(var idx in banks) {
var bank = banks[idx].assessment_question_bank;
bank.title = TextHelper.truncateText(bank.title)
var $bank = $dialog.find(".bank.blank:first").clone(true).removeClass('blank');
$bank.fillTemplateData({data: bank});
$bank.data('bank_data', bank);
}, function(data) {
$dialog.find(".message").text(I18n.t('errors.loading_banks_failed', "Question Banks failed to load, please try again"));
$dialog.data('add_source', '');
title: I18n.t('titles.find_quiz_question', "Find Quiz Question"),
open: function() {
if ($dialog.find(".selected_side_tab").length == 0) {
width: 600,
height: 400
var updateFindQuestionDialogQuizGroups = function(id) {
var groups = [];
$("#questions .group_top:visible").each(function() {
var group = {};
group.id = $(this).attr('id').substring(10);
group.name = $(this).getTemplateData({textValues: ['name']}).name;
var $option = $("<option/>");
$findQuestionDialog.find(".quiz_group_select option.bottom").before($option);
if (id) {
if ($("#quiz_group_select").val() == "new") {
$("#quiz_group_select").change(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "new") {
var $dialog = $("#add_question_group_dialog");
var question_ids = [];
$findQuestionDialog.find(".question_list :checkbox:checked").each(function() {
$dialog.find("button").attr('disabled', false).filter(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('buttons.create_group', "Create Group"));
width: 400
$("#add_question_group_dialog .submit_button").click(function(event) {
var $dialog = $("#add_question_group_dialog");
$dialog.find("button").attr('disabled', true).filter(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('buttons.creating_group', "Creating Group..."));
var params = $dialog.getFormData();
var newParams = {};
_.each(params, function(val, key) {
newParams[key.replace('quiz_group[', 'quiz_groups[][')] = val;
var url = $dialog.find(".add_question_group_url").attr('href');
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'POST', newParams, function(data) {
$dialog.find("button").attr('disabled', false).filter(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('buttons.create_group', "Create Group"));
var $group_top = $("#group_top_template").clone(true).attr('id', 'group_top_new');
var $group_bottom = $("#group_bottom_template").clone(true).attr('id', 'group_bottom_new');
var groups = data.quiz_groups;
var group = groups[0];
data: group,
id: 'group_top_' + group.id,
hrefValues: ['id']
$group_top.fillFormData(data, {object_name: 'quiz_group'});
$group_bottom.attr('id', 'group_bottom_' + group.id);
}, function(data) {
$dialog.find("button").attr('disabled', false).filter(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('errors.creating_group_failed', "Create Group Failed, Please Try Again"));
$("#add_question_group_dialog .cancel_button").click(function(event) {
var showQuestions = function(questionData) {
var questionList = questionData.questions;
var $bank = $findQuestionDialog.find(".bank.selected_side_tab");
var bank = $bank.data('bank_data');
var bank_data = $findQuestionDialog.data('banks')[bank.id];
if (!$bank.hasClass('selected_side_tab')) { return; }
var existingIDs = {};
$(".display_question:visible").each(function() {
var id = $(this).getTemplateData({textValues: ['assessment_question_id']}).assessment_question_id;
if (id) {
existingIDs[id] = true;
$findQuestionDialog.find(".page_link").showIf(bank_data.pages && bank_data.last_page && bank_data.pages > bank_data.last_page);
var $div = $("<div/>");
for(var idx in questionList) {
var question = questionList[idx].assessment_question;
if (!existingIDs[question.id] || true) {
question.question_text = TextHelper.truncateText($div.text(), {max: 75});
question.question_name = question.question_data.question_name;
var $question = $findQuestionDialog.find(".found_question.blank").clone(true).removeClass('blank');
$question.toggleClass('already_added', !!existingIDs[question.id]);
$question.fillTemplateData({data: question});
$question.find(":checkbox").attr('id', 'find_bank_question_' + question.id);
$question.find("label").attr('for', 'find_bank_question_' + question.id);
$question.data('question_data', question);
$("#find_question_dialog").delegate('.bank', 'click', function(event) {
var id = $(this).getTemplateData({textValues: ['id']}).id;
var data = $findQuestionDialog.data('banks')[id];
$findQuestionDialog.find(".page_link").data('page', 0);
if (data && data.last_page) {
$findQuestionDialog.find(".page_link").data('page', data.last_page);
if (!data) {
$findQuestionDialog.find(".question_message").show().text(I18n.t('loading_questions', "Loading Questions..."));
} else {
}).delegate('.page_link', 'click', function(event) {
var $link = $(this);
if ($link.hasClass('loading')) { return; }
$findQuestionDialog.find(".page_link").text(I18n.t('loading_more_questions', "loading more questions..."));
var $bank = $findQuestionDialog.find(".bank.selected_side_tab");
var bank = $bank.data('bank_data');
var url = $findQuestionDialog.find(".question_bank_questions_url").attr('href');
url = $.replaceTags(url, 'question_bank_id', bank.id);
var page = ($findQuestionDialog.find(".page_link").data('page') || 0) + 1;
url += "&page=" + page;
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'GET', {}, function(data) {
$findQuestionDialog.find(".page_link").data('page', page);
$findQuestionDialog.find(".page_link").text(I18n.t('more_questions', "more questions"));
var questions = data.questions;
var banks = $findQuestionDialog.data('banks') || {};
var bank_data = banks[bank.id] || {};
bank_data.pages = data.pages;
bank_data.questions = (bank_data.questions || []).concat(data.questions);
bank_data.last_page = page;
banks[bank.id] = bank_data;
$findQuestionDialog.data('banks', banks);
}, function(data) {
$findQuestionDialog.find(".question_message").text(I18n.t('errors.loading_questions_failed', "Questions failed to load, please try again"));
$findQuestionDialog.find(".page_link").text(I18n.t('errors.loading_more_questions_failed', "loading more questions failed"));
}).delegate('.select_all_link', 'click', function(event) {
$findQuestionDialog.find(".question_list .found_question:not(.blank) :checkbox").attr('checked', true);
}).delegate('.clear_all_link', 'click', function(event) {
$findQuestionDialog.find(".question_list .found_question:not(.blank) :checkbox").attr('checked', false);
}).delegate('.cancel_button', 'click', function(event) {
}).delegate('.group_button', 'click', function(event) {
var $dialog = $("#add_found_questions_as_group_dialog");
var question_ids = [];
$findQuestionDialog.find(".question_list :checkbox:checked").each(function() {
autoOpen: false,
title: I18n.t('titles.add_questions_as_group', "Add Questions as a Group")
}).delegate('.submit_button', 'click', function(event) {
var question_ids = [];
$findQuestionDialog.find(".question_list :checkbox:checked").each(function() {
var params = {};
params.quiz_group_id = $findQuestionDialog.find(".quiz_group_select").val();
params.assessment_question_bank_id = $findQuestionDialog.find(".bank.selected_side_tab:first").data('bank_data').id;
params.assessment_questions_ids = question_ids.join(',');
params.existing_questions = '1';
var url = $findQuestionDialog.find(".add_questions_url").attr('href');
$findQuestionDialog.find("button").attr('disabled', true).filter(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('buttons.adding_questions', "Adding Questions..."));
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'POST', params, function(question_results) {
$findQuestionDialog.find("button").attr('disabled', false).filter(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('buttons.add_selected_questions', "Add Selected Questions"));
var counter = 0;
function nextQuestion() {
var question = question_results.shift();
if (question) {
if (counter > 5) {
setTimeout(nextQuestion, 50);
} else {
setTimeout(nextQuestion, 10);
}, function(data) {
$findQuestionDialog.find("button").attr('disabled', false).filter(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('errors.adding_questions_failed', "Adding Questions Failed, please try again"));
$(".add_answer_link").bind('click', function(event, skipFocus) {
var $question = $(this).parents(".question");
var answers = [];
var answer_type = null, question_type = null, answer_selection_type = "single_answer";
if ($question.hasClass('multiple_choice_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_answer_comments', "Response if the student chooses this answer")
answer_type = "select_answer";
question_type = "multiple_choice_question";
} else if ($question.hasClass('true_false_question')) {
} else if ($question.hasClass('short_answer_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_answer_comments', "Response if the student chooses this answer")
answer_type = "short_answer";
question_type = "short_answer_question";
answer_selection_type = "blanks";
} else if ($question.hasClass('essay_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_response_to_essay', "Response to show student after they submit an answer")
answer_type = "comment";
question_type = "essay_question";
} else if ($question.hasClass('file_upload_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_response_to_file_upload', "Response to show student after they submit an answer")
answer_type = "comment";
question_type = "file_upload_question";
} else if ($question.hasClass('matching_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_comments_on_wrong_match', "Response if the user misses this match")
answer_type = "matching_answer";
question_type = "matching_question";
answer_selection_type = "matching";
} else if ($question.hasClass('missing_word_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_answer_comments', "Response if the student chooses this answer")
answer_type = "short_answer";
question_type = "missing_word_question";
} else if ($question.hasClass('numerical_question')) {
var answers = [{
numerical_answer_type: "exact_answer",
answer_exact: "#",
answer_error_margin: "#",
answer_precision: "10",
comments: I18n.t('default_answer_comments_on_match', "Response if the student matches this answer")
answer_type = "numerical_answer";
question_type = "numerical_question";
answer_selection_type = "any_answer";
} else if ($question.hasClass('multiple_answers_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_answer_comments', "Response if the student chooses this answer")
answer_type = "select_answer";
question_type = "multiple_answers_question";
answer_selection_type = "multiple_answers";
} else if ($question.hasClass('multiple_dropdowns_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_answer_comments', "Response if the student chooses this answer")
answer_type = "select_answer";
question_type = "multiple_dropdowns_question";
} else if ($question.hasClass('fill_in_multiple_blanks_question')) {
var answers = [{
comments: I18n.t('default_answer_comments', "Response if the student chooses this answer")
answer_type = "short_answer";
question_type = "fill_in_multiple_blanks_question";
answer_selection_type = "blanks";
for(var i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
var answer = answers[i];
answer.answer_type = answer_type;
answer.question_type = question_type;
answer.blank_id = $question.find(".blank_id_select").val();
answer.blank_index = $question.find(".blank_id_select")[0].selectedIndex;
var $answer = makeFormAnswer(answer);
if (answer_selection_type == "any_answer") {
} else if (answer_selection_type == "blanks") {
} else if (answer_selection_type == "matching") {
if (!skipFocus) {
$(document).delegate(".answer_comment_holder", 'click', function(event) {
$("#question_form_template").submit(function(event) {
var $displayQuestion = $(this).prev();
var $form = $(this);
var $answers = $form.find(".answer");
var $question = $(this).find(".question");
var answers = [];
// save any open html answers or comments
var questionData = $question.getFormData({
textValues: ['question_type', 'question_name', 'question_points', 'correct_comments', 'incorrect_comments', 'neutral_comments',
'question_text', 'answer_selection_type', 'text_after_answers', 'matching_answer_incorrect_matches',
'regrade_option', 'regrade_disabled'],
htmlValues: ['correct_comments_html', 'incorrect_comments_html', 'neutral_comments_html']
if (questionData.question_points && questionData.question_points < 0) {
$form.find("input[name='question_points']").errorBox(I18n.t('question.positive_points', "Must be zero or greater"));
questionData.assessment_question_bank_id = $(".question_bank_id").text() || ""
var error_text = null;
if (questionData.question_type == 'calculated_question') {
if ($form.find(".combinations_holder .combinations tbody tr").length === 0) {
error_text = I18n.t('errors.no_possible_solution', "Please generate at least one possible solution");
} else if ($answers.length === 0 || $answers.filter(".correct_answer").length === 0) {
if ($answers.length === 0 && !_.contains(["essay_question", "file_upload_question", "text_only_question"], questionData.question_type)) {
error_text = I18n.t('errors.no_answer', "Please add at least one answer");
} else if ($answers.filter(".correct_answer").length === 0 && (questionData.question_type == "multiple_choice_question" || questionData.question_type == "true_false_question" || questionData.question_tyep == "missing_word_question")) {
error_text = I18n.t('errors.no_correct_answer', "Please choose a correct answer");
} else if (questionData.question_type == "fill_in_multiple_blanks_question" || questionData.question_type == "short_answer_question") {
var checkForNotBlanks = function (elements) {
return elements.filter(function(i,element) {
return !!element.value;
if (questionData.question_type == "fill_in_multiple_blanks_question") {
var $variables = $form.find(".blank_id_select > option");
$variables.each(function(i, answer_blank) {
var blankCount = 0;
$answers.filter(".answer_idx_" + i).each(function(i, element) {
var $validInputs = $(element).find( $("input[name='answer_text']")).not(".disabled_answer");
if (checkForNotBlanks($validInputs) > 0) {blankCount += 1;}
if (blankCount == 0) {error_text = I18n.t("Please add at least one non-blank answer for each variable.");}
} else {
var $validAnswers = $answers.filter("div[class*='answer_for_none'], div[class*='answer_idx_'], div.fill_in_blank_answer");
var $validInputs = $validAnswers.find( $("input[name='answer_text']")).not(".disabled_answer");
if (checkForNotBlanks($validInputs) == 0) {
error_text = I18n.t("Please add at least one non-blank answer.");
var isNotSurvey = $('#quiz_assignment_id').length == 0 || !$('#quiz_assignment_id').val().match(/survey/i);
if (isNotSurvey && error_text) {
$form.find(".answers_header").errorBox(error_text, true);
var question = $.extend({}, questionData);
question.points_possible = parseFloat(question.question_points);
question.answers = [];
var blank_ids_hash = {};
var only_add_for_blank_ids = false;
if (question.question_type == "multiple_dropdowns_question" || question.question_type == "fill_in_multiple_blanks_question") {
only_add_for_blank_ids = true;
$question.find(".blank_id_select option").each(function() {
blank_ids_hash[$(this).text()] = true;
$question.find(".blank_id_select option").each(function() {
var $answers = $question.find(".answer").each(function(i) {
var $answer = $(this);
var data = $answer.getFormData();
data.id = $answer.find('.id').text();
data.blank_id = $answer.find(".blank_id").text();
data.answer_text = $answer.find("input[name='answer_text']:visible").val();
data.answer_html = $answer.find(".answer_html").html();
if (questionData.question_type == "true_false_question") {
data.answer_text = $answer.find(".fixed_answer .answer_text").text();
if (data.answer_text.length == 0) {
data.answer_text = (i == 0) ? I18n.t('true', "True") : I18n.t('false', "False");
if ($answer.hasClass('correct_answer')) {
data.answer_weight = 100;
} else {
data.answer_weight = 0;
if (only_add_for_blank_ids && data.blank_id && !blank_ids_hash[data.blank_id]) {
if ($question.hasClass('calculated_question')) {
question.answers = [];
question.variables = [];
var sorts = {};
$question.find(".variables .variable").each(function(i) {
var data = {};
data.scale = "0";
data.name = $(this).find(".name").text();
data.scale = parseFloat($(this).find(".round").val(), 10) || 0;
data.min = parseFloat($(this).find(".min").val(), 10) || 0;
data.max = parseFloat($(this).find(".max").val(), 10) || 0;
sorts[data.name] = i;
question.formulas = [];
$question.find(".formulas .formula").each(function() {
var data = {}
data.formula = $.trim($(this).text());
question.formula_decimal_places = parseInt($question.find(".decimal_places .round").val(), 10) || 0;
question.answer_tolerance = parseFloatOrPercentage($question.find(".combination_answer_tolerance").val());
question.answerDecimalPoints = parseFloat($question.find(".combination_error_margin").val(), 10) || 0;
var $ths = $question.find(".combinations thead th");
$question.find(".combinations tbody tr").each(function() {
var data = {};
data.variables = [];
data.answer = parseFloat($(this).find("td.final_answer").text(), 10) || 0;
$(this).find("td:not(.final_answer)").each(function(i) {
var variable = {};
variable.name = $.trim($ths.eq(i).text());
variable.value = parseFloat($(this).text(), 10) || 0;
data.variables = data.variables.sort(function(a, b) {
return sorts[a.name] - sorts[b.name];
quiz.updateDisplayQuestion($displayQuestion, question);
var details = quiz.answerTypeDetails(question.question_type);
var answer_type = details.answer_type, question_type = details.question_type, n_correct = details.n_correct;
$("html,body").scrollTo({top: $displayQuestion.offset().top - 10, left: 0});
var url = $("#quiz_urls .add_question_url,#bank_urls .add_question_url").attr('href');
var method = 'POST';
var isNew = $displayQuestion.attr('id') == "question_new";
if (!isNew) {
url = $displayQuestion.find(".update_question_url").attr('href');
method = 'PUT';
var oldQuestionData = questionData;
var questionData = quizData($displayQuestion);
var formData = generateFormQuiz(questionData);
var questionData = generateFormQuizQuestion(formData);
var disabled = oldQuestionData.regrade_disabled == '1';
var regradeOpt = disabled ? 'disabled' : oldQuestionData.regrade_option;
questionData['question[regrade_option]'] = regradeOpt;
if ($displayQuestion.parent(".question_holder").hasClass('group')) {
var $group = quiz.findContainerGroup($displayQuestion.parent(".question_holder"));
if ($group) {
questionData['question[quiz_group_id]'] = $group.attr('id').substring(10);
if ($("#assessment_question_bank_id").length > 0) {
questionData['assessment_question[assessment_question_bank_id]'] = $("#assessment_question_bank_id").text();
$.ajaxJSON(url, method, questionData, function(data) {
var questionData = data;
// questionData.assessment_question_id might be null now because
// question.question_data.assessment_quesiton_id might be null but
// question.assessment_question_id is the right value. because $.extend
// overwrites all keys that exist even if they have null values. this
// is hacky, the better thing to do is just get the right thing back
// from the server. it matters because the form when you click "find
// questions" uses it to see if the question already exists in this
// quiz, and is vital to properly move/copy it to another question bank
questionData.assessment_question_id = questionData.assessment_question_id || question.assessment_question_id || question.id || questionData.id;
quiz.updateDisplayQuestion($displayQuestion, questionData, true);
// Trigger a custom 'saved' event for catching and responding to change
// after save process completed. Used in quizzes_bundle.coffee
if (question && questionData && questionData.id) {
REGRADE_OPTIONS[questionData.id] = question.regrade_option;
delete REGRADE_DATA['question_' + questionData.id];
}, function(data) {
revert: false,
update: function(event, ui) {
var ids = $(this).sortable('toArray');
for(var idx in ids) {
var id = ids[idx];
if (id && id != "sort_question_blank") {
$("#" + id.substring(5)).appendTo($("#questions"));
$(document).delegate("input.float_value", 'keydown', function(event) {
if (event.keyCode > 57 && event.keyCode < 91 && event.keyCode != 69) {
}).delegate('input.float_value', 'change blur focus', function(event) {
var $el = $(this)
if ($el.hasClass('long')) {
quiz.parseInput($el, 'float_long');
} else if ($el.hasClass('precision')) {
quiz.parseInput($el, 'precision', $el.siblings('.precision_value').val());
} else {
quiz.parseInput($el, 'float');
$(document).delegate("input.precision_value", 'keydown', function(event) {
// unless movement key || '0' through '9' || '-' || '+'
if (event.keyCode > 57 && event.keyCode != 189 && event.keyCode != 187) {
}).delegate('input.precision_value', 'change blur focus', function(event) {
var $el = $(this);
quiz.parseInputRange($el, 'int', 1, 16);
$(document).delegate("input.combination_answer_tolerance", 'keydown', function(event) {
if (!event.metaKey && event.keyCode > 57 && event.keyCode < 91) {
}).delegate('input.combination_answer_tolerance', 'change blur focus', function(event) {
$("#questions").delegate('.question_teaser_link', 'click', function(event) {
var $teaser = $(this).parents(".question_teaser");
var question_data = $teaser.data('question');
if (!question_data) {
$teaser.find(".teaser.question_text").text(I18n.t('loading_question', "Loading Question..."));
$.ajaxJSON($teaser.find(".update_question_url").attr('href'), 'GET', {}, function(question) {
}, function() {
$teaser.find(".teaser.question_text").text(I18n.t('errors.loading_question_failed', "Loading Question Failed..."));
} else {
function showQuestion(question_data) {
var $question = $("#question_template").clone().removeAttr('id');
var question = question_data;
var questionData = $.extend({}, question, question.question_data);
var $questionHeader = $question.find(".display_question .question_name")
quiz.updateDisplayQuestion($question.find(".display_question"), questionData, true);
$questionHeader.attr('tabindex', '0');
if ($teaser.hasClass('to_edit')) {
// we need to explicity set our quiz variables in the dom
// or this appears to be adding a new question instead of editing
var ques = $question.find(".question");
var link = $question.find("a.update_question_url");
var qId = $question.find(".assessment_question_id")
var href = link.attr('href');
ques.attr("id", "question_" + question_data.id);
link.attr("href", href.replace(/ions\/.*/, "ions/" + question_data.id));
}).delegate('.teaser.question_text', 'click', function(event) {
}).delegate('.edit_teaser_link', 'click', function(event) {
$(".keep_editing_link").click(function(event) {
object_name: 'quiz_group',
// rewrite the data so that it fits the jsonapi format
processData: function(data) {
var quizGroupQuestionPoints = data['quiz_group[question_points]'];
if (quizGroupQuestionPoints && quizGroupQuestionPoints < 0) {
$(this).find("input[name='quiz_group[question_points]']").errorBox(I18n.t('question.positive_points', "Must be zero or greater"));
return false;
var newData = {};
_.each(data, function(val, key) {
newData[key.replace('quiz_group[', 'quiz_groups[][')] = val;
return newData;
beforeSubmit: function(formData) {
var $form = $(this);
var $group = $form.parents(".group_top");
data: formData
success: function(data) {
var $form = $(this);
var $group = $form.parents(".group_top");
var groups = data.quiz_groups;
var group = groups[0];
data: group,
id: 'group_top_' + group.id,
hrefValues: ['id']
$group.toggleClass('question_bank_top', !!group.assessment_question_bank_id);
var $bank = $group.next('.assessment_question_bank');
if (!group.assessment_question_bank_id) {
} else if ($bank.data('bank_data')) {
var bank = $bank.data('bank_data');
bank.bank_id = bank.id;
bank.context_type_string = pluralize($.underscore(bank.context_type));
$group.data('bank_question_count', bank.assessment_question_count);
$group.next(".assessment_question_bank").fillTemplateData({data: bank, hrefValues: ['bank_id', 'context_type_string', 'context_id']})
$group.fillFormData(data, {object_name: 'quiz_group'});
var $bottom = $group.next();
while($bottom.length > 0 && !$bottom.hasClass('group_bottom')) {
$bottom = $bottom.next();
if ($('#insufficient_count_warning_' + group.id).length == 0) {
var $warning = $("#insufficient_count_warning_template").clone(true).attr('id', ('insufficient_count_warning_' + group.id));
$bottom.attr('id', 'group_bottom_' + group.id);
error: function(data) {
var $form = $(this);
var $group = $form.parents(".group_top");
// accessible sortables
var accessibleSortables = {
init: function(target, questions, form) {
this.$questions = questions;
this.$form = form;
this.selected = this.selectedItem(target);
this.items = this.sortableItems();
this.intoGroups = this.findGroups();
selectedItem: function(target) {
var target = $(target);
var group = target.closest(".group_top");
var holder = target.closest(".question");
var parent = group.length > 0 ? group : holder;
return {
id: parent.attr('id').replace(/group_top_|question_/, ""),
type: group.length > 0 ? 'group' : 'question',
name: parent.find(".name").text(),
sortable: group.length > 0 ? group : holder.parent()
sortableItems: function() {
return this.$questions.children('.quiz_sortable').map(function(i, item) {
var item = $(item);
var sortable = item;
// the group each question belongs to
var groupId;
if (item.hasClass('group')) {
groupId = item.prevAll('.group_top').attr('id').replace(/group_top_/, "")
// scope down to question to get id
if (item.hasClass('question_holder')) {
item = item.find('.question');
return {
id: item.attr('id').replace(/group_top_|question_/, ""),
type: item.hasClass('group_top') ? 'group' : 'question',
name: item.find('.name').text(),
group: groupId,
top: !item.parent().hasClass('group'),
sortable: sortable
// we can move item to a group if
// 1. the selected item is a question
// 2. there are groups on the quiz
findGroups: function() {
var intoGroups = [];
if (this.selected.type == 'question') {
intoGroups = $.grep(this.items, function(item) {
return item.type == 'group';
return intoGroups;
buildHeader: function() {
buildGroupMenu: function() {
var options = [];
var moveWrapper = this.$form.find(".move_select_group");
var moveSelect = this.$form.find("#move_select_group");
if (this.intoGroups.length > 0) {
options = $.map(this.intoGroups, function(g) {
return '<option value="' + g.id + '">' + htmlEscape(g.name) + '</option>';
options.unshift('<option value="top">' +
htmlEscape(I18n.t('top_level', '-- Top level --')) +
} else {
// trigger building 'place' menu
buildPlaceMenu: function(event) {
var option = $(event.target).find('option:selected');
var value = option.length > 0 ? option.attr('value') : 'top';
// filter by selected
var filtered = this.itemsInGroup(value);
// build options
var options = $.map(filtered, function(item) {
return '<option value="' + htmlEscape(item.type) + '_' + item.id + '">' +
htmlEscape(I18n.t('before_quiz_item', "before %{name}", {name: item.name})) +
options.push('<option value="last">' +
htmlEscape(I18n.t('at_the_bottom', "-- at the bottom --")) +
itemsInGroup: function(group) {
return $.grep(this.items, function(item) {
return item.id != this.selected.id &&
(group == 'top' ? item.top : item.group == group);
showDialog: function() {
var displayGroupSelector = this.intoGroups.length > 0;
var dialog = this.$form.dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
width: 400,
height: displayGroupSelector ? 345: 265,
close: this.removeEventListeners.bind(this),
open: this.focusDialog.bind(this)
this.$form.find('#move_quiz_item_cancel_btn').on('click keyclick', function() {
this.$form.find('#move_quiz_item_submit_btn').on('click keyclick', this.saveMove.bind(this));
focusDialog: function() {
removeEventListeners: function() {
saveMove: function(event) {
// get selected values
var option = this.$form.find("#move_select_group option:selected");
var group = option.length > 0 ? option.attr('value') : 'top';
// close form
reorderDom: function(group) {
var option = this.$form.find("#move_select_question option:selected");
var place = option.attr('value');
var bottom = this.selected.sortable.nextAll('.group_bottom').first();
// move to bottom of the group
if (place == 'last') {
var inGroup = this.itemsInGroup(group);
// there is at least 1 item already in the group
if (inGroup.length > 0) {
var lastItem = inGroup[inGroup.length - 1].sortable;
if (lastItem.hasClass('group_top')) {
lastItem = lastItem.nextAll('.group_bottom');
// adding as the first item in the group
} else {
var groupElt = this.$questions.find("#group_top_"+group);
// move to before the item chosen
} else {
var beforeItem = $.grep(this.items, function(item) {
return item.type + "_" + item.id == place;
reorderDomGroupContent: function($bottom) {
if (this.selected.type != 'group') { return; }
var prev = this.selected.sortable;
var items = this.itemsInGroup(this.selected.id);
if (items.length) {
$.each(items, function(i, item) {
prev = item.sortable;
setQuestionGroupClass: function(group) {
if (this.selected.type != 'question') { return; }
if (group == 'top') {
} else {
ajaxPostReorder: function(group) {
var params = this.buildGroupParams(group);
var item;
if (group == 'top') {
item = $("#quiz_urls .reorder_questions_url, #bank_urls .reorder_questions_url");
} else {
item = $("#group_top_" + group).find(".reorder_group_questions_url");
var url = item.attr('href');
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'POST', JSON.stringify({order: params}), function(data) {
}.bind(this), {}, {contentType: "application/json"});
buildGroupParams: function(group) {
var option = this.$form.find("#move_select_question option:selected");
var place = option.attr('value');
// rebuild the group list adding in our selection
var selected = this.selected;
var params = [];
$.each(this.itemsInGroup(group), function(i, item) {
if (item.type + '_' + item.id == place) {
params.push({type: selected.type, id: selected.id});
params.push({type: item.type, id: item.id});
if (place == 'last') {
params.push({type: selected.type, id: selected.id});
return params;
$(document).on('click keydown', ".draggable-handle", function(event) {
if (event.type == "keydown" && event.keyCode != 13 && event.keyCode != 32) { return; }
$(event.target), $("#questions"), $("#move_quiz_item_form")
$(document).on('focus blur', ".draggable-handle", function(e) {
var warning = $(e.target).find('.accessibility-warning');
warning[e.type == 'focusin' ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('screenreader-only');
handle: '.draggable-handle',
helper: function(event, ui) {
return ui.clone().removeClass('group');
items: '.group_top,.group_bottom,.question_holder',
tolerance: 'pointer',
start: function(event, ui) {
ui.placeholder.css('visibility', 'visible');
if (ui.item.hasClass('group_top')) {
var $obj = ui.item;
var take_with = []
while($obj.length > 0 && !$obj.hasClass('group_bottom')) {
$obj = $obj.next();
if (!$obj.hasClass('ui-sortable-placeholder')) {
take_with.push({item: $obj, visible: $obj.is(':visible')});
ui.item.data('take_with', take_with);
} else {
if (quiz.findContainerGroup(ui.placeholder)) {
} else {
ui.placeholder.append("<div class='question_placeholder' style='height: " + $.raw(ui.helper.height() - 10) + "px;'> </div>");
change: function(event, ui) {
var $group = quiz.findContainerGroup(ui.placeholder);
if (ui.item.hasClass('group_top')) {
if ($group) {
} else {
} else {
if ($group) {
if ($group.attr('id') == 'group_top_new') {
} else {
if ($group.hasClass('question_bank_top')){
// Groups that point to question banks aren't allowed to have questions
} else {
ui.placeholder.height(ui.helper.height()).find(".question_placeholder").height(ui.helper.height() - 10);
stop: function(event, ui) {
if (ui.item.hasClass('group_top')) {
var take_with = ui.item.data('take_with');
if (take_with) {
var $obj = ui.item;
for(var idx in take_with) {
var data = take_with[idx];
var $item = data.item;
if (data.visible) $item.show();
$obj = $item;
} else {
if (quiz.findContainerGroup(ui.item)) {
var $obj = ui.item.prev();
while($obj.length > 0 && !$obj.hasClass('group_top')) {
$obj = $obj.prev();
} else {
var url = $("#quiz_urls .reorder_questions_url, #bank_urls .reorder_questions_url").attr('href');
var data = {};
var $container = $("#questions");
var items = [];
if (quiz.findContainerGroup(ui.item)) {
$container = quiz.findContainerGroup(ui.item);
var $list = [];
url = $container.find(".reorder_group_questions_url").attr('href');
var $obj = $container.next();
while($obj.length > 0 && !$obj.hasClass('group_bottom')) {
$obj = $obj.next();
} else {
$container.children(".question_holder:not(.group),.group_top").each(function() {
var list = [];
$.each(items, function(i, $obj) {
var object;
if ($obj.hasClass('question_holder')) {
var $question = $obj.find('.question');
var attrID = $question.attr('id');
var id = attrID ? attrID.substring(9) : $question.find(".id").text();
object = {'type': 'question', 'id': id};
} else {
var id = $obj.attr('id').substring(10);
object = {'type': 'group', 'id': id};
$.ajaxJSON(url, 'POST', JSON.stringify({order: list}), function(data) {
}, {}, {contentType: "application/json"});
$(document).delegate(".edit_group_link", 'click', function(event) {
if ($(this).closest('.group_top').length == 0) { return; }
var $top = $(this).parents(".group_top");
var data = $top.getTemplateData({textValues: ['name', 'pick_count', 'question_points']});
$top.fillFormData(data, {object_name: 'quiz_group'});
$top.find(".quiz_group_form").attr('action', $top.find(".update_group_url").attr('href'))
.attr('method', 'PUT');
$top.find(".submit_button").text(I18n.t('buttons.update_group', "Update Group"));
}).delegate(".delete_group_link", 'click', function(event) {
if ($(this).closest('.group_top').length == 0) { return; }
var $top = $(this).parents(".group_top");
var $list = $("nothing").add($top);
var $next = $top.next();
while($next.length > 0 && !$next.hasClass('group_bottom')) {
$list = $list.add($next);
$next = $next.next();
$list = $list.add($next);
url: $top.find(".update_group_url").attr('href'),
confirmed: function() {
success: function() {
$list.fadeOut(function() {
}).delegate(".group_edit.cancel_button", 'click', function(event) {
if ($(this).closest('.group_top').length == 0) { return; }
var $top = $(this).parents(".group_top");
if ($top.attr('id') == 'group_top_new') {
var $next = $top.next();
while($next.length > 0 && !$next.hasClass('group_bottom')) {
var $current = $next
$next = $next.next();
if ($current.hasClass('assessment_question_bank')) {
}).delegate(".collapse_link", 'click', function(event) {
if ($(this).closest('.group_top').length == 0) { return; }
var $obj = $(this).parents(".group_top").next();
while($obj.length > 0 && $obj.hasClass('question_holder')) {
$obj = $obj.next();
}).delegate(".expand_link", 'click', function(event) {
if ($(this).closest('.group_top').length == 0) { return; }
var $obj = $(this).parents(".group_top").next();
while($obj.length > 0 && $obj.hasClass('question_holder')) {
$obj = $obj.next();
var keyboardShortcutsView = new RCEKeyboardShortcuts();
if (!lockedItems.content) {
RichContentEditor.loadNewEditor($('#quiz_description'), {
focus: true,
manageParent: true,
tinyOptions: {
aria_label: I18n.t('label.quiz.instructions', 'Quiz instructions, rich text area')
$(".toggle_description_views_link").click(function(event) {
RichContentEditor.callOnRCE($("#quiz_description"), 'toggle');
// todo: replace .andSelf with .addBack when JQuery is upgraded.
$(".toggle_question_content_views_link").click(function(event) {
RichContentEditor.callOnRCE($(this).parents(".question_form").find(".question_content"), 'toggle');
// todo: replace .andSelf with .addBack when JQuery is upgraded.
$(".toggle_text_after_answers_link").click(function(event) {
RichContentEditor.callOnRCE($(this).parents(".question_form").find(".text_after_answers"), 'toggle');
// todo: replace .andSelf with .addBack when JQuery is upgraded.
$("#calc_helper_methods").change(function() {
var method = $(this).val();
var html = "<pre>" + $.raw($.map(calcCmd.functionExamples(method), htmlEscape).join("</pre><pre>")) + "</pre>";
$(".delete_quiz_link").click(function(event) {
message: I18n.t('confirms.delete_quiz', "Are you sure you want to delete this quiz?"),
url: $(this).attr('href'),
success: function() { window.location.replace(ENV.QUIZZES_URL); }
var conditionalRelease = window.conditionalRelease = window.conditionalRelease || {};
conditionalRelease.editor = ConditionalRelease.attach(
$('#questions').on("change DOMNodeRemoved DOMNodeInserted", function() {
conditionalRelease.assignmentUpToDate = false;
$("#quiz_tabs").on("tabsbeforeactivate", function(event) {
if (!conditionalRelease.assignmentUpToDate) {
var id = null;
if (quizModel) {
id = quizModel.attributes.assignment_id;
id: id,
grading_type: "points",
points_possible: quiz.calculatePointsPossible()
conditionalRelease.assignmentUpToDate = true;
$.fn.multipleAnswerSetsQuestion = function () {
var $question = $(this);
var $questionContent = $question.find('.question_content');
var $select = $question.find('.blank_id_select');
var questionType = $question.find('.question_type').val();
if ($question.data('multiple_sets_question_bindings')) { return; }
$question.data('multiple_sets_question_bindings', true);
$questionContent.bind('keypress', function (event) {
setTimeout(function () { $(event.target).triggerHandler('change'); }, 50);
if (!isChangeMultiFuncBound($questionContent)) {
$questionContent.bind('change', getChangeMultiFunc($questionContent, questionType, $select)).change();
$select.change(function () {
if (questionType !== 'multiple_dropdowns_question' && questionType !== 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question') {
$question.find('.form_answers .answer').hide().addClass('hidden');
$select.find('option').each(function (i) {
$question.find('.form_answers .answer_for_' + $(this).val()).each(function () {
$(this).attr('class', $(this).attr('class').replace(/answer_idx_\d+/g, ''));
}).addClass('answer_idx_' + i);
if ($select.val() !== '0') {
var variable = $select.val();
var variableIdx = $select[0].selectedIndex;
if (variableIdx >= 0) {
$question.find('.form_answers .answer').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.attr('class').match(/answer_idx_/)) {
if ($this.attr('class').match(/answer_for_/)) {
var idx = null;
var blankId = $this.attr('class').match(/answer_for_[^\s]+/);
if (blankId && blankId[0]) { blankId = blankId[0].substring(11); }
$select.find('option').each(function (i) {
if ($(this).text() == blankId) {
idx = i;
if (idx === null) {
idx = variableIdx;
$this.addClass('answer_idx_' + idx);
} else {
$this.addClass('answer_idx_' + variableIdx);
$select.find("option").each(function(i) {
var text = $(this).text();
$question.find(".form_answers .answer.answer_idx_" + i).find(".blank_id").each(function() {
var $valid_answers = $question.find(".form_answers .answer.answer_idx_" + variableIdx).show().removeClass('hidden');
if (!$valid_answers.length && variable && variable !== '0') {
for(var idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++) {
$question.find(".add_answer_link").triggerHandler('click', true);
$valid_answers = $question.find(".form_answers .answer.answer_idx_" + variableIdx).show().removeClass('hidden');
if (!$valid_answers.filter(".correct_answer").length) {
$valid_answers.each(function() {
$.fn.formulaQuestion = function() {
var $question = $(this);
if ($question.data('formula_question_bindings')) { return; }
$question.data('formula_question_bindings', true);
pre_process: function() {
var result = [];
$question.find(".variables .variable").each(function() {
var data = {
name: $(this).attr('data-name'),
value: $(this).attr('data-value')
result.push(data.name + " = " + data.value);
return result;
formula_added: function() {
$question.triggerHandler('settings_change', true);
$question.find(".compute_combinations").click(function() {
var $button = $(this);
$button.text(I18n.t('buttons.generating', "Generating...")).attr('disabled', true);
var question_type = $question.find(".question_type").val();
if (question_type != 'calculated_question') {
var $table = $question.find(".combinations");
$table.find("thead tr").empty();
$question.find(".variables .variable").each(function() {
var $th = $("<th/>");
$table.find("thead tr").append($th);
var $th = $("<th/>");
$th.text(I18n.t('final_answer', "Final Answer"));
$table.find("thead tr").append($th);
var cnt = parseInt($question.find(".combination_count").val(), 10) || 10;
if (cnt < 0) {
cnt = 10;
} else if (cnt > ENV.quiz_max_combination_count) {
cnt = ENV.quiz_max_combination_count;
var succeeded = 0;
var existingCombinations = {};
var mod = 0;
var finished = function() {
$button.text("Generate").attr('disabled', false);
if (succeeded == 0) {
alert(I18n.t('alerts.no_valid_combinations', "The system could not generate any valid combinations for the parameters given"));
} else if (succeeded < cnt) {
alert(I18n.t('alerts.only_n_valid_combinations', {'one': "The system could only generate 1 valid combination for the parameters given", 'other': "The system could only generate %{count} valid combinations for the parameters given"}, {'count': succeeded}));
$question.triggerHandler('settings_change', false);
var combinationIndex = 0;
var failedCount = 0;
var $status = $question.find(".formulas .formula_row:last .status"),
$variable_values = $question.find(".variables .variable"),
$tbody = $table.find("tbody");
var answer_tolerance = parseFloatOrPercentage($question.find(".combination_answer_tolerance").val());
var next = function() {
$button.text(I18n.t('buttons.generating_combinations_progress', "Generating... (%{done}/%{total})", {'done': succeeded, 'total': cnt}));
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for(var idx = 0; idx < 5 && succeeded < cnt && failedCount < 25; idx++) {
$variable_values.each(function() {
$(this).find(".variable_setting:first").trigger('change', {cache: true});
$question.find(".supercalc").superCalc('recalculate', true);
var result = $status.attr('data-res');
var solution = new QuizFormulaSolution(result);
var combination = [];
$variable_values.each(function() {
if (!existingCombinations[combination] || true) {
if (solution.isValid()) {
var $result = $("<tr/>");
$variable_values.each(function() {
var $td = $("<td/>");
var $td = $("<td/>");
var html = htmlEscape(solution.rawText());
var tolerance = answer_tolerance;
if (tolerance) {
html += " <span style='font-size: 0.8em;'>+/-</span> " + htmlEscape(tolerance);
failedCount = 0;
} else {
existingCombinations[combination] = true;
} else {
$button.text(I18n.t('buttons.generating_combinations_progress', "Generating... (%{done}/%{total})", {'done': succeeded, 'total': cnt}));
if (combinationIndex >= cnt || succeeded >= cnt || failedCount >= 25) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
setTimeout(next, 100);
$question.find(".recompute_variables").click(function() {
var question_type = $question.find(".question_type").val();
if (question_type != 'calculated_question') {
$question.triggerHandler('recompute_variables', true);
$question.bind('recompute_variables', function(event, in_dom) {
$question.find(".variables .variable").each(function() {
$(this).find(".variable_setting:first").trigger('change', in_dom ? { recompute: true, cache: true } : { cache: true });
$question.bind('settings_change', function(event, remove) {
var question_type = $question.find(".question_type").val();
if (question_type != 'calculated_question') {
var variables = $question.find(".variables tbody tr.variable").length > 0;
var formulas = $question.find(".formulas .formula").length > 0;
$question.find(".combinations_option").attr('disabled', !variables || !formulas);
if ($question.hasClass('ready') && remove) {
$question.find(".combinations_holder .combinations tbody tr").remove();
$question.find(".combinations_holder").showIf($question.find(".combinations tbody tr").length > 0);
$question.find(".variables").delegate('.variable_setting', 'change', function(event, options) {
var question_type = $question.find(".question_type").val();
if (question_type != 'calculated_question') {
var $variable = $(event.target).parents(".variable")
var data = $variable.data('cached_data');
if (!data || !options || !options.cache || (options.recompute && options.cache)) {
data = $variable.getFormData();
data.min = parseFloat(data.min) || 0;
data.max = Math.max(data.min, parseFloat(data.max) || 0);
data.round = parseInt(data.round, 10) || 0;
data.range = data.max - data.min;
data.rounder = Math.pow(10, data.round) || 1;
if (options && options.cache) {
$variable.data('cached_data', data);
var val = (Math.random() * data.range) + data.min;
val = Math.round(val * data.rounder) / (data.rounder);
$variable.attr('data-value', val);
if (!options || options.template || options.recompute) {
if (!options || options.recompute) {
$question.triggerHandler('settings_change', true);
$question.find(".help_with_equations_link").click(function(event) {
var functions = calcCmd.functionList();
for(var idx in functions) {
var func = functions[idx][0];
var $option = $("<option/>");
title: I18n.t('titles.help_with_formulas', "Help with Quiz Question Formulas"),
width: 500
$question.find(".combinations_option").attr('disabled', true);
$question.find(".question_content").bind('keypress', function(event) {
setTimeout(function() {$(event.target).triggerHandler('change')}, 50);
$question.find(".question_content").bind('change', function(event) {
var text = RichContentEditor.callOnRCE($(this), 'get_code');
var matches = text.match(/\[[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*\]/g);
$question.find(".variables").showIf(matches && matches.length > 0);
var matchHash = {};
if (matches) {
for(var idx = 0; idx < matches.length; idx++) {
if (matches[idx]) {
var variable = matches[idx].substring(1, matches[idx].length - 1);
if (!matchHash[variable]) {
var $variable = $question.find('.variables tr.variable[data-name="' + variable + '"]');
if ($variable.length === 0) {
var label_id = htmlEscape("label_for_var_" + variable);
// xsslint safeString.identifier label_id
$variable = $("<tr class='variable'>"
+ "<th id='" + label_id + "' class='name'></th>"
+ "<td><div><input aria-labelledby='" + label_id + " equation_var_minimum' type='text' name='min' class='min variable_setting' style='width: 70%;' value='1'/></div></td>"
+ "<td><div><input aria-labelledby='" + label_id + " equation_var_maximum' type='text' name='max' class='max variable_setting' style='width: 70%;' value='10'/></div></td>"
+ "<td><div style='width: 70%;'><select aria-labelledby='" + label_id + " equation_var_precision' name='round' class='round variable_setting'><option>0</option><option>1</option><option>2</option><option>3</option></div></td>"
+ "<td aria-labelledby='equation_var_example' class='value'></td></tr>");
$question.find(".variables tbody").append($variable);
$variable.attr('data-name', variable);
matchHash[variable] = true;
$question.find(".supercalc").superCalc('recalculate', true);
$question.triggerHandler('settings_change', false);
function numericalAnswerTypeChange($el) {
var val = $el.val();
var $answer = $el.parents(".numerical_answer");
$answer.find("." + val).show();
// attach HTML answers but only when they click the button
$('#questions').delegate('.edit_html', 'click', function(event) {
var $this = $(this);
var toggler = $this.data('editorToggle');
var inputColumn = $this.parents().find('.answer_type:visible')[0]
var rceWidth = inputColumn.offsetWidth
// create toggler instance on the first click
if (!toggler) {
toggler = new MultipleChoiceToggle($this, {
editorBoxLabel: I18n.t('label.answer.text', 'Answer text, rich text area'),
tinyOptions: {width: rceWidth}
$this.data('editorToggle', toggler);
$(function() {
$(document).on('change', function controlResultVisibilityFields() {
// "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" related fields visibility:
if (isShowingResults()) {
// CA options:
// What we'd like to do is show/hide the date-pickers based on the
// "Let Students See The Correct Answers" option, and disable them
// if we're showing results just once ("Only Once After Each Attempt"):
} else {
$('#quiz_one_time_results').prop('checked', false)
$('#hide_results_only_after_last').prop('checked', false);
$('#quiz_show_correct_answers_last_attempt').prop('checked', false);
// Only allow students to see answers on last attempt if the quiz has more than one attempt
var showCorrectAnswersLastAttempt = parseInt($('#quiz_allowed_attempts').val()) > 0;
if(!showCorrectAnswersLastAttempt) {
$('#quiz_show_correct_answers_last_attempt').prop('checked', false);