168 lines
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168 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import $ from 'jquery'
import htmlEscape from './str/htmlEscape'
import './jquery.instructure_misc_helpers' /* replaceTags */
// Fills the selected object(s) with data values as specified. Plaintext values should be specified in the
// data: data used to fill template.
// id: set the id attribute of the template object
// textValues: a list of strings, which values should be plaintext
// htmlValues: a list of strings, which values should be html
// hrefValues: List of string. Searches for all anchor tags in the template
// and globally replaces "{{ value }}" with data[value]. Useful for adding
// new elements asynchronously, when you don't know what their URL will be
// until they're created.
$.fn.fillTemplateData = function(options) {
if(this.length && options) {
if (options.iterator) {
// todo: replace .andSelf with .addBack when JQuery is upgraded.
var $el = $(this);
$.each(["name", "id", "class"], function(i, attr){
if ( $el.attr(attr) ) {
$el.attr(attr, $el.attr(attr).replace(/-iterator-/, options.iterator));
if(options.id) {
this.attr('id', options.id);
var contentChange = false;
if(options.data) {
for(var item in options.data) {
if(options.except && $.inArray(item, options.except) != -1) {
if (options.data[item] && options.dataValues && $.inArray(item, options.dataValues) != -1) {
this.data(item, options.data[item].toString());
var $found_all = this.find("." + item);
var avoid = options.avoid || "";
$found_all.each(function() {
var $found = $(this);
if($found.length > 0 && $found.closest(avoid).length === 0) {
if(typeof(options.data[item]) == "undefined" || options.data[item] === null) {
options.data[item] = "";
if(options.htmlValues && $.inArray(item, options.htmlValues) != -1) {
if($found.hasClass('user_content')) {
contentChange = true;
$found.data('unenhanced_content_html', options.data[item].toString());
} else if ($found[0].tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") {
} else {
try {
var str = options.data[item].toString();
} catch(e) { }
if(options.hrefValues && options.data) {
this.find("a,span[rel]").each(function() {
var $obj = $(this),
oldHref, oldRel, oldName;
for(var i in options.hrefValues) {
if(!options.hrefValues.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var name = options.hrefValues[i];
if(oldHref = $obj.attr('href')) {
var newHref = $.replaceTags(oldHref, name, encodeURIComponent(options.data[name]));
var orig = $obj.text() === $obj.html() ? $obj.text() : null;
if(oldHref !== newHref) {
$obj.attr('href', newHref);
if(orig) {
if(oldRel = $obj.attr('rel')) {
$obj.attr('rel', $.replaceTags(oldRel, name, options.data[name]));
if(oldName = $obj.attr('name')) {
$obj.attr('name', $.replaceTags(oldName, name, options.data[name]));
if(contentChange) {
return this;
$.fn.fillTemplateData.defaults = {htmlValues: null, hrefValues: null};
// Reverse version of fillTemplateData. Lets you pull out the string versions of values held in divs, spans, etc.
// Based on the usage of class names within an object to specify an object's sub-parts.
$.fn.getTemplateData = function(options) {
if(!this.length || !options) {
return {};
var result = {}, item, val;
if(options.textValues) {
var _this = this;
options.textValues.forEach(function(item) {
var $item = _this.find("." + item.replace(/\[/g, '\\[').replace(/\]/g, '\\]') + ":first");
val = $.trim($item.text());
if($item.html() === " ") { val = ""; }
if(val.length === 1 && val.charCodeAt(0) === 160) {
val = "";
result[item] = val;
if(options.dataValues) {
for(item in options.dataValues) {
var val = this.data(options.dataValues[item]);
if(val) {
result[options.dataValues[item]] = val;
if(options.htmlValues) {
for(item in options.htmlValues) {
var $elem = this.find("." + options.htmlValues[item].replace(/\[/g, '\\[').replace(/\]/g, '\\]') + ":first");
val = null;
if($elem.hasClass('user_content') && $elem.data('unenhanced_content_html')) {
val = $elem.data('unenhanced_content_html');
} else {
val = $.trim($elem.html());
result[options.htmlValues[item]] = val;
return result;
$.fn.getTemplateValue = function(value, options) {
var opts = $.extend({}, options, {textValues: [value]});
return this.getTemplateData(opts)[value];