Ryan Shaw 0e70f1ddd4 run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller
test plan:
just load a couple pages and make sure images/icons
look fine

Change-Id: I6b87b116757e4244044957452f730ba6c5e5c41d
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Mark Ericksen <>
2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
2C4C5E_256x240_icons.png Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
2C4C5E_500x100_textures_12_gloss_wave_55.png Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_7x7_arrow_down.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_7x7_arrow_left.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_7x7_arrow_right.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_7x7_arrow_up.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_11x11_icon_arrows_leftright.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_11x11_icon_arrows_updown.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_11x11_icon_close.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_11x11_icon_doc.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
222222_11x11_icon_folder_closed.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_11x11_icon_folder_open.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_11x11_icon_minus.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
222222_11x11_icon_plus.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
222222_11x11_icon_resize_se.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
222222_35x9_colorpicker_indicator.gif.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_7x7_arrow_down.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_7x7_arrow_left.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_7x7_arrow_right.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_7x7_arrow_up.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_11x11_icon_arrows_leftright.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_11x11_icon_arrows_updown.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_11x11_icon_close.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_11x11_icon_doc.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
888888_11x11_icon_folder_closed.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_11x11_icon_folder_open.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
888888_11x11_icon_minus.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
888888_11x11_icon_plus.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
E6E6E6_1x25_textures_04_highlight_hard_75.png Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
F2F5F7_1x100_textures_03_highlight_soft_75.png Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
d8d8d8_40x100_textures_02_glass_90.png Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
f3f3f3_40x100_textures_01_flat_0.png Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_7x7_arrow_down.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_7x7_arrow_left.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_7x7_arrow_right.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_7x7_arrow_up.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_11x11_icon_arrows_leftright.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_11x11_icon_arrows_updown.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_11x11_icon_close.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_11x11_icon_doc.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
ffffff_11x11_icon_folder_closed.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_11x11_icon_folder_open.gif Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00
ffffff_11x11_icon_minus.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
ffffff_11x11_icon_plus.gif run ImageOptim on all our images to make them smaller 2012-08-02 18:07:49 -06:00
ffffff_256x240_icons.png Initial commit. 2011-01-31 18:57:29 -07:00