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# Copyright (C) 2012 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb')
require 'db/migrate/20120402054921_populate_conversation_root_account_ids.rb'
describe 'PopulateConversationRootAccountIds' do
describe "up" do
it "should work" do
skip "no longer possible since context_messages no longer exists"
u = user
# messages w/ account contexts
u1 = user
a1a = Account.default
a1b = Account.create
cn1 = Conversation.initiate([u, u1], true)
cn1.add_message(u, "test1").update_attribute(:context, a1a)
cn1.add_message(u, "test2").update_attribute(:context, a1a)
cn1.add_message(u, "test3").update_attribute(:context, a1b)
expect(cn1.root_account_ids).to eql []
# context message on course
u2 = user
a2 = Account.create
c2 = course(:account => a2)
cn2 = Conversation.initiate([u, u2], true)
cn2.add_message(u, "test")
Conversation.connection.execute "INSERT INTO #{Conversation.connection.quote_table_name('context_messages')}(context_id, context_type) VALUES(#{c2.id}, 'Course')"
cn2.conversation_messages.update_all("context_message_id = (SELECT id FROM context_messages ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)")
expect(cn2.root_account_ids).to eql []
# context message on group
u3 = user
a3 = Account.create
g3 = group(:group_context => a3)
cn3 = Conversation.initiate([u, u3], true)
cn3.add_message(u, "test")
Conversation.connection.execute "INSERT INTO #{Conversation.connection.quote_table_name('context_messages')}(context_id, context_type) VALUES(#{g3.id}, 'Group')"
cn3.conversation_messages.update_all("context_message_id = (SELECT id FROM context_messages ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)")
expect(cn3.root_account_ids).to eql []
# submission
u4 = user
a4 = Account.create
c4 = course(:account => a4, :active_all => true)
student_in_course(:user => u4, :course => c4, :active_all => true)
as4 = c4.assignments.create
s4 = as4.submit_homework(u4, :submission_type => "online_text_entry", :body => "")
cn4 = Conversation.initiate([u, u4], true)
cn4.add_message(u, '').update_attribute(:asset, s4)
expect(cn4.root_account_ids).to eql []
# no root account info available
u5 = user
cn5 = Conversation.initiate([u, u5], true)
cn5.add_message(u, "test")
expect(cn1.reload.root_account_ids).to eql [a1a.id, a1b.id]
expect(cn2.reload.root_account_ids).to eql [a2.id]
expect(cn3.reload.root_account_ids).to eql [a3.id]
expect(cn4.reload.root_account_ids).to eql [a4.id]
expect(cn5.reload.root_account_ids).to eql []