28 lines
863 B
28 lines
863 B
define ->
# duck punches `obj` method `method` with `fn`, supplying the old method
# as the first argumnet of the new method (so you can call it still)
# ex.
# obj = foo: (words) -> console.log words
# punch obj, 'foo', (old, words) ->
# # call the old one
# old words
# # do something new
# alert words
# @param {Object} obj - the object with the method to be punched
# @param {String} method - the name of the method to be punched
# @param {Function} fn - the new method definition
# @signature fn(old [, args])
# @param {Function} old - the old method *already bound* to the object
# @param {mixed} args - the previous parameters
punch = (obj, method, fn) ->
old = obj[method]
obj[method] = (args...) ->
args.unshift -> old.apply obj, arguments
fn.apply obj, args