539 lines
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539 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# @API Appointment Groups
# API for creating, accessing and updating appointment groups. Appointment groups
# provide a way of creating a bundle of time slots that users can sign up for
# (e.g. "Office Hours" or "Meet with professor about Final Project"). Both time
# slots and reservations of time slots are stored as Calendar Events.
# @model Appointment
# {
# "id": "Appointment",
# "description": "Date and time for an appointment",
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "The appointment identifier.",
# "example": 987,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "start_at": {
# "description": "Start time for the appointment",
# "example": "2012-07-20T15:00:00-06:00",
# "type": "datetime"
# },
# "end_at": {
# "description": "End time for the appointment",
# "example": "2012-07-20T15:00:00-06:00",
# "type": "datetime"
# }
# }
# }
# @model AppointmentGroup
# {
# "id": "AppointmentGroup",
# "description": "",
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "The ID of the appointment group",
# "example": 543,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "title": {
# "description": "The title of the appointment group",
# "example": "Final Presentation",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "start_at": {
# "description": "The start of the first time slot in the appointment group",
# "example": "2012-07-20T15:00:00-06:00",
# "type": "datetime"
# },
# "end_at": {
# "description": "The end of the last time slot in the appointment group",
# "example": "2012-07-20T17:00:00-06:00",
# "type": "datetime"
# },
# "description": {
# "description": "The text description of the appointment group",
# "example": "Es muy importante",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "location_name": {
# "description": "The location name of the appointment group",
# "example": "El Tigre Chino's office",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "location_address": {
# "description": "The address of the appointment group's location",
# "example": "Room 234",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "participant_count": {
# "description": "The number of participant who have reserved slots (see include[] argument)",
# "example": 2,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "reserved_times": {
# "description": "The start and end times of slots reserved by the current user as well as the id of the calendar event for the reservation (see include[] argument)",
# "example": "[{\"id\"=>987, \"start_at\"=>\"2012-07-20T15:00:00-06:00\", \"end_at\"=>\"2012-07-20T15:00:00-06:00\"}]",
# "type": "array",
# "items": {"$ref": "Appointment"}
# },
# "context_codes": {
# "description": "The context codes (i.e. courses) this appointment group belongs to. Only people in these courses will be eligible to sign up.",
# "example": "[course_123]",
# "type": "array",
# "items": {"type": "string"}
# },
# "sub_context_codes": {
# "description": "The sub-context codes (i.e. course sections and group categories) this appointment group is restricted to",
# "example": "[course_section_234]",
# "type": "array",
# "items": {"type": "integer"}
# },
# "workflow_state": {
# "description": "Current state of the appointment group ('pending', 'active' or 'deleted'). 'pending' indicates that it has not been published yet and is invisible to participants.",
# "example": "active",
# "type": "string",
# "allowableValues": {
# "values": [
# "pending",
# "active",
# "deleted"
# ]
# }
# },
# "requiring_action": {
# "description": "Boolean indicating whether the current user needs to sign up for this appointment group (i.e. it's reservable and the min_appointments_per_participant limit has not been met by this user).",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "appointments_count": {
# "description": "Number of time slots in this appointment group",
# "example": 2,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "appointments": {
# "description": "Calendar Events representing the time slots (see include[] argument) Refer to the Calendar Events API for more information",
# "example": "[]",
# "type": "array",
# "items": {"$ref": "CalendarEvent"}
# },
# "new_appointments": {
# "description": "Newly created time slots (same format as appointments above). Only returned in Create/Update responses where new time slots have been added",
# "example": "[]",
# "type": "array",
# "items": {"$ref": "CalendarEvent"}
# },
# "max_appointments_per_participant": {
# "description": "Maximum number of time slots a user may register for, or null if no limit",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "min_appointments_per_participant": {
# "description": "Minimum number of time slots a user must register for. If not set, users do not need to sign up for any time slots",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "participants_per_appointment": {
# "description": "Maximum number of participants that may register for each time slot, or null if no limit",
# "example": 1,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "participant_visibility": {
# "description": "'private' means participants cannot see who has signed up for a particular time slot, 'protected' means that they can",
# "example": "private",
# "type": "string",
# "allowableValues": {
# "values": [
# "private",
# "protected"
# ]
# }
# },
# "participant_type": {
# "description": "Indicates how participants sign up for the appointment group, either as individuals ('User') or in student groups ('Group'). Related to sub_context_codes (i.e. 'Group' signups always have a single group category)",
# "example": "User",
# "type": "string",
# "allowableValues": {
# "values": [
# "User",
# "Group"
# ]
# }
# },
# "url": {
# "description": "URL for this appointment group (to update, delete, etc.)",
# "example": "https://example.com/api/v1/appointment_groups/543",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "html_url": {
# "description": "URL for a user to view this appointment group",
# "example": "http://example.com/appointment_groups/1",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "created_at": {
# "description": "When the appointment group was created",
# "example": "2012-07-13T10:55:20-06:00",
# "type": "datetime"
# },
# "updated_at": {
# "description": "When the appointment group was last updated",
# "example": "2012-07-13T10:55:20-06:00",
# "type": "datetime"
# }
# }
# }
class AppointmentGroupsController < ApplicationController
include Api::V1::CalendarEvent
before_filter :require_user
before_filter :get_appointment_group, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy, :users, :groups]
def calendar_fragment(opts)
private :calendar_fragment
# @API List appointment groups
# Retrieve the list of appointment groups that can be reserved or managed by
# the current user.
# @argument scope [String, "reservable"|"manageable"]
# Defaults to "reservable"
# @argument context_codes[] [String]
# Array of context codes used to limit returned results.
# @argument include_past_appointments [Boolean]
# Defaults to false. If true, includes past appointment groups
# @argument include[] ["appointments"|"child_events"|"participant_count"|"reserved_times"]
# Array of additional information to include.
# "appointments":: calendar event time slots for this appointment group
# "child_events":: reservations of those time slots
# "participant_count":: number of reservations
# "reserved_times":: the event id, start time and end time of reservations
# the current user has made)
def index
unless request.format == :json
anchor = calendar_fragment :view_name => :scheduler
return redirect_to calendar2_url(:anchor => anchor)
contexts = params[:context_codes] if params.include?(:context_codes)
if params[:scope] == 'manageable'
scope = AppointmentGroup.manageable_by(@current_user, contexts)
scope = scope.current_or_undated unless value_to_boolean(params[:include_past_appointments])
scope = AppointmentGroup.reservable_by(@current_user, contexts)
scope = scope.current unless value_to_boolean(params[:include_past_appointments])
groups = Api.paginate(
api_v1_appointment_groups_url(:scope => params[:scope])
if params[:include]
[{:appointments =>
{:context =>
[{:appointment_group_contexts => :context},
{:child_events =>
{:child_events =>
{:appointment_group_contexts => :context},
render :json => groups.map{ |group| appointment_group_json(group, @current_user, session, :include => params[:include]) }
# @API Create an appointment group
# Create and return a new appointment group. If new_appointments are
# specified, the response will return a new_appointments array (same format
# as appointments array, see "List appointment groups" action)
# @argument appointment_group[context_codes][] [Required, String]
# Array of context codes (courses, e.g. course_1) this group should be
# linked to (1 or more). Users in the course(s) with appropriate permissions
# will be able to sign up for this appointment group.
# @argument appointment_group[sub_context_codes][] [String]
# Array of sub context codes (course sections or a single group category)
# this group should be linked to. Used to limit the appointment group to
# particular sections. If a group category is specified, students will sign
# up in groups and the participant_type will be "Group" instead of "User".
# @argument appointment_group[title] [Required, String]
# Short title for the appointment group.
# @argument appointment_group[description] [String]
# Longer text description of the appointment group.
# @argument appointment_group[location_name] [String]
# Location name of the appointment group.
# @argument appointment_group[location_address] [String]
# Location address.
# @argument appointment_group[publish] [Boolean]
# Indicates whether this appointment group should be published (i.e. made
# available for signup). Once published, an appointment group cannot be
# unpublished. Defaults to false.
# @argument appointment_group[participants_per_appointment] [Integer]
# Maximum number of participants that may register for each time slot.
# Defaults to null (no limit).
# @argument appointment_group[min_appointments_per_participant] [Integer]
# Minimum number of time slots a user must register for. If not set, users
# do not need to sign up for any time slots.
# @argument appointment_group[max_appointments_per_participant] [Integer]
# Maximum number of time slots a user may register for.
# @argument appointment_group[new_appointments][X][]
# Nested array of start time/end time pairs indicating time slots for this
# appointment group. Refer to the example request.
# @argument appointment_group[participant_visibility] ["private"|"protected"]
# "private":: participants cannot see who has signed up for a particular
# time slot
# "protected":: participants can see who has signed up. Defaults to
# "private".
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/appointment_groups.json' \
# -X POST \
# -F 'appointment_group[context_codes][]=course_123' \
# -F 'appointment_group[sub_context_codes][]=course_section_234' \
# -F 'appointment_group[title]=Final Presentation' \
# -F 'appointment_group[participants_per_appointment]=1' \
# -F 'appointment_group[min_appointments_per_participant]=1' \
# -F 'appointment_group[max_appointments_per_participant]=1' \
# -F 'appointment_group[new_appointments][0][]=2012-07-19T21:00:00Z' \
# -F 'appointment_group[new_appointments][0][]=2012-07-19T22:00:00Z' \
# -F 'appointment_group[new_appointments][1][]=2012-07-19T22:00:00Z' \
# -F 'appointment_group[new_appointments][1][]=2012-07-19T23:00:00Z' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def create
contexts = get_contexts
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless contexts.present?
publish = value_to_boolean(params[:appointment_group].delete(:publish))
params[:appointment_group][:contexts] = contexts
@group = AppointmentGroup.new(params[:appointment_group])
if authorized_action(@group, @current_user, :manage)
if @group.save
@group.publish! if publish
render :json => appointment_group_json(@group, @current_user, session), :status => :created
render :json => @group.errors, :status => :bad_request
# @API Get a single appointment group
# Returns information for a single appointment group
# @argument include[] ["child_events"|"appointments"]
# Array of additional information to include. Ssee include[] argument of
# "List appointment groups" action.
# "child_events":: reservations of time slots time slots
# "appointments":: will always be returned
def show
if authorized_action(@group, @current_user, :read)
unless request.format == :json
anchor = calendar_fragment :view_name => :scheduler, :appointment_group_id => @group.id
return redirect_to calendar2_url(:anchor => anchor)
render :json => appointment_group_json(@group, @current_user, session, :include => ((params[:include] || []) | ['appointments']))
# @API Update an appointment group
# Update and return an appointment group. If new_appointments are specified,
# the response will return a new_appointments array (same format as
# appointments array, see "List appointment groups" action).
# @argument appointment_group[context_codes][] [Required, String]
# Array of context codes (courses, e.g. course_1) this group should be
# linked to (1 or more). Users in the course(s) with appropriate permissions
# will be able to sign up for this appointment group.
# @argument appointment_group[sub_context_codes][] [String]
# Array of sub context codes (course sections or a single group category)
# this group should be linked to. Used to limit the appointment group to
# particular sections. If a group category is specified, students will sign
# up in groups and the participant_type will be "Group" instead of "User".
# @argument appointment_group[title] [String]
# Short title for the appointment group.
# @argument appointment_group[description] [String]
# Longer text description of the appointment group.
# @argument appointment_group[location_name] [String]
# Location name of the appointment group.
# @argument appointment_group[location_address] [String]
# Location address.
# @argument appointment_group[publish] [Boolean]
# Indicates whether this appointment group should be published (i.e. made
# available for signup). Once published, an appointment group cannot be
# unpublished. Defaults to false.
# @argument appointment_group[participants_per_appointment] [Integer]
# Maximum number of participants that may register for each time slot.
# Defaults to null (no limit).
# @argument appointment_group[min_appointments_per_participant] [Integer]
# Minimum number of time slots a user must register for. If not set, users
# do not need to sign up for any time slots.
# @argument appointment_group[max_appointments_per_participant] [Integer]
# Maximum number of time slots a user may register for.
# @argument appointment_group[new_appointments][X][]
# Nested array of start time/end time pairs indicating time slots for this
# appointment group. Refer to the example request.
# @argument appointment_group[participant_visibility] ["private"|"protected"]
# "private":: participants cannot see who has signed up for a particular
# time slot
# "protected":: participants can see who has signed up. Defaults to "private".
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/appointment_groups/543.json' \
# -X PUT \
# -F 'appointment_group[publish]=1' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def update
contexts = get_contexts
@group.contexts = contexts if contexts
if authorized_action(@group, @current_user, :update)
publish = params[:appointment_group].delete(:publish) == "1"
if @group.update_attributes(params[:appointment_group])
@group.publish! if publish
render :json => appointment_group_json(@group, @current_user, session)
render :json => @group.errors, :status => :bad_request
# @API Delete an appointment group
# Delete an appointment group (and associated time slots and reservations)
# and return the deleted group
# @argument cancel_reason [String]
# Reason for deleting/canceling the appointment group.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/appointment_groups/543.json' \
# -F 'cancel_reason=El Tigre Chino got fired' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
def destroy
if authorized_action(@group, @current_user, :delete)
@group.cancel_reason = params[:cancel_reason]
if @group.destroy
render :json => appointment_group_json(@group, @current_user, session)
render :json => @group.errors, :status => :bad_request
# @API List user participants
# List users that are (or may be) participating in this appointment group.
# Refer to the Users API for the response fields. Returns no results for
# appointment groups with the "Group" participant_type.
# @argument registration_status ["all"|"registered"|"registered"]
# Limits results to the a given participation status, defaults to "all"
def users
participants('User'){ |u| user_json(u, @current_user, session) }
# @API List student group participants
# List student groups that are (or may be) participating in this appointment
# group. Refer to the Groups API for the response fields. Returns no results
# for appointment groups with the "User" participant_type.
# @argument registration_status ["all"|"registered"|"registered"]
# Limits results to the a given participation status, defaults to "all"
def groups
participants('Group'){ |g| group_json(g, @current_user, session) }
def participants(type, &formatter)
if authorized_action(@group, @current_user, :read)
return render :json => [] unless @group.participant_type == type
render :json => Api.paginate(
send("api_v1_appointment_group_#{params[:action]}_url", @group)
def get_contexts
if params[:appointment_group] && params[:appointment_group][:context_codes]
context_codes = params[:appointment_group].delete(:context_codes)
contexts = context_codes.map do |code|
def get_appointment_group
@group = AppointmentGroup.find(params[:id].to_i)
@context = @group.contexts_for_user(@current_user).first # FIXME?