304 lines
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304 lines
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class UserMerge
def self.from(user)
attr_reader :from_user
def initialize(from_user)
@from_user = from_user
def into(target_user)
return unless target_user
return if target_user == from_user
target_user.save if target_user.changed?
[:strong, :weak, :shadow].each do |strength|
from_user.associated_shards(strength).each do |shard|
target_user.associate_with_shard(shard, strength)
max_position = target_user.communication_channels.last.try(:position) || 0
to_retire_ids = []
from_user.communication_channels.each do |cc|
source_cc = cc
# have to find conflicting CCs, and make sure we don't have conflicts
# To avoid the case where a user has duplicate CCs and one of them is retired, don't look for retired ccs
# it's okay to do that even if the only matching CC is a retired CC, because it would end up on the no-op
# case below anyway.
# Behavior is undefined if a user has both an active and an unconfirmed CC; it's not allowed with current
# validations, but could be there due to older code that didn't enforce the uniqueness. The results would
# simply be that they'll continue to have duplicate unretired CCs
target_cc = target_user.communication_channels.detect { |cc| cc.path.downcase == source_cc.path.downcase && cc.path_type == source_cc.path_type && !cc.retired? }
if !target_cc && from_user.shard != target_user.shard
User.clone_communication_channel(source_cc, target_user, max_position)
next unless target_cc
# we prefer keeping the "most" active one, preferring the target user if they're equal
# the comments inline show all the different cases, with the source cc on the left,
# target cc on the right. The * indicates the CC that will be retired in order
# to resolve the conflict
if target_cc.active?
# retired, active
# unconfirmed*, active
# active*, active
to_retire = source_cc
elsif source_cc.active?
# active, unconfirmed*
# active, retired
to_retire = target_cc
if from_user.shard != target_user.shard
target_cc.retire unless target_cc.retired?
User.clone_communication_channel(source_cc, target_user, max_position)
elsif target_cc.unconfirmed?
# unconfirmed*, unconfirmed
# retired, unconfirmed
to_retire = source_cc
elsif source_cc.unconfirmed? && from_user.shard != target_user.shard
# unconfirmed, retired
User.clone_communication_channel(source_cc, target_user, max_position)
# retired, retired
if to_retire && !to_retire.retired?
to_retire_ids << to_retire.id
if from_user.shard != target_user.shard
from_user.communication_channels.update_all(:workflow_state => 'retired') unless from_user.communication_channels.empty?
from_user.user_services.each do |us|
new_us = us.clone
new_us.shard = target_user.shard
new_us.user = target_user
from_user.shard.activate do
CommunicationChannel.where(:id => to_retire_ids).update_all(:workflow_state => 'retired') unless to_retire_ids.empty?
from_user.communication_channels.update_all(["user_id=?, position=position+?", target_user, max_position]) unless from_user.communication_channels.empty?
destroy_conflicting_module_progressions(@from_user, target_user)
Shard.with_each_shard(from_user.associated_shards + from_user.associated_shards(:weak) + from_user.associated_shards(:shadow)) do
max_position = Pseudonym.where(:user_id => target_user).order(:position).last.try(:position) || 0
Pseudonym.where(:user_id => from_user).update_all(["user_id=?, position=position+?", target_user, max_position])
to_delete_ids = []
target_user_enrollments = Enrollment.where(:user_id => target_user).all
Enrollment.where(:user_id => from_user).each do |enrollment|
source_enrollment = enrollment
# non-deleted enrollments should be unique per [course_section, type]
target_enrollment = target_user_enrollments.detect { |enrollment| enrollment.course_section_id == source_enrollment.course_section_id && enrollment.type == source_enrollment.type && !['deleted', 'inactive', 'rejected'].include?(enrollment.workflow_state) }
next unless target_enrollment
# we prefer keeping the "most" active one, preferring the target user if they're equal
# the comments inline show all the different cases, with the source enrollment on the left,
# target enrollment on the right. The * indicates the enrollment that will be deleted in order
# to resolve the conflict.
if target_enrollment.active?
# deleted, active
# inactive, active
# rejected, active
# invited*, active
# creation_pending*, active
# active*, active
# completed*, active
to_delete = source_enrollment
elsif source_enrollment.active?
# active, deleted
# active, inactive
# active, rejected
# active, invited*
# active, creation_pending*
# active, completed*
to_delete = target_enrollment
elsif target_enrollment.completed?
# deleted, completed
# inactive, completed
# rejected, completed
# invited*, completed
# creation_pending*, completed
# completed*, completed
to_delete = source_enrollment
elsif source_enrollment.completed?
# completed, deleted
# completed, inactive
# completed, rejected
# completed, invited*
# completed, creation_pending*
to_delete = target_enrollment
elsif target_enrollment.invited?
# deleted, invited
# inactive, invited
# rejected, invited
# creation_pending*, invited
# invited*, invited
to_delete = source_enrollment
elsif source_enrollment.invited?
# invited, deleted
# invited, inactive
# invited, rejected
# invited, creation_pending*
to_delete = target_enrollment
elsif target_enrollment.creation_pending?
# deleted, creation_pending
# inactive, creation_pending
# rejected, creation_pending
# creation_pending*, creation_pending
to_delete = source_enrollment
# creation_pending, deleted
# creation_pending, inactive
# creation_pending, rejected
# deleted, rejected
# inactive, rejected
# rejected, rejected
# rejected, deleted
# rejected, inactive
# deleted, inactive
# inactive, inactive
# inactive, deleted
# deleted, deleted
to_delete_ids << to_delete.id if to_delete && !['deleted', 'inactive', 'rejected'].include?(to_delete.workflow_state)
unless to_delete_ids.empty?
Enrollment.where(:id => to_delete_ids).update_all(:workflow_state => 'deleted')
target_user.communication_channels.email.unretired.each do |cc|
Rails.cache.delete([cc.path, 'invited_enrollments'].cache_key)
[:quiz_id, :quiz_submissions],
[:assignment_id, :submissions]
].each do |unique_id, table|
# Submissions are a special case since there's a unique index
# on the table, and if both the old user and the new user
# have a submission for the same assignment there will be
# a conflict.
model = table.to_s.classify.constantize
already_scope = model.where(:user_id => target_user)
scope = model.where(:user_id => from_user)
# empty submission objects from e.g. what_if grades will show up in the scope
# these records will not have associated quiz_submission records even if the assignment in question is a quiz,
# so we only need to fine-tune the scope for Submission
if model.name == "Submission"
# we prefer submissions that are not simply empty objects
# also we delete empty objects in cases of collision so that we don't end up with multiple submission records for a given assignment
# for the target user, we
# a) delete empty submissions where there is a non-empty submission in the from user
# b) don't delete otherwise
subscope = scope.having_submission.select(unique_id)
if %w{MySQL Mysql2}.include?(model.connection.adapter_name)
# handing the scope directly to from doesn't work until Rails 4, and I don't
# feel like backporting at the moment
subscope = Submission.from("(#{subscope.to_sql}) AS s").select(unique_id)
already_scope.where(unique_id => subscope).without_submission.delete_all
# for the from user
# a) we ignore the empty submissions in our update unless the target user has no submission
# b) move the empty submission over to the new user if there is no collision, as we don't mind persisting the what_if history in this case
# c) if there is an empty submission for each user for this assignment, prefer the target user
subscope = already_scope.select(unique_id)
if %w{MySQL Mysql2}.include?(model.connection.adapter_name)
# ditto
subscope = Submission.from("(#{subscope.to_sql}) AS s").select(unique_id)
scope.where("#{unique_id} NOT IN (?)", subscope).update_all(:user_id => target_user)
rescue => e
Rails.logger.error "migrating #{table} column user_id failed: #{e.to_s}"
from_user.all_conversations.find_each{ |c| c.move_to_user(target_user) } unless Shard.current != target_user.shard
updates = {}
'web_conference_participants','wiki_pages'].each do |key|
updates[key] = "user_id"
updates['submission_comments'] = 'author_id'
updates['conversation_messages'] = 'author_id'
updates = updates.to_a
updates << ['enrollments', 'associated_user_id']
updates.each do |table, column|
klass = table.classify.constantize
if klass.new.respond_to?("#{column}=".to_sym)
klass.where(column => from_user).update_all(column => target_user.id)
rescue => e
Rails.logger.error "migrating #{table} column #{column} failed: #{e.to_s}"
unless Shard.current != target_user.shard
# delete duplicate enrollments where this user is the observee
# delete duplicate observers/observees, move the rest
from_user.user_observees.where(:user_id => target_user.user_observees.map(&:user_id)).delete_all
from_user.user_observees.update_all(:observer_id => target_user)
xor_observer_ids = (Set.new(from_user.user_observers.map(&:observer_id)) ^ target_user.user_observers.map(&:observer_id)).to_a
from_user.user_observers.where(:observer_id => target_user.user_observers.map(&:observer_id)).delete_all
from_user.user_observers.update_all(:user_id => target_user)
# for any observers not already watching both users, make sure they have
# any missing observer enrollments added
target_user.user_observers.where(:observer_id => xor_observer_ids).each(&:create_linked_enrollments)
Enrollment.send_later(:recompute_final_scores, target_user.id)
def destroy_conflicting_module_progressions(from_user, target_user)
# there is a unique index on the context_module_progressions table
# we need to delete all the conflicting context_module_progressions
# without impacting the users module progress and without having to
# recalculate the progressions.
# find all the modules progressions and delete the most restrictive
# context_module_progressions
where("context_module_progressions.user_id = ?", from_user.id).
FROM context_module_progressions cmp2
WHERE context_module_progressions.context_module_id=cmp2.context_module_id
AND cmp2.user_id = ?)", target_user.id).find_each do |cmp|
where(context_module_id: cmp.context_module_id, user_id: [from_user, target_user]).
order("CASE WHEN workflow_state = 'Completed' THEN 0
WHEN workflow_state = 'Started' THEN 1
WHEN workflow_state = 'Unlocked' THEN 2
WHEN workflow_state = 'Locked' THEN 3
END DESC").first.destroy