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# Copyright (C) 2012 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module Api::V1::Outcome
include Api::V1::Json
# style can be :full or :abbrev; anything unrecognized defaults to :full.
# abbreviated includes only id, title, url, subgroups_url, outcomes_url, and can_edit. full expands on
# that by adding import_url, parent_outcome_group (if any),
# context id and type, and description.
def outcomes_json(outcomes, user, session, style=:full)
outcomes.map { |o| outcome_json(o, user, session, style) }
# style can be :full or :abbrev; anything unrecognized defaults to :full.
# abbreviated includes only id, title, context id and type, url, and
# can_edit. full expands on that by adding description and criterion values
# (if any).
def outcome_json(outcome, user, session, style=:full)
api_json(outcome, user, session, :only => %w(id context_type context_id vendor_guid), :methods => [:title]).tap do |hash|
hash['url'] = api_v1_outcome_path :id => outcome.id
hash['can_edit'] = outcome.context_id ?
outcome.context.grants_right?(user, session, :manage_outcomes) :
Account.site_admin.grants_right?(user, session, :manage_global_outcomes)
unless style == :abbrev
hash['description'] = outcome.description
if criterion = outcome.data && outcome.data[:rubric_criterion]
hash['points_possible'] = criterion[:points_possible]
hash['mastery_points'] = criterion[:mastery_points]
hash['ratings'] = criterion[:ratings]
# style can be :full or :abbrev; anything unrecognized defaults to :full.
# abbreviated includes only id, title, url, subgroups_url, outcomes_url, and can_edit. full expands on
# that by adding import_url, parent_outcome_group (if any),
# context id and type, and description.
def outcome_group_json(outcome_group, user, session, style=:full)
path_context = outcome_group.context || :global
api_json(outcome_group, user, session, :only => %w(id title vendor_guid)).tap do |hash|
hash['url'] = polymorphic_path [:api_v1, path_context, :outcome_group], :id => outcome_group.id
hash['subgroups_url'] = polymorphic_path [:api_v1, path_context, :outcome_group_subgroups], :id => outcome_group.id
hash['outcomes_url'] = polymorphic_path [:api_v1, path_context, :outcome_group_outcomes], :id => outcome_group.id
hash['can_edit'] = outcome_group.context_id ?
outcome_group.context.grants_right?(user, session, :manage_outcomes) :
Account.site_admin.grants_right?(user, session, :manage_global_outcomes)
unless style == :abbrev
hash['import_url'] = polymorphic_path [:api_v1, path_context, :outcome_group_import], :id => outcome_group.id
if outcome_group.learning_outcome_group_id
hash['parent_outcome_group'] = outcome_group_json(outcome_group.parent_outcome_group, user, session, :abbrev)
hash['context_id'] = outcome_group.context_id
hash['context_type'] = outcome_group.context_type
hash['description'] = outcome_group.description
def outcome_link_json(outcome_link, user, session)
api_json(outcome_link, user, session, :only => %w(context_type context_id)).tap do |hash|
hash['url'] = polymorphic_path [:api_v1, outcome_link.context || :global, :outcome_link],
:id => outcome_link.associated_asset_id,
:outcome_id => outcome_link.content_id
hash['outcome_group'] = outcome_group_json(outcome_link.associated_asset, user, session, :abbrev)
# use learning_outcome_content vs. content in case
# learning_outcome_content has been preloaded (e.g. by
# ContentTag.order_by_outcome_title)
hash['outcome'] = outcome_json(outcome_link.learning_outcome_content, user, session, :abbrev)