Makes the modules page more accessible for both screenreader and
keyboard only users.
fixes CNVS-9045
test plan:
1. Using a screenreader go to the modules page (/courses/##/modules)
2. The "keyboard instructions" area should inform you to use the
move module options.
3. Navigate to the admin links cog for a module
4. You should see a "Move to..." option.
5. Click it using whatever the screenreader uses for click
(VO: Ctrl+Option+Space)
6. A dialog should appear (This dialog should be accessible)
7. You should be able to move a module to whatever location you
8. Close the screenreader, repeat steps 3-7 using only the
9. When the drag-and-drop handle has focus a warning should appear.
Change-Id: Ie64b79ab6fa85d728fd97fba3842717b1a6ed99b
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>