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Using Docker for Canvas Development

You can use Docker in your development environment for a more seamless way to get started developing Canvas.

Getting Started


On OS X, make sure you have the following installed:

VMWare Fusion

Preferred over VirtualBox for performance reasons.

Vagrant (with VMWare Fusion plugin)

Required for Dinghy to work with VMWare Fusion.


$ brew install
$ dinghy up --memory=4096 --cpus=4 --provider=vmware_fusion --proxy

Type docker ps in your terminal to make sure your Docker environment is happy.

Dinghy currently requires OS X Yosemite. Make sure you're using the most recent Dinghy release, or else you'll probably have a bad time.


$ brew install docker-compose --without-boot2docker


With those dependencies installed, go to your Canvas directory and run the following:

(this will take awhile as containers are built and downloaded.)

$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle install
$ docker-compose run --rm web npm install

The docker-compose/config directory has some config files already set up to use the linked containers supplied by config. You can just copy them to config/:

$ cp docker-compose/config/* config/

Get your database set up and assets built:

$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:create
$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:initial_setup
$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets
$ docker-compose up

Now you can open Canvas at http://canvas.docker/

Normal Usage

Normally you can just start everything with docker-compose up, and access Canvas at http://canvas.docker/.

After pulling new code, you'll probably want to run migrations and update assets:

$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets

Changes you're making are not showing up? See the Caveats section below. Ctrl-C your docker-compose up window and restart.

Running tests

$ docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rspec spec


When selenium tests run, you can open a vnc window to the container running firefox with:

$ open vnc://secret:secret@selenium.docker/