Create a form to view grading periods, for
Accounts and Courses. This commit only
focuses on 'viewing' the grading periods;
other tickets will handle the creation,
deletion, and updating of grading periods.
closes CNVS-17842
test plan:
1. Set up data. Create a grading period group and a few grading
periods for a course using the rails console. For
$ bundle exec rails console
$ course = Course.find(1) #grab any Course you want. here i'm getting
the course with ID 1
$ course.grading_period_groups.create!
$ course.grading_period_groups.first.grading_periods.
create!(title: "Course Grading Period 1",
end_date: 30.days.from_now,
weight: 0.50)
$ course.grading_period_groups.first.grading_periods.
create!(title: "Course Grading Period 2",
start_date: 30.days.from_now,
end_date: 60.days.from_now,
weight: 0.50)
Next, add a few grading periods at the Account-level:
$ course.root_account.grading_period_groups.create!
$ course.root_account.grading_period_groups.first.
grading_periods.create!(title: "Account Grading Period 1",
end_date: 30.days.from_now,
weight: 0.50)
$ course.grading_period_groups.first.grading_periods.
create!(title: "Account Grading Period 2",
start_date: 30.days.from_now,
end_date: 60.days.from_now,
weight: 0.50)
2. Turn on the multiple grading periods feature flag
3. Go to the grading_standards page for the course
Verify the page shows the two Course-level grading periods
you created (it will not show the Account-level
grading periods; this is being addressed in another ticket).
Note: the date-picker buttons, input fields,
update button, and delete icon will not be functional. Just check
to make sure you can _see_ the correct
information - you should not be able to update it.
4. Go to the grading_standards page for the account
Verify the page shows the two Account-level grading periods
you created, and does NOT show the Course-level
grading periods that were created. Note: the date-picker buttons,
input fields, update button, and delete icon will not be
functional. Just check to make sure you can _see_ the correct
information - you should not be able to update it.
5. Ensure the pages are accessible-friendly, with appropriate
labels, navigation, etc. The datepicker icons
are not tabbable right now; this will be addressed with
the ticket that involves getting 'update' functionality
to work. Let me know if you have any questions!
Change-Id: I260bb6a870a0d56c1488823de67fd7d8522006cc
Reviewed-by: Cameron Sutter <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Product-Review: Spencer Olson <>