
128 lines
3.2 KiB

# This file contains commonly used BASH functions for scripting in canvas-lms,
# particularly script/canvas_update and script/prepare/prepare . As such,
# *be careful* when you modify these functions as doing so will impact multiple
# scripts that likely aren't used or tested in continuous integration builds.
function create_log_file {
if [ ! -f "$LOG" ]; then
echo "" > "$LOG"
function echo_console_and_log {
echo "$1"
echo "$1" >>"$LOG"
function print_results {
set +e
if [ "${exit_code}" == "0" ]; then
echo ""
echo_console_and_log " \o/ Success!"
echo ""
echo_console_and_log " /o\ Something went wrong. Check ${LOG} for details."
exit ${exit_code}
function ensure_in_canvas_root_directory {
if ! is_canvas_root; then
echo "Please run from a Canvas root directory"
exit 0
function is_canvas_root {
CANVAS_IN_README=$(head -1 2>/dev/null | grep 'Canvas LMS')
[[ "$CANVAS_IN_README" != "" ]] && is_git_dir
return $?
function is_git_dir {
git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -d .git ]
return $?
# Parameter: the name of the script calling this function
function intro_message {
echo "Bringing Canvas up to date ..."
echo " Log file is $LOG"
echo >>"$LOG"
echo "-----------------------------" >>"$LOG"
echo "$1 ($(date)):" >>"$LOG"
echo "-----------------------------" >>"$LOG"
function update_plugin {
cd "$1"
if is_git_dir; then
echo_console_and_log " Updating plugin $1 ..."
git checkout master >>"$LOG" 2>&1
git pull --rebase >>"$LOG" 2>&1
function update_plugins {
# Loop through each plugin dir, and if it's a git repo, update it
# This needs to be done first so that db:migrate can pull in any plugin-
# precipitated changes to the database.
for dir in {gems,vendor}; do
if [ -d "$dir/plugins" ]; then
for plugin in $dir/plugins/*; do update_plugin "$plugin"; done
function checkout_master_canvas {
echo_console_and_log " Checking out canvas-lms master ..."
git checkout master >>"$LOG" 2>&1
function rebase_canvas {
echo_console_and_log " Rebasing canvas-lms on HEAD ..."
git pull --rebase >>"$LOG" 2>&1
function bundle_install {
echo_console_and_log " Installing gems (bundle install) ..."
rm Gemfile.lock* >/dev/null 2>&1
bundle install >>"$LOG" 2>&1
function bundle_install_with_check {
echo_console_and_log " Checking your gems (bundle check) ..."
if bundle check >>"$LOG" 2>&1 ; then
echo_console_and_log " Gems are up to date, no need to bundle install ..."
function rake_db_migrate_dev_and_test {
echo_console_and_log " Migrating development DB ..."
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake db:migrate >>"$LOG" 2>&1
echo_console_and_log " Migrating test DB ..."
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate >>"$LOG" 2>&1
function install_node_packages {
echo_console_and_log " Installing Node packages ..."
bundle exec rake js:yarn_install >>"$LOG" 2>&1
function compile_assets {
echo_console_and_log " Compiling assets (css and js only, no docs or styleguide) ..."
bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets_dev >>"$LOG" 2>&1