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class Quizzes::QuizParticipant
attr_accessor :user, :user_code, :access_code, :ip_address, :validation_token
# An identity for a quiz participant, which can be an enrolled student,
# an anonymous user, or a teacher.
# @param [User] user
# The person who wants to take the quiz.
# @param [String] user_code
# A unique code to use for identifying the participant in case the user is
# missing or is irrelevant (the case for preview mode). This code is usually
# found in the Rails session. See ApplicationController#temporary_user_code
# for more info.
# @param [String] access_code
# Access code required to take the quiz (if any.)
# @param [String] ip_address
# The IP address of the client's device that initiated the request.
# @param [String] token
# Validation token for the participant's existing quiz submission.
# @return [QuizParticipant]
# Participant instance ready for use by Quiz Services.
def initialize(user, user_code, access_code=nil, ip_address=nil, token=nil)
self.user = user
self.user_code = user_code
self.access_code = access_code
self.ip_address = ip_address
self.validation_token = token
# Locate the Quiz Submission for this participant, regardless of them being
# enrolled students, or anonymous participants.
# @param [ActiveRecord::Association]
# The pool of QuizSubmission instances to look in, defaults to all.
# @param [Hash] query_options
# Options to pass to the AR query interface.
# @return [QuizSubmission]
# The QS, if any, for the participant.
def find_quiz_submission(scope = Quizzes::QuizSubmission, query_options = {})
self.anonymous? ?
scope.find_by_temporary_user_code(self.user_code, query_options) :
scope.find_by_user_id(, query_options)
# Is this a Canvas user (enrolled student, teacher, TA, etc.) or an anonymous
# person?
# Note that this does not actually take the Quiz's public-participation status
# into account, only the fact that the participant is authentic or not.
def anonymous?
self.user.nil? && self.user_code.present?