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62 lines
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module DataFixup::UndeleteSomeOutcomeAlignments
def self.run
occurred = Time.zone.parse("2013-09-14 00:00:00 UTC")
rubric_ids = []
# See lib/data_fixup/fix_out_of_sync_outcome_alignments, the second block
# with the comment "Active alignments to rubrics that should no longer be
# aligned". When the data was a HashWithIndifferentAccess instead of just
# a Hash, it didn't have the comma in front of learning_outcome_id. This
# brings those content tags back.
scope = ContentTag.joins("
INNER JOIN #{Rubric.quoted_table_name} r
ON content_tags.content_id = r.id
AND content_tags.content_type = 'Rubric'
scope = scope.where("
content_tags.tag_type = 'learning_outcome'
AND content_tags.workflow_state = 'deleted'
AND content_tags.updated_at > ?
AND r.workflow_state = 'active'
AND NOT r.data LIKE '%:learning_outcome_id: ' || content_tags.learning_outcome_id || '%'
AND r.data LIKE '%learning_outcome_id: ' || content_tags.learning_outcome_id || '%'
", occurred)
scope.find_each do |ct|
ct.workflow_state = 'active'
rubric_ids << ct.content_id
# The fourth block in that same fixup then found outcomes that should no
# longer be aligned to assignments, so we need to bring those back as well.
rubric_ids.each_slice(1000) do |rids|
scope = ContentTag.joins("
INNER JOIN #{Assignment.quoted_table_name} a
ON content_tags.content_id = a.id
AND content_tags.content_type = 'Assignment'
INNER JOIN #{RubricAssociation.quoted_table_name} ra
ON ra.association_id = a.id
AND ra.association_type = 'Assignment'
INNER JOIN #{Rubric.quoted_table_name} r
ON ra.rubric_id = r.id
INNER JOIN #{ContentTag.quoted_table_name} ct2
ON ct2.content_id = r.id
AND ct2.content_type = 'Rubric'
AND ct2.tag_type = 'learning_outcome'
AND ct2.workflow_state = 'active'
AND ct2.learning_outcome_id = content_tags.learning_outcome_id
scope = scope.where("
content_tags.tag_type = 'learning_outcome'
AND content_tags.workflow_state = 'deleted'
AND ct2.content_id IN (?)
AND content_tags.updated_at > ?
", rids, occurred)
scope.find_each do |ct|
ct.workflow_state = 'active'