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# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module LocaleSelection
def infer_locale(options = {})
context = options[:context]
user = options[:user]
root_account = options[:root_account]
accept_language = options[:accept_language]
session_locale = options[:session_locale]
ignore_browser_locale = options[:ignore_browser_locale]
# groups cheat and set the context to be the group after get_context runs
# but before set_locale runs, but we want to do locale lookup based on the
# actual context.
if context && context.is_a?(Group) && context.context
context = context.context
sources = [
-> { context.locale if context.try(:is_a?, Course) },
-> { user.locale if user && user.locale },
-> { session_locale if session_locale },
-> { Account.recursive_default_locale_for_id(context.account_id) if context.try(:is_a?, Course) },
-> { Account.recursive_default_locale_for_id(context.id) if context.try(:is_a?, Account) },
-> { root_account.try(:default_locale) },
-> {
if accept_language && locale = infer_browser_locale(accept_language, LocaleSelection.locales_with_aliases)
GuardRail.activate(:primary) do
user.update_attribute(:browser_locale, locale) if user && user.browser_locale != locale
-> { !ignore_browser_locale && user.try(:browser_locale) },
-> { I18n.default_locale.to_s }
sources.each do |source|
locale = source.call
locale = nil unless I18n.locale_available?(locale)
return locale if locale
QUALITY_VALUE = /;q=([01]\.(\d{0,3})?)/
LANGUAGE_RANGE = /([a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z]{1,8})*|\*)(#{QUALITY_VALUE})?/
SEPARATOR = /\s*,\s*/
def infer_browser_locale(accept_language, locales_with_aliases)
return nil unless accept_language =~ ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
supported_locales = locales_with_aliases.keys
ranges = accept_language.downcase.split(SEPARATOR).map{ |range|
quality = (range =~ QUALITY_VALUE) ? $1.to_f : 1
[range.sub(/\s*;.*/, ''), quality]
ranges = ranges.sort_by{ |r,| r == '*' ? 1 : -r.count('-') }
# we want the longest ranges first (and * last of all), since the "quality
# factor assigned to a [language] ... is the quality value of the longest
# language-range ... that matches", e.g.
# given that i accept 'en, es;q=0.9, en-US;q=0.8'
# and canvas is localized in 'en-US' and 'es'
# then i should get 'es' (en and en-US ranges both match en-US, and
# en-US range is a longer match, so it loses)
best_locales = supported_locales.inject([]) { |ary, locale|
if best_range = ranges.detect { |r, q| r + '-' == (locale.downcase + '-')[0..r.size] || r == '*' }
ary << [locale, best_range.last, ranges.index(best_range)] unless best_range.last == 0
}.sort_by{ |l, q, pos| [-q, pos, l.count('-'), l]}
# wrt the sorting here, rfc2616 doesn't specify which tag is preferable
# if there is a quality tie (due to prefix matching or otherwise).
# technically they are equally acceptable. we've decided to break ties
# with:
# * position listed in header (tie here comes from '*')
# * length of locale (shorter first)
# * alphabetical
# this seems reasonable for scenarios like the following:
# given that i accept 'en'
# and canvas is localized in 'en-US', 'en-GB-oy' and 'en-CA-eh'
# then i should get 'en-US'
result = best_locales.first&.first
# translate back to an actual locale, if it happened to be an alias
result = locales_with_aliases[result] if locales_with_aliases[result]
# gives you a hash of localized locales, e.g. {"en" => "English", "es" => "Español" }
# if the locale name is not yet translated, it won't be included (even if
# there are other translations for that locale)
def available_locales
result = {}
settings = Canvas::Plugin.find(:i18n).settings || {}
enabled_custom_locales = settings.select { |locale, enabled| enabled }.map(&:first).map(&:to_sym)
I18n.available_locales.each do |locale|
name = I18n.send(:t, :locales, :locale => locale)[locale]
custom = I18n.send(:t, :custom, locale: locale) == true
next if custom && !enabled_custom_locales.include?(locale)
result[locale.to_s] = name if name
def self.custom_locales
@custom_locales ||= I18n.available_locales.select{ |locale| I18n.send(:t, :custom, :locale => locale) == true }.sort
def crowdsourced_locales
@crowdsourced_locales ||= I18n.available_locales.select{ |locale| I18n.send(:t, :crowdsourced, :locale => locale) == true }
def self.locales_with_aliases
@locales_with_aliases ||= begin
locales = I18n.available_locales.map { |l| [l.to_s, nil] }.to_h
locales.keys.each do |locale|
aliases = Array.wrap(I18n.send(:t, :aliases, locale: locale, default: nil))
aliases.each do |a|
locales[a] = locale