131 lines
4.5 KiB
131 lines
4.5 KiB
# also requires
# jquery.formSubmit
# $.detect from jquery_misc_helpers
# jqueryui dialog
# jquery disableWhileLoading
define 'compiled/helpDialog', [
], (I18n, helpDialogTemplate, INST) ->
I18n = I18n.scoped 'HelpDialog'
helpDialog =
defaultLinks: [
available_to: ['student']
text: I18n.t 'instructor_question', 'Ask your instructor a question'
subtext: I18n.t 'instructor_question_sub', 'Questions are submitted to your instructor'
url: '#teacher_feedback'
available_to: ['student', 'teacher', 'admin']
text: I18n.t 'search_the_canvas_guides', 'Search the Canvas Guides'
subtext: I18n.t 'canvas_help_sub', 'Find answers to common questions'
url: 'http://guides.instructure.com'
available_to: ['user', 'student', 'teacher', 'admin']
text: I18n.t 'report_problem', 'Report a problem'
subtext: I18n.t 'report_problem_sub', 'If Canvas misbehaves, tell us about it'
url: '#create_ticket'
defaultTitle: I18n.t 'Help', "Help"
initDialog: ->
@$dialog = $('<div style="padding:0; overflow: visible;" />').dialog
resizable: false
width: 400
title: @defaultTitle
close: => @switchTo('#help-dialog-options')
@$dialog.dialog('widget').delegate 'a[href="#teacher_feedback"],
a[href="#help-dialog-options"]', 'click', (event) =>
@switchTo $(event.currentTarget).attr('href')
@helpLinksDfd = $.getJSON('/help_links').done (links) =>
# only show the links that are available to the roles of this user
links = $.grep @defaultLinks.concat(links), (link) ->
$.detect link.available_to, (role) ->
role in ENV.current_user_roles
locals =
showEmail: not ENV.current_user_id
helpLinks: links
showBadBrowserMessage: INST.browser.ie
browserVersion: INST.browser.version
url: window.location
@$dialog.html(helpDialogTemplate locals)
@$dialog.disableWhileLoading @helpLinksDfd
@dialogInited = true
initTicketForm: ->
$form = @$dialog.find('#create_ticket').formSubmit
disableWhileLoading: true
required: ['error[subject]', 'error[comments]', 'error[user_perceived_severity]']
success: =>
switchTo: (panelId) ->
toggleablePanels = "#teacher_feedback, #create_ticket"
newHeight = @$dialog.find(panelId).show().outerHeight()
left : if toggleablePanels.match(panelId) then -400 else 0
height: newHeight
}, {
step: =>
#reposition vertically to reflect current height
@$dialog.dialog('option', 'position', 'center')
duration: 100
if newTitle = @$dialog.find("a[href='#{panelId}'] .text").text()
newTitle = $("
<a class='ui-dialog-header-backlink' href='#help-dialog-options'>
#{I18n.t('Back', 'Back')}
newTitle = @defaultTitle
@$dialog.dialog 'option', 'title', newTitle
open: ->
@initDialog() unless @dialogInited
initTeacherFeedback: ->
if !@teacherFeedbackInited and 'student' in ENV.current_user_roles
@teacherFeedbackInited = true
coursesDfd = $.getJSON '/api/v1/courses.json'
$form = null
@helpLinksDfd.done =>
$form = @$dialog.find("#teacher_feedback")
disableWhileLoading: true
required: ['recipients[]', 'body'],
success: =>
$.when(coursesDfd, @helpLinksDfd).done (coursesDfdArgs) ->
options = ("<option value='course_#{c.id}_admins' #{if ENV.context_id is c.id then 'selected' else ''}>
</option>" for c in coursesDfdArgs[0])
$form.find('[name="recipients[]"]').html(options.join '')
initTriggers: ->
$('.help_dialog_trigger').click (event) =>