67 lines
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67 lines
2.1 KiB
define 'compiled/handlebars_helpers', [
], (Handlebars, I18n) ->
Handlebars.registerHelper name, fn for name, fn of {
'debugger' : (optionalValue) ->
console.log('this', this, 'arguments', arguments)
t : (key, defaultValue, options) ->
wrappers = {}
options = options?.hash ? {}
for key, value of options when key.match(/^w\d+$/)
wrappers[new Array(parseInt(key.replace('w', '')) + 2).join('*')] = value
delete options[key]
options.wrapper = wrappers if wrappers['*']
options = $.extend(options, this) unless this instanceof String or typeof this is 'string'
I18n.scoped(options.scope).t(key, defaultValue, options)
hiddenIf : (condition) -> " display:none; " if condition
hiddenUnless : (condition) -> " display:none; " unless condition
friendlyDatetime : (datetime) ->
datetime = new Date(datetime)
new Handlebars.SafeString "<time title='#{datetime}' datetime='#{datetime.toISOString()}'>#{$.friendlyDatetime(datetime)}</time>"
datetimeFormatted : (isoString) ->
isoString = $.parseFromISO(isoString) unless isoString.datetime
mimeClass: (contentType) -> $.mimeClass(contentType)
newlinesToBreak : (string) ->
new Handlebars.SafeString $.htmlEscape(string).replace(/\n/g, "<br />")
# runs block if all arugments are === to each other
# usage:
# {{#ifEqual argument1 argument2 'a string argument' argument4}}
# everything was equal
# {{else}}
# everything was NOT equal
# {{/ifEqual}}
ifEqual: ->
[previousArg, args..., {fn, inverse}] = arguments
for arg in args
return inverse(this) if arg != previousArg
previousArg = arg
eachWithIndex: (context, options) ->
fn = options.fn
inverse = options.inverse
ret = ''
if context and context.length > 0
for index, ctx of context
ctx._index = index
ret += fn ctx
ret = inverse this
return Handlebars