
112 lines
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class GradeCalculator
# each submission needs fields: score, points_possible, assignment_id, assignment_group_id
# to represent assignments that the student hasn't submitted, pass a
# submission with score == null
# each group needs fields: id, rules, group_weight
# rules is { drop_lowest: n, drop_highest: n, never_drop: [id...] }
# if weighting_scheme is "percent", group weights are used, otherwise no weighting is applied
@calculate: (submissions, groups, weighting_scheme) ->
result = {}
# NOTE: purposely using $.map because it can handle array or object, old gradebook sends array
# new gradebook sends object, needs jquery >1.6's version of $.map, since it can handle both
result.group_sums = $.map groups, (group) =>
group: group
current: @create_group_sum(group, submissions, true)
'final': @create_group_sum(group, submissions, false)
result.current = @calculate_total(result.group_sums, true, weighting_scheme)
result['final'] = @calculate_total(result.group_sums, false, weighting_scheme)
@create_group_sum: (group, submissions, ignore_ungraded) ->
sum = { submissions: [], score: 0, possible: 0, submission_count: 0 }
for assignment in group.assignments
data = { score: 0, possible: 0, percent: 0, drop: false, submitted: false }
submission = $.detect(submissions, -> this.assignment_id ==
submission ?= { score: null }
submission.assignment_group_id =
submission.points_possible ?= assignment.points_possible
data.submission = submission
sum.submissions.push data
unless ignore_ungraded and (!submission.score? || submission.score == '')
data.score = @parse submission.score
data.possible = @parse assignment.points_possible
data.percent = @parse(data.score / data.possible)
data.submitted = (submission.score? and submission.score != '')
sum.submission_count += 1 if data.submitted
# sort the submissions by assigned score
sum.submissions.sort (a,b) -> a.percent - b.percent
rules = $.extend({ drop_lowest: 0, drop_highest: 0, never_drop: [] }, group.rules)
dropped = 0
# drop the lowest and highest assignments
for lowOrHigh in ['low', 'high']
for data in sum.submissions
if !data.drop and rules["drop_#{lowOrHigh}est"] > 0 and $.inArray(data.assignment_id, rules.never_drop) == -1 and data.possible > 0 and data.submitted
data.drop = true
# TODO: do I want to do this, it actually modifies the passed in submission object but it
# it seems like the best way to tell it it should be dropped.
data.submission?.drop = true
rules["drop_#{lowOrHigh}est"] -= 1
dropped += 1
# if everything was dropped, un-drop the highest single submission
if dropped > 0 and dropped == sum.submission_count
sum.submissions[sum.submissions.length - 1].drop = false
# see TODO above
sum.submissions[sum.submissions.length - 1].submission?.drop = false
dropped -= 1
sum.submission_count -= dropped
sum.score += s.score for s in sum.submissions when !s.drop
sum.possible += s.possible for s in sum.submissions when !s.drop
@calculate_total: (group_sums, ignore_ungraded, weighting_scheme) ->
data_idx = if ignore_ungraded then 'current' else 'final'
if weighting_scheme == 'percent'
score = 0.0
possible_weight_from_submissions = 0.0
total_possible_weight = 0.0
for data in group_sums when > 0
if data[data_idx].submission_count > 0 and data[data_idx].possible > 0
tally = data[data_idx].score / data[data_idx].possible
score += * tally
possible_weight_from_submissions +=
total_possible_weight +=
if ignore_ungraded and possible_weight_from_submissions < 100.0
possible = if total_possible_weight < 100.0 then total_possible_weight else 100.0
score = score * possible / possible_weight_from_submissions
score: score
possible: 100.0
score: @sum(data[data_idx].score for data in group_sums)
possible: @sum(data[data_idx].possible for data in group_sums)
@sum: (values) ->
result = 0
result += value for value in values
@parse: (score) ->
result = parseFloat score
if result && isFinite(result) then result else 0
@letter_grade: (grading_scheme, score) ->
score = 0 if score < 0
letters = $.grep grading_scheme, (row, i) ->
score >= row[1] * 100 || i == (grading_scheme.length - 1)
letter = letters[0]
window.INST.GradeCalculator = GradeCalculator