55 lines
4.5 KiB
55 lines
4.5 KiB
I18n.scoped 'conversations_intro', (I18n) ->
$.conversationsIntroSlideshow = ->
introSlideshow = new window.Slideshow('conversations_intro')
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide1', 'Slide 1'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/icon.png', 'icon')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide1.paragraph1', 'Take a look at your Inbox!'), 'large')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide1.paragraph2', 'Conversations—the new Canvas messaging system—has arrived!'), 'large')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide1.paragraph3', 'Use Conversations to send a private message to a classmate or use Conversations to talk to an entire group of people.'), 'large_and_blue')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide1.paragraph4', 'Ready for a short intro? Click the right arrow to get started.'), 'large')
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide2', 'Slide 2'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/image2.png', 'screenshot')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide2.paragraph1', 'All your conversations are shown on the left side.'))
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide2.paragraph2', 'You can see who the conversation is with, how many messages there are, and a few lines from the newest message in each conversation.'))
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide3', 'Slide 3'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/image3.png', 'screenshot')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide3.paragraph1', 'Conversations can be marked as read/unread, archived, or labeled by color using the "actions" button on the message.'))
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide3.paragraph2', 'Archived messages aren\'t deleted, they\'re just moved out of your inbox, so you can access them again if needed.'))
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide4', 'Slide 4'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/image4.png', 'screenshot')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide4.paragraph1', 'When you select a conversation, all the messages for that conversation are shown in the panel on the right. When conversations get long, you can always scroll down to see earlier messages.'))
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide5', 'Slide 5'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/image5.png', 'screenshot')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide5.paragraph1', 'To begin a message, start by clicking the Compose icon.'))
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide6', 'Slide 6'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/image6.png', 'screenshot')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide6.paragraph1', 'In the New Message box, start typing the person, or group\'s name, and they\'ll show up in the dropdown. Alternatively, you can click the address book icon to find someone if you don\'t remember a name.'))
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide6.paragraph2', 'Type your message, click Send, and you\'re golden.'))
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide7', 'Slide 7'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/image7.png', 'screenshot')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide7.paragraph1', 'You can send messages to one person or to a group of people. By default all group messages are available to everyone in the group.'))
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide7.paragraph2', 'If you wanted to send the message privately to all the recipients, uncheck the "This is a group conversation" checkbox.'))
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide8', 'Slide 8'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/image8.png', 'screenshot')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide8.paragraph1', 'You can select one or more messages by clicking the checkbox on the right hand side.'))
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide8.paragraph2', 'Once selected, you can forward them to someone else, or delete them.'))
introSlideshow.addSlide I18n.t('titles.slide9', 'Slide 9'), (slide) ->
slide.addImage('/images/conversations/intro/image9.png', 'screenshot', 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWqIaEyVWZM')
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide9.paragraph1', 'We think you\'ll find Conversations simple and easy to use.'))
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide9.paragraph2', 'Check out this short introduction video to see Conversations in action.'))
slide.addParagraph(I18n.t('slide9.paragraph3', 'Your old messages have been organized into Conversations for you. So what are you waiting for? Get started!'))
introSlideshow.dom.bind 'dialogclose', ->
$.ajaxJSON '/conversations/watched_intro', 'POST', {}