23 lines
812 B
23 lines
812 B
module.exports = function(input){
var newInput = input;
// Make I18n available on the window so that libraries
// that expect to find it there don't die
var i18nRegexp = /["']vendor\/i18n['"]/;
newInput = newInput.replace(i18nRegexp, function(match){
return match.replace("vendor", "expose?I18n!exports?I18n!vendor");
// shim tinymce through our webpack-specific helper that takes
// the special globally exposed things and munge them together
// with the core tinymce exported object (public/javascripts/shims/tinymce.js)
var tinyMceRegexp = /['"]bower\/tinymce\/tinymce["']/;
newInput = newInput.replace(tinyMceRegexp, "'shims/tinymce'");
var emberRegex = /['"]ember["']/;
newInput = newInput.replace(emberRegex, "'shims/ember'");
return newInput;