
419 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2012 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
import Handlebars from 'compiled/handlebars_helpers'
import $ from 'jquery'
import _ from 'underscore'
import assertions from 'helpers/assertions'
import fakeENV from 'helpers/fakeENV'
import numberFormat from 'jsx/shared/helpers/numberFormat'
import tz from 'timezone'
import detroit from 'timezone/America/Detroit'
import chicago from 'timezone/America/Chicago'
import newYork from 'timezone/America/New_York'
import I18n from 'i18n-js'
const {helpers} = Handlebars
const {contains} = assertions
const context = {
likes: {
tacos: true
human: true,
alien: false
const testCheckbox = function(context, prop, hash = {}) {
const $input = $(`<span>${, prop, {hash}).string}</span>`)
const checks = _.defaults(hash, {
value: 1,
tagName: 'INPUT',
type: 'checkbox',
name: prop,
checked: context[prop],
id: prop
return (() => {
const result = []
for (const key in checks) {
const val = checks[key]
result.push(equal($input.prop(key), val))
return result
test('simple case', () => testCheckbox(context, 'human'))
test('custom hash attributes', () => {
const hash = {
class: 'foo bar baz',
id: 'custom_id'
return testCheckbox(context, 'human', hash, hash)
test('nested property', () =>
testCheckbox(context, 'likes.tacos', {
id: 'likes_tacos',
name: 'likes[tacos]',
checked: context.likes.tacos
test('checkboxes - hidden input values', () => {
const hiddenInput = function({disabled}) {
const inputs =, 'blah', {hash: {disabled}})
const div = $(`<div>${inputs}</div>`)
return div.find('[type=hidden]')
ok(!hiddenInput({disabled: false}).prop('disabled'))
ok(hiddenInput({disabled: true}).prop('disabled'))
test('titleize', () => {
equal(helpers.titleize('test_string'), 'Test String')
equal(helpers.titleize(null), '')
equal(helpers.titleize('test_ _string'), 'Test String')
test('toPrecision', () => equal(helpers.toPrecision(3.6666666, 2), '3.7'))
test('default truncates 30 characters', () => {
const text = 'asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf'
const truncText = helpers.truncate(text)
equal(truncText.length, 30, 'Truncates down to 30 letters')
test('expects options for max (length)', () => {
const text = 'asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf'
const truncText = helpers.truncate(text, 10)
equal(truncText.length, 10, 'Truncates down to 10 letters')
test('supports truncation left', () => {
const text = 'going to the store'
const truncText = helpers.truncate_left(text, 15)
equal(truncText, ' the store', 'Reverse truncates')
QUnit.module('friendlyDatetime', {
setup() {
this.snapshot = tz.snapshot()
return tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
teardown() {
test('can take an ISO string', () =>
helpers.friendlyDatetime('1970-01-01 00:00:00Z', {hash: {pubDate: false}}).string,
'Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm'
test('can take a date object', () =>
helpers.friendlyDatetime(new Date(0), {hash: {pubDate: false}}).string,
'Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm'
test('should parse non-qualified string relative to profile timezone', () =>
helpers.friendlyDatetime('1970-01-01 00:00:00', {hash: {pubDate: false}}).string,
'Jan 1, 1970 at 12am'
test('includes a screenreader accessible version', () =>
helpers.friendlyDatetime(new Date(0), {hash: {pubDate: false}}).string,
"<span class='screenreader-only'>Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm</span>"
test('includes a visible version', () =>
helpers.friendlyDatetime(new Date(0), {hash: {pubDate: false}}).string,
"<span aria-hidden='true'>Dec 31, 1969</span>"
QUnit.module('contextSensitive FriendlyDatetime', {
setup() {
this.snapshot = tz.snapshot()
ENV.CONTEXT_TIMEZONE = 'America/Chicago'
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
return tz.preload('America/Chicago', chicago)
teardown() {
test('displays both zones data from an ISO string', () => {
const timeTag = helpers.friendlyDatetime('1970-01-01 00:00:00Z', {
hash: {pubDate: false, contextSensitive: true}
contains(timeTag, 'Local: Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm')
return contains(timeTag, 'Course: Dec 31, 1969 at 6pm')
test('displays both zones data from a date object', () => {
const timeTag = helpers.friendlyDatetime(new Date(0), {
hash: {pubDate: false, contextSensitive: true}
contains(timeTag, 'Local: Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm')
return contains(timeTag, 'Course: Dec 31, 1969 at 6pm')
test('should parse non-qualified string relative to both timezones', () => {
const timeTag = helpers.friendlyDatetime('1970-01-01 00:00:00', {
hash: {pubDate: false, contextSensitive: true}
contains(timeTag, 'Local: Jan 1, 1970 at 12am')
return contains(timeTag, 'Course: Dec 31, 1969 at 11pm')
test('reverts to friendly display when there is no contextual timezone', () => {
const timeTag = helpers.friendlyDatetime('1970-01-01 00:00:00Z', {
hash: {pubDate: false, contextSensitive: true}
return contains(timeTag, "<span aria-hidden='true'>Dec 31, 1969</span>")
QUnit.module('contextSensitiveDatetimeTitle', {
setup() {
this.snapshot = tz.snapshot()
ENV.CONTEXT_TIMEZONE = 'America/Chicago'
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
tz.preload('America/Chicago', chicago)
return tz.preload('America/New_York', newYork)
teardown() {
test('just passes through to datetime string if there is no contextual timezone', () => {
const titleText = helpers.contextSensitiveDatetimeTitle('1970-01-01 00:00:00Z', {
hash: {justText: true}
equal(titleText, 'Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm')
test('splits title text to both zones', () => {
const titleText = helpers.contextSensitiveDatetimeTitle('1970-01-01 00:00:00Z', {
hash: {justText: true}
equal(titleText, 'Local: Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm<br>Course: Dec 31, 1969 at 6pm')
test('properly spans day boundaries', () => {
ENV.TIMEZONE = 'America/Chicago'
tz.changeZone(chicago, 'America/Chicago')
const titleText = helpers.contextSensitiveDatetimeTitle('1970-01-01 05:30:00Z', {
hash: {justText: true}
equal(titleText, 'Local: Dec 31, 1969 at 11:30pm<br>Course: Jan 1, 1970 at 12:30am')
test('stays as one title when the timezone is no different', () => {
ENV.TIMEZONE = 'America/Detroit'
ENV.CONTEXT_TIMEZONE = 'America/Detroit'
const titleText = helpers.contextSensitiveDatetimeTitle('1970-01-01 00:00:00Z', {
hash: {justText: true}
equal(titleText, 'Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm')
test('stays as one title when the time is no different even if timezone names differ', () => {
ENV.TIMEZONE = 'America/Detroit'
const titleText = helpers.contextSensitiveDatetimeTitle('1970-01-01 00:00:00Z', {
hash: {justText: true}
equal(titleText, 'Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm')
test('produces the html attributes if you dont specify just_text', () => {
const titleText = helpers.contextSensitiveDatetimeTitle('1970-01-01 00:00:00Z', {
hash: {justText: undefined}
equal(titleText, 'data-tooltip data-html-tooltip-title="Dec 31, 1969 at 7pm"')
QUnit.module('datetimeFormatted', {
setup() {
this.snapshot = tz.snapshot()
teardown() {
test('should parse and format relative to profile timezone', () => {
tz.changeZone(detroit, 'America/Detroit')
equal(helpers.datetimeFormatted('1970-01-01 00:00:00'), 'Jan 1, 1970 at 12am')
test('it runs primary case if setting matches', () => {
ENV.SETTINGS = {key: 'value'}
let semaphore = false
const funcs = {
fn() {
return (semaphore = true)
inverse() {
throw new Error('Dont call this!')
helpers.ifSettingIs('key', 'value', funcs)
equal(semaphore, true)
test('it runs inverse case if setting does not match', () => {
ENV.SETTINGS = {key: 'NOTvalue'}
let semaphore = false
const funcs = {
inverse() {
return (semaphore = true)
fn() {
throw new Error('Dont call this!')
helpers.ifSettingIs('key', 'value', funcs)
equal(semaphore, true)
test('it runs inverse case if setting does not exist', () => {
let semaphore = false
const funcs = {
inverse() {
return (semaphore = true)
fn() {
throw new Error('Dont call this!')
helpers.ifSettingIs('key', 'value', funcs)
equal(semaphore, true)
QUnit.module('accessible date pickers')
test('it provides a format', () => equal(typeof helpers.accessibleDateFormat(), 'string'))
test('it can shorten the format for dateonly purposes', () => {
const shortForm = helpers.accessibleDateFormat('date')
equal(shortForm.indexOf('hh:mm'), -1)
ok(shortForm.indexOf('YYYY') > -1)
test('it can shorten the format for time-only purposes', () => {
const shortForm = helpers.accessibleDateFormat('time')
ok(shortForm.indexOf('hh:mm') > -1)
equal(shortForm.indexOf('YYYY'), -1)
test('it provides a common format prompt wrapped around the format', () => {
const formatPrompt = helpers.datepickerScreenreaderPrompt()
ok(formatPrompt.indexOf(helpers.accessibleDateFormat()) > -1)
test('it passes format info through to date format', () => {
const shortFormatPrompt = helpers.datepickerScreenreaderPrompt('date')
equal(shortFormatPrompt.indexOf(helpers.accessibleDateFormat()), -1)
ok(shortFormatPrompt.indexOf(helpers.accessibleDateFormat('date')) > -1)
QUnit.module('i18n number helper', {
setup() {
this.ret = '47.00%'
sandbox.stub(I18n, 'n').returns(this.ret)
test('proxies to I18n.localizeNumber', function() {
const num = 47
const precision = 2
const percentage = true
equal(helpers.n(num, {hash: {precision, percentage}}), this.ret)
ok(I18n.n.calledWithMatch(num, {precision, percentage}))
QUnit.module('i18n number format helper', {
setup() {
this.ret = '2,34'
sandbox.stub(numberFormat, 'outcomeScore').returns(this.ret)
test('proxies to numberFormat', function() {
const num = 2.34
const format = 'outcomeScore'
equal(, {hash: {format}}), this.ret)
QUnit.module('eachWithIndex', hooks => {
let items
let itemFunc
hooks.beforeEach(() => {
items = [{text: 'a'}, {text: 'b'}, {text: 'c'}]
itemFunc = element => `<p>Item ${element._index}: ${element.text}</p>`
test('assigns the value of startingValue to the _index variable', () => {
const output = helpers.eachWithIndex(items, {hash: {startingValue: 1}, fn: itemFunc})
strictEqual(output, '<p>Item 1: a</p><p>Item 2: b</p><p>Item 3: c</p>')
test('defaults to 0 if no startingValue is specified', () => {
const output = helpers.eachWithIndex(items, {hash: {}, fn: itemFunc})
strictEqual(output, '<p>Item 0: a</p><p>Item 1: b</p><p>Item 2: c</p>')