closes: CNVS-37358
most of this conversion was automated by 2 tools,
the `amd-to-es6` and `bulk-decaffeinate` npm packages.
but see the test plan for the manual changes that were
Test plan, aka things to check for in code review:
* look for errors in the conversion of the AMD
`define` block and the es6 `import` statements.
* the `amd-to-es6` tool choked on anything that
did destructuring so those had to be done manually,
eg: make sure `defile([‘underscore’], function({reduce}) {…`
gets converted to `import {reduce} from ‘underscore’
(and not the erroneous `import ‘underscore’)
* I had to manually convert the cs `for foo, bar in baz` loops
because decaffeinate would try to convert them to `for … of`
iterator loops which we don’t support.
* Keep a close eye on those and where I converted things to
.map .forEach or Object.values(…).forEach
* I manually removed some `return` statements, especially where
Coffee script was building up an array (like when a method ended in
a `for foo in bar` loop, which it would return an array with the
built up values even though it wasn’t being used. If in doubt, I tried
not to remove any `return`s I wasn’t absolutely sure we didn’t need
but keep an eye out for those
Change-Id: I840691698f1cdc5542737600678c94a7bdc14b35
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Felix Milea-Ciobanu <>
Product-Review: Felix Milea-Ciobanu <>
QA-Review: Felix Milea-Ciobanu <>