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* Copyright (C) 2019 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
const consoleMessagesToIgnore = {
error: [
// /Failed prop type/, // uncomment if you want to focus on stuff besides propType warnings
'Warning: [Focusable] Exactly one tabbable child is required (0 found).',
// This is from @instructure/ui-menu, nothing we can do about it ourselves
/Function components cannot be given refs\. Attempts to access this ref will fail[\s\S]*in (CanvasInstUIModal|PopoverTrigger)/,
/.*A theme registry has already been initialized.*/,
// from an old discussions edit page
/Error: Not implemented: navigation \(except hash changes\)/,
// Until INSTUI updates FormPropTypes.message
// see
'Invalid prop `messages[0].text` of type `object` supplied to',
/unknown pseudo-class selector/,
/or more breakpoints which are currently applied at the same time/,
warn: [
// Uncomment the following line if all the react 16.9 deprecations are cluttering up
// the console and you want to focus on something else
// /Please update the following components/,
// The build logs have grown to over 250MB so in an interest of being able to use
// the build logs at all we're filtering out these general messages.
/is deprecated and will be removed/,
/Translation for/,
// '@instructure/ui-select' itself generates this warning, we assume they will figure it out themselves
/is experimental and its API could change significantly in a future release/,
'Warning: [Focusable] Exactly one focusable child is required (0 found).',
/in Select \(created by CanvasSelect\)/,
'created by DateInput',
'created by Editable',
// React 16.9+ generates these deprecation warnings but it doesn't do any good to hear about the ones for instUI. We can't do anything about them in this repo
// Put any others we can't control here.
/Please update the following components:[ (BaseTransition|Billboard|Button|Checkbox|CloseButton|Dialog|Expandable|FileDrop|Flex|FlexItem|FormFieldGroup|FormFieldLabel|FormFieldLayout|FormFieldMessage|FormFieldMessages|Grid|GridCol|GridRow|Heading|InlineSVG|Mask|ModalBody|ModalFooter|ModalHeader|NumberInput|Portal|Query|Responsive|SVGIcon|ScreenReaderContent|SelectOptionsList|SelectField|SelectMultiple|SelectOptionsList|SelectSingle|Spinner|Tab|Text|TextArea|TextInput|TinyMCE|ToggleDetails|ToggleFacade|Transition|TruncateText|View),?]+$/,
// output of Pagination component substitutes the component name for the placeholder %s
/Please update the following components: %s,Pagination/,
/Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component/,
export default function filterUselessConsoleMessages(originalConsole = console) {
Object.keys(consoleMessagesToIgnore).forEach(key => {
const original = originalConsole[key]
originalConsole[key] = function () {
const combinedMsg =
const shouldIgnore = pattern =>
combinedMsg[typeof pattern === 'string' ? 'includes' : 'match'](pattern)
if (consoleMessagesToIgnore[key].some(shouldIgnore)) return
return original.apply(this, arguments)